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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Commencement - 5. An Outing at Church

The first month after my diagnosis was harder for everyone else than it was for me. Brett was supportive, as usual, but he acted like he was going to break me every time we were together. Was I okay? Did I need to eat? Had I taken my insulin? What were my numbers? One day I just told him it was none of his damn business what my numbers were and that he was my boyfriend not my nurse.


“I just don’t want you to get sick,” he insisted.


“Dude, I feel fine. Quit treating me like I’m made of fucking glass. I actually feel better than I have in months.”


And that was the truth. It didn’t take long for daily shots and frequent blood testing to become as routine as brushing my teeth. The counter of my bathroom quickly became cluttered with discarded needles, testing strips, and used up insulin pens. Within a few weeks, my energy began to come back. After about a month, I had gained back ten pounds, which was a much healthier weight for me.


Funny how people finding out you’re sick gives them a new perspective on the interactions you’ve had with them. Em had been so pissed off at me after I’d told her off at my mom’s wedding that she’d barely talked to me in weeks. But once she found out that I was sick she was the one apologizing!


“Please quit telling me you’re sorry, Em,” I told her. “I really was being a dick to you that day.”


“But if I’d have known you were really sick, I wouldn’t have been such a bitch to you!” she replied, her eyes brimming with tears.


“How would I have been able to tell the difference from the way you normally treat me?” I asked.


One thing I learned through everything is that you don’t realize how sick you were until you feel good again. Almost immediately after getting on insulin I stopped drinking so much water and I stopped having to pee so often. I stopped waking up in cold sweats at night and I never pissed the bed again. I learned all about counting calories, and I learned how to eat more healthily. I could still eat things that were “bad” for me, like ice cream and pizza. I just had to calculate the carbs and sugar and adjust my insulin accordingly. Being type-one diabetic became something of a math game for me. It was all about numbers, and that made it easier because I do enjoy numbers.


In November, I got my insulin pump, my new best friend. One stick in the leg or belly every couple of days instead of several sticks in the belly was a pretty good deal. They were working on a model that could both monitor my blood and give me the proper dosage of insulin, but that kind of technology was still a few years away. It would be like having a fully functional pancreas again! I learned how to sleep with the thing, and I could unhook the insulin tube that ran from my injection site to the pump so I didn’t have to have sex with it. Brett even gave my pump a name – Navi, like the fairy from Legend of Zelda, because it was always with me.


“Are you going to tell Navi to take a hike before I fuck you?” he’d ask if I would forget to unhook my pump when we were being intimate. After all, nothing killed the mood like having to untangle a small plastic tube from around your balls, or worse, having the injector get ripped out of your leg in the middle of getting laid. But we learned quickly.


Mom was super-helpful in those first few months. Our relationship was better in those months than it had been since I was a little boy. She finally had a diabetic who would listen to her advice and enjoy eating the food she made. Dad never wanted to listen. After all, he’d been a diabetic for years before he met mom. Having someone to take care of seemed to give my mom a renewed sense of purpose. Thanks to her, I was in the best shape of my life. By December, I was a comfortable one hundred thirty pounds instead of a sickly one hundred ten pounds. I was stronger than ever, and the increased muscle mass I gained really helped me to look good. I didn’t look so scrawny anymore. Brett just loved the way I was getting into shape. He couldn’t keep his hands off me when we got together!


Oh, and I even cleaned my room.


School couldn’t have gone any better. It felt like a fog had lifted in my brain. I was thinking more clearly, and was more energetic in class. That was good, because my coursework was some of the most challenging yet. We had a new history teacher named Mr. Hartley who seemed to be determined to make the lives of his students miserable. He assigned ungodly amounts of reading and his tests seemed deliberately over-complicated. He seemed to take it personally that I was doing so well in his class despite his best efforts. If I hadn’t recovered my health, I probably wouldn’t have succeeded in his class. What made it even worse was that he made it sound like every answer I gave in class was idiotic, but everything Sarah Taylor or Joey said was like Jesus Christ himself had said it. But when it came time for written work and tests, I proved that I knew my stuff better than anyone in the class.


Mom was happy that I was feeling better, but she was especially happy that I was in a better mood. I know I hadn’t been the easiest person to live with through the last year. I guess since I was dying it made more sense why I had acted the way I did. Since my diagnosis, things had dramatically improved. I was still a dick to the vanilla douche, but not viciously so. To his credit, David didn’t try to be my dad. He didn’t try to be my friend or anything like that. He just was there. It wouldn’t have mattered who my mom married, I wouldn’t have liked them.


Mom occupied her time with church activities. She was succeeding in gaining a place in the upper circles of the church, attending dinner meetings with influential people like Jack and Heather McKenzie, becoming a member on various social committees, and becoming even closer to Pastor Carl. She had become someone that people wanted to be seen with, instead of someone trying to be seen with others. She was planning the big Christmas Eve party at the church, just like the ones my grandma had hosted years ago, only now, with the church’s backing, it would be bigger and better.


Thankfully, she didn’t bother me about going to church very often. Even though we were getting along better, there was still the whole gay thing that she wasn’t happy about. I think she thought I would cause some kind of scene if I went to church with her. It wasn’t like I was going to show the old church ladies my nipple ring, or expound upon the finer points of anal sex. I could behave myself if I wanted. My sex life was something I kept private, not because of mom’s reputation, but because it was my business and nobody else’s. If people knew Brett and I were boyfriends, that was fine with me. I didn’t want to have some big coming out moment. I just wanted to quietly love my boyfriend as best I could and stay out of stupid political bullshit. But between the shabby way I dressed and my over two and a half years’ worth of hair, I just didn’t fit in with the type of crowd that my mom wanted to be seen around.


