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    Thorn Wilde
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  • 2,543 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Nemesis: Soulmates Never Die - 2. Chapter Two: One of a Kind

The back of the class is where I was, keeping quiet, playing dumb. Can't you see these skies are breaking? Cause the back of the class is where I'm from. And I am one.


One of a Kind

‘Hi, I’m Stuart.’

Nick looked up at the boy who had sat down at the desk next to his. The boy smiled.

‘Nick,’ said Nick.

‘Nice to meet you, Nick.’ Stuart looked Nick up and down, as though he were appraising him. It made Nick feel slightly uncomfortable, so he stared back, taking in broad shoulders, short cropped dark hair and sparkling hazel eyes under thick eyebrows. Then Stuart spoke again. ‘So, what’s your instrument?’

Nick blinked. ‘Huh? Oh! Guitar.’


‘Er, no, rock.’ Nick grinned. ‘What about you?’

‘Percussion,’ said Stuart, miming a pair of drum sticks. ‘I started in a marching band, but I did some pop and rock stuff back in high school. Ever been in a band?’

Nick shook his head. ‘Back where I came from, I’m not exactly the sort anyone’s interested in starting a band with . . .’ He winced internally at his own words. Right, Nick, go ahead—tell him what a loser you are. That’s a brilliant way to make friends.

‘Oh? Where’s that, then?’

‘Windfield Green,’ said Matt’s voice, and Nick turned his head to see him sitting down on his other side. ‘Who’s your friend, Nick?’

‘Oh, er, this is Stuart,’ Nick informed him. ‘Stuart, this is Matt. We went to school together last year.’

‘Yeah, but as opposed to this loser I’m not actually from Windfield.’ Matt grinned. ‘Good to meet you, Stu.’

‘It’s Stuart,’ Stuart corrected, but shook Matt’s hand all the same. ‘You’re a Brummy.’

‘Is my accent that conspicuous?’ Matt laughed.

‘And what’s your instrument, then?’

‘Bass guitar.’

‘Hey, we’ve got a rock band between us,’ said Stuart with a smile. ‘Maybe we should play together some time?’

Matt shrugged and leaned back in his seat. ‘Don’t see why not. Provided you’re any good. I know Nick can play, but . . .’

‘Anyway, we’d need a singer,’ said Nick.

‘No, we don’t, you can sing.’ Matt nudged him with his elbow. ‘Dave’s told me you have a really pretty voice.’

Nick blushed. ‘Piss off . . . Besides, he’s not exactly unbiased, is he?’

‘I dunno, from your speaking voice you sound like you could sing well,’ said Stuart. ‘How’s about we jam some time?’

‘That might be fun,’ said Nick.

‘Cool! I’ll book us a rehearsal space for tomorrow afternoon, if you’re both free? Oh, and let me have your numbers.’

* * *

‘Weird kid,’ said Matt, as the two of them left the classroom. Stuart had vanished almost as soon as the bell rang. ‘He seemed really insistent on playing with us.’

‘Maybe he thought you were hot,’ Nick said, poking Matt in the side.

‘Don’t be silly, Nick. If he swings that way it’s you he’s interested in.’

‘No way! You think?’ Nick glanced sideways at Matt, who was smirking at him. He turned his eyes down as nonchalantly as he could. ‘Anyway, you and I know we play well together. If we want to start a band we do need a drummer.’

‘True.’ Matt gave a stretch and ran a hand through his long hair. It had grown a good inch over the summer, and was slightly bleached by the sun. ‘What have you got now?’

‘Creative writing.’

Matt laughed. ‘They really do teach everything here . . .’

Nick shrugged. ‘I thought it might go well with the music. You know, for songwriting and stuff. A good companion to the Composition unit. I dunno, I picked everything but Music mostly at random. Music is the only thing I really know I want to do, you know?’

‘Yeah, I know what you mean,’ said Matt with a nod. ‘Well, I’ve got Drama, and I thought I’d slip out for a fag before. I’ll see you later.’

‘Yeah.’ Nick gave his friend a wave and watched him disappear down the corridor.

