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Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Crave - 2. Chapter 2

Chapter 2



Merrick's hand paused on the button of his pants. Damn, he hated that name. He took a deep breath, and without turning, continued pulling on his clothing.


"Where are you going?"

The sleepy, whiny voice was probably endearing to some people, but right now it was like a knife through Merrick's skull. He really shouldn't have had that last shot of … what the hell was the orange stuff again? Veorolian tequila? Oh well. Live and learn. He had worked damned hard over the last few months, training his new recruits and working with the whole team. The high expectations he carried for them also applied to himself, and the new training schedule he had implemented was a killer. Between grueling training sessions, creating duty rosters, and drafting plans for the upcoming move, he was as prepared as he was going to get. Merrick wasn’t going to take any chances with his parents’ safety. After the months of hard work, and at the urging of his second in command, he took last night off for some well-deserved R & R… and now his poor head was paying the price.

"Jer, I told you I was leaving for Anglia today. My shuttle takes off in a couple of hours."

Merrick felt a hand on his lower back stroke across his skin to his hip.

"Are you sure you have to leave right now?" Jer’s voice was low and seductive and filled with promise. The hand moved around his hip, making Merrick's cock twitch with interest. Did he have time? He looked over at the clock. Damn ... no time. With a groan Merrick stepped away from the tempting touch.

He grabbed his shirt and turned as he started to button up. "I really don't have time, Jer". Merrick thought he saw a flash of anger in the Heltarian's violet eyes, but it disappeared quickly, and the slender male shrugged one delicate shoulder.

"Your loss.” Jer rolled onto his back, stretching his arms over his head, causing the sheet to slide down to his thighs. With a wink, the male turn his back on Merrick with an exaggerated yawn. "Lock the door when you leave, would you, Ricky?"

Merrick gritted his teeth at the hated nickname and, grabbing his shoes, left the apartment. Merrick could have called for a cab but it was a beautiful day, and he was hoping to clear the cobwebs from his brain before he rendezvoused with his team. After stopping for coffee at a shop on the corner, he walked to the underground train station. Knowing he was moving to Anglia, he had sold his rover and was now relegated to the public transport system. Luckily the transport system was actually quite good.

He smiled as he saw an older couple looking around the platform in awe. From their appearance they appeared to be from the moon colonies. Moon colonists lived as humans would have lived on 20th century Earth, and although they were kind and friendly people, they rarely left their homes and would have little to no experience with the sleek, bullet shaped, hovering trains gliding through underground tunnels under the cities. Merrick watched as a young man, who he guessed to be their son, helped the wary couple into the train that had just sped into the station. He chuckled to himself as the old saying ‘We’re not in Kansas anymore’ went through his head.

After a quick trip on the train, Merrick let himself into his rooms and commed his team to ensure everyone remembered the departure plan. He needn't have worried. He picked this group for a reason; they were good.

Since his two junior members were currently overseeing the transport of household goods to the shuttles, Merrick decided to indulge in a hot shower. Not only did he want to wash the stink of last night's bar off of himself, he also wanted to wash off the scent of sex still clinging to him. Heltarian's were wild and energetic lovers, and when they were aroused, they produced a scent ... some sort of pheromone he'd been told ... which stimulated the sex drive when inhaled, and seemed to linger on the skin for a while after. The last thing he wanted was to reek of horny Heltarian when he joined his parents on the shuttle.

Merrick was strapping on his thigh holster when his door chimed. He looked up at the video screen on the door, and saw a small man with large black eyes and pale green skin fidgeting anxiously on the other side.

“Come in Landin!” he called out as he checked his pistol.

The smaller Anphilian male bustled into the room with a tablet in his hand. “Good afternoon, sir. All of the cargo has been transported to the base, and Ambassador and Mrs. Weir have been are being transported there now by Kalen. I have a rover downstairs, and if you are ready, I can drive you there.”

Merrick smiled and placed his hand on the smaller male’s shoulder. “Landin, take a breath. I’m sure my mother and father are well taken care of.”

The male looked up at him, his large eyes blinked slowly. “I know I was very fortunate you recruited me straight out of training, sir. I only want to do a good job.”