She was still convinced that I was going to be healed of the whole gay thing just like I’d miraculously recovered from my undiagnosed diabetes. It was a shame, really. The whole fragile peace we’d built between us was built on a foundation of lies that was unsustainable. She pretended that she wasn’t bothered that I was having sex with Brett. I pretended that it didn’t hurt me deeply that she wasn’t ready to fully accept me for who I was. All it would take is just the right push and the house of cards would come crashing down.


The crash started so innocently. It was the week before my birthday, Sunday, when mom asked me if I wanted to go with her to church. David had to work overtime that Sunday, and she didn’t want to go alone.


“It would really mean a lot to be if you would go with me, Billy,” mom said. “You haven’t been to church with me in so long. I know you have theological differences with Pastor Carl, but it’s just a kids’ program and Pastor Carl won’t even be preaching. If it makes you feel any better the McKenzie family is out of town this weekend, so Joe won’t be there. I know you don’t get along with him.”


I didn’t want to tell her that Joey wasn’t the reason I was afraid, but his father was. But since it seemed like all the reasons I wouldn’t want to go were out of the way, I agreed. After all, it was just a Christmas program. I wasn’t made of stone. Even though I would be eighteen in just a week, there was still the possibility of getting some decent Christmas presents if I gave my mom something to let her know that I was willing to play nicely with her friends. I even dressed up for the occasion. I picked out clothes that hadn’t been laying on the floor and pulled my hair back into a ponytail. I wasn’t going to wear a tie though. That would be going a bit too far for me.


Mom was happy that I was willing to go with her. I hadn’t stepped foot in her church since her wedding, and before that it had been over a year since I’d been there. Mom parked the car and we walked together into the building. It seemed there was always a construction project of some kind going on in the place – evidence of the church’s growth and financial success. The church displayed its opulence in lavish ornamental extravagance throughout the building. It looked like Christmas had exploded all over the place. The Christmas tree at the front of the church was the biggest I’d ever seen indoors, and it glistened and sparkled with about a billion lights and silver and gold decorations. Indulgent gold-decorated wreaths were arrayed upon the walls. Candles with electric bulbs were in every window. In the corners of the sanctuary, porcelain angels peered down upon us. At the front of the sanctuary on the stage a massive American flag was prominently displayed. The whole place just screamed that this was a place where wealth and power were welcomed, and that larger contributions would earn one a better seat.


I wondered if Jesus would have even been welcome in such a place.


Mom was in her glory, engaging in conversation with people who wanted to be seen with her, and they were people who looked like they could afford to buy cars more expensive than our house.


“Of course, I’m so excited we’ll have four more years with President Bush in the White House,” mom said solemnly to one of her friends. “I couldn’t imagine a man like John Kerry choosing our Supreme Court Justices.”


“Looks like this could be the Steelers’ year.” I heard someone say as I stopped paying attention to my mom’s political opinions.


“That Ben Rolfelsplinger kid they have at quarterback might be the real deal,” another man replied.


“If they can get past New England in the playoffs, they’ve got a real chance.”


Mom found me and led me to our seats. They were good ones too - Second row, right behind Pastor Carl. They had again been updated with newer ones with more padding and arm rests since the last time I’d been there. I settled into my seat and prepared for a nice Christmas program to save my soul and lead me back to Jesus. Before the program began, there were the usual announcements from the worship leader. It was like attending a pep rally for Christ.


“But before we begin, Pastor Carl has a few things he’d like to share with us this morning.”


I groaned. Pastor Carl rose from his seat in front of us to a round of applause and a microphone was handed to him. The people of the congregation moved to the edge of their seats and listened like lemmings with baited breath for Pastor Carl to begin speaking. Mom was practically glowing, she was so excited to hear Pastor Carl’s words. I sighed.


“Friends, you know I’ve been hard at work organizing resistance against the encroaching power of Satan against our nation. I spent this week in Harrisburg fighting to make sure that our state doesn’t become like Massachusetts and allow the abomination of so-called gay marriage to spread to our beautiful state of Pennsylvania. I’m working with our congressmen and senators to pass legislation that would make that kind of sick perversion not only illegal but punishable to the full extent of the law!”


The congregation erupted in joyous applause. I looked around me at hundreds of people who were so willingly eating up the minister’s words. His vile hatred for people like me just poured from his being like poison. I turned to mom, hoping beyond hope that maybe she would be the one person in that room who would understand just how hurtful the pastor’s words were. But it was too much to ask of her. It was all she could do to keep from jumping out of her seat and leading the cheering section.


Pastor Carl continued. “We’re going to get the perverts out of our government and get God back in! We’re going to get prayer back into our schools. We’re going to end abortion and all of the sick gay perversion. Just because we won the last Presidential election doesn’t mean we’ve won! The liberal media and the liberals in government are going to do everything they can to destroy our President and to make their disgusting perversion the law of the land. We have to fight for our freedom! We’re going to take our country back!”


