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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Red Running Shoes - 7. Rescue Mission

Michael is too nice. Jonah undergoes desensitisation therapy.

On the patio at Rick and Matteo’s restaurant

When something started to smell delicious, I looked at my phone and realized it was almost lunchtime. That would explain the nagging feeling in my stomach. I followed my nose to the kitchen with the hope that Matteo was wielding his magic spoon not only for the restaurant’s evening crowd but for our lunch too.

Seeing him stirring in a pan looked promising. "Can I help you?"

"With what?" He looked at me skeptically but then his gaze stopped at my headgear. "You met Sandro. Nice hat."

"Hey, I can cook! Rick told you so.” I walked closer, so I could peek into the pan. “Rick practically ordered me to get a hat. Visit your quirky hat maker friend. He wants to name this - I tapped the brim of the hat - after me and take a picture for his wall."

"Sandro's not quirky, he's famous. Ever since costume designers started using some of his hats for their creations, people have come from all over the world to buy them. You can find them in some really famous movies. His shop is even mentioned in travel guides.” Matteo took a fresh spoon, filled it with whatever it was he was cooking, and held it in front of my mouth.

I opened up. “Hmm…what’s this? Starting a Minestrone?”

He nodded. “And? Are you gonna let him take the pictures?"

I swallowed. “’s good. I don't know yet."

“What’s for lunch?” Rick came into the kitchen, balancing a cup on an empty plate.

"Hey Rick, tell your husband that I can cook."

"That's right darling, he's a decent enough cook." Then he too noticed the hat. "Aw, you met Sandro..."

"He wants to take his picture.” Matteo grinned. He gave me a knife. “Cut the onions. Nice even dice."

"Yes, sir! Cutting onions, sir!" I saluted and took the knife. “Nice, even dice!”

"Hey, I like his attitude already."

"Good to know." Rick smirked at Matteo. "So Jonah, you met Sandro. What do you think of him?"

"He wants to name this hat after me, can you believe it?” I shook my head. “Oh, and he sends his regards and said he’ll come over for dinner soon."

Rick smirked. "I knew he couldn't resist my gorgeous cousin."

Boy, I was so stupid! "Hey, that's why you told me to get a hat.” I slammed the knife on the countertop, which got me a ‘Hey!’ from Matteo. As if I cared. “Really, Rick? Let’s make one thing clear: I do not like being played, manipulated, or meddled with! I've had enough of that to last the rest of my life!" I had to leave the kitchen, and of course I had to slam the door on the way out.


Okay Zach,

Change of plans. No lunch with the meddlesome cousin. Let’s talk some more.

Michael predicted that either Chris and/or Eric would meet with us at the park, totally ‘coincidentally’ of course. He was almost right. They actually asked if they could run with us.

"You were close." I grinned at Michael when I saw Chris waving at us.

"Close enough."

It got even better. As soon as Eric saw me, he said, "We need to talk."

"You forgot 'darling'." No way could I miss that opportunity.

"Excuse me?"

"Darling, we need to talk!" I snickered. “Most dreaded words for all the boyfriends and husbands out there. Once she says those—“

"Jonah, this isn't funny. We really have to talk; it's very important." He was annoyed. What can I say… mission accomplished?

I stopped so abruptly, Chris ran into me. "All right, who is dying?"

"Dying? Nobody is dying. Gods Jonah, could you be serious just for once?" Eric stood in my way with his hands stemmed in his hips.

I almost laughed at the petulant gesture. "I am serious, Eric. Tomorrow I’ll be out of town for four weeks. Four weeks when I won’t see Michael. If we don’t have a life-threatening situation right here, right now, there is nothing more important to me than spending the rest of today and tonight with him. So, if you'll excuse us, we have a lot of holding hands, kissing, petting, and fucking to do." With that we started running again, leaving a gaping Eric and a grinning Chris behind.

"Well, that was explicit." Michael rolled his eyes at me.

“Yup. That was what you wanted. Right?"


We went to Michael's place afterwards so he could take a shower. Then he packed a very large, very green overnight bag. "You never know who's watching." He grinned. "This is by far the flashiest, ugliest bag I own."

