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Running with the Pack - 4. Chapter 4

People filed into the pack’s meeting hall knowing that day was not going to be just the usual update on pack affairs. Rumors and gossip had spread quickly about the incident on the camping trip and a human getting bit. There was the typical small talk and idle chat you would find at every meeting, but the underlying expectation of what was to come was similar to the time before the lions were released on the floor of the Roman Coliseum.

Alpha Stockdale took his place at the head of the room and called the meeting to order. After giving his update on various items, he had each member of the pack council give their respective reports. He finally opened the floor up to anyone in the pack that wanted to speak or ask questions of the leadership.

After all the boring business was done, the alpha announced, “Now onto the unpleasant business of the afternoon. The accused will now step forward.” He gave a moment for the ten teens to approach and stand before him. “We heard testimony yesterday on the events that occurred at the pack campgrounds. This has always been a trip for a group of our young adults to bond with as well as lead some of our pups without the constant direct supervision of the seasoned pack members. Until this trip, it has always gone well and provided valuable leadership experience to those that are becoming responsible adults. I’m disappointed in the actions of all those involved. I also find it troubling that with the exception of one who, acting as a true leader in this situation, tried to take full responsibility for the actions of all the wolves he was overseeing, no one wanted to willingly talk about what happened.

“Taunting, hunting, attacking, or in any way terrorizing a human while in your wolf form is a very serious offense and reflects very poorly on our pack as a whole. Do it in your human form and I will punish you just as severely. It also brings the risk of humans hunting wolves if reports of attacks get out. Since a human was bit in the attack, I am obligated to notify the Lycan Council. They may wish to investigate this matter further.

“Only one wolf came to the defense of the boy that was being attacked. One wolf stood against the rest to stop what he knew to be wrong. One wolf saw a stray human boy that was alone in the forest and attempted to befriend and comfort him. He may not have focused on his pack, like what was intended for the trip, but he did focus on a problem that he and his wolf felt needed his attention. Unfortunately, since he was the most responsibly acting of the leaders on this trip and he felt that his actions of spending time around the human led to this, I am obligated to punish him as well. I hope that all the pups who were on that trip take note of the difference between following someone that leads you to bully others and following someone that leads you to protect.

“Each of the accused will receive twenty lashes. Michael, you will receive an additional ten for leading the unprovoked assault. In addition you will be confined to a cell at the jail for twenty days for orchestrating the attack as well as being the one who bit the human. All the accused, with the exception of Aiden Jacobs, will be restricted to stay within one mile of the town limits for the next thirty days and provide community service during that time. I would also suggest that the parents of all those on the trip have a serious talk with your pup about what happened.” Taking a deep breath he glared directly at his son. “Make no mistake, actions like this will not be tolerated within this pack. If you any of you ever attack a human again, you will be lucky if you just find yourself exiled from the pack, because if I need to, I will put you down myself as a public danger.”

Each of the accused was brought forward and ordered to remove their shirt. The pack enforcer pulled out a long strip of leather. He had each boy grab a set of handles before them and administered the required lashes. Not that anyone watching could tell, but the lashes administered to Aiden were far less forceful than those received by the rest and Aiden did his best to make it look good. Despite what some in the pack thought, the alpha’s enforcer hated to dispense punishment like that. When it was Michael’s turn, the alpha took the strap from Rafe and proceeded to administer the thirty lashings, not going at all lightly.

The alpha adjourned the meeting and people started moving towards the food while others stripped down to go for a run or hunt in the woods behind the meeting hall. Looking around until he found who he was looking for, Alpha Stockdale walked up to Aiden. “Aiden, a moment please. I have a special request of you.”

Aiden turned towards the man. “Yes, Alpha, anything you need.”

“First, I want you to understand that your punishment was just a formality from you having spent so much time around the boy instead of with the pups, and I think I understand why you did. It can be difficult seeing someone all alone. You found a stray pup and wanted to help. You’re not guilty or responsible for the actions of Michael or the rest.”

Aiden nodded.

“Second, I need you to return to Caleb’s cabin and track the boy. When you find him, and I have no doubt you will, I want you to observe him. We need to know if he’s been turned. Caleb couldn’t pick up the scent of a change, so either nothing happened or that old bear’s nose isn’t as good as it used to be.”

“Understood, Alpha. Is there anything else?”

“If he has been turned, he must be brought before me to decide what to do with him.” The alpha’s tone was ominous. “At the very least, he’ll need our help for his first shift or he’ll likely die.”