More applause. This time, mom rose to her feet along with the legions of others around us in order to give Carl the accolades which fed is already overindulged ego. I sank further into my seat. I felt like a mouse trapped in a corner by a herd of cats.


“We won’t be saying ‘Happy Holidays’ around here anymore! We’re going to take back Christmas and defeat the liberal agenda that is infecting the other churches out there. We’re going to take back our schools from the homosexual agenda that is poisoning the minds of our children. I will never stop fighting to stop the forces of evil who steal away our precious children! I will not let the sinners and fornicators and Sodomites win this fight! I promise you, we’re going to expose the sin and wickedness in this town and drive it out in the name of Jesus Christ!”


Again, everyone rose to their feet and shouts of ‘Amen!’ filled the room. I stood up too, but it wasn’t to applaud.


“Fuck this, I’m out of here,” I said to mom.


Mom grabbed me by the arm. “Billy! What are you doing!?!?” Apparently no one had ever just got up and left in the middle of one of Pastor Carl’s rants, especially right in front of him.


“I’m not going to stay here and listen to this garbage,” I replied, loud enough for the people around us to hear, including Pastor Carl. I shook free from mom’s grip and began to leave.


“Billy please, don’t cause a scene,” mom insisted. But it was too late. A scene had been caused. Very quickly, it became obvious that somebody was not willing to go along with the program. The applause had died down, and people were noticing the really tall kid with long hair was tripping over people in the second row in an attempt to get to the hell out of that place with his mother close behind trying to bring him back to his seat.


Mom grabbed me just as I reached the aisle and spun me around.


“Don’t do this to me, Billy. Come on, let’s just sit back down.”


“No,” I insisted. “How about you come with me instead? Who do you love more, me or him?”


Pastor Carl walked toward us, his face full of concern. “Paula, is there a problem?” he asked, and because he still had the microphone in his hand his voice echoed over the sound system so everyone could hear.


“No,” mom replied. “There’s no problem!” She yanked me by the arm back toward my seat. “Billy please,” she begged.


“I’m not going to sit here and be insulted,” I insisted.


“Who is insulting you, Billy?” Pastor Carl asked.


“You really need to ask that, Carl?” I replied.


“If my words are offending you, I can assure you that’s not my intention. Come, let’s just sit back down and enjoy the program.”


“No!” I insisted. “I’ve had enough. Gay people aren’t your enemy! We have just as much right to love each other and get married and live without people threatening us as you do!”


“Why are you so full of hate, Billy? God already struck your health because of your wicked desires. You think it was a coincidence that you got sick after you started committing such heinous fornication with the Reilly boy? God is not mocked, Billy. Your mother has never stopped praying for you to turn away from your sin and to come to Jesus and be healed of your sickness. Why won’t you repent and let Christ take away those evil feelings?”


“My feelings aren’t evil. You are!” I replied. “You abandoned your son because of his feelings. You’re not a man of God. You’re a monster.”


Mom’s grip on my arm loosened. I shook her loose and began the longest walk of my life up the aisle of that church with every set of eyes in the place looking at me with such contempt that I worried that I wouldn’t make it out alive. It’s a long walk from the second row to the exit!


Well, if everybody didn’t know before, they certainly knew now that I was gay. But you know what? I didn’t care! In a way, I was kind of glad. I wasn’t going to hide anymore. I wasn’t going to be ashamed of myself because of who I loved. The truth had set me free.


It occurred to me in the parking lot that I didn’t have a way home. But it didn’t matter. I was ready to start walking. As I walked along the street toward home, a car pulled up behind me. I was expecting my mother, but it was just a kid from school who offered me a ride home. I gladly jumped in the car and was thankful for the ride.


As soon as I got home I called Brett’s cell phone.


“So, I hear we’re fucking each other,” Brett said when he answered the phone.


“What? Who told you?”


“Dude, it’s a small town. My phone blew up about fifteen minutes ago. I can’t believe you finally stood up to that guy!”


“Yeah, but now things are worse. Everybody’s going to find out.”


“And?” Brett asked.


“And people are going to know what we’re doing!”


“And?” he asked again.


“Brett, I’m serious!”


“So am I! How many times do I have to tell you? I’m not ashamed of our relationship one little bit! I love you.”


“I love you too, but still…”


“Billy, I know you’re scared. I know you think everything is going to blow up because of this. But it’s not. And even if it does, who cares? It’s all built on lies anyway. I don’t care what happens, as long as we’re together. I’ve never been so proud of you. You finally stood up to all of those liars and hypocrites. You finally stood up for us, but more importantly you stood up for yourself!”


“Well, I didn’t really have a choice. I had to do something.”


“Well, no matter what happens, just remember how much I love you. What does your mom think about all this?”


“I don’t know yet. Hell, by the end of the evening I may be staying with you guys. I think I just heard her pull in. You better get the spare room ready, just in case.”


“Okay. Just remember, I love you.”


“I know. I love you too. I’ll let you know how it goes.”


I hung up the phone and marched into the living room as mom came in from the garage.


“What the fuck was that?!?!” I asked.


“What the hell were you thinking?!?” mom asked at the same time.


“What was I thinking? Your fucking psychopath preacher just outed me to the whole fucking town!”


“That’s a lie! You were the one making a scene!”


“Me? Did you not hear the disgusting language he was using to describe your own kid?”