“You’re doing great. Don’t worry.” Merrick grabbed his bag and slung it over his shoulder. “Come on, let’s get going.”

As Landin wove through the streets towards the base, Merrick looked around at the city he had called home for the last couple of years. He would have thought growing up as the son of a senator on the Earth Alliance Council, whose job took them to many different planets, he would be used to pulling up roots and moving but, even at 29, the thought of leaving yet another home still made him a little sad.

Merrick shook his head and sat up a little straighter in his seat. He was the head of security for the new ambassador to the Vampire Council. He was not going to let a little homesickness bring him down. In order to distract himself, he spent the next few minutes reviewing the new security systems for their new Anglian home. The Council had arranged a home for their new ambassador within the compound, and although the vampires had the compound well-guarded, Merrick still insisted that his own people look over all of the schematics, and had recommended changes to fit their needs.

They arrived at the base, and brought the rover to a stop near the shuttle bay. There would be two shuttles transporting them to the ship, currently in orbit around Earth, which would take them to Anglia. The first was a transport shuttle, meant for transporting cargo, and held all of the personal and household belongings of the ambassador, his family, aide, and security team. The second, much smaller shuttle would carry the passengers to the ship. Jenson had hoped to use only one shuttle, making security of the passengers and cargo easier to manage, but with so many people travelling, it just wasn’t feasible. He was grabbing his bag from the back of the rover when he noticed Landin stiffen and stand at attention beside him.

“Ambassador Weir, Mrs. Weir. Good afternoon.” The male’s voice squeaked, and Merrick saw a blush darken his pale green cheeks.

Merrick’s mother smiled and nodded graciously at the guard, murmuring a greeting before turning her attention on her son.

“Merrick.” She smiled and pulled him into a hug. “You missed dinner last night.” The eyebrow of her left eye rose as she leaned back to look up at him.

Merrick looked past her to his father for help, and knew he would get none when he saw the man trying not to laugh.

“I had a date, Mom. You know that.” He put an arm around his mother, and led her to their shuttle. Landin snapped out of his awed state, and hurried to catch up to them.

“With Jer?” his mother’s nose wrinkled in distaste.

“Yes, with Jer,” he sighed.

His mother had met Jer only once, and that meeting did not go well. Not surprising, since Jer had sauntered out of his bedroom completely nude, and sat in Merrick’s lap, while waiting for an introduction. Heltarian’s were not known for their modesty.

“What happened to that lovely young man you were seeing? The martial arts instructor … Scott?” She turned her head and looked at her son. His mother wasn’t a short woman, but he still felt like a giant walking beside her.

“That was almost a year ago, Mom.” He looked to his father for help again, but he appeared to be deep in conversation with Landin about shuttle shielding systems. Traitor.

“Pity. He was such a nice young man,” she sighed.

“Jer was nice too,” he tried, but stopped at her glare.

“Please, Merrick. I wasn’t born yesterday. Nice was not why you were with that male.”

Merrick tripped on the ramp of the shuttle, and reached out to steady himself. “Mother!”

“What?” she smiled demurely as she stepped into the shuttle. Merrick could have sworn he saw a smirk on Landin’s face as he and his father walked past him. This was going to be a long trip.

After getting his parents settled, and a quick word with the pilot, they were ready to take off. Merrick strapped himself in and leaned back in his seat. He was still tired from his late night, but the excitement of the relocation still outweighed his fatigue. He thought about his father’s new post as ambassador to the Anglian Vampire Council. It was a good move for his dad, who was starting to feel the drain of his years of travel. This position was a nomination and election by the Council, and was usually a lifelong post, unless the ambassador retired, so his parents could finally settle down. Merrick was thrilled when his father told him about his election. He had always liked visiting Anglia, but he knew his love of the planet was mostly due to one male … Jenson Shey. Jenson Shey … the sexiest and most infuriating male he had ever known. As the shuttle took off Merrick closed his eyes and allowed himself to drift. Memories of happy times, with Jenson, flashed through his mind.




