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Jamie - The Journey Begins - 25. Chapter 25 It's all just hot air ?
My heart was beating so hard I thought it was going to clean burst outta my chest as I waited for him to arrive. I was rising up and down on my tippy toes, looking over the crowd before me - jeez LAX was busy today!
“Jamie,” That familiar southern twang caught my ear, almost like a lightning bolt. There was movement in the sea of people before me, then, in an instant, my vision was filled with his smiling face. In what seemed to be only a matter of seconds, Ben threw his arms around me. “Wow… that flight couldn’t have gone any slower! Missed you.” Our lips touched for the first time in what seemed months, but weren't really.
As we pulled apart a little, I noticed that Ben was biting his lower lip. He had a sexy-ass look on his face. I could see and almost feel his eyes searching my face. I couldn’t do much other than just stand there looking back at him almost breathless. “I’m so happy you’re back…we're back together."
We were in our own world, shielded by an invisible bubble that kept the rest of the world locked out as life continued around. We were completely oblivious to the movement, sounds and people scrambling around the baggage collection. “I swear, Ben, you keep that sexy-ass look on your face and I’ma gonna throw you down right here and get us both arrested.”
“Oh…hmm,” he replied, laughing. “Time in handcuffs would be okay with me.” Luckily his bag finally appeared, saving us both from getting charged with sex in a public place or some morality thing. Reaching out I pulled his bags off the carousel. “Come on you, let’s get going.” With a smile, we headed out the doors and to the parking garage.
“Where are we going first? Straight to Tom’s place, or do we get to do some water skiing first?” Ben’s voice sounded like an excited kid, asking if he can go play at a friend’s house.
"Well, no water skiing tonight.” I quickly countered the disappointment that washed across Ben’s face with that one. “Thought we could stay here in LA for the night, you know. Go for a walk along the beach, maybe get some dinner. Have a spa… you know…” wiggling my eyebrows at him as we’d finally arrived at the truck I’d borrowed. Again, thanks Josh, you are a godsend. “Hope that’s okay?”
“Sure, just as long as you’re there, I’m happy, but damn, I’m starved Jamie!”
“You? Hungry…Ben?” I half laughed. He could eat as much as me at times. I’m pretty good at stowing the food away. “Wanna grab a quick burger or something?”
His face was all smiles. I think I could have told him we were having a vegan feast and he would have been happy with. In a split second my mind drifted back to what had happened between us. My mind was full of ‘why did I let the whole mess drag on so long?’ Pushing those thoughts away as his hand came to rest on mine, he snapped me back to the here and now.
“Hey how about ‘In n Out?’”
My mouth was almost watering at the thought. “Oh yeah - am loving that place at the moment. Or do you want Carl’s?”
“Oh yeah… In n Out, double double.” Ben’s face lit up, “with-”
“I remember,” laughing, “animal fries, and a root beer.” Smiling at my guy, I fired up the truck and we pulled out of the parking garage, almost on cue, our stomachs were growling in sync…
“Sounds like I’m not the only hungry one,” Ben replied flashing a huge smile across at me. “Missed you, Skip,” he said lovingly, giving my hand a little squeeze.
"Missed you too, Buckaroo." I laughed a little. Somehow we had given each other weird nicknames - mine was ‘Skip' after ‘Skippy the Bush Kangaroo' cult TV show back home in the '70s - I was telling Ben how my sister and older brother watched it after school. I tried for years to make a whistle out of a gum tree leaf, like Sonny, the lead character, did. Finally did, but nothing like they did on the TV show. So it stuck. We hunted up a few episodes on YouTube - he loved it. Mine for Ben was simpler: we were watching "Hunt for Red October.” I turned and looked at him - he was wearing his old Rice Stadium Tee, and began ‘Buckaroo.'
With our delicious takeaway in our greedy hands, I let the tailgate of the truck down. We sat out in the beautiful mid-afternoon sun. It was a little cooler today, in the mid-eighties with a light breeze. Honestly, we could have been anywhere - we were caught up in our own little world, chatting while filling our faces - okay, me doing my thing - saying ‘hi’ to people as they walked past us.
With that sexy Texan smirk happening on his face, I couldn’t help myself. I was like a love-struck kid. I leaned in, kissing his cheek. Whilst I was pulling away, I paused. His burger was halfway toward his mouth. Clearly, I’d interrupted his next bite, but the proximity of his food and my ever-present need to stir things up got the better of me. Catching his eye for a second, I grinned and quickly grabbed his hand and stole a bite of his burger.
With howls of mock outrage “Hey, get your own,” and some faux indignation. He was trying his best to pull on a look that, I’m betting was well practiced by Ben after his brothers did something similar I’d bet as a kid for sure.
Wasn’t a bad face either, something like what I may have seen on occasion from either Mason or Kate’s faces when we were kids - no photos so no proof, okay? Haha. Mind you it wasn’t that often that I’d managed to get one up on them as kids, but damn it was so-so sweet when I did. The big difference this time, Ben was laughing, not calling for mom or dad like Mason or Katie would.
After filling up on food and drink, I cleaned up our trash, jogging over to the bin while Ben made a pit stop to the bathroom - I swear that guy has the bladder the same size as my nephew.
Pulling into the hotel we were greeted by the guys out front who took our bags and parked the truck while we walked to reception and checked in.
“Good afternoon! Welcome to ‘Loews!’” We were greeted at the desk by a smiling attendant.
“Thank you. I have a reservation under Spence.” Sliding my credit card and license over the counter.
Rachel looked at me and smiled. "I love your accent, Mr. Spence. What part of Australia are you from?”
“The southern states, east coast.” I smiled, quietly checking out Ben’s sweet butt from the corner of my eye. Damn my accent really stood out today - it seemed so much louder - kinda stronger when Ben started to speak to her against his sweet Texan twang.