"That bag is indeed hard to miss." I shook my head at the monstrosity. “I won’t ask where and why you got it.”

"You better not."

"So bad?" I laughed. Normally I’d have said Michael was paranoid for thinking someone was watching our every step, but after the experience at the park, I wasn't so sure anymore.

Back at my apartment, we cooked an everything- that's-left-in-the-fridge-and would-otherwise-go-to-seed stew. It turned out surprisingly tasty.

Afterwards we watched Star Wars 5. And Michael just couldn't help himself and had to mimic Darth Vader's asthmatic voice: "You're…hhhng such a …hhhng girl sometimes Jonah…hhhng."

"Very convincing, Darth Ren."

I threw chips at him and he threw popcorn back. Hail the invention of the vacuum cleaner.

The next morning, I woke up getting a kiss on my forehead, a mug of coffee with lots of sugar, and smelling bacon, eggs, and pancakes. It was six in the morning, but waking like that, even I couldn't be my grumpy self for very long.

"I thought there was nothing left in the fridge," I wondered sleepily.

"Remember my big ugly green bag?" Michael smiled at me. “I thought you needed a decent breakfast before you mount that bike.”

He was such a sweetheart and I was such an idiot.

After watering the plants and washing the dishes, Michael helped me carry my bags to the bike. He threw his big green blob/overnight bag in the trunk of his car and sauntered over to me.

"So, do you think somebody is watching us?" I whispered.

"I don't know, but I have this weird feeling, a tingling in my neck. Does that make sense?"

I had to force myself not to look over my shoulder. "Well, then we should get on with the show." And with that I grabbed Michael’s head with both hands, pulled him closer, and kissed him with closed lips. That wasn’t what he wanted though. He bit my lower lip and then shoved his tongue into my mouth.

Our kiss was only interrupted by the urgent need to breathe every now and then. When Michael pressed his body against mine I could feel how very into this show he was.

"God, you smell so good, like vanilla and …Jonah." He sighed.

This finally brought me to my senses. What was I doing? I took his shoulders and pushed him gently away. "This is only hurting you, Michael. Okay? I think we were convincing enough."

He leaned his forehead against my chest. "I have four weeks to cool down, and it was worth it. A proper goodbye.” He smiled. “I'll call you, and then we’ll plan our spectacular break up."


"Don't say you're sorry! Just give me the keys already so I can water your plants.”

I went to my bike, pretended I forgot something, fumbled in the pocket of my jacket, and then threw the keys of my apartment back to Michael for anyone who might be lurking behind the bushes to see.

I lifted my hand and waved before I drove onto the street. There was a parked car I'd never seen before. Nobody was inside.


This time, Alec and Val had rented a very nice house overlooking the sea. My room had a breathtaking view, and there was one floor between River and me, as Val pointed out specifically. I love the brat, but she tends to wake up early and get into arguments with her dog and cat plushies.

I guess she got the argumentation gene from her father. So right, Zach!

Vacation means sleeping in, at least on some days, so I appreciated the distance.

Most of the mornings Alec and I worked on the book - Word War II, nothing more to say here. The difference was we ate freshly cooked food and snacks this time, thanks to Val, and the afternoons were free to play.

Other mornings we went fishing or hiking. Well, he fished; I listened to ‘How you fish best’ which was okay with me. Alec is one of my oldest friends. Our one problem has always been that he could never stand Eric. It made for some strained events in the past and eventually it led us to drift apart. Until, to my great surprise and utter joy, he and Val made me the godfather of the brat. I was so glad to have him back in my life.

Then, one bright and sunny morning, after I had listened to another very interesting lecture about live bait versus artificial bait Alec asked me out of the blue about Ren.

And you started with your litany again. Shut up, Zach!

Of course I did. What got to me was that after listening to me, Alec said almost exactly the same as Michael had: That Ren interested me. That I was just afraid to follow up.

It’s one thing to hear these words from someone you only recently got to know, like Michael. Hearing the same things from one of your best friends, who has known you since kindergarten, is altogether different. It makes you think.

Good! I don’t know.


The afternoons spent at the beach were the best. I rescued drowning plushies while Alec and Val had some alone time. There were bonfires with the neighbors and I caught up with much needed sleep and with some reading.