“I know you’re here somewhere, J.” Merrick muttered quietly to himself as peered into the bushes, trying to find his friend. For such a big man he managed to hide very well in a pretty small area. Merrick put his hands on his hips and looked around the courtyard again. J hadn’t left the courtyard, he was sure of it. He’d already managed to find the guards’ hiding places, but J seemed to have disappeared. The boy lifted his face towards the sun. It was a warm day today, which he loved since his family had recently come from visiting a planet that was in almost perpetual winter. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a flash of something in the tree in the centre of the courtyard. Ah ha! Got him!

Merrick walked slowly towards the tree, pretending to try to look under the bushes running along the edge of the courtyard. He waited until he was close before rushing forward, pulling himself up by the nearest branch and tapping the booted foot above him. “Gotcha!” he laughed.

“That you did, Merrick. Good job. You’re getting better with your hunting and tracking skills,” said a deep voice from the canopy above him. The voice was warm and comforting, but lately, hearing it made Merrick feel funny inside.

Merrick beamed under the man’s praise. His parents were always sure to tell him they were proud of him, but there was something about Jenson telling him he did well that made him feel ten feet tall.

“Do you really think I’m getting better with tracking?”

The big man dropped down beside him. “Yes, you managed not only to find me, but you also located the guards. They are not easy to find.” Jenson winked at him and moved to sit on the ground in the shade.

Merrick could feel a blush starting to creep up his face and neck. “Thank you,” he murmured quietly while clearing his throat. He flopped down on his back in the grass and lay there for a few minutes, soaking up the warmth.

He chewed his lip thoughtfully as his brain whirled inside of him. He always seemed to have so many questions bursting inside him to be asked. His dad told him an inquisitive mind was a gift, and always encouraged him to ask questions, but sometimes other adults looked uncomfortable or even angry when he would ask them things. Jenson never did. Jenson was the only male, besides his dad, who never seemed to lose patience with him. That alone would have made Jenson one of Merrick’s favourite people, but not only did Jenson try to answer all of his questions, he also spent time with him, teaching him things like the fastest way to climb a tree, how to track someone or how to shoot a bow. His mom didn’t like THAT lesson very much, but his dad helped to convince her. Jenson didn’t treat Merrick like a pesky little kid, and for a boy who was closer to13 than 12, and practically an adult, that meant Jenson was elevated quickly to hero in his eyes.

He turned his head towards the big man. He appeared to be sleeping, but Merrick wasn’t fooled. Jenson always seemed to be on alert. Like he was waiting for something.

“Yes, Merrick?” Jenson’s lip twitched in a suppressed smile.

Merrick blushed a little for being caught staring…again. He flipped himself onto his stomach and pulled a blade of grass, looking at it instead of the man beside him.

“My dad said vampires used to be humans a long time ago, but something in the air on Anglia made them become vampires.” Merrick paused and looked over at Jenson.

Jenson opened his eyes, and the deep blue gaze studied Merrick for a moment. “Yes, the humans who first came to Anglia were given something by their doctors before they came here. The shot they were given was supposed to help them tolerate the atmosphere…the air on the planet. The doctors didn’t realize it would change them.”

Merrick tied the grass in to knots as he thought over what he had been told. He knew some vampire history from his dad’s lessons, but it was good to have it confirmed by his big friend.

“So how can humans stay here now?” The boy plucked another blade of grass and rested his head on his hand, watching the big man. “How can we breathe the air?” he waved his hand, feeling a slight breeze.

“It took many years, but human and vampire scientists learned how to remove the toxin from the air.” Jenson shifted his weight and moved one leg over the other. He cocked an eyebrow, and waited, the small smile he had when he looked at Merrick making him look even more handsome.

Handsome? Merrick furrowed his brow. There was that funny feeling in his stomach again. He looked into the man’s eyes and saw amusement there. What made him feel really good though was that he also thought he saw love. Like when his dad looked at him. Bemused love. Bemused ... he learned the word in one of his lessons, and he liked it. It sounded very grown-up. That’s what it looked like when his dad and Jenson looked at him…bemused love. He was bemusedly loved. He chuckled at himself. Was bemusedly even a real word? He would have to ask. Maybe B-loved? Yes! That’s what it was.

Merrick grinned and moved to sit by the big man’s booted feet. “J, am I B-Loved?”