It was nice having friends. The last couple of months of secondary school, once he and Dave had come out, had been the best time he’d ever had in school. He’d been able to hang out with his boyfriend openly, and Matt, Chas and even Alan had become his friends. They’d had good times together, watching movies, playing video games and even going out for pizza a few times. The others might have experienced a slight drop in their popularity, but over all it had been fairly insignificant.

Could Matt be right about Stuart? He rather hoped not, really. It had been hard enough dealing with Alan and Matt’s misplaced affections the previous spring. Nick wondered fleetingly if Alan had come out to anyone else yet.

His phone buzzed in his pocket, and Nick pulled it out to find a text from a number he didn’t recognise.

Room 318, tomorrow, 5 pm. Good? Stuart

Nick smiled at the text. The oddball kept his promises, at least. Good, he wrote back. Then he started off towards his next lesson.

* * *

Nick cowered as the dark shape came towards him with heavy steps. He shut his eyes tight, but even through his eyelids he could see him. Feel him coming closer.

‘This is what you want, isn’t it? This is what you like. Well, if you like taking it up the arse so much I’ll fucking show you, you pathetic little queer!’

Nick sat up in his bed. His duvet was twisted around his legs and his sheets were drenched in sweat. He touched his hand to his cheek and it came away wet. Trying to calm his racing heart and rapid breathing, he pulled his knees up to his chest and took several long, deep breaths. His breath caught and he released a sob he hadn’t realised he’d been holding. Covering his face with his arms, he wept silently until the tears stopped on their own. He reached over to his nightstand and checked the time on his mobile. Ten to seven. He might as well get up.

The worst part wasn’t really even the dreams, he thought while he pissed. The worst part was that he was becoming used to them. Waking up shaking and sweating and sobbing was becoming routine. That scared him. Still, it was better to put it out of his mind. He had a jam session to look forward to today.

He brought his Telecaster with him on the bus. He wouldn’t be meeting his guitar teacher until the following day, so the instrument spent most of the day in its case, but Nick’s fingers were itching to play it, so during a break he sat down on the green and played a few scales. In the hour he had free between his final lesson and the planned jam session, Nick browsed sheet music in the library. They had a decent selection of rock music, and he checked out a couple of volumes he thought might be interesting for their jam session.

At five o’clock he went to room 318, and found that both Stuart and Matt were already there. Stuart was fixing cymbals to the drum kit, while Matt had plugged in his Warwick bass and was tuning. Nick opened his case and pulled out his guitar.

‘That your instrument?’ asked Stuart, stepping over to him.

‘Yeah,’ said Nick proudly. ‘My baby.’

Stuart scrutinised it with a frown. ‘Fender, eh? Never been a fan of Fender.’

‘Uh-oh,’ said Matt, grinning. ‘Never insult a guitarist’s brand of choice, mate. Especially not if you’re talking to a Fender-whore. They bite.’

‘Can I try it?’ asked Stuart.

‘At least let me plug her in first,’ said Nick, rolling his eyes and trying very hard not to appear offended. He picked a Line 6 amp and plugged his guitar in, tuning it quickly and efficiently, before handing it over to Stuart.

Stuart played a simple but rather pretty melody in E-minor. ‘Yeah, all right, not too bad, this,’ he admitted grudgingly after a few moments. ‘It’s got good tone.’

‘Yes. It does,’ said Nick, perhaps a bit more smugly than was his norm. ‘Now, shall we stop faffing about and actually play something?’

‘All right, let’s do this, then,’ said Stuart, handing back the Telecaster and sitting down behind the drum kit. ‘What sort of music do you guys like playing?’

‘Noisy indie-stuff, grunge, garage rock . . . You know. Things that are loud and hard and awesome,’ said Matt with a grin. ‘I’m up for anything, though.’

‘How about you?’ asked Stuart, turning to Nick.

Nick shrugged. ‘Well, my favourite band is Placebo. I also like Manic Street Preachers, Smashing Pumpkins, Jesus and Mary Chain, Queens of the Stone Age, Death Cab for Cutie, The Cure, Depeche Mode . . . I dunno. I like loads of stuff.’