“What you’re doing is disgusting, Billy! I’ve been more than patient with you! But I can no longer ignore the filthy things you’re doing with that boy! It’s an abomination!”


“It’s just sex, mother! You were fucking David before you were married and you don’t hear me complaining.”


“That’s not even close to being the same thing! You’re having gay sex, Billy! It’s not just sex! It’s gay sex!”


“Yes! Of course I’m having gay sex! That’s the only kind of sex I want to have because I am gay!”


“Stop saying that! You’re not gay!”


“You could have fooled me! I could have sworn I had Brett’s dick in my ass just the other day! That was kind of gay!”


“Oh that’s hideous!” mom gagged. “How can you even say something like that?”


“Because it’s the truth! Brett and I don’t sit around reading poetry to each other, you know! We’re boyfriends. We have sex just like everybody else. We’re not doing anything wrong!”


“Yes you are! Man shall not lie with man as he lies with woman, Billy! What you are doing is sin! It’s wickedness and it has to stop!”


“I don’t believe in sin. I think the Bible is stupid and so is anyone who believes it. God isn’t real. There’s no such thing as sin because your stupid little book was written by people who were idiots and wanted to control everybody’s life.”


“I can’t believe you’re saying this! How can you not believe in God? That’s not the way we raised you!”


“Oh please, we went to church like twice a year, if that, before you fell all over yourself for Father Fuck-Face.”


“I don’t know what’s worse, you being an atheist or a f…”


“A what, mom? A faggot? Were you going to call me a faggot?”


“No… I was going to say a disrespectful little monster. What would your father say if he heard you talking like this?”


“Dad’s dead. And before he died he was happy for me and Brett. He wanted us to be happy together. You were always the one he was worried about. You’ve let that stupid preacher fuck up your head! You should be proud that I have someone who loves me, not angry with me!”


“Billy, I’m not angry with you. I’m sorry for you. You’re just confused, that’s all. You’re just confused and messed up. You’ve let that Reilly woman and that teacher of yours turn you against me! I knew I shouldn’t have let you be around a couple of lesbians. They’ve corrupted your mind!”


“You think Dr. Reilly is a lesbian?” I laughed. “Oh my god, that’s hilarious! Oh, if you only knew who Brett’s daddy is! I almost want to tell you just to see your face when you find out who it is! But I can assure you, Brett’s mom is quite straight. An adulteress, yeah, but not a lesbian. But then, I guess you’d think being a lesbian is worse than sleeping with somebody’s husband. Right?”


“In either case, I think you’ve proven my point. I don’t want you to be around her any longer. I forbid you from going over there. And I forbid you from seeing that boy of hers any more. This craziness has to end. And you are going to apologize to Pastor Carl for embarrassing him in front of his congregation.”


“Hell will freeze over before I ever apologize to that man. And you can’t forbid me from shit. I’m going to be eighteen next Sunday.”


“You still will be living in my house,” mom said.


“Not necessarily. Maybe I’ll go live with my boyfriend. Then we can fuck all the time!”


“You’re not moving in with him.”


“And how are you going to stop me?”


“Is Brett going to pay for your insulin? Is that woman going to pay for your doctor visits?”


“You would seriously not pay for my insulin?”


“You tell me. Are you going to do what I say or not?”


“So all that talk about us beating diabetes together… That was all just a lie right?”


“No, but I won’t allow my son to disrespect me and spit in my face when I’m paying to keep him alive. I’ve been more than fair, Billy. I will continue to let you live here, completely free, even after you graduate and until you go to college. You’ll be able to come back here and live at home during the summer. I’ll continue to pay for all your medical needs, even when you go to college. All of that is yours, if you choose to accept it. All I ask in return is that you do one thing. I want you to end this foolishness with that boy. Stay away from him, even at school. End it. Do we have a deal or not?”


“And if I say no?


“I don’t even want to go there. You said it yourself, you’re going to be eighteen in a week. If being forced to live on your own is the price you have to pay to put an end to this silly notion that you’re in love with that boy, then so be it.”


“Well, I guess this is goodbye then,” I replied. “I’ll pack my things.”


Your things? You can have anything you bought with your own money, but that’s it. And I guess since my insurance is paying for that insulin pump you better leave that here too.”


“Are you fucking kidding me? Are you trying to kill me?”


“No! I’m trying to save you! Why can’t you understand that?”


“This is the most evil thing you’ve ever done. I guess I have no choice and I have to stay here if I want to live, but I don’t want to live without Brett, so here you go.”


I yanked the insulin tube loose from my leg, took Navi out of my pocket and laid it on the table. Then I walked out the door, never to return.



Thanks for reading!

Next time: The Resistance Begins
Copyright © 2017 jkwsquirrel; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

6 hours ago, droughtquake said:

Unfortunately, Paula misinterprets the ‘him’ in that question as her god rather than her minister.  ;-)

So? that does not make it any better. She still chooses an imaginary friend in the sky over her own son. 

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5 hours ago, Freerider said:

So? that does not make it any better. She still chooses an imaginary friend in the sky over her own son. 


Lol, I just reread this. It sounds really angry towards @droughtquake. That was not at all my intention. 

I wrote it just after reading this chapter and that obviously did not affect me at all 0:) 

Edited by Freerider
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On ‎12‎/‎28‎/‎2017 at 6:43 PM, Wesley8890 said:

Go billy! Fuck that stupid cunt and you're mom! You did the right thing. I'm sure jen will help anyway! This was the best chapter yet!!!! I would like to know what David thinks about Paula's little stunt just now

Thanks Wesley!  Glad you liked it.