“Yes, Alpha.” Aiden took a deep breath. “Alpha, there’s something about the boy I can’t explain or figure out, but I’m drawn to him like no other. My wolf feels a need to be near him. I pick up scents that should be around me. If I didn’t know better I’d think… But that’s not possible since he’s male and human.”

Alpha Stockdale was a little astonished at the open admission by Aiden, but had already started to guess from when he told of meeting the boy. “Go for a run, clear your mind, and have a good hunt. Head out tomorrow morning and good luck with the boy.” John turned to walk off and rejoin the council members. Before getting too far, he stopped. “If you’re not sure if he’s been turned or if there are any other considerations that need to be taken into account, you’ll need to make the decision on if to bring him back here or not. I’ll trust your judgment on what needs to be done. Listen to your wolf and he’ll guide you well.” The alpha headed back to the other council members while wondering about Aiden and this human boy.


Aiden walked towards the edge of the field behind the meeting hall and met up with some of his friends. He bumped fists with the two he was really tight with and started to pull his clothes off. When his shirt was removed, the red marks from the lashing he received looked painfully evident to all present. Aiden looked at the two when they’d all stripped and said, “Let’s run”.

They dropped to all fours as their bodies shifted from human to wolf. The trio took off into the woods with one on each side and just behind Aiden. They ran for a good distance burning off the stress and frustration of the past few days. There was no trail they followed, just a run through the brush; jumping over fallen trees and dodging low branches as they made their way through the forest. The aroma of the woods was calming. They picked up the scent of a nearby buck and Aiden guided them to their prey. Woofing out his commands, they broke apart with the two wolves driving the buck directly towards Aiden. Launching himself into the air, Aiden brought down the medium size deer quickly; effortlessly killing the animal by breaking its neck with his powerful jaws. They ate their fill of the tasty meat and left the remains for the other animals of the forest; nothing would go to waste. The three drank heavily from a stream, letting the blood wash away from their muzzles. Aiden set a leisurely pace as they made their way back.

After an enjoyable run and hunt, the three returned and shifted to their human form. Aiden’s mind and thoughts seemed to be a million miles away and his friends noticed. Trevor Carlson, the six foot three inch tall, lean, and dark haired former captain of the high school football and basketball team, and Casey Tucker, the six foot four inch, auburn-haired mountain of a young man gave their friend a few moments.

“Earth to Aiden.” Trevor smirked. “Where you at today?”

Aiden glanced up at him from tying his boots. “Huh? What do you mean?”

Casey chimed in. “Dude, your body's here but your mind’s nowhere to be found. Come to think of it, I guess all’s normal here.”

That promptly got a playful slap upside the head from Aiden. “Still thinking about the camping trip I guess. I wish you guys could have been there to help me keep Michael in line. I’m glad I was chosen, but did it have to be on the same trip as that asshole? I came so close to biting down when I had his throat in my jaws. My wolf wanted to finish him off.”

Trevor gave his friend a hard stare. “You of all people don’t need help with that. You’ve been knocking him into line for years. You’re still thinking about that boy, aren’t you?”

Aiden gave him a non-committal look and shrugged his shoulder. “Is it that obvious? Yeah, I guess I am. There’s something about him and how lonely he was when I first saw him. I just wanted to be around him and my wolf kept taking me back to him.”

Casey happily pumped his fist in the air a few times. “Yes… Finally! Another one for my team. Good to see you’re chasing after guys now.” He looked at his friend smiling and laughing.

Aiden had to laugh at his buddy who was the only openly gay member of the pack as well as at the high school they had attended; although it was rumored he had had plenty of companionship from others at school.

“Alpha instructed me to head back to the Doc’s cabin and track the boy. To find out if that asshole Michael turned him.” Aiden’s expression darkened. “I need to head out in the morning.”

Casey asked even though he pretty much knew the answer, “If Michael’s the one that bit this boy, why is he sending you to check up on him?”

Aiden’s eyes filled with anger and a deep rage towards the alpha’s son. “Because he knows just like I do that Michael would be just as likely kill the boy. And then he would report back that all was fine rather than risk the punishment for forcibly turning a human.”

Both his friends gave each other a nod for confirmation. “You know we got your back, man. You want us to come with you?”

Aiden only said one word, but it spoke volumes, “Thanks.”

Casey said he would pick up the other two in the morning and they could take his truck out to the trailhead in the mountains to start tracking the mystery boy.