‘Do you guys have anything you’ve played together, that we could start with?’

Nick glanced at Matt and grinned. ‘Hey, remember that bass line you came up with in A? Where I did the major seven chord and then moved into C major, but with the discordant harmony in the bass?’

‘Oh yeah, you mean this one?’ Matt played a reasonably simple bass line.

‘Yeah, yeah. Let’s start with that.’ Nick added the guitar, and they played the progression around a couple of times. Then they looked up at Stuart expectantly. Stuart snapped his fingers a few times, tapped his foot on the hi-hat pedal and picked up the drum sticks.

Then they played.

* * *

‘So, same time next week?’ asked Stuart, letting the door slam shut behind them.

‘Yeah, definitely!’ said Nick, still grinning. Stuart had impressed them both, turning out to be a rather excellent drummer capable of complex breaks as well as tight beats. ‘You’re like a fucking human metronome,’ Nick told him.

‘Yeah, well, I’ve been playing drums for years. Always loved music, so . . .’ Stuart shrugged. ‘You guys aren’t half bad yourselves, though. I mean, your melodic technique needs work, Nick. And Matt, you could tighten up your bass playing considerably. But not everyone can keep up with me, so that speaks greatly in your favour, and that unpolished sound goes well with the sort of music you both like. I’m looking forward to playing more with you.’

He picked up his cymbal bag, gave them each a curt nod, and vanished down the stairs, leaving Nick and Matt to stare after his retreating back. Then they looked at each other and burst out laughing.

‘Is that guy for real?’ Nick shook his head and picked up his guitar case.

‘Arrogant sod, isn’t he?’

‘Damn good drummer, though.’

‘Mhm,’ Matt acknowledged with a nod. ‘You know, I think this might actually work out. Bus home?’

Nick nodded. ‘Yeah. And yeah, I think it might work too. Maybe. We’ll see.’

Matt pulled his gig bag onto his back and they headed off towards the stairwell. ‘So, what should we call ourselves?’

Nick pretended to give it a good long think. ‘The Nick Davis Band? Nicky and the Guys? The Nickelodeons?’

Matt elbowed him in the ribs. ‘Yeah, yeah. Peel your ego off the ceiling, Simon Cowell.’ He suddenly stopped in the middle of the stairs and pulled his ringing mobile out of his pocket. Turning away from Nick, he answered it. ‘Yeah? Just finished the jam session. Yeah, it was good. On my way to the bus now. With Nick. Yup. Well, you could come over later if you like . . . Yeah? See you then. I’ll text you. Mm. Bye.’

Nick glanced at him curiously as he put his phone away. ‘Who was that?’ he asked, trying not to seem too interested. ‘A . . . friend?’

Matt looked up at him and smiled sheepishly. ‘You could say that.’

‘Are you shagging someone and not telling me about it?’ Nick put his free hand on his hip and cocked an eyebrow, trying his best to look incredulous.

‘It’s no one you know,’ said Matt and brushed past him, continuing down the stairs. If it was someone who could just ‘come over later’, Nick highly doubted that, but he didn’t push the matter. Instead he followed Matt down the stairs. He supposed he would find out soon enough.

* * *

‘So, how was the jam session?’ Dave asked. He was lying on his back on Nick’s bed in nothing but his pants. Nick himself was seated on the floor in a similar state on undress, with his back to the bed and his blue Ibanez in his lap, playing a new chord progression that had just appeared in his head.

‘It was good. Stuart’s kind of odd, but he’s a good musician. If we can all get along, I think we might be looking at a fairly decent band, actually.’

‘Not bad,’ said Dave. He rolled over onto his side and stretched out his hand to run his fingers through Nick’s hair. ‘Does that mean I’ll get to watch you up on a stage, looking fit as hell in leather trousers and shredding on your Telecaster? Shall I be your groupie?’

‘Well, we’ll see about the shredding and the leather trousers, but you will never be a groupie.’ Nick deposited his guitar in its stand and climbed up onto the bed. Dave scooted back against the wall so they were facing each other, and Nick stroked his upper arm with the back of his fingers. ‘You’ll be my one and only. You’ll never be anything less than that.’