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On ‎12‎/‎28‎/‎2017 at 7:03 PM, Israfil said:

I don’t know but I have a feeling the Vanilla Douche will surprise us.  He might not be a big fan of Billy’s but it’s possible he won’t like Paula effectively blackmailing her son over this.


On ‎12‎/‎28‎/‎2017 at 7:17 PM, Shadow086 said:

Funny thing is, I never got the impression that he's not a fan of Billy's, just that Billy isn't a fan of his.  I think he actually likes Billy, but keeps his distance because Billy never wants anything to do with him.  I hope he files for divorce and leaves her all alone in that house, she deserves it.


On ‎12‎/‎28‎/‎2017 at 9:15 PM, Wesley8890 said:

I love how we are all wondering how David will take this. He's not as bad as he seems, plus we've only seen him from Billy's viewpoint


On ‎12‎/‎28‎/‎2017 at 9:18 PM, Shadow086 said:

Chances are we won't see the Vanilla Douche get his moment, since Billy won't be there to see it.  But I'm expecting him to go "What the fuck, Paula?!" when he finds out what happened.  I think he'll end up being Billy's most unexpected ally in this.

Let me just say that I think Billy would be proud that so many people just refer to David as 'vanilla douche.'  It's an interesting switch from George.  We knew just about everything about George.  But we only know what Billy allows us to know about David.  But you can kind of see that he's not as bad as Billy makes him out to be.  It's kind of the opposite of the way Billy described Brett way back in part one.  Billy only described Brett in glowing terms, but if you looked closely you could see the bratty qualities that would emerge later.  Are there hidden depths to Mr. Bland that Billy isn't telling us?

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On ‎12‎/‎28‎/‎2017 at 7:10 PM, Shadow086 said:

What the fuck, Paula?!  Seriously, go to hell.


I'm so proud of Billy for finally standing up for himself in both situations.  It's about time someone talked back to that so-called "pastor", and Billy did it as calmly and maturely as I could've expected him to.


As for Paula...

I still had a shred of hope that she'd get her head out of her ass and stand by Billy, but that's obviously not going to happen.  Maybe she'll calm down and realise she over-reacted, but it's too late and the damage is done.  I can't blame Billy one bit for reacting the way he did, threatening to take away his insulin is the lowest of the lows.  Paula just burned every bridge and filled the river with molten lava.  Even if she does try to mend their now non-existent relationship, I don't see Billy ever talking to her again.  I really hope this is the end of Paula's being part of the town 'elite', fuck that bitch.


What was the Vanilla Douche doing while this was going on?  And why do I have the feeling he's going to take Billy's side?


Next chapter sounds like it's the start of "B&B Against the World", and hopefully bringing down that hateful preacher and his lackeys (including Paula).



Now that I’ve had a chance to calm down, I can analyse the fight with Paula with a level head. What she said and did was inexcusable, but reading that conversation again I noticed a few things. She’s still conflicted between her son and her religious beliefs, and she allowed her anger and desire for acceptance to lead her to making the wrong choice. On the insulin part, I think she was seriously expecting Billy to back down like he usually does, and Billy called her bluff. And she should be smart enough to know that Billy’s way too stubborn to change his mind about moving out.


I honestly can’t see Jen not taking Billy in and not paying for his medical bills. Brett wouldn’t let her get away with that.


And what about the coin box, Jeff? :D

I take it you're angry at Paula?  lol!  What I see here is the absence of George.  See, each parent would play the mediator when the other parent would go too far when they dealt with Billy (who can be quite a challenge to deal with even two-on-one).  But with George gone, and with David still trying to find his place in the family, there's no one to check Paula's desire to change Billy into something he's not.  And also, George was the one who know how pull Billy back from his temper.  Every once in a while George would just lay down the law with a "Shut up, boy" and that would keep him from going over the edge.  Billy respected his father in a way that he doesn't respect his mother.  In your additional comments, you have discovered the conflict in Paula's life.  She's an adult version of Billy, desperate for the acceptance from the crowd and willing to do just about anything to get it.  Do I think she expected Billy to walk out?  Well, he's always caved before.  Why should she have expected this time to be any different?

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On ‎12‎/‎28‎/‎2017 at 7:54 PM, Okiegrad said:

So where is the coin collection his dad told Billy and Brett about? Grab it and sell it and I’m sure it’s more than enough to get him by.  Or, now that he has nothing to lose, he needs to visit Jack again and drive the knife deep into his wallet!

Where is the coin collection?  Answer: the same place it was at the beginning of the story - in the safe.  But not for much longer...

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On ‎12‎/‎28‎/‎2017 at 8:16 PM, srchr35 said:

Wow! What comes next? This is serious business.


Thanks!  It's always an adventure around here!