“Are you both from Australia?”
Ben smiled sweetly, “No Ma’am, I’m from Austin. My boyfriend is over from Australia for a year on a Firefighter program." He looked as if he was practically beaming at the moment, "So I’m taking every opportunity to spend time with him.” It was so cute - I couldn’t help but smile a shy smile at him, looking to the ground for a moment. “Plus, my family loves him, so if I want him to myself I have to come to Cali.”
Rachel smiled, letting out a little chuckle. “Wow - Texas and Australia! How did you guys meet?”
“By accident really,” I joked. Ben smiled at my line.
“I’m an EMT Paramedic back home and was called to an MVA that this one was in," Ben replied, shooting me an eat-shit grin.
“Really! So it was by accident then?”
“Yes Ma’am. This one here and his cousin were slammed into by a driver that had a medical event and lost control of his truck, so they needed some help.”
I couldn’t believe how chatty was Ben today - not that he’s quiet or anything, not by a long shot. Just he normally doesn’t offer anything up without being asked. It was sweet and kinda endearing. He had such a beautiful smile on his face, his trademark light-up-the-room smiles. Ben is one of the few people I’ve met that can honestly light up a room and change the mood of the place by simply smiling. He chatted away with Rachel, quite comfortable in his surroundings.
“Hmm, a little help… is that what we’re calling it these days Ben, huh?” I asked, doing my best Cameron from Ferris Bueller’s day off impersonation. “Ben… you’re my hero.”
“Aww, that’s so sweet, Mr. Rush,” Rachel smiled, but looking a little confused with our exchange. “Just one second please… let me check something.” She quickly disappeared around the corner to the little office behind the counter.
Turning to Ben, I gently leaned in, my mouth almost touching his ear. “Got any plans for this evening, Mr. Rush? Maybe a walk along the beach, then head over to the pier?” I could see the movement on his face. He was smiling.
In a hushed voice came, “I’d like to go to our room for an hour first.” Turning slightly towards me, I could see the left-hand side of his face. He’d started to blush, and his eyes weren’t hiding what was on his mind, mine either really.
Rachel reappeared. “Sorry for the delay. I’ve been able to upgrade your room to one of our beachfront suites. Here are your room keys and wrist bands for the pool and spa area. I hope you enjoy your stay with us.”
We both answered in unison, "Thank you, Rachel! That's so kind, really - thank you!”
Stepping back from the counter, we were just standing there looking at each other, not sure what else to say or do, thanking her again. We then headed to the lifts and up to our room.
It was only a short lift ride and walk down the corridor to our room. For once I was able to make those stupid electronic keys work first time round. Swinging the door open I was amazed at the beautiful view that unfolded before us. My eyes were drawn through the room to the huge open walkthrough glass doors that framed the Pacific perfectly. It was behaving itself today. “Oh wow, Jamie! The ocean looks like a giant mirror running all that way out to the beautiful blue sky on the horizon.”
“I know, right, and the with the Santa Monica pier off to our right, it’s gonna look fantastic in the night too, hey”.
I was standing there looking outside when Ben came up behind me and slipped his arms around my waist. His body pressed against gently, resting his chin on my left shoulder. “I don’t mind if we don’t go out again today,” he purred in my ear.
Taking his hands in mine, I slowly loosened his grip on me. Turning around, looking at his beautiful face. “I can think of some indoor activities for us to do if you like.” Before he could answer I closed in on his beautiful mouth. Our lips touching for a moment, I gently teased his mouth and nipped on his bottom lip.
“Oh Jamie,” Ben moaned, his hands sliding up my back under my shirt, their warmth mixed strength and softness was causing me to momentarily lose focus. Ben was a master of touch, finding the groove of my spine with his fingertips, slowly working their way up. “I think we should take this to the bedroom or close the drapes, Ben.”
No response came, just a deep sensual moan from him, I could feel his body vibrate to it. Without another word, I crouched down slipping my hands under his sexy firm butt, with one swift movement I grabbed hold of him, lifting him off the ground, his feet dangling just above the floor. Ben let out a little squeal and tightened his grip on me, “Oh god Jamie, put me down. I’m too heavy for you to carry,” he said, half laughing and wriggling at the same time.
I ignored all of that and headed to the bedroom, kissing and biting at him as I slowly lowered him down to the bed. My hands slowly made their way up his firm sexy body till my fingers found the seam of his shirt, grabbing hold of it. Suddenly, slowly, in one swift movement I pulled his shirt off him, exposing his abs and chest to me. As I threw his tee off into the distance, I zeroed in on his small brown nipple, swiping it with my tongue and blowing on it gently. “Oh god… yes, Jamie. Hmmm… oh god, how I’ve missed this, missed you.” His hands came up and were holding my head to his chest, his fingers wrapped in my hair, I turned slightly sideways making my way to the opposing nipple - it needed my attention too. I looked up at Bens' face for a few seconds, he was biting his bottom lip, his face was lost in the moment.
“Oh god, Ben, you look so beautiful, you taste so good, yes," as I renewed my attack on him.
By now Ben had recovered mechanical control, his limbs, hands, and brain were back online. Those hands were now exploring my upper body. “Oh god, Ben!” His hands returned to my head holding me in place, gently pulling at my hair. I started working my way back up his chest, being gently guided by his hands. Our mouths came together, lips crashing like the ocean onto rocks. I was completely unaware of what he was doing until I felt my tee bunch up under my armpits. I lifted my arms up as we broke contact for a second as my shirt went flying across the room somewhere.