Dave smiled. ‘Yeah?’

‘Yeah.’ Nick kissed him lazily and gave a happy sigh. ‘So, birthday party this weekend?’

Dave laughed. ‘Yeah. You know, I can’t believe my dad actually agreed to it . . . They’re going to some charity thing in Birmingham, at some hotel. I’ve mostly invited people from around here. I tried to invite Mandira, but she wasn’t sure if her parents would let her come. We’ll see. Oh, but Mellie’s coming down from Manchester, she texted me today and said so.’

‘Fantastic!’ Nick grinned. ‘Feels like it’s been ages since I’ve seen her . . .’

‘Only because you saw so much of her over summer.’ Dave poked him.

‘Very possible,’ Nick conceded. ‘Can I ask Stuart if he’d like to come?’

‘Sure. The more the merrier,’ said Dave.

They kissed again, slowly and tenderly, savouring it. Then Dave sighed heavily.

‘I should probably get home soon. It’s got to be almost eleven and it’s a school night.’

‘Just five more minutes?’ Nick pleaded. ‘Or ten . . . Or long enough for a quickie?’

Dave chuckled. ‘If we go that far I won’t get out of here tonight at all. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Maybe I’ll be able to make it over tomorrow night as well, we’ll see. They’ve started piling homework on us already. Maths is a lot harder at this level than I thought it would be. They put us straight to work on logarithms. I fucking hate logarithms.’

‘Well, I’ll see you this weekend anyway,’ said Nick, smiling. ‘Now put your clothes on before I change my mind and make you stay. You know I can.’

‘Bitch.’ Dave shook his head and gave him a fond smile. ‘I love you.’

‘I love you too.’

God, I feel like this is all so fluffy! How long can I keep this up, you think? ;)
Lyrics in the chapter note are from One of a Kind by Placebo. No infringement intended. 
Thanks for reading! I hope you'll leave a review and let me know what you think! Reviews make me happy! :D
Copyright © 2014 Thorn Wilde; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

So...reviews make you happy? What a wretched little fisher you are! :rolleyes:


I agree with Miles about these first couple of chapters. Also, too often with second books, authors spend too much time rehashing the old to establish the new and I find it boring. That's not to say that some backtracking is not acceptable, but it is often the mundane that is reused, so to speak, and when I see that it makes me think that the author couldn't think of anything interesting to write. You have done that most judiciously, the focus has been on moving forward, and for that alone I could applaud. But additionally, your writing is a joy to read.

  • Like 2
On 12/23/2013 02:23 AM, Miles Long said:
Nice work, not so fluffy as much as it establishes some of the current world that Nick and Dave live in and as admitted by Nick his life lately has been good (other than dealing or not dealing with the fallout from being raped). Stuart's almost spectrum like abruptness has a lot of promise, thanks.
Thank you, Miles. If I say so myself, I am very happy with the character of Stuart, and he will play a major part in both this book and perhaps especially the third and final volume, which I've started planning. That is if I can even stick with my own plans, of course. :P Thanks for reviewing! :)
  • Like 2
On 12/23/2013 03:19 AM, Ron said:
So...reviews make you happy? What a wretched little fisher you are! :rolleyes:


I agree with Miles about these first couple of chapters. Also, too often with second books, authors spend too much time rehashing the old to establish the new and I find it boring. That's not to say that some backtracking is not acceptable, but it is often the mundane that is reused, so to speak, and when I see that it makes me think that the author couldn't think of anything interesting to write. You have done that most judiciously, the focus has been on moving forward, and for that alone I could applaud. But additionally, your writing is a joy to read.

What can I say? I live for the approval and acknowledgement of others. :P Thank you for your kind and warm words, and I'm glad I've managed to bring you back into the story without boring you. There's always such a fine line there, keeping it interesting while not throwing the reader into the deep end without a flotation device. Thank you! :)
  • Like 2

Stuart seems cool, but if he gets in between Nick and Dave, I'm gonna HATE him! Just a warnng... :devil:


For some reason I thought Matt and Alan were together. It surprised me when Matt got that phone call and wouldn't tell Nick who it was.