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On ‎12‎/‎28‎/‎2017 at 8:20 PM, spikey582 said:

Paula's homophobia was quite evident, a very long time ago.  She spouted all kinds of homophobic bullshit back when Billy first mentioned his teacher (who's name I've now forgotten).  I was expecting this a long time ago.  I was actually way more surprised that she had been so easy going about it back when she first admitted to knowing.  I'm kind of in awe of her bizarre behavior in this chapter.  She knew damn well that George was not only aware of Billy and Brett's relationship, but supportive of it.  This bullshit NEVER would have taken place when George was still alive, so it's pathetic that she's trying to manipulate Billy with that "what would your father say" nonsense.  She started in on the "just a phase" crap conveniently after George passed away.  And she just let it go, all the while being a complete homophobic bitch the entire time, until the moment that Billy threatened her status publicly in front of the church that has been oh so important to her.  That's the real motivation for this.  


But regardless, that is absolutely the most unchristian thing I've seen anyone pull in this story.  More so than just that preacher pulling a stereotypical maneuver and kicking the kid out.  She's literally putting Billy's life in immediate jeopardy by trying to deny him insulin unless he "straightens up."  I mean, what happens if he goes into a diabetic coma and dies?  She's a nurse.  Isn't there potential legal ramifications that she could face by denying someone their necessary and life-saving medication?  We haven't seen enough of David to know much about him, but would he really be okay with Billy dying?  Would Paula really be okay with that?  


I think what pissed me off the most was the fact that the ONLY reason Billy had even showed up there was that Carl wasn't supposed to be giving a homophobic rant.  Did Paula know that was going to happen anyway?  I mean, Billy doesn't attend that church for expressly that reason.  Was she surprised that the kid, who withdrew from this congregation to avoid hearing that man spout his hatred, would get up and leave when he's being subject to some of the worst stuff presented yet?  And for him to actually equate Billy's diagnosis as a punishment from god.  Again she's a healthcare professional.  What the actual fuck?  She wasn't offended by that?  That's her fucking son.  I guess she truly does love that bullshit more than her son. 


The silver lining here is that Billy was on the edge of 18, so he could legally walk out and it basically wouldn't matter.  


I too would like to see David walk out and leave Paula alone with her reputation.  Perhaps that will keep her warm at night.  I can't imagine anyone from that church being there for anyone when it really counts.  She can't even be there for her son to make sure he doesn't die.  Disgusting.  

You're absolutely right.  This wouldn't have happened if George were still around.  I mentioned in a previous comment above - George and Paula knew how to keep each other in check so that they didn't go overboard with Billy.  Paula is like an adult version of Billy in this regard - she longs for acceptance.  Why is Billy such a pussy when it comes to revealing his sexuality at school?  Fear of getting beat up?  No, it's the fear of rejection.  For Paula, she has finally found a place in that church where she is receiving the acceptance she's always desired, and Pastor Carl knows exactly how to pull the strings.  He's manipulated his congregation by playing on their prejudice against those who don't fit in, particularly those vile, nasty, unrepentant homosexuals.  Unfortunately for Paula, her son just happens to be one of "those people."  Does she dare to face her greatest fear, or does she lose her son?

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On ‎12‎/‎28‎/‎2017 at 8:43 PM, Benji said:

B).................... That was a great blow up in the church, and his mother promised that it was a x-mas program w/o the pastor, I'm not sure if she was lying or not. But I smell of a set up to trap Billy as the intended victim, and with the McKenzie family and David missing?  What was she thinking, she knew Billy's feelings and his view of the church and Pastor. She was also aware of the last time he was in the church and yet she led him into this and tried to make him stay.  Now she has basically disowned him and denied him his medicine and clothing, the news will be out all over town within 15 minutes. I think David will be furious with the the attention she just heaped upon them (I wonder if Billy's dad left a will?)


 Well the only thing that will make this better is if somebody expose's the 'good reverend' for past indiscretions, perhaps a few skeleton's in the closet?.  Great chapter!!

I don't think she was planning for Pastor Carl to speak.  He was out of town and I don't think she expected him to be there.  But then, I don't think she was too upset about it until Billy had enough and embarrassed her.  As for a will, when George died everything went to Paula, no will was necessary.  As for Carl, I wouldn't get your hopes up that he has some secret love affair or anything hidden in his past.  He strikes me as someone who practices what he preaches, even if what he preaches is junk.  I mean, he kicked his own son out in the street.  No, his weakness is his ever-increasing ego, and you know what comes after pride.

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On ‎12‎/‎28‎/‎2017 at 8:47 PM, droughtquake said:

These were the arcs for Billy and Paula that were set long ago. It’s been inevitable that they would butt heads and have a serious falling out. They are both too stubborn to budge. It’s still not totally irreparable, but things will never be the way they were when George was still alive. George distracted Paula from focusing on Billy and also functioned to ease their differences somewhat. In addition, Paula was much less of a religious fanatic back then.


This also points out why Universal Healthcare is such a vital goal in the US, the only major industrialized nation not to have it! Healthcare is a right, not a privilege. No one should have the ability to withhold healthcare to force another person to do as they demand. Paula is the embodiment of what is wrong with the US today!


Legally, Paula is still obligated to take care of Billy including paying for his healthcare. Realistically, it might take more time, financial resources, and energy to force her to fulfill her obligations though. She might get away with her illegal behavior (just as some, higher profile criminals are getting away with their illegal actions).

Yep!  All of this is good stuff!  I don't think it will come to Billy suing his mother, though.