Thank you Gary, for editing, and to all of you who have given my first story such wonderful support.
Copyright © 2016 LitLover; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

  • Site Administrator

Darn...I'm out of likes. I'll try to remember to go back when I accumulate more. Great chapter, Lit. I really like your style of writing. You're doing a great job of world building, and I love the descriptions of the different aliens. I'm looking forward to when Jenson and Merrick are reunited.

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I really love this chapter :D The way you build up your world is very graceful and enjoyable to read :) I especially loved the insight in how vampires came to be on Anglia :thumbup:


As for 'grown-up' Merrick, he takes his duty seriously and I suspect puts romantic/sexual relationships on the back-burner. Plus, I really distrust Jer, that 'flash of anger' when Merrick told him he didn't have the time for another round. Also Mrs. Weir's dislike of Jer... well I guess I'll have to wait for the next several chapters to see :lol:


As for Merrick as a kid, Aww!!! :wub: It is so cute to see how he has bonded with J :D To see him hero-worship him is really sweet and reading about that "funny feeling" was really touching :heart: I think sparks will fly when Merrick and J reunite :yes:


Anyways, thanks Lit for such an amazing chapter :hug:


I'm curious, what is the life-span of a vampire? Because, J carries a lot of pain about something. Does it have anything to do with the toxin?

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  • Site Moderator

An interesting build up and background to the approaching reunion of the B-Loved's. Very impressive.

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This was a perfect second chapter as you ease us into the story. The flashback, like in the first chapter, worked really well. You unfold the story beautifully, bit by intriguing bit, and it leaves us wanting more, more, more. I already liked Jenson, and I already liked young Merrick, and now I very much like our introduction to grown up Merrick. They haven't actually met in the story... yet you have established a connection between them that is beautiful. It's all your work, but I feel very proud... kudos, my friend... you did good... cheers... Gary...

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No likes, :heart:, until later. Nice intro to Merrick the man and remembrance of the boy too. The explanation for the existence of Vampires was well conceived. It provides basis for the peaceful relations with humans. This is an intriguing world and you give us glimpses of even portions we're not likely to encounter again. Those provide depth to the reality. I like this, it's off to an exceptional start.

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On 10/10/2015 12:34 AM, Valkyrie said:

Darn...I'm out of likes. I'll try to remember to go back when I accumulate more. Great chapter, Lit. I really like your style of writing. You're doing a great job of world building, and I love the descriptions of the different aliens. I'm looking forward to when Jenson and Merrick are reunited.

Thank you Val! I'm really pleased that you like the world I've created. I've been trying to give details of the surroundings without overwhelming the reader with information. Thank you for reading and your review :)

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On 10/10/2015 02:56 AM, Drew Espinosa said:

I really love this chapter :D The way you build up your world is very graceful and enjoyable to read :) I especially loved the insight in how vampires came to be on Anglia :thumbup:


As for 'grown-up' Merrick, he takes his duty seriously and I suspect puts romantic/sexual relationships on the back-burner. Plus, I really distrust Jer, that 'flash of anger' when Merrick told him he didn't have the time for another round. Also Mrs. Weir's dislike of Jer... well I guess I'll have to wait for the next several chapters to see :lol:


As for Merrick as a kid, Aww!!! :wub: It is so cute to see how he has bonded with J :D To see him hero-worship him is really sweet and reading about that "funny feeling" was really touching :heart: I think sparks will fly when Merrick and J reunite :yes:


Anyways, thanks Lit for such an amazing chapter :hug:


I'm curious, what is the life-span of a vampire? Because, J carries a lot of pain about something. Does it have anything to do with the toxin?

Thank you Drew! :hug: I've had a great time writing young Merrick. He's a fun character. I wanted to show that fine line between hero worship and first crush and those confusing feelings that kids don't quite understand yet. I hope it translated well on the page.


I'm pleased you like the "creation" of vampires. I wanted to do something a little different. I'm happy it seems to have worked :)


Grown up Merrick does take his duty seriously. Being raised by parents who take their duty very seriously..


Thank you for your support and your review :)

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J training Merrick how to become a great warrior ... now that has interesting subtexts. It brought me to Sparta ;-).
I am pleased you are 'dragging out' the meeting between J and Merrick ... but I'm eagerly awaiting it.
(PS Like the trick to use a child's question do understand more the context of 'your' vampires. Smooth, my lady, smooth.)