The trio headed out bright and early to make the 250 mile trek to the Blue Ridge Mountains. The drive to the trailhead did not seem to take that long to Aiden, but his mind was on other things. Knowing they had some distance to cover to get to Doc’s cabin, they stripped and put their clothes in special packs that matched their fur color, then dropped to all fours as their bodies shifted into three huge wolves. With practiced skill, they worked their way into the packs and took off running into the forest. Had there been any humans around to see them, it would have looked strange to see three wolves wearing backpacks.

After a good hour of running, they made it to the cabin. Sniffing the air to make sure there was no one unexpected around, they helped each other remove the packs so they could shift back to their human form. Once again on two legs, they dressed and walked up to the door and knocked. A few minutes later, Caleb answered.

Seeing the three young lycan, the older bear crossed his arms and glared. “I didn’t expect to see any of you boys back this way so soon.”

Aiden spoke up quickly, “Hello,Doctor Alexander. Alpha Stockdale instructed me to track down the boy I brought in and check to see if anything from his bite took.”

Caleb thought about giving the boy a hard time, but decided against it. “Well, you’re a couple days behind him, but that shouldn’t be much trouble for you three.” With a hard look, he continued. “As I told your alpha, if there are any more problems I’ll make sure this entire forest is off limits to your pack. You wolves could have killed that boy and you damn near scared him to death.”

Aiden, who rarely backed down from anyone sadly looked to the ground. “I’m sorry for what happened. I didn’t want any harm to come to him.” Aiden never verbally placed blame on the others he was with, nor did he hint there was anything more to his involvement.

With a knowing look, Caleb smiled. “You’re the wolf that befriended that boy. The one that came to his rescue and protected him from the rest of the pack, aren’t you?”

“Yes, sir.”

Caleb’s mood softened immediately. “You boys come in. I was just about to have lunch. Grab a plate and eat something and then you can head out and hopefully find that boy.”

They all chatted away while eating. “When I let him leave, I couldn’t detect any changes from the bite. It was healing quickly, but it might not have been enough to turn him. I’m not sure how though since it was a pretty good bite and did break the skin.”

“A part of me hopes he hasn’t been turned, at least not by the one that bit him.” Aiden’s emotions were uncertain. “No one should be turned by him.”

Caleb’s face tried to keep his expression neutral before. “Are you saying there’s a part of you that is hoping he gets turned? Perhaps if it happened to be from someone else’s bite?”

Trevor and Casey sat back and quietly smiled.

“I’m not exactly sure what I’m thinking Doc. I know there’s something about him. I don’t like the idea of him being turned by a bite from the one that bit him. Especially that one.” Aiden thought for a moment. “No, I definitely hope he hasn’t been turned. He should have a choice in something like that and choose the one to turn him.”

Caleb sat quietly in thought for a few minutes finishing his meal. The three boys also remained quiet. When they were all finished, the boys took care of cleaning up the dishes and thanked Caleb for his hospitality. Caleb went into another room for a moment before returning with a shirt and handing it to Aiden.

“The boy had this with him, not that I think you’ll need it.” He had a slight smile on his face. “You can use it to help find his trail. By the way, his name’s Ethan. He’s had a rough time the last couple years so if any harm comes to him... Do you understand what I’m saying?” The last part Caleb said with a glare.

“Yes, Doc, I do. Thank you for everything, both today and last time.” Aiden extended his hand to the man.

“Off with you then and good tracking.” Caleb walked the three outside as they shifted into their wolf. He helped them with their packs, not that they needed it but a set of human hands did make the process go faster.

The trio of wolves ran off in the direction Ethan had gone. His scent was weak, but all three of their sharp noses could pick up the faint trail. To Aiden, it smelled heavenly. His wolf knew for sure now but was going to try and let Aiden come to the realization for himself.


Ethan was sitting on top of a rocky outcrop overlooking a small valley. He could see a river in the distance and what he thought was probably an eagle flying high over the valley. He really loved it in the mountains. Even though he would like to at this point, he knew he could not stay there forever. He would eventually have to head back to a city which meant a return to life on the streets. He really wanted to find a job of some type, but had no references and little experience in anything. Very few people showed any interest in hiring him for legitimate work. Before he gave up on the city and came to the mountains, most jobs he applied for in Richmond people politely let him know they were not hiring as soon as they found out he was homeless. He figured it would be the same in any city he went to.

