Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
The Tragedy of Yinx - 24. ...The Fall of the King.
Four Months Later
The King of Avelin
It is a cold night out.
The moon is shining bright and the castle of Bancroft still stands tall.
The city of Avelin has tried to repair many of the broken homes. Bodies still tend to be found at random.
The western side of the city is simply a giant pile of rubble. Nobody is willing to try to fix that section.
Anybody who bothers going in that direction finds themselves stamped with a golden sun and halo. Still, nobody knows how these marks are given out. We just know that you will die soon after being marked.
So many people died to the Demon. Their souls have hopefully been sent to the heavens.
I wish for my son’s soul to rise to heaven, but I know his will not. He may be a werewolf, but his choices of being with a man has no doubt set him up for the fiery pits of hell.
It feels a lot more lonely in the castle. Laneer never really spoke or stayed inside the castle, but just knowing he is gone really makes it all feel quieter in the castle.
The human that was possessed by the Demon pleaded for me to kill him. I...I have never experienced such a thing like that before. Nobody has cried and asked for me to kill them. Usually people fight back and try to survive. How much was the human inside hurting for him to cry for death?
I do not know why but I feel like I have made a mistake. That final moment just makes me feel like there possibly wasn’t a Demon at all. Just a broken man who has lost too much.
The Serendian had laughed and mocked me for believing in the Gatekeeper’s words. How could I not listen? She is a Goddess! Yet, the look he gave me when he was laid out on the sacrificial table…
I shiver and pull my cloak tighter around me.
There is just so much going on.
Apparently his body has disappeared. I guess the Gods finally took him away from this world. Perhaps that is for the best.
I toss a scroll onto the war table and walk towards my room. I could use a shower. Today has been a long day.
So many people have decided to grab all their things and go. They no longer feel safe in this city. It is either that, or they can no longer look at the destruction around them.
Honestly, I guess I can’t blame them. It is all a mess and even I wish I could leave. Unfortunately, I cannot.
This is my home. I grew up here. My family has owned this land for many generations. I will not give it up so easily just because a Demon had lost its temper.
I can’t help but sigh. There is so much to do. So many things to repair, so many homes. It will cost so much money and use a lot of resources.
For some reason the other kingdoms are not willing to offer their help to me. They do not wish to send resources my way because they do not want to risk getting the same problems as me. As if some random Demon would attack their shitty cities.
The old fools. I know they are only saying that because they realize I have been playing them many times throughout the years.
Perhaps this is what I had coming. A big slap from karma herself. I bet Laneer would be happy to see this. Well, not the destruction of the city, but the problems I have set for myself.
I frown. Everytime I looked at or thought of Laneer, my mind would immediately think of his mother.
She is still out there and very much alive. She is in the mountains and from what my spies have said, she has remarried.
I know she hated me and this city, but I know she cared greatly for Laneer.
Perhaps I should write a letter and let her know of what has happened to our son. It is the least I could do.
Since I was closer to the war table, I circle back and write a rather long letter about Laneer. I started off with telling her how he had died.
I might as well get the hard stuff over with first.
I’ll tell her about how much he has grown and how kind and caring he had become. No doubt he kept his Mother’s words close to his heart.
Then I tell her about the Serendian he had been caught with in the forest. Andromel told me how he found the both of them.
Obviously I do not tell her that a Demon had ruined Laneer and made him suffer. Instead I write down how much happier he was with the Serendian.
Maybe it is not entirely for his Mother, but I also hope that he was at least happy in his final moments.
I know that everytime I looked at him, all I saw was the disappointment of never getting an heir for when he were to die. I chose to ignore him and concentrate on literally anything else.
I fold the letter and bring it with me to my room. Instantly something does not feel right.
The window doors that open up to the my balcony is open.
With a frown, I quickly go over and shut the doors.
Maybe one of the maids forgot to close it when they came to set up my bath. They do that every now and then.
Turning to the bathroom, I strip from my clothes and get into the bath.