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On ‎12‎/‎28‎/‎2017 at 8:55 PM, droughtquake said:

I think someone else is getting The Cockney Canuck confused with W.A.R.! I’m glad I’m not the only one who reads too many stories at once and mixes them up occasionally. But I still think that Billy and Robbie should reveal each other's secrets to the ones they’ve been holding out on.  ;-)


On ‎12‎/‎28‎/‎2017 at 8:58 PM, Benji said:


B)................. Nice, you caught it before I could correct it!!  :P  Yes, while I was re-reading it after posting, I tried to pull back, but it was too late!! :o

Another story that I'm going to have to check out!

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On ‎12‎/‎28‎/‎2017 at 9:00 PM, Shadow086 said:

I don't think this is reparable.  Even if Paula does come around and accepts Billy, I don't think he'll ever trust her again after what she did.  He's going to think it's a trap and that she's going to turn on him again the minute he goes back to her house, just like she did when George died.  Withholding his insulin was the bridge too far, I don't think Billy will ever get over the fact that she was willing to watch him die because of his sexuality.

If left on their own?  I agree, this is too big for them to fix.  But they aren't on their own, and there's still a certain hyperactive wild card in the deck yet to play.  Maturity always comes from the most unlikely of places.

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On ‎12‎/‎28‎/‎2017 at 9:17 PM, glennish said:

I know I have said this comment before in his story but..............WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!   Paula,  What the Fuck woman!!!!! that is your son, Your child and you just willingly admitted by telling him you wouldn't cover his diabetic supplies unless he kept pretending to be straight that you would let him die!!!  It could conceivably be a death sentence if Billy doesn't get his insulin and she was willing to do it instead of having him live in his "life of sin."  I hope Dr. Rielly will let him live there and cover his supplies until he gets a job.  And the hypocrisy of Pastor Carl, pretending that he didn't know why Billy would be upset, then saying that Billy's illness was caused by God because of Billy's sins. 


I will also agree with others and say that this did seem like a set-up between Paula and Carl.  But we may be off base here.

I appreciate those "wows" very much!  Paula fucked up, didn't she?

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On ‎12‎/‎28‎/‎2017 at 9:03 PM, Page Scrawler said:

For anyone who's ever struggled with the question of how to be gay AND Christian, The God Box, by Alex Sanchez, is a worthy read. It sounds like Billy, Paula, and even Pastor Carl could use a copy.

I don't think the Vanilla Douche is as vanilla as Billy makes him out to be. He just hasn't had his moment in the spotlight yet, and he might just surprise everyone when he gets that moment. :)

Thanks for this resource!  Pastor Carl doesn't preach the gospel, he preaches hate.  Not every preacher is like this, in fact I'd say most aren't.

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On ‎12‎/‎28‎/‎2017 at 9:22 PM, Shadow086 said:

You really think Brett would let her turn Billy away and not pay for his supplies?


On ‎12‎/‎28‎/‎2017 at 9:25 PM, glennish said:

No i don't, but Jen does have her own secrets and knows that Billy Knows them.  She has also threatened to Keep the B's apart to keep her own secrets too.


On ‎12‎/‎28‎/‎2017 at 9:35 PM, Shadow086 said:


Yeah, good luck with that.  I also think she's not stupid enough to try what Paula just did.  And it's not like Billy could threaten to tell those secrets to Brett if she doesn't let him stay, right?  I don't think it's going to come to that, but Billy could easily blackmail Jen into taking him in.  And if she knows just how far Billy is willing to go to be with Brett, wouldn't it make more sense for her to have Billy live in her house, where she can keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn't say things he shouldn't?

Could you imagine the gasket that would explode if Brett found out that Billy blackmailed his mother?  It's already a festering wound under the surface of their relationship that he even knows who Brett's father is.  That would be a nuclear bomb, and I'm not a good enough writer to be able to put that back together! :D

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3 hours ago, jkwsquirrel said:

Thanks for this resource!  Pastor Carl doesn't preach the gospel, he preaches hate.  Not every preacher is like this, in fact I'd say most aren't.

Another good story (non-GA) is Michael J Bowler's Children of the Knight series. A group of broken and homeless kids rallies around King Arthur of Camelot, who has been summoned from Avalon to change the status quo in present-day Los Angeles. Some kids sell or abuse drugs and alcohol. Some sell their bodies. Some just need a place to call home, someone who will guide them and love them, no matter the color of their skin, or who they fall in love with. King Arthur makes it his crusade to fight against the "war on kids" in America, and to clean up the streets and broken neighborhoods. The story deals with racism, homophobia, intolerance, abuse of kids and controlled substances, gov't corruption and adults who are lazy, cruel, or indifferent. Despite all of these things, the story is well balanced by messages of love and friendship amongst one's peers, and respect and loyalty for the family that you make in your heart. :)

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On ‎12‎/‎28‎/‎2017 at 9:27 PM, jaysalmn said:

What a great chapter! Omg, Paula should burn in hell!! All those god loving Christians like her are the most hateful, bigoted hypocrites ever! Like Paula surely wasn't banging the vanilla douche while her husbamd was still alive. WE ALL KNOW SHE WAS!! To threaten Billy with hos own life was a new low for that bitch! Of course Brett's mom will gladly take Billy in, and pay for his insulin. Unlike Paula, she's not a spiteful bitch. I seriously think things between Billy and Paula is unrepairable. Seriously, who the fuck would want to repair a relationship with someone like her?? I sure as hell wouldn't if I were Billy! This is getting good! Can't wait for the next chapter!!