Quickly, he plunged his hands down the back of my jeans, gripping my ass in his hands. “Hmm… yes! God, I’ve missed your touch,” I growled out, throwing my head back a little leaving my neck exposed. What felt like only seconds later I felt his warm breath on my neck, just beside my Adam's apple, as he nipped, licked and bit me over and over, it was mind-blowing.
Our hands were now working on getting each other’s pants undone. Almost in-sync we stopped. I pulled him off the bed so we were standing chest to chest, our jeans falling to the floor. Pulling his naked body against mine we renewed our kiss, not breaking contact as I lowered us both to the bed, where we stayed until dusk.
During our love making it finally came to me, I have to have this guy in my life forever.
After a leisurely shower together, we headed out to grab a bite to eat for dinner. It was only a few moments’ walk to the restaurant, so not bad. I’d made reservations for the lobster on Ocean Ave for 8pm, and bonus, we were almost on time to get there. Well okay, we were gonna be a few minutes late, but hey when I’m at work it’s on time all the time, so outside of work I use a +/- 10 minutes clock - it drives Ben nuts.
We enjoyed some of the best Lobster I'd had in a long time, and damn we've got some amazing seafood back home in Australia, epically in Queensland. But this was frigging awesome, great food, a few drinks and the amazing view of the Pier and lights into the distance, framed with the sun setting on the Pacific. With the lights of the Ferris wheel and amusement area glowing in the greying skies, it was time to head over and have some fun.
After a few hours of Rollercoaster rides, the Ferris wheel and losing what seemed to be hours in the Amusement area, I heard, “Oh my god. Yes!!!” Ben let out a squeal. “It’s that dance game from the Kissing booth movie there!” We had a go on it. Shit those kids on the movie were either well practiced or doubled. We’re hopeless, Jamie.”
“Yeah, true. Come on. Let’s get one last ride on the roller coaster before we head back, hey?”
As we headed back through the sea of people that were out tonight, it had been an amazing night of fun, food and, okay, adult fun a little earlier too.
We decided to stay an extra night at Loews. It was just fantastic and I'd not been spending much since being stateside so, what the hell, I could afford it. But the real battle was with Ben - he wanted to pay half.
I said no because he flew out here, you know airfare and all, the discussion lasted about fifteen minutes when, in the end, he saw I wasn’t going to give ground.
“Okay Jamie, then I’m paying for our meals for the next few days, my treat.”
I just smiled, “okay,” and dragged him back to bed, “let’s get a little cardio exercise in before breakfast, hey."
In the end, we didn't make it back to Tom's house before Ben had to fly out to Texas. It was like we'd taken a mini-break. Lots of walks along the beach and even a few workouts on the gym equipment near the pier. It was a really relaxing few days. I have to say Santa Monica is my favorite place in Cali so far - reminds me of the beaches at home in a way, plus the laid-back vibe was nice too.
Ben was safely back in the great state, and I was part way through the next tour when I suddenly work up like someone had zapped me or something. "Okay, so I need some help from the parents, in particular dad. I needed to speak to him without Mom getting involved, hmm…” Mind you, there was no one here - I was talking to myself… a first sign of madness, ha!
Checking my watch, it was only 0400 back home in Oz. ‘Shit, can’t call the old man now. He’ll think something bad has happened… hmmm… damn it! Oh wait - it’s Thursday back home. He goes golfing with his buddies on Thursdays. Better get him before he hits the nineteenth hole though.’
Laying in bed I waited a few hours, drifting in and out of sleep, finally, it was late enough to message him.
Me: Hey dad you got a second? Need to chat just you n me.
Dad: just @ 16th give me ten yeah k?
Me: NP you winning
Dad: down by 1
Me: come on dig deep, lol
True to Dad’s word he called me about ten minutes later. “Hey Jamie, how’s it going son? Everything okay.”
"Yeah, all good dad, great in fact.”
“Okay…" I could hear the apprehension in his voice. "How can I help?”
"Dad do you still know that wholesale jeweler?"
His voice was somewhat reserved but more curious. “Yeah Max. Playing golf with him and Raine on Tuesday. Why - what’s going on son?”
Taking a deep breath, “I want to send over a design of a two-part wedding band-engagement ring combination. They fit together, almost clip in like a hose coupling and stuff.”
“Is this for… Lucas or umm, someone else?”
I wanted to tell dad that I was planning on asking Ben to marry me, but I still wasn’t sure if I should or if Ben would say yes. “No, it's not for Lucas, but I don't really want to say much more than that, if it’s okay dad. Sorry." I could hear the smile in his voice - he knew.
“No, that’s ok Jamie. I understand. I’ll send Max’s contact details over.”
"Yeah, son."
“Thanks, I really appreciate it. And can I ask…”
“I won’t say anything to your mother about it, okay, if that's what you’re gonna ask." At that, he chuckled a little.
"Thanks, Dad. Love ya.”
A few days later I sent Max an email with some pictures and the hand drawing I'd made. The ring was in two parts. The wedding band on one side was made of tungsten with inlaid of Australian black opal in a band. The opal had a mix of red for fire and deep blue colors in it. The engagement part clipped into the band, in the white gold was more Australian Opal in the shape of an eternity symbol in the center, wrapping around about three-quarters of the circumference of the band. Inside it, I had ‘today, tomorrow, always - Jamie,’ inscribed.
A few days later I was pondering the fact that the end of another tour was upon us, I was sitting at Tom’s counter in his kitchen when my cell beeped. I had an email from Max, the jeweler that dad knew. Like a kid on Christmas day I opened the message and read it. My eyes were drawn to the pictures enclosed.
‘Hi Jamie. Please find enclosed some impressions that I have made of your rings, I hope they match your expectations. Also I have had some luck with the Gemstone you wanted. A long-time supplier of mine in Lightening Ridge sent the enclosed pictures of an opal he just mined the other week. It's exactly the coloring that you wanted. If you want me to obtain this for you, please let me know and forward the deposit at your convenience.