Michael had given me one of his favorite books: The Substitute by Tionne Rogers, saying I needed to read a really good and gripping story to distract me from Alec's non-fictional crap. Remembering that made me smile, until I opened the book and a photo fell on my lap. I froze. It was a black and white portrait of Ren. He dared me with his mocking dark eyes and his typical almost there smile. My hands trembled when I turned it upside down, so I wouldn’t have to look at it any longer and my personal Pavlovian reflex kicked in. I got furious.

Then I detected something was written on the backside:

Just a bookmark to help you make up your mind. Michael.

I was going to kill him! I was going to tear the photo to shreds.

In the end I didn’t. I used it as intended, as a bookmark. I stuffed it in another book, and another book. I got used to seeing Ren’s face. I read. I used the bookmark. I took it in my hands and looked at him. I thought about what Michael and Alec had said. I thought about my irrational and immature reactions towards him. Michael’s desensitization technique worked.

I realized Michael and Alec were right. I was afraid.

And wasn’t I right to be? There could be hurt waiting for me. Yes. But amazing things also. Was it worth exploring? Worth it to stop running?

Wow. Yep.

So, what to do with my new insights? I decided to act normal, I mean as normal as I can, and see what would happen.

Vacation had passed by in a flash and before I knew it, I was home again.


A few weeks later, I had just shut down my computer when the phone rang. The caller ID said 'Eric'.

I hadn’t heard from him since we’d met at the park. "Hi, Eric."

"Jonah, how ...re …" I could barely understand him because of the loud music in the background.

"Eric? It's too loud, I can't understand a thing," I shouted.

"All right, wait a sec," he shouted back.

When he talked again, it was a little quieter. "How are you?"

"All well, thank you. Where are you?"

"At the Laurent twins’ birthday party.” He paused. “Um listen, I heard you and Michael broke up."

"You heard right. We're friends now. Sound familiar?"

He chuckled. “Indeed. I'm sorry you two broke up, but I have a request, and it would have been awkward if you two were still together."


"Well, we kinda need a boyfriend for Ren."

"Aha, well he could always use a dating agency."

"No idiot, only for tonight. You know Anne-Catherine and Aurel Laurent?"

"Yes, Anne-Catherine is a pain, but Aurel is okay."

"Exactly. Their father and Ren’s father are business partners and best friends too. Aurel always said if they were werewolves or old nobility, their parents probably would have married one of them off to Ren years ago. Anne-Catherine is still hell-bent about making Ren her fiancé, especially since her last prospective husband did a runner. The whole evening she's been a pest, clinging to him, kissing him… I think he’s going to be through with being polite pretty soon.”

"Poor Ren, but this has got nothing to do with me."

"It has everything to do with you. Chris, Aurel, and me think you should dress your best and move your sexy ass over here to be Ren’s tardy lover."




"Yes! Come on Jonah, I know you're not best friends, but…"

"That's the understatement of the century!"

"Okay, but this is an emergency call."


"Please, Jonah? He will ruin the relationship between the Arnolds and the Laurents. His father will disown him because--"

"Yes, yes, and judgment day will be here any minute!"

"Jonaaah, please?"

"Does Ren know you called me?"

"No. You have to surprise him."




"Please, Jonah…don't you think you have to make up for something?"

Shit. “Don’t you think HE has to make up for something?”

“Maybe you both have. Come talk to him.”

"No. This is real life and not some pulp novel."

"Come to the 'Blue Piano’."

"Figures. It has to be the most exclusive club in town."

"You know Anne-Catherine. Aurel invited us 'to have some nice, normal friends around '. So, when will you be here?"

"Not in this lifetime."

"Well, hurry up darlin’ and wear those hot leather pants. I know for sure he'll like them."

"Fuck you! As if…"

Eric hung up, before I could say more.

No way.

I threw the phone on the coffee table and played with the remote without switching the TV on. The nerve of Eric. Calling me! With this shit!

And then I knew what I had to do. I would tell Eric once and for all where he could stuff his attempts to pimp me off to his new bestie, Ren.