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On 10/10/2015 03:41 AM, drpaladin said:

An interesting build up and background to the approaching reunion of the B-Loved's. Very impressive.

I'm happy that you like the build up to the meeting. It just felt like something that shouldn't be rushed. :)


Thank you for reviewing. I appreciate it.

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On 10/10/2015 03:59 AM, Headstall said:

This was a perfect second chapter as you ease us into the story. The flashback, like in the first chapter, worked really well. You unfold the story beautifully, bit by intriguing bit, and it leaves us wanting more, more, more. I already liked Jenson, and I already liked young Merrick, and now I very much like our introduction to grown up Merrick. They haven't actually met in the story... yet you have established a connection between them that is beautiful. It's all your work, but I feel very proud... kudos, my friend... you did good... cheers... Gary...

Thank you, Gary :hug: Your support has been amazing. I'm really happy that the flashbacks are working. I wanted to show the development of their unlikely friendship and what it means to both of them.


Thank you again for all of your unflagging support and encouragement (and of course your great review :))

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On 10/10/2015 04:15 AM, dughlas said:

No likes, :heart:, until later. Nice intro to Merrick the man and remembrance of the boy too. The explanation for the existence of Vampires was well conceived. It provides basis for the peaceful relations with humans. This is an intriguing world and you give us glimpses of even portions we're not likely to encounter again. Those provide depth to the reality. I like this, it's off to an exceptional start.

I'm really happy you like my take on the "creation" of vampires. I wanted to do something that was original, but fairly realistic (well as realistic as vampires can be haha)


My goal with the details was to add a little depth, and show the differences between their world and ours, without being too technical or bogging the chapter down. I am really happy that it worked for you.


Thank you for your great review and your support Dugh :hug:

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On 10/10/2015 05:37 AM, JohnAR said:

J training Merrick how to become a great warrior ... now that has interesting subtexts. It brought me to Sparta ;-).

I am pleased you are 'dragging out' the meeting between J and Merrick ... but I'm eagerly awaiting it.

(PS Like the trick to use a child's question do understand more the context of 'your' vampires. Smooth, my lady, smooth.)

Sparta? I hadn't thought of it that way, but I suppose it is a little like that. For J, I think his personality and motivations will become more clear as we learn more about him.


I wanted to provide more details about vampires without it sounding like reading from a history text book. Children are naturally inquisitive, so who better to ask the questions that other people may not?


Thank you for your support and the great review my friend. I hope I can make the eventual meeting live up to expectations ;)

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Oh, this was good.
Can i please have my own Heltarian? I just want one!!
What a terrific and interesting world. You're taking us on a real journey. Merrick and Jenson are so real, and nicely fleshed out. Your description in the opening was hot, really hot.
Super Lit, just super.



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On 10/10/2015 10:43 AM, Mikiesboy said:

Oh, this was good.

Can i please have my own Heltarian? I just want one!!

What a terrific and interesting world. You're taking us on a real journey. Merrick and Jenson are so real, and nicely fleshed out. Your description in the opening was hot, really hot.

Super Lit, just super.



lol I'll look into trying to find you one. haha


I really happy that people seem to like the world I've created. I can see it in my head, so it's good to know that it's coming across on paper.


Thank you for the great review Tim :hug:

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Great continuation Lit! Grown up Merrick seems to be just as charming. Loved the interplay with his mother.
The world you are creating is both fascinating and believable, as it has been described. Also most interesting, is the way the vampires came to be. Curious to find out more of that.
Merrick and Jenson are separate, but still their connection is felt. Can't wait for them to reunite. 'B-loved' cute...
Can't wait to read more either! Loving it...

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I agree with Merrick's mother. Jer needs to add a k to his name to describe him. :pissed: Using a nickname his lover hates (I assume Merrick told him several times but has given up), being all pouty when his attempts to make Merrick late fails, deliberately embarrassing Merrick in front of his mother. But at least Merrick won't have to feel bad about leaving anyone nice behind.
Am I B-loved? Ha, I'm looking forward to hearing Jenson's answer to that question, but I guess it might be a calm yes, since he'll probably still consider the boy an innocent kid. Which he is at that point, but not much longer.
I agree with JAR, we want to know a lot more about them, before we finally see them meet as adults and equals. How long has it been since they last saw each other?