By the way, I love the design, Jamie. Benjamin is going to be a lucky guy. I hope he understands that. Let me know your thoughts, Max.
My fingers couldn’t hit the send button fast enough to send the deposit to him.
I looked up stunned. Max had nailed it - it was perfect. I couldn’t help it I had to show someone so I called Lucas. His phone was going to voice mail. Damn him and his work! So I left him a voicemail to call me when he could - not urgent, but kinda, so don't be keeping me waiting for ages, Lucas.
Life on the personal front was going great too, Ben and I spoke most days, and we caught up about every two weeks. Then something out of the box, for a solid month Ben came across to Cali and stayed. It was awesome. He had a pile of leave due so decided to take it in Cali with me. There were a number of days where I was still on shift so he just went walking, or walked to the lake and went for a swim.
“Hey you,” my guy called out as Tom and I were walking inside from the laundry room door.
“Hey you yourself,” I smiled as I grabbed Ben into a hug, I couldn’t ever get sick of this, I’m sure. “What have you been up to today?” my eyes searching his face, taking in the smallest detail about him. “This is sad, Ben.”
His face wrinkled a little for a moment - he gets these little lines near the tip of his nose when does that - soooo cute. “What’s sad?” he asked, looking puzzled.
“That I could get used to this so easily, you know, knowing that when I come home from shift that you’ll be here or home after your shift.”I know it sounded so domestic and puke-puke, but I never thought I’d feel this way about anyone. Let alone looking forward to coming home to see him. By now we’d settled into a nice pattern, a rhythm that we both found so easy. Tom and I protested without success as Ben was cooking and cleaning the place all the time, said it kept him busy and he enjoyed it.
“Ben, this is gonna kill me when you head back to Austin. I’ma gonna have to get over the shock of doing housework and cooking again.” Tom smiled as he walked past Ben and patted his back, “but thank you, really.” Tom looked over in my direction I could see him whispering to Ben, with a mischievous look on his face. “Jamie does know what a good thing you are… you know that right? He can be a bit, you know… slow on letting people know how he feels about them.”
Ben smiled, “Yeah I think he's learned a thing or two while he's been here, Tom."
“Hey,” I yelled out, “What’s going on you two?”
“Nothing,” they both replied laughing.
“Yeah right, you're both up to something."
“I’ll be happy to get my house back Spence when y’all go.”
To that, I threw a pillow across the room and got Tom right in the face. "You wish we were staying. The only disappointment you’re gonna feel, Tommy, is when we're all gone and you have to start housework again.” We all laughed at that. “How about Ben and I tip in and get you some part-time help when we're gone Tommy, you know to ease you back into it.”
Gotta say, I thought I was a good cook but shit, Ben smashed it out of the park. After three weeks of being totally spoiled, I thought I should spoil him one last time before he has to go home to Texas.
The following Friday I arranged for a limo to pick Ben up from Tom’s place while I was on shift and take him to a day spa I'd picked out. Okay, Hailey found one and sent me the details... Jeez okay! She booked it too, lol.
Ben needed to go home and get ready to start back on shift in a few days, so I thought this was a great way to say thanks for looking after us, plus I wanted him to myself for a few more days before we headed to Texas. The limo drove him from the Spa on to lunch at a nearby winery. That’s where I appeared surprising him. “Jamie, this has been fantastic! You know you didn’t have to do any of this, right?”
“I know, but what the hell, hey.” We stayed a few nights at the little cottages they have to round off his time in Cali. He was due back at work in four days, and Lucas and Hailey were driving me crazy calling, Lucas was in full flight-fright mode. The past few nights I was chatting to him, calming him down while curled up in bed with Ben listening. Every so often, Ben would chime in to calm Lucas down.
My cell started to buzz, it was 0515. “What the…?” a sleepy Ben moaned. “Sorry, Ben. It’s Lucas. I’d better get this. “I’ve never seen Lucas so freaked out. He was just over thinking everything. I answered and didn’t even get to say hi. A river of words flowed from the earpiece. “Jeez, Lucas, chill out, mate. Take a breath.” I looked over to Ben who was sitting/ half sitting - his arm tucked under his cheek. I rolled my eyes at Lucas’ ranting, trying without success to talk, but there was no pulling him up.
Ben smiled at me, then took the cell from me. “Lucas,” he quietly spoke. I heard him stop like someone had slammed a gag on him. They chatted for a while ending in Ben saying a number of times “Lucas, we’ll be back tomorrow. I promise you we’ll spend as much time as you need us to, helping you and Hailey okay? We both will. We’re booked on the 2030 flight tomorrow tonight. Are you and Hailey okay to collect Jamie and me or will I get Daniel too?”
"No, no, it's okay. Hailey and me - we’ll meet you guys.”
"Okay, sure. I'll put you back on to Jamie for a second. Take care, Lucas. See you later today."
“Okay. Jamie, sorry I’m being a little bitch, it’s just…”
“Hey, Lucas, it’s okay, really.”
It seemed to do the trick, Lucas was calm. I guess I could have been a little more understanding too, but my special package from Australia arrived a few days ago, and I was a little on edge too. It had been sent via a secure courier service the jeweler used apparently. I was freaking out as to how the rings were going to get here. I was fully prepared to pay for someone to fly over and hand deliver them, you know, as carry-on luggage, but Max said it wasn’t necessary. He had it sorted, and, goddamn, he did too!
“So Buckaroo, we're awake now, and, you know, have a few hours to kill before check out. You wanna…”
“Hey Jaime, let’s go. Our shift starts soon.”