The Ancient Ones
Things have changed for the Dunbrali family.
They have technically all died yet our Master is back.
His name is no longer Yinx. It is Raiyo.
He looks so different from before. It is strange to look at him and see that it is indeed our Master.
We thought that he would have died like the rest and that we would have stayed by his body for eternity.
Honestly, we cannot complain. It is nice being able to follow our Master once again. The best part is that Raiyo is able to travel through all the realms. We are no longer stuck in the mortal realm.
Well, we say that, but Raiyo tends to visit the mortal realm quite often.
He has decided that he wishes to bring vengeance to anyone who tries to treat those who are poor and hopeless with hatred.
Already he has been labeled as a God, but some call him an Incubus of Vengeance.
Stories speak of an Incubus that travels through the night, seeking any of those that have raped, betrayed or preyed on the trust of the less fortunate.
Raiyo is considered the people’s God. While the other Gods seem to be all for themselves and never seem to help mankind, Raiyo answers their prayers.
We must say, we are quite proud of our Master. Sure, he may not be able to feel anything until he sucks the soul out of a living person, but he only does so to the ones that deserve it.
Right now, it is the King of Avelin.
He has been taxing the people to the point that it has gone too far. So many are starving or sick.
When there are those who cannot pay in time, they are to be whipped in the marketplace for all to see.
The amount of bodies that have scars right now is unbelievable.
So many have fled because of this very reason. However, the King has been known to send out search parties to bring those same people back.
There have been so many cries and prayers towards Raiyo. They want justice for what their King is doing to them.
Tonight is the night where their prayers are answered.
Raiyo travels around in the shadows. He stalks through the castle’s long hallways and tall doors.
Whenever his shadow gets close to a torch or candle, the fire goes out and the smoke it leaves behind flows into his body.
A giant doorway stands before him. Raiyo simply slips underneath the small gap between the floor and the bottom of the door.
We follow behind him.
We never interfere with his work. We are simply his closest workers. Raiyo sometimes even calls us his pets.
We try not to let the name get to us.
Raiyo pulls himself out of the shadows. His body fleshes out from the smoke and then he is physically in Thymestrys once again.
He sighs and smiles, taking in his surroundings.
Raiyo has made a rather interesting outfit. It is made of smooth, black leather. He made sure it covered all the glowing symbols on his body.
Unfortunately, we had told him how he died. We did not know he had lost his memory, but he did not seem to hate us thankfully.
After he learned of the origins of his markings, he considered them ugly.
His outfit covers the marks carefully, but still he shows all the skin that was not marked. Raiyo wants his victims to fall for him, to make them think they are in for a night of bliss. Only, that is the exact opposite of what they are to get.
We are not sure why he wanted this outfit honestly. His voice is blessed with magic that allows him to make almost any creature do as he wishes.
Recently, the symbols had begun to spread to his back. They formed a shape of wings. They glowed bright and Raiyo immediately wanted them to be hidden. Now he wears a cape made of never-ending, swirling smoke.
We must say, his glowing eyes are rather creepy. They look as if a fire burns inside of his head. It is a bit unsettling.
The King can be heard humming to himself in the bath.
Raiyo raises an eyebrow and smirks.
He lays on the bed and lightly drums one of his claws on an empty wine glass.
A folded letter sits next to the glass. Raiyo picks it up and raises an eyebrow. He shrugs and with a wave of his hand, the letter is teleported to his home in Enfierna.
He loves to read and learn the secrets in the world. All of the Gods are the same way.
The humming in the bathroom stops.
“Who is out there?” The King calls.
Raiyo beings to hum a sweet and slow song. His voice echoes and pierces through the bathroom door.
The sound of water falling out of the tub is all we hear as the King is most likely moving to get out. The door makes a click as it unlocks and then it is slowly pulled wide open.
The King stands there dripping wet and completely naked. He stares at Raiyo at first in shock from recognition, but then it turns into a look that shows that he has instantly become entranced.