As he looked out over the valley, he felt lonely, not that it was a new feeling; even in the crowded city he was abandoned. Most times, he felt like a ghost among the living, something that could barely be seen and usually chosen to be ignored. Ethan had tried to make friends with people he would see at one of the malls he would occasionally go to, but since he did not have the right clothes or the right haircut, they would make fun of him. If they talked to him long enough to figure out he was homeless, the taunting would intensify. On more than one occasion, Ethan had to defend himself from other kids his age and managed to vanish into the crowds before mall security showed up to clean up the pieces.

He was not good at accepting help and even worse about asking for it. He hoped someday something would come of his life, but right now in this place, he knew even being lonely he could find peace. Looking out over the wilderness gave him strength to keep going on.

Ethan found a spot in the shade and pulled out one of the stories he had managed to print from online. The pages were starting to show how much they’d been used and he knew the text almost line for line, but it still gave him something to get lost in. The love a young boy found in another boy that turned out to be a dragon when he took his true form, living peacefully among other shape shifters. For the time Ethan was reading, in the back of his mind he wondered what it would be like to fall in love with someone that could turn into a wolf. He could just barely remember the face and eyes he thought he had seen before passing out and if it was not just his mind, he hoped he would get to really see that face someday.


The three wolves made good time and Casey figured they were maybe a day to day and a half behind Ethan. They decided to stop for the night and worked out of their packs. It did not take long to find a spot to get a drink of water. As the evening wore on, they decided to hunt for their dinner and in a short time found a smaller buck. Trevor and Casey blocked its escape while Aiden went in for the kill, snapping its neck in his powerful jaws, making for a quick and clean kill. After feasting on the deer, Aiden threw his head back and howled triumphantly over the kill. His pack mates quickly followed with their own howl.


Ethan sat up in his sleeping bag having heard the howls. It was a distinctly different sound of the coyotes and was the first time since he was attacked he had heard the wolves. He really did not think he would get attacked again, but the sound of the howling animals sent a chill up his spine. He tried to get back to sleep, but that night, he jumped at every sound the forest made. By morning, he was almost as tired as when he had gone to sleep.


Aiden, Casey, and Trevor woke up and did their morning routines before working into their backpacks again. They all sniffed the air picking up the scent of everything in the area including Ethan’s trail. The three headed off in the direction his scent was leading. Aiden was moving a lot faster, and while the other two were not letting him get too far away, they were taking a more leisurely run.

By late afternoon, Ethan’s trail became very strong. The boy had passed by only a short time before. With a burst of speed, Aiden ran ahead, his nose leading the way. He guessed the boy was within a mile of them. He could not explain it to himself, but he was getting excited at the prospect of seeing Ethan again. He poured on the speed and his pack mates had a hard time keeping up with him. When he got as close as he thought he dared, he stopped and waited for his two friends to catch up. By the time they did, he had dropped his pack and made it clear he would try to approach the boy on his own. He did not want Ethan scared thinking a pack of wolves was going to attack again. Aiden feared Ethan might be frightened by seeing just him, but he had to try.

He slowly approached as the scent got stronger and stronger. Aiden knew at any moment he would lay eyes on Ethan again. Following a game trail around a group of rocks, he came to a clearing near one of the many streams in the area. Lying in the sun was the object he so desired. Ethan appeared to be asleep. Aiden stood and watched for a few moments. With a seemly impossible grace, the huge wolf walked over to the boy without making a sound. He was just as lovely as Aiden remembered.

The wolf laid at the boy’s side and closed his eyes. He desperately wanted to touch Ethan, but knew that would wake the boy up and he was already fearful of how the boy would react to the wolf being next to him again. If Ethan got up and ran, Aiden would chase him down by instinct. That was something he would not be able to prevent. His wolf would never harm Ethan, but it would still terrify the boy to be chased by the large beast.

After what was probably an hour of waiting for Ethan to wake, Aiden became impatient. He raised his head off his paws and gently lowered it onto Ethan’s stomach. This served two purposes, first it would most likely wake the boy and second, Ethan would not be able to move with the wolf laying on him. Most of all, it put Aiden’s nose right on the boy’s belly so he could truly breath in the boy’s scent.

Feeling something press down on him, Ethan woke with a start and screamed as he saw the huge mound of black fur. As Aiden had planned, Ethan was unable to jump up or run away. He sat there motionless hoping the boy would calm down. After a few minutes, he felt Ethan stop struggling to get free. At that point, he lifted his head and looked at the frightened boy. Knowing he had to act quick, he took the risk of further frightening the blond; he turned his head and licked Ethan’s face before lying his head down on the tight stomach.