“Okay Tom, on my way.” I turned to Ben and gave him a kiss goodbye. “See you tomorrow sexy.”
“I’ll be here.” As I walked off Ben slapped my ass.
Following Tom out the front door, I heard Ben calling his mom, doing the good son check-in. “Shit, I need to do that too, else my mom gonna skin me alive! It’s been a week – oops, my bad.”
Closing the door on Tom’s truck, we dived back into our conversation in the safety of the truck, after almost being busted by Ben earlier. Wow, that would have been a difficult one to wriggle out of.
“Okay Jamie, you right to do this tomorrow morning at the end of the shift? I’ve arranged for a couple of crews to cover for us unless you’re chickening out.” Tom poked his tongue out at me.
“Not likely that I’m gonna chicken out - more I’m gonna pass out. That’s the real risk.”
“Did you bring it with you? Can I see it?” Smiling, I grabbed my duty bag, unzipping the inner pocket were the little red velvet box was sitting. “Got it here. Wanna pull up for a second?”
Indicating and pulling the truck over like in a matter of seconds - almost like he was trying to miss something on the road - I opened the box. The morning sun was reflecting on the polished tungsten bands and opal. "Fuck me, Jamie! That's beautiful!" Tom was holding the little box only a matter of inches away from his face. "Wow - he’s gonna love it!”
What’s that saying about Murphy’s Law, right! The one-night shift you hope is gonna be quiet, nope we ended up responding to twelve calls that shift. Our first was only moments after clocking on. Tom had taken the ring box and placed it in the command safe - not that we don’t trust the guys here. It’s more that if someone wanders in or, you know, something weird happens, I didn’t want to take the risk.
With everything in place, I left Tom at the station with the guys and headed back to a sleeping Ben at 0530 in the morning. Pulling up in the driveway and climbing out I checked my clothes again. Nothing fancy, but I do have a knack for spilling things on me without thought or reason. I was in a Dark blue button-down shirt with camel colored chinos and light brown dress boots.
As I walked up the pathway to the front door, my hand subconsciously checked that the little package was safely tucked away in my pocket. Stopping at the door and fumbling with my keys, it hit me - the silence all around. I love that last hour before daylight when you’re on night shift - it’s like a reward for staying up all night to see the last of the stars fade from the skyline and the sun break out and the planet comes to life.
I slipped in the front door with a fresh coffee in hand for Ben - if you’re gonna wake someone early least you can do I bring coffee right?
Pushing the bedroom door open there was a beautiful sight before me, Ben was completely out to it. The bedsheet was draped over his hip line, his arms spread out beside him almost like a starfish. His sexy exposed chest was slowly rising and falling, the gentle light from the hallway was accenting the lines of his abs and upper body. Damn! I couldn’t help myself as I placed the coffees on the bedside table. Sliding across the bed, I leaned in and kissed his left nipple, then slowly worked my way up his chest to the base of his neck. “Hmmm… Jamie?” the sleepy voice came from the almost darkness. “You’re home early. What’s up?”
“Hmmm, I needed to come home and see you."
“Aww,” a very sleepy voice responded, “that’s too cute.” I continued gently kissing all the way up to his waiting mouth. “Hmm, come to bed," his arms snaked their way up my back. Our kissing was getting more and more passionate. I could feel us falling off that cliff, you know when your animal drive kicks in and it's game on. Luckily the little people in my head had control of the levers and dials this morning. I broke the kiss and stared into those beautiful eyes. “Come on, get up we gotta do something,”
“Wha-“ Ben had a confused look on his face, plus a raging hard on that was now digging into my leg. “But, what-ah?” confused he climbed out of bed. “Where are we going, Jamie?"
“Outside so make sure you grab a sweater. Oh here, have mine.” A sleepy, confused Ben grabbed my LACoFD jacket after slipping on a pair of jeans and a red tee. “Oh wait I have a present for you.” Ben still looked confused till I handed him the fresh coffee. Luckily I’d used my thermal cup so it wasn’t cold - cold coffee in the morning okay that’s a deal breaker right there. With coffee in hand and Ben in my warm jacket, he quietly followed me out the front door and towards Tom's truck.
"Wow, its cold this morning but the coffee is good. Where the hell are we going?”
Smiling I opened the door for him and slapped his ass as he climbed in, "you haven't answered me, Jamie, where are we going ?” a still confused Ben asked.
“It’s just up here,” I pointed into the distance, “Your gonna love it.” I answered climbing in behind the wheel. “Here, let me turn on the seat warmers for you. I promise it will be worth it.”
“Okay, but only because you brought me coffee and promised to get me breakfast.” A pouty Ben replied sitting with his hands clasped around the coffee, staring out the windshield at the darkened sky in front of us.
As we crested the small hill not ten minutes from Tom’s house, the parkland opened up before us. There were three hot air balloons in various stages of inflating, the flame’s partly illuminating these majestic birds of the air, the burners cutting in and out and their roar was just amazing.
Ben’s face lit up, “We going ballooning?”
“Yep! Every time we drive past these guys you looked like you wanted to just run over and jump onboard.”
Ben was smiling from ear to ear as I pulled up and slipped the truck into park. He slid over, wrapping his hands either side of my face pressing his lips against mine. It was his turn to deliver a heart-stopping kiss and wow, just wow!!
"Thank you, Jamie! I’m so excited!!”
“Come on. We’d better go, else we’ll miss our ride,” I sputtered, as I reluctantly pulled away and opened the door. We walked over holding hands. The guys from our balloon greeted us.
"Hey, Jamie, nice to see you again." Everette was smiling as he shook my hand.