I do have one complaint though, Thorn: the chapter was too short!!!! I got down to the bottom and thought, "Shit, the chapter's over! I need more!!!" lol :)

  • Like 2
On 12/23/2013 09:50 AM, Phoenix1977 said:
How long you can keep it fluffy? It's been two chapters and no major drama yet. I think that is a record for you :-) I expect the bodies to line up any chapter now :-) Anyway, great writing again so keep it coming!
I'm keeping the first few chapters sort of slice-of-life-ish, to sort of give you an idea of what the boys' lives are like right now. Before long I'll pile it up with enough drama to have you set until 2015. :P Thanks for reading and reviewing! :)
  • Like 2
On 12/23/2013 11:40 AM, Lisa said:
Stuart seems cool, but if he gets in between Nick and Dave, I'm gonna HATE him! Just a warnng... :devil:


For some reason I thought Matt and Alan were together. It surprised me when Matt got that phone call and wouldn't tell Nick who it was.


I do have one complaint though, Thorn: the chapter was too short!!!! I got down to the bottom and thought, "Shit, the chapter's over! I need more!!!" lol :)

I think a lot of people will either love Stuart or hate him. :P As for Matt's mysterious phone call, all in good time, my dear! ;) And the next chapter is 1000 words longer, so I hope it'll be to your liking. Thank you!! :D
  • Like 2

omg where do i begin. this story has left me in a pool of emotions. there are times where i am enraged and there are times where i just melt with warmth and fuzziness. that nick is a really strong influence in all this. I cant help hating and loving him at the same time. i dont know about you guys, buy this is like a korean drama for me where everybody is falling for the main guy. it kinda irritates me but nick is such a dear. he is simply just lovable. it's like there is so many terrible things happening to him but things always gets better like come on....it's a fairy tale. i dont even know what im feeling now. maybe a bit jealous. but anyway, i enjoyed the story and am looking forward to new chapters. thank you Mr. Wilde for a lovely story that really had me going :)

  • Like 2
On 12/26/2013 06:13 PM, AceKebabs said:
omg where do i begin. this story has left me in a pool of emotions. there are times where i am enraged and there are times where i just melt with warmth and fuzziness. that nick is a really strong influence in all this. I cant help hating and loving him at the same time. i dont know about you guys, buy this is like a korean drama for me where everybody is falling for the main guy. it kinda irritates me but nick is such a dear. he is simply just lovable. it's like there is so many terrible things happening to him but things always gets better like come on....it's a fairy tale. i dont even know what im feeling now. maybe a bit jealous. but anyway, i enjoyed the story and am looking forward to new chapters. thank you Mr. Wilde for a lovely story that really had me going :)
Oh, wow, thank you! Thanks for such a lovely review, that makes me really happy. I'm so glad you enjoyed the first book, and even more glad that you seem to be enjoying the second. I think I'm done with having everyone fall in love with Nick now... :P Emotions are awesome. If my stories can make people emotional, that makes me happy. :)
  • Like 2
28 minutes ago, Will Hawkins said:

From time to time a translation of British to American will appear here:

pants - underwear

brum -  Birmingham accent can also mean gay


Having lived in the Birmingham-Black Country conurbation, that last part is new to me. :P Locals just call Birmingham Brum about 90% of the time, cause one syllable is easier than three.

  • Haha 2
7 hours ago, Will Hawkins said:

From time to time a translation of British to American will appear here:

pants - underwear

brum -  Birmingham accent can also mean gay


6 hours ago, Thorn Wilde said:


Having lived in the Birmingham-Black Country conurbation, that last part is new to me. :P Locals just call Birmingham Brum about 90% of the time, cause one syllable is easier than three.


As I was born in Birmingham and having spent half of my life there I can say that brum spoken with or without a Birmingham accent does not mean gay, it is a local colloquialism for Birmingham and has been in use for hundreds of years, is derived from Brom Widge which was the name of the original hamlet that became Birmingham, and Thorn you are probably right in that it remains as a lazy way to refer to Birmingham as it is shorter.