Ethan was petrified when the huge mouth moved towards him, but it only licked his face and laid down. His mind settled enough to realize this was the wolf that had visited him before. Ethan timidly moved his hand to its head, scratching his ear before. “I’ve missed you.”

Aiden was ecstatic. The boy missed him! Aiden again raised his head and licked the side of the blond’s face.

Ethan proceeded to wipe the left a trail of slobber left by the rough tongue. “Eww. Stop that.” He chuckled.

Aiden gave out a huff and sniffed the boy all over. The scent would be forever burned into his memory. He would be able to find the boy anywhere.

Ethan looked around and appeared nervous. “The others aren’t gonna come back again are they?”

Aiden sat up and stared into Ethan’s eyes and tried to let him know he was safe. He gently put a paw on Ethan’s abs indicating he did not want Ethan to move. He looked towards the woods and gave a couple quick barks. Shortly two more wolves appeared at the tree line. One was silvery gray with black mixed in and the other was auburn with darker red and gray mixed in. Both wolves were stunningly beautiful to see and almost as big as the black one. Ethan froze with fear again. The two new wolves did not approach any closer, but he now had three wolves around him and the fight the last time he saw multiple wolves was at the front of his memory.

Ethan took a long look into the black wolf’s eyes and knew he was safe. He also saw something in those eyes that said there was much more to this wolf then a wild animal.

“Okay, I trust you and know you won’t hurt me so that means I’ve got to trust them too since you called them here.”

Ethan knew the wolf could not understand a word he said, but figured maybe the tone he said it in would carry some meaning. He wrapped his arms around the beast and whispered, “I really have missed you. I’m glad you found me again.”

The normally somewhat serious and controlled Aiden was feeling like a spring pup he was so happy. He could not explain it to himself and at the moment he did not want to try. This boy that had somehow captivated his heart wanted him near. Aiden gave out a happy yip and licked Ethan’s face once again.

Ethan noticed the other two were lying so that they faced away from him and his wolf. If he had to guess, he would almost say they were guarding them so they could have their moment to get reacquainted. He had never imagined wolves acting like this.

He again wrapped his arms around the head of the large wolf. “Thank you for saving me that night from the others.” Ethan sat quietly for a few minutes holding the wolf before continuing, “If it hadn’t been for you I think I would have been a goner.”

Aiden nuzzled his snout and head against the side of Ethan face; breathing in the wonderful scent of the boy, of his boy. Aiden wanted this teen as his pup. He knew now why he was so attracted to this human. He should have known it the first moment he saw him and caught his scent. Like every light bulb in New York’s Time Square turning on at once, he knew without a doubt this human was his mate.

Ethan took a deep breath, filling himself with the scent of the wolf. It was a deep, clean, woodsy smell that Ethan loved. He pulled back from the wolf a little, but not letting go. “That night after I got bit, I thought I saw you turn into a person just before I passed out. I know it wasn’t real, but I wish it was.”

Casey and Trevor both jumped up on hearing what Ethan had said. They looked to Aiden to see what he would do. It was almost as big a crime in lycan society to let a human see you shift as it is to turn one. Secrecy is the biggest protection all lycan had from the humans.

Aiden glanced over to his two friends. In his heart he knew what he wanted to do and what he needed to do. He just did not know what the outcome of his decision would be.

Running with the Pack, WolfM, 2012-2016, All Rights Reserved
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

That was a amazing chapter filled with hope and love! I even loved the cliff hanger; this is just what the boy has always needed and so much room for drama:heart:. You have done an excellent job!

Edited by Albert1434
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7 hours ago, Albert1434 said:

That was a amazing chapter filled with hope and love! I even loved the cliff hanger; this is just what the boy has always needed and so much room for drama:heart:. You have done an excellent job!

Thank you, Albert. :)  This was back before I even grasped the concept of a cliffhanger. lol.

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On 11/15/2023 at 3:17 AM, Ajbt2001 said:

Ok, Aiden and Ethan are just too adorable. 

:) Who wouldn't like a pet like Aiden? Thank you, Ajbt.

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On 12/9/2023 at 4:23 PM, Albert1434 said:

This was just as great as the first time I read it!


Thank you, Albert. I love this one even if Aiden isn't the center wolf. Beautiful image. :)

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