"Hey Everette. This is my boyfriend, Ben. He's an EMT in Austin, Texas," I said as I turned, slightly smiling too in Ben's direction. Ben’s grip on my hand tightened - he was just so excited
"Pleased to meet you, Ben, let’s get this bird in the air, hey.” Everette shook Ben’s hand and then led him off towards the balloon, chatting away. The look of absolute glee on Ben’s face… I had to take a few deep breaths. I was feeling a little choked up, seeing him so happy … okay, and I was a nervous as - I don't know what - somewhere between wanting to puke or pass out. I followed along in silence. Words were escaping me.
We climbed into the basket, and after the required safety briefing, before I knew it, the tether lines were released. The gentle lift of the basket was only broken by the occasional howl from the overhead burners kicking in and out. It was amazingly silent. The sky was still dark but the last of the stars were now disappearing. There was a faint glow starting to break on the horizon. I stood there with my arm around Ben’s shoulder. His hand was around my back resting on my hip. "Thank you, Jamie, for this amazing…" he whispered, gently kissing me on the cheek.
Silently, we just started out as we gained height. We started to drift towards the Barton Hills. My hands were sweating up a storm. Thank god Ben was wearing my jacket else I’d probably drown him in sweat, yuck.
Ben was awestruck, I think is the best way to describe it. To be honest, I was too, a little - nervous as hell, but awestruck all the same. “Jamie, wow it’s amazing how quickly the sun goes from just a faint glow in the distance to daylight starting to break over us, everything.” We were standing backward I guess you could say, watching the sun slowly break over the horizon from the east. “This is amazing, thank you.” He was absolutely beaming. If you haven't seen the sunrise from a balloon, I highly recommend it.
Squeezing his shoulder, pulling him in a little closer to me, I replied, “You’re welcome. I’m so glad you like it.” After a few moments, I pulled my cell out, using the selfie stick I borrowed, snapped a few pics of us with the warm glow of sunrise on our faces with the dark of night still behind us. Everett warned me that they lose phones and cameras often over the edge, people getting so caught up in the moment and such.
“Like it, I love it!!! It’s just … amazing,” Ben managed to get out. We were standing our arms around each other. Smiling like kids that were looking at the Rockefeller Centre Christmas Tree for the first time. Silently and contently, we looked out towards the sunrise. Watching the darkens recede, the sunlight was like a giant silent hand, its fingers bringing light to the small valleys and cleared areas, houses farm lots, rolling on like a fog of light.
I felt kinda short of breath for a moment, the simplicity of sunrise and a new day was just breathtaking. Turning my face toward his for a second, I could see what I was feeling etched on Ben’s face too. “My god Ben, this is just amazing, I would never have-it’s just…”
Quietly and with little signal the rise and speed of the balloon had slowed. I remarked, “I have no idea how these guys control this thing,” looking around and up into the giant sack of hot air and rope that kept us aloft. “Okay probably shouldn’t think about the physics and fire risk here, lol.”
“What’up? You look worried Jamie.”
Laughing at my own obsessive compulsiveness, I said, “Nothing. All good - just the inner fireman in me coming out. Anyways, where’s the steering wheel and brake? It all looks like voodoo and magic to me.”
"I don't know and don't care. It's awesome." Ben placed his head on my chest, near my shoulder.
Catching some movement out the corner of my eye, I craned my head slightly catching Everette’s eye, who was nodding and smiling back at me.
Okay, it’s now or never I guess. I opened my mouth trying to speak, but only a strangled squeak came out. Crap! My voice had gone. Quickly and coughing a little to hopefully clear my throat, ‘this is gonna be a huge fail if I can't even speak. My mind was running at light speed. You gotta regain your ability to make more than grunting noises. Ben was standing on my right-hand side and couldn’t see out to my left, situation, mission, execution, administration, command, SMEAC firefighting 101, I kept telling myself over and over.
“Hey Ben,” - okay time for execution – “what’s that?” I said, turning, and looking over my left shoulder pointing into the distance.
Ben leaned forward a little, looking across my chest, “Oh hey, looks like flashing lights.” His nose wrinkled up a little as he was trying to make out what was going on. The balloon had almost come to a complete stop and was drifting very slowly. We had both turned 180 degrees now facing the light show below us.
Ben was busily trying to make out what the lights were about as we slowly drifted closer.
“Should you call Tom maybe? Something has happened?”
“Yeah maybe I should,” I faked fumbling around looking for my cell, closely watching his face, I wanted to see that moment.
“Jamie look! There’s a clearing in the woods. That’s where all the… trucks are?” Ben looked at me for a moment as confusion washed across his face. Suddenly things changed: I saw his eyes widen “They’re surrounding something white… it looks like a sign or something… Oh my god!” Ben turned and looked up at me. His face was flushed with color, his eyes were wide and the clearest shade of blue, like the brilliant light blue of a summers day I’d ever seen.
His mouth was silently saying what was unfolding below him, softly, almost carefully he said: "will you marry me-Ben?"
I took hold of his hand, going down on one knee. Reaching into my pocket with the other hand, my fingers found the soft velvet case. I gently retrieved it with a vice-like grip, slowly pulling it out of my pocket. I had practiced this exact move with Tom at work at least fifty times during my break on shift, both sides left and right-handed just-in-case, flicking the box open with my thumb.
Smiling up at his beaming face. Holding in front of me in my left hand the now opened ring box. “Benjamin Rush, I want this to be the last day that the sun rises without you knowing how much I love you, how much you mean to me.” His eyes were flicking between my face and the ring box, his right hand was half covering his mouth. I could see his eyes glisten in the morning light. “Ben, will you marry me and make me the happiest man in the world.”
No words came out of his mouth for a few seconds. To me they seemed like dog seconds, you know six times as long as human seconds. Then he started to nod, faster and faster.
“Oh my god, Jamie! YES! Yes, a thousand times!!!”