I browsed through my wardrobe, until I found my black leather pants and a black tee with Sorry I'm late in silver letters written on in graffiti style. I grinned when I remembered the day my sis gave it to me ‘You should have one in every color for every day of the week, but it comes only in black.’

On my way to the club, I went over how I was going to do this. I would try to sneak in and see for myself if – no, that - Eric had lied to me about Ann-Catherine badgering Ren. Then I would confront Eric about this and tell him to cut the crap, and I didn’t mind in the slightest doing that in front of his precious friends. That should make sure he got the message.

When I reached the club's parking lot, a valet wanted to park my bike. I couldn't believe it. I gave him my keys and went to the entrance, where a very impressive bouncer stepped in my way.

"Good evening, sir. I'm sorry but this is a private party. Invite only."

"Well, I'm a little late, but…" I stammered. Shit, I hadn’t thought of that.

He went to the list on his clipboard. "Mr. de Rossi?"

"Yes, Jonah de Rossi--"

He interrupted me again "Mr. Laurent added you to the list. ID?"

"Uhm,…yeah." I fumbled in my jacket pocket until I found my driver’s license.

"Mr. Laurent told me to show you right in. You're eagerly awaited." He grinned.

I pushed through a heavy blue velvet curtain into a crowded foyer and immediately spotted Eric, Chris, and Aurel scanning the room. I could hide behind a big blond behemoth, and give my jacket to the girl in the cloakroom, but then Chris saw me. I shook my head wildly and put a finger on my lips. Chris lifted his eyebrows questioningly. Eric was watching Chris and was about to turn around to see what he was looking at, when Chris shouted, “There, is that him?”

Eric and Aurel tried to see the entrance through all the people milling about which meant I could slip into the main room unnoticed. Thank you Chris.

First part of the plan accomplished.

Searching the club for Ren was easy. It was almost as if his dark aura drew my gaze to him. He stood at the bar, his shoulders tense, his eyes mere slits and I really feared for the glass in his hand. And there was Anne-Catherine. One hand was in a backside pocket of Ren’s black trousers, and her head was snuggled against his chest as she happily chatted with one of her friends, blatantly unaware of the disaster waiting to happen.

I was taken aback. Eric had told the truth.

What now?

I watched them for a while. My usual anger at seeing Ren didn’t come.

Michael’s desensitization technique helped? Shut up, Zach!

I was still undecided on what to do when I approached them from behind. Closer now I could hear Anne-Catherine’s artificial laughter and saw Ren’s hand clenching around his glass. Did he just growl? Any plan I’d had flew out the window. I couldn’t stand that woman since that time she’d made my big sister cry. Not an easy task let me tell you that, Zach.

Time to take revenge.

Standing beside them, I smiled. "Thank you Anne-Catherine, for taking care of my man." I replaced her arm with my own, and pulled Ren down for a kiss with my other hand, so nobody could see his surprised face. He hesitated only briefly, before he kissed me back. Wow! When we finally needed air, I pushed at his chest, plastered an apologizing smile on my face, pointed at my t-shirt and said, "Sorry babe, but finishing the damned article took me longer than I thought."

"You're here now, love," he stage-whispered tracing his thumb over my cheek before he kissed me again. When he started to nibble at my bottom lip, I totally forgot where I was until we heard Anne-Catherine's angry voice. "Ren, why are you kissing Stefania de Rossi’s little brother?"

Ren totally ignored her. Taking my hand he asked, "Are you hungry, love?"

Okay Zach, I have to stop here. My head feels like it’s going to explode.

*Ducks behind desk.*

Oh and thank you again to all who read/ liked/ commented on my story. It always makes my weekend. :)
Copyright © 2015 aditus; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

OK, there's a bitch Jonah hates more than Ren so he kisses him to piss her off. And then he gets to gives his meddling friends and Ren the finger by telling him to get lost after the party. :evil:

I almost feel sorry for Ren, but hopefully he'll be angry with Eric and Chris instead of Jonah.

But I have the feeling Ren will take this as the green light to pursue Jonah, or even consider them to be boyfriends. And Jonah will probably find it hard to resist - at first.