Well, I will say that in the case of this particular church the people are suffering with a case of bad leadership.  Not every, in fact most, Christians aren't like what is portrayed here.  Bad people do bad things regardless of their label.  Too often, we turn a blind eye to people who are in our tribe and think the worst of people in other tribes.  Conservative-Liberal, for instance.  But we'll see how things go in the Roberts tribe.

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On ‎12‎/‎28‎/‎2017 at 9:39 PM, glennish said:

Can't wait now for next week.........Vive La rèsistance.



You might be surprised who is in!

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On ‎12‎/‎28‎/‎2017 at 10:21 PM, glennish said:

Upon re-reading, this chapter can be summed up by one simple question by Billy :


"Who do you love more, me or him?”




On ‎12‎/‎28‎/‎2017 at 10:30 PM, Shadow086 said:

Yes, and she better hope she can live with her choice, because Billy won't let her forget it.


On ‎12‎/‎28‎/‎2017 at 10:36 PM, droughtquake said:

Unfortunately, Paula misinterprets the ‘him’ in that question as her god rather than her minister.  ;-)


On ‎12‎/‎29‎/‎2017 at 5:16 AM, Freerider said:

So? that does not make it any better. She still chooses an imaginary friend in the sky over her own son. 


On ‎12‎/‎29‎/‎2017 at 11:07 AM, Freerider said:


Lol, I just reread this. It sounds really angry towards @droughtquake. That was not at all my intention. 

I wrote it just after reading this chapter and that obviously did not affect me at all 0:) 

I got a kick out of this conversation!  Thanks guys!

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5 hours ago, Page Scrawler said:

Another good story (non-GA) is Michael J Bowler's Children of the Knight series. A group of broken and homeless kids rallies around King Arthur of Camelot, who has been summoned from Avalon to change the status quo in present-day Los Angeles. Some kids sell or abuse drugs and alcohol. Some sell their bodies. Some just need a place to call home, someone who will guide them and love them, no matter the color of their skin, or who they fall in love with. King Arthur makes it his crusade to fight against the "war on kids" in America, and to clean up the streets and broken neighborhoods. The story deals with racism, homophobia, intolerance, abuse of kids and controlled substances, gov't corruption and adults who are lazy, cruel, or indifferent. Despite all of these things, the story is well balanced by messages of love and friendship amongst one's peers, and respect and loyalty for the family that you make in your heart. :)

Sounds interesting!  Thanks again!

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Wow... what can you say to a mother threatening to cut off his medication if he doesn't bow before his mother's demands? I'm honestly at a loss for words over Paula, I hated her before, now I guess I've moved on to despise and loathe... Parents are to provide support and nurturing to their kids, not attempt to blackmail them into what you want. Ugh... Paula eat shit bitch! I'm proud of Billy for standing up to the preacher and his mother, he's strong when push comes to shove. Great Chapter and great writing as always Jeff, keep up the awesome work!!!

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I agree with everyone's comments. Paula is a manipulative, conniving bitch, and to blackmail her own son by withholding his meds is despicable. @glennish was absolutely right about Billy's line. I really think she loves Father Fuckface more than anyone. I can't even say she loves Billy. That's not love, it's manipulation. I was so proud of Billy for sticking up for himself and not giving in to her demands. I was even prouder of him for standing up for himself to FF (Father Fuckface). HE'S talking about Billy hating????? Omg, has he ever looked in a mirror? HE'S the one who hates anyone different than himself. He kicked his own son out of his life for something the kid has no control over. His congregation consists of a bunch of haters who follow with bated breath all the shit he spews.


I also believe vanilla douche is going to come through for Billy. I think he's going to be horrified when he finds out his new wife blackmailed Billy. She's turned into a monster just like FF.

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There is so much to enjoy about this chapter.  My favorite line is "I wondered if Jesus would have even been welcome in such a place."   That was super awesome.  As a Christian, I don't approve of assholes.

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Remember when I said Billy is like the Tony Stark of this story? That's even more true now that he has a device attached to his body that's keeping him alive. And then when he yanks it out I really felt some Iron Man vibe. Lmao! 

I noticed that most of the threats are coming from the people on the high ground - meaning the adults. On the other hand, the younger generations are open minded with the LGBT community. This could lead to a battle between the two generations. 

Paula has completely succumbed to homophobia even to the extend of having her son killed. She is already blinded. I would consider her relationship with her son to be far too gone. There's no coming back from this. 

The house of cards has finally collapsed! I've had enough of Paula a long time ago. But this is on another level. We're going to war!


Okay I'm gonna lay this theory about Mr. Bland:

I remember when George didn't mind with David and Paula being together. Even if Billy already told him about the affair.

David appears to be silent, but it feels like he's just observing the situation quietly.

So, I think that David was connected to George all along. And he was asked by George to take care of what he left behind. In particular, Billy.

Then, when things blow up. David's gonna be the one who will save the day.

A bit far fetched. But let's see. Hahaha!


Edited by noahthesmallpotato
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On ‎4‎/‎13‎/‎2020 at 11:59 PM, GanymedeRex said:

There is so much to enjoy about this chapter.  My favorite line is "I wondered if Jesus would have even been welcome in such a place."   That was super awesome.  As a Christian, I don't approve of assholes.

Billy's more perceptive than he realizes sometimes.  What was on display here was as far from Christ as one could get, an insult to him.  He would be spinning in his grave if he were still in it.

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