I stood up wrapping my arm around him, pulling him to me, placing my forehead against his and looking into his eyes. Okay, yeah there were a few tears being spilled by both.
Ben's attention switched back to the little box still in my vice-like grip, “There are two rings… but they're different," he frowned looking confused.
“Yep, this one,” I gently pulled the engagement ring out of the box, “is an engagement ring,” I slipped it onto the fourth finger of his right hand, stopping just before the second knuckle. With his other hand, he slipped it over the last knuckle, then stuck his hand out aside of him at right angles to us. Staring at it and moving his hand around, the sunlight was catching in the opal inlay and made the ring look almost as if it was coming to life. “The second ring is a matched wedding band, they interlock with each other.”
“Oh my god, Jamie! Ima, it’s…” Throwing his arms around me pulling me towards him, our eyes flickered between us for a second as our lips met and we fell into a searing hot kiss, our first as an engaged couple. The rest of the world disappeared, other than the distant clapping I could hear from Everette and his offsider. We were in our own world - a world where love surrounded us both.
Clearly, the crews below us knew what was going on. There was a sudden outbreak of horns sounding, sirens wailing. After a few seconds, it was in the distant background. My world was Ben - nothing else mattered. We finally broke apart, looking over the edge of the basket and waving at the guys. I could see Tom’s face beaming like a searchlight, waving with a grin ear to ear. I couldn’t help it letting out a nervous laugh. I was so worried that it was all going to go wrong, but it didn’t. It all worked so well.
I turned to Everette and Kayden - (I later found they were brothers) - shaking their hands with vigor almost like a politician on voting day, “Thank you guys so much. It was fantastic! Really, thanks.”
They both smiled at us. “It’s our pleasure to help you guys out. Gotta say, Jamie, I've not had such precise and detailed instructions before," Everett laughed, holding up the small folder I gave him.
It was as pretty much based on movement orders and a ‘administration’ schedule. Suddenly I felt a little self-conscious. “Yeah, sorry guys. Just a habit I guess. Trying to make sure I didn’t leave anything the chance or stuff this up.”
Kayden reached over, putting his hand on my shoulder. “Don’t feel bad at all - it was perfect. Plus, it covered all the questions we normally ask and then some. You’re all good here.”
“Jamie,” Ben tugged on my shirt, “is that? Are they… sunflowers making up the letters of the sign?”
“Yeah,” I smiled, feeling a little embarrassed for a moment. “You love sunflowers so much I thought well …” shrugging my shoulders.
Everette added, “He’s been planning this for weeks. I’m not surprised, something about SMEAC’s?”
Ben stared at me as I had just sprouted a second head. “How long ago did you decide to ask me, and what, you used a SMEAC plan to pull this off, oh god Jamie. What have I unleashed?”
I shrugged my shoulders, pulling one of my trademark faces. Yeah, I was trying to hide the nervous tension, plus the plan worked to a tee. I had to follow some plan, too many variables, too many thing’s for me to stuff up other wise. Godamn, I was more nervous now than before I popped the question. Maybe it was all the adrenalin in my system still.
I kinda get that feeling for a few seconds after a big job, in those quiet moments of reflection we sometimes get.
I let out a little laugh. “Well, to be honest, after Aiden’s party in Texas, when our families played matchmaker the following day. But I guess, I’d absolutely decided to ask you after you came out here for the first time. That’s when I called my dad.”
“Your parents know?” Ben’s face looked a little shocked, slightly horrified maybe.
Pulling my ‘oops – my –bad -face’, I held my hands up in mock surrender. “No, they don’t know, well not exactly.” Ben gave me a sideways. Look, okay I wasn’t making much sense. Jamie goes from the start idiot…“Okay, so dad has a long-time friend, Max. He's a wholesale jeweler. I asked dad for his number, but asked the old man not to ask me why, which he reluctantly did.”
“Okay,” Ben still sounded unsure but the panic level in his face had dropped from level eight to five now. “Kinda make’s sense. Keep going.”
“Yeah well, umm… I knew if I told dad exactly what it was up to, he’d have to tell mom and then …” We both laughed at that.
“Your mom would have rented a balloon to follow us just in case, I’m sure… probably asked mine to come along too. Jamie, we have to keep those two apart, else we’re done for.”
“Yeah, exactly! Anyways I sent Max the design of the ring and what gems I wanted to use and voilà, a few days later he had the design done. A few weeks later the ring was on its way here.”
Looking up from the ring box for a moment. “I have to call him, Jamie, and thank him. It’s amazing… you’re amazing. I can’t believe you designed this.”
He gave me a peck on the lips. “Aww… cute.”
“No wait… yes I can! This-is-so-you. Beautiful and complex.”
“Oh god, no,” my face started to blush.
Ben held the box a little closer, looking at the wedding band sitting in its little soft bed of deep blue velvet. That color, ‘thanks Max’ just made the ring pop. “Is it inscribed? Can I read it?”
“Yeah, sure. Just needs a date added to it. I hope it’s not too cheesy?”
Ben’s eye flickered towards me for a moment then back to the little box in his hand. His engagement band stood out against his tanned skin – a result of the spare time he’d spent here in Cali running by the lake, or walking down to the station to see me - had done wonders for his tan. He looked amazing.
Slowly, carefully, Ben lifted the ring out of its place, reading the inscription: ‘Today, Tomorrow, Always – Jamie.’
“I hope you don’t mind. Like - I hope it’s okay?” I smiled at Ben.
“Okay, are you kidding me,” a tear slipped down his cheek, “It’s perfect.”
Suddenly the color drained from his face, “Oh my god, I have to get you a ring.” Ben’s head started to swivel around like he was searching the place for something, almost like he was in a store or something.