Ar least we have one of the reasons for Jonah's fit over Rick's 'you need a hat' ploy. I totally loved the way he put it: "I do not like being played, manipulated, or meddled with! I've had enough of that to last the rest of my life!"

  • Haha 1

Hee. I was with Dave for a minute, i.e. YOU BETTER DUCK, but now I'm feeling pretty good. We end the chapter with Jonah in Ren's arms, not furious about anything, Ren is being very loving, and let's face it, that's a better note to stop on than we've had in a while. I am still sad about Michael, but on the bright side, now it turns out that Jonah actually has one relative (Stephania) who has not yet meddled in his life at all, at least not during this story? Maybe she'll get to be the deus ex machina at the end? :P

  • Haha 1
On 11/02/2014 03:16 AM, Cole Matthews said:
Wonderful job with displaying poor, delusional Jonah's deteriorating resolve. The scene with Michael is so moving. I LOVE him. It flows with such grace. Great chapter Addy!
You think? Deteriorating resolve? Maybe Jonah has still something to say to this.

Yes Michael...I feel so bad. I really do. And thinking of what I have still planned...oops.

Thank you Cole! I'm glad you approve. :)

  • Haha 1
On 11/02/2014 04:32 AM, Timothy M. said:
OK, there's a bitch Jonah hates more than Ren so he kisses him to piss her off. And then he gets to gives his meddling friends and Ren the finger by telling him to get lost after the party. :evil:

I almost feel sorry for Ren, but hopefully he'll be angry with Eric and Chris instead of Jonah.

But I have the feeling Ren will take this as the green light to pursue Jonah, or even consider them to be boyfriends. And Jonah will probably find it hard to resist - at first.

Ar least we have one of the reasons for Jonah's fit over Rick's 'you need a hat' ploy. I totally loved the way he put it: "I do not like being played, manipulated, or meddled with! I've had enough of that to last the rest of my life!"

Hahahaha. I have to admit I wrote this sentence with your inner Jonah in mind.

Oh yes, Ren will be grasping at straws...

Thank you Tim! I love your comments. :)

  • Haha 1
On 11/02/2014 04:47 AM, Irritable1 said:
Hee. I was with Dave for a minute, i.e. YOU BETTER DUCK, but now I'm feeling pretty good. We end the chapter with Jonah in Ren's arms, not furious about anything, Ren is being very loving, and let's face it, that's a better note to stop on than we've had in a while. I am still sad about Michael, but on the bright side, now it turns out that Jonah actually has one relative (Stephania) who has not yet meddled in his life at all, at least not during this story? Maybe she'll get to be the deus ex machina at the end? :P
And will be doing what? Hmm hmm you're giving me ideas...

Yes I agree with you, Jonah not being angry with Ren is nice for a change. How long will it last?

I'm glad I don't have to duck behind my desk for the next week, except when Dave looks in my direction.

Thanks, Irri! :)

  • Haha 1

I have never tolerated a man toying with my emotions like I am with you! You leave me with two situations. The fiasco in Sicily (which I would never recommend. Those people can hold a grudge.). And then the kiss with ren. A little edit note, if there is chemistry here, I think you could have emoted a bit here. You know, break out those passion-filled adjectives, to bring it on home.


Otherwise, I think your transitions from past to present in Sicily was much cleaner here.


Lovely chapter dear.

  • Like 1
On 11/02/2014 12:09 PM, Nlaudenslager said:
I have never tolerated a man toying with my emotions like I am with you! You leave me with two situations. The fiasco in Sicily (which I would never recommend. Those people can hold a grudge.). And then the kiss with ren. A little edit note, if there is chemistry here, I think you could have emoted a bit here. You know, break out those passion-filled adjectives, to bring it on home.


Otherwise, I think your transitions from past to present in Sicily was much cleaner here.


Lovely chapter dear.

Ha! For a moment you had me here. Isn't playing with my reader's emotion my job? Full scale experience and all...