Raiyo chuckles, his voices bouncing on the walls.
“My, my.” Raiyo says, “I never thought it would be this easy to get you naked.”
The King loudly swallows the bubble in his throat. “Who are you? How are you still alive?”
Raiyo’s body turns into smoke and it flies quickly towards the King. It circles around him and then his body becomes solid once again as he begins to circle around the King.
“Oh, my King,” Raiyo purrs as he runs his claws lightly over the King’s back. “I am no one. Just a humble creature of darkness who is looking for a man like you to satisfy me.”
The King’s eyes widen at the words. “I-I would never sleep with another man!”
Raiyo smirks then leans up to drag his tongue along the King’s neck.
“Lucky for you. I am not just a man.”
The King shivers and tries to move away from the Archdemon.
Raiyo grabs onto the King’s shoulder and digs his claws into his skin.
The King cries out but quickly grits his teeth to keep from making another noise.
“Come on now,” Raiyo coos. “Let us take this outside, shall we?”
The King’s body stiffens up and immediately walks out onto the balcony.
Raiyo flies in his smoke form and rematerializes on the balcony fence. He sits in a suggestive way that draws attention to the space between his legs.
The King tries not to look but he can’t help but bring his eyes back every time.
“It’s ok.” Raiyo smirks, “You can look, but you can’t touch.”
The King’s brow is caked with sweat as he tries to fight back from Raiyo’s charms. He is just a mere human. No amount of willpower will work for him.
Raiyo reaches out and drags his pointer finger along the King’s chest. A thin trail of blood forms as his claw digs into the middle space of it.
“You’ve been a naughty boy.” Raiyo snickers, “You know what I do with naughty boys?”
The King shakes his head and his body trembles in fear.
“I punish them.” Raiyo’s voices darken and the claw sinks into his flesh.
The King cries out but he does not move.
“I’ll tell you what.” Raiyo opens his legs. “I’ll let you touch for at least ten seconds. That is all I’ll allow you.”
Without any hesitation, the King moves into the space between Raiyo’s legs and immediately latches his mouth to his neck. Kissing and sucking up and down his neck and humping at Raiyo’s crotch.
The King moans and runs his hands all over Raiyo’s body. It is pretty disgusting how easily a King would lose his composure this easily.
Raiyo however, does not make a noise to the King’s onslaught. Not even an blink to acknowledge what the King is doing.
Raiyo’s eyes burn bright and the skin around them seem to darken. Four tendrils of smoke come out of his cape. The tips shine with the sharpness of the crystalized smoke.
Instantly, the tendrils snap forwards and sink into the King’s body. They impale him and he screams against Raiyo’s neck.
Raiyo pulls both he and the King over the balcony edge.
As they are falling, Raiyo pulls the King’s face back and opens his mouth. He begins to suck the soul out of the King.
A human soul is precious to Raiyo. It brings the ecstasy of finally being able to feel again. The soul lasts longer and it seems to heighten his senses.
Just as the two are about to hit the stony ground, Raiyo disappears into thin air. There is a loud thud and the sound of the King’s head popping open.
Raiyo reappears next to us and he grins. He closes his eyes and embraces the wind that dances across his skin.
He opens one eye and glances at us.
“Shall we return to Enfierna?” He asks.
We do not answer. There is no reason to. We do whatever he wishes.
Raiyo smirks and looks up at the Moon.
We are not sure what he is thinking, but we can tell there is something there. Something that he will not tell us. And why would he need to?
He is both an Archdemon and a God, therefore one of the most powerful beings in all the realms.
“Let’s go.” Raiyo says before opening a portal to the realm of Enfierna.
He walks through and we stare down at the body of the King.
What an interesting life Yinx has made.

I hope you enjoyed Yinx and Laneer! I really didn't expect to write so much for the "side character's origin story" but I just really loved it.

Part Three might come a lot later in the year. I need to flesh out the story for it more before I even think about writing it. However, I will be starting a brand new story soon!
See you then! ❤️
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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