Edited by Mancunian
  • Like 4
7 hours ago, Mancunian said:



As I was born in Birmingham and having spent half of my life there I can say that brum spoken with or without a Birmingham accent does not mean gay, it is a local colloquialism for Birmingham and has been in use for hundreds of years, is derived from Brom Widge which was the name of the original hamlet that became Birmingham, and Thorn you are probably right in that it remains as a lazy way to refer to Birmingham as it is shorter.


More trivia for me! Thank you. I only lived in the area for a year. Went to uni in Walsall. :) 

  • Like 4

Fag -- multiple definitions. 1. Short for 'faggot', a male homosexual from the medieval practice of throwing male homosexuals on the fire to make it burn hotter when immolating a saint, based on the practice of tying up a number of sticks in a bundle and using it to make a flame hotter.

2. An underclassman who is expected to serve an upperclassman as a servant.

3. A cigarette

4. An adjective describing hard work or the tiredness resulting from such, "I'm all fagged out".

  • Like 2
46 minutes ago, Will Hawkins said:

Fag -- multiple definitions. 1. Short for 'faggot', a male homosexual from the medieval practice of throwing male homosexuals on the fire to make it burn hotter when immolating a saint, based on the practice of tying up a number of sticks in a bundle and using it to make a flame hotter.

2. An underclassman who is expected to serve an upperclassman as a servant.

3. A cigarette

4. An adjective describing hard work or the tiredness resulting from such, "I'm all fagged out".

Your first definition is incorrect and based on myth.



The American slang term is first recorded in 1914, the shortened form fag shortly after, in 1921. Its immediate origin is unclear, but it is based on the word for "bundle of sticks", ultimately derived, via Old French, Italian and Vulgar Latin, from Latin fascis.

The word faggot has been used in English since the late 16th century as an abusive term for women, particularly old women, and reference to homosexuality may derive from this, as female terms are often used with reference to homosexual or effeminate men (cf. nancy, sissy, queen). The application of the term to old women is possibly a shortening of the term "faggot-gatherer", applied in the 19th century to people, especially older widows, who made a meager living by gathering and selling firewood. It may also derive from the sense of "something awkward to be carried" (compare the use of the word baggage as a pejorative term for old people in general).

An alternative possibility is that the word is connected with the practice of fagging in British private schools, in which younger boys performed (potentially sexual) duties for older boys, although the word faggot was never used in this context, only fag. There is a reference to the word faggot being used in 17th-century Britain to refer to a "man hired into military service simply to fill out the ranks at muster", but there is no known connection with the word's modern pejorative usage.

The Yiddish word faygele, lit. "little bird", has been claimed by some to be related to the American usage. The similarity between the two words makes it possible that it might at least have had a reinforcing effect.

There is an urban legend, called an "oft-reprinted assertion" by Douglas Harper, that the modern slang meaning developed from the standard meaning of faggot as "bundle of sticks for burning" with regard to burning at the stake. This is unsubstantiated; the emergence of the slang term in 20th-century American English is unrelated to historical death penalties for homosexuality


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I kind of like Stuart for the fact he comes across as straight up and says it as he sees it, not one to mince words. Could be construed by some as arrogant, but at least with that kind of honesty you always know where you stand. So far he's been all business and hasn't seemed to express any kind of interest outside of the band so will just have to wait and see.

It's heartbreaking to see Nick still suffering over his ordeal and I truly hope his nightmares will end with Craig being locked up. At least the detective seemed to be onside so fingers crossed.

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7 minutes ago, Goodie said:

I kind of like Stuart for the fact he comes across as straight up and says it as he sees it, not one to mince words. Could be construed by some as arrogant, but at least with that kind of honesty you always know where you stand. So far he's been all business and hasn't seemed to express any kind of interest outside of the band so will just have to wait and see.

It's heartbreaking to see Nick still suffering over his ordeal and I truly hope his nightmares will end with Craig being locked up. At least the detective seemed to be onside so fingers crossed.

It's nice to have a reader who's not immediately suspicious of Stuart. Thanks for commenting! :) 

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