Yes, you're right, I'm not exactly the 'adjective' user, passion-filled or otherwise, never was and probably never will be. Maybe I can throw in one or two next time. ;)

Thank you for your comments! :)

  • Haha 1
On 11/02/2014 12:15 PM, Lisa said:
Wow, a chapter where Jonah isn't fuming with Ren! It was such a nice chapter to read! lol Ah, poor A-C, didn't get "her" man! lol


Wonder if all the kisses Jonah will have to endure from Ren throughout the night will weaken his resolve of hating him. =)

Hahaha, well Jonah just had some vacation time, so he should be a little more relaxed... And maybe Michael's little trick helped, and the talking too. Or Jonah is just saving up for the great boom?

Thank you for your comment, Lisa! :)

  • Haha 1

Jacob is still getting led around by the nose, with Eric doing the leading. I don't trust Ren yet but I don't really know him. What I do know is that he has been a bane in Jonah's life, starting with him being with Eric at the worst possible time and he had to have known what Jonah was going through at the time. If Jonah can get over it I guess i can. I am sorry but I can't help but want Chris and Eric to crash and burn. They weren't happy for Jonah when they thought he was with Michael(I love him) and they sure don't feel bad that Jonah and Michael are officially over. I think the pairing of Ren and Jonah has ominous overtones and I would think that even if I didn't know that Jonah ran to Sicily...mainly because Ren is such good friends with the two assholes. I guess there is an issue of trust here that I can't see resolved.believe it or not I did enjoy the chapter...Cheers...Gary

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On 11/10/2014 06:53 PM, Headstall said:
Jacob is still getting led around by the nose, with Eric doing the leading. I don't trust Ren yet but I don't really know him. What I do know is that he has been a bane in Jonah's life, starting with him being with Eric at the worst possible time and he had to have known what Jonah was going through at the time. If Jonah can get over it I guess i can. I am sorry but I can't help but want Chris and Eric to crash and burn. They weren't happy for Jonah when they thought he was with Michael(I love him) and they sure don't feel bad that Jonah and Michael are officially over. I think the pairing of Ren and Jonah has ominous overtones and I would think that even if I didn't know that Jonah ran to Sicily...mainly because Ren is such good friends with the two assholes. I guess there is an issue of trust here that I can't see resolved.believe it or not I did enjoy the chapter...Cheers...Gary
Oh I believe it, and I'm glad you did.

These are some very good observations, that is all I'm going to say.

Thank you for reading, liking and commenting on the chapter, Gary! :)

  • Like 1
On 11/23/2014 04:04 AM, Carlos Hazday said:
Not sure about this one. Chris is still a traitor, Eric is still a meddling ass and Jonah is an indecisive idiot. I would run away from those three right after I realized the dynamics. Too much fucking faggy drama. I swear the act like the girls in Sex and the City instead of acting like men.

Well written though, it's what keeps me coming back. :P

I never watched 'Sex in the City', so I can't tell. :P

But I understand, sometimes characters in stories just aren't our cup of tea. Even if they have so much potential to change...hahaha.

Thank's Carlos

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On 02/22/2015 09:12 PM, Suvitar said:
Looking at Ren´s picture for few weeks and there´s the knight in white...no in black...armour, ready to rescue the prince from the wicked witch....or something like that. Loved it anyway :*)


You really have created some great characters :thumbup:

Ha! Wicked witch! I love it!

A great compliment, I love creating characters. Thank you so much, Suvitar! :)

  • Like 1
On 12/13/2016 02:05 PM, droughtquake said:

I have really bad associations with the words "rescue" and "mission" – where judgmental hypocrites rant about my nonexistent alcoholism, my nonexistent crack addiction, and most importantly, Number 0.5 of the Ten Commandments: Thou shalt not be Gay.

I'm sorry to read this. I alway associate the time I rescued my first dog. I was in Italy and I found him at the beach, he was very ill. I took him and smuggled him home. Because I thought he was dying, I went to a vet on my way home. He took no money from me. It took a long time until my dog was well again, but he was such a great dog. He died around Christmas and I think of him every year.

  • Like 1
13 hours ago, Thirdly said:
  • Just a bookmark to help you make up your mind. - LMAO. Mike's so slick.
  • Chris, Aurel, and me think you should dress your best and move your sexy ass over here to be Ren’s tardy lover.- Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
  • He hesitated only briefly, before he kissed me back. - Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

LMAO. Mike's so slick. (That's right. Surprise)

  • Like 1
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