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On 10/10/2015 02:27 PM, Defiance19 said:

Great continuation Lit! Grown up Merrick seems to be just as charming. Loved the interplay with his mother.

The world you are creating is both fascinating and believable, as it has been described. Also most interesting, is the way the vampires came to be. Curious to find out more of that.

Merrick and Jenson are separate, but still their connection is felt. Can't wait for them to reunite. 'B-loved' cute...

Can't wait to read more either! Loving it...

Thank you Def :hug:. I enjoyed writing the scene between Merrick and his mom. I wanted to make the world as believable as I could, futuristic, but still familiar. I'm happy you enjoyed it. Thank you for the review and the support.

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On 10/11/2015 02:40 AM, Timothy M. said:

I agree with Merrick's mother. Jer needs to add a k to his name to describe him. :pissed: Using a nickname his lover hates (I assume Merrick told him several times but has given up), being all pouty when his attempts to make Merrick late fails, deliberately embarrassing Merrick in front of his mother. But at least Merrick won't have to feel bad about leaving anyone nice behind.

Am I B-loved? Ha, I'm looking forward to hearing Jenson's answer to that question, but I guess it might be a calm yes, since he'll probably still consider the boy an innocent kid. Which he is at that point, but not much longer.

I agree with JAR, we want to know a lot more about them, before we finally see them meet as adults and equals. How long has it been since they last saw each other?

Tim, I'm really pleased you like the slow build to Merrick and J meeting again. I didn't want to rush the reunion, and I also wanted to give people a glimpse inside of their friendship.

I agree about Jer. Heltarians are used to getting what they want, so Jer is a bit of a spoiled brat.

Thank you for the great review and your support :hug:

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I like the little 'side-stories' e.g. the moon colonists, it adds to the atmosphere. Well, Jer is Jer. I assume he is a typical representative for his species? If so, we can't be angry with him, I think. I'm curious what happens next. :)

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On 10/11/2015 04:09 AM, aditus said:

I like the little 'side-stories' e.g. the moon colonists, it adds to the atmosphere. Well, Jer is Jer. I assume he is a typical representative for his species? If so, we can't be angry with him, I think. I'm curious what happens next. :)

lol Yes I think Jer is pretty representative of his race, except maybe a little more self-absorbed than most.

Thank you your review and your support Adi :)

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You're doing a great job developing your charactes in this story, Lit. It's nice that we're getting to know them before the sexual tension changes the dynamic between them. It's also nice to get a look, even briefly at the world around the characters. Grown up Merrick seems like a really good guy, dedicated to his work and his family. I'm not sure about Jer. He seems like he could cause issues with that temper. That being said, Heltarians must be a pretty sexual bunch.

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On 10/11/2015 10:47 AM, EagleIsaac said:

You're doing a great job developing your charactes in this story, Lit. It's nice that we're getting to know them before the sexual tension changes the dynamic between them. It's also nice to get a look, even briefly at the world around the characters. Grown up Merrick seems like a really good guy, dedicated to his work and his family. I'm not sure about Jer. He seems like he could cause issues with that temper. That being said, Heltarians must be a pretty sexual bunch.

I'm relieved that people seem to like the slow build before the meeting. Jer is an interesting guy. I think sexual would be a good way to describe his species. lol Thank you for your review and your support :hug:

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What a collection of characters! I can't stop to write more because I want to read the next chapter - what happens next????

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On 10/27/2015 10:25 PM, Bucket1 said:

What a collection of characters! I can't stop to write more because I want to read the next chapter - what happens next????

lol thank you B :*) I'm so pleased you are enjoying the story :hug:

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Ok. It's official: I'm hooked!!! Merrick seems quite the opposite to Jenson. You know, outgoing, adventurous, likes to take the risk. I can only imagine what's their encounter going to be like. I got this feeling that they'll be drawn to each other like moths to flames. Wow... :blushing:


Ok. Need to read more.

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