“Ben,” with that Kayden stuck out his hand, palm down. “I think this is for you too,” turning his hand over, revealing his thumb was holding a matching box in place in his palm.
Ben looked confused for a second, “ah...um, thank you,” he offered whilst taking the box from Kayden, who was smiling. I think these guys were enjoying the Jamie and Ben show.
Ben slowly opened the box and saw a matching set of rings inside. “I took a chance that you would say ‘yes’, so ordered a matching set, you know, in case you liked them and wanted to share.” Now I was smiling like an idiot.
His hand was shaking a little. I guess the emotion of the past ten minutes was surging through him like me. Slowly he pulled the matching band out of the box. I was welded in place - my feet were full of lead, unable to move. Ben reached out gently, grabbing my right hand, for a split-second. I instinctively pulled back. Ben looked up at me with a curious look on his face, I couldn’t help but smile. “Sorry, not.sure … um.why...I did that… please, um… keep going.”
“I thought that the day in Texas, the first time we kissed in your family’s apartment. You remember - with Lucas calling out in the background somewhere.” He smiled up at me, “I thought that you were the one then. I did although kinda gave up for a while you-know-when…" a brief uncomfortable smile washed over him but was quickly gone. "But you never gave up on me, on us. And for that, I will always love you, Jamie." Ben slipped the ring onto my now relaxed finger, we stood in silence, holding each other. Watching the first day of the rest of our lives unfold below us as we drifted towards the landing site in the distance.
Shortly after we landed and had finished thanking the guys on board, Tom arrived in his truck there’s the ‘command’ part I guess, followed by a small group behind him, Ryan and Josh amongst them. As everyone piled out of their vehicles, we were swamped with congratulations and a wall of bodies hugging us and slapping our backs in celebration.
I heard a few champagne corks popping before long red cups with a dash of champagne in them were being handed around. We’d gathered at the tailgate of Tom’s truck. He’d also brought breakfast for us and, by the look of it, enough for three hundred more. “Okay everyone,” Tom bellowed out in his best parade ground voice, “I’d like y’all to join me in toasting Jamie and Ben.”
A quiet hush fell over the place. "I've had the bad luck of knowing this guy for many years," Tom smiled at me and ruffled my hair. "We go a long way back and I can only say, Ben, yes he's an idiot sometimes. But with a little guidance and food treats," there were a few laughs at that one, including Ben, “he’s a keeper. From all of us here we wish you a lifetime of happiness together. Ben and Jamie."
Everyone lifted their cups, echoing Tom. Ben and I were standing, arms around each other, with the dumbest grins on our faces for sure. I opened my mouth to reply but was beaten to it by Ben. “I’d just like to thank y’all ever so much. I’m lucky to have this guy in my life and count y’all as friends too. Thank you.”
Tom waved at me to speak, “For once I’m pretty much a loss of words.” I heard a few ‘No way and lot likely’ comments from some smart ass in the gathered crowd. “I just want to say thank you to everyone here for helping, for celebrating, but most of all… Ben for saying yes! Thank you.”
Chad - one of the guys from the station - piped up. I was surprised that he'd been so quiet. Between him and Ryan a station house is never a quiet place - those two are hilarious. Every squad has a joker, we have two. "You might want to thank him for his Paramedicine skills too, Jamie. Ben keep a fully stocked first aid kit handy."
My fiancée thought that was hilarious, and just laughed. “Solid advice, Chad. Thanks.”
With all the ribbing and laughing ebbing away, my mind turned to letting my family and friends know. “Ben, is it okay if we tell our families? Maybe we can skype them or something?”
“Well it’s gonna be hard to tell them in person I guess, with your family back in Australia and mine here in the States, plus social media - the words gonna get out real soon.”
"Okay cool. Can we tell Lucas and Daniel first? I think we owe them a lot, right." With that, I took Ben's hand and walked away from the crowd of people laughing and talking and stuffing their faces too.
We stopped with the balloon almost coming to the ground the guys were now letting it down. “Nice backdrop, Ben, yeah?”
“Love it. Daniel is going to be so jealous. He’s always wanted to go hot air ballooning.”
I leaned in, stealing a quick kiss from Ben, while Skype was connecting the call. A very sweaty Lucas picked up first then Daniel. “Hey guys. Morning,” we both said in unison. “What the hell, Lucas! You look all … sweaty?”
“Observant as ever, Jamie. I’m going for my morning run before work. What’s up guys? Oh hey, Dan, how you?”
“Breakfast time, Lucas. To hell with the running crap.” Daniel managed to get out before taking a bite of a delicious looking peach he was eating.
"Hey guys just wanted to tell you something, you know, before it becomes public."
“Oh man, that's fricken awesome!" Daniel yelled at the top of his voice. "Y'all standing around those balloons. Ben, you didn't go up did you? I’m so jealous, dang it.”
Ben smiled – well, he hadn’t stopped smiling. "Jamie took me for a balloon ride, Dan - you gotta do it… it’s amazing.”
Ben and Daniel got into a conversation about how silent they are, how awesome it is and such. I had to steer this back on track, although I wasn’t sure how to exactly do this - is there a proper way? I just guessed with Lucas and Hailey just engaged, I could read it clear as day.
“Ben,” Lucas finally cut through the Rush balloon appreciation club inaugural meeting. "Let me guess, you get my cousin pregnant? I thought you guys were careful.”
Daniel burst into laughter in the background not three seconds after those words left Lucas’ lips. “Mandy! Ben got Jamie pregnant.”
I swiped my hand down my face, “Oh god, this is so going well.”
In the background at Daniel’s place, I heard little feet thundering closer and closer. A sweet little voice said, “That’s so nice, daddy… more cousins for me to play.” It was Olivia, their daughter. Daniel just looked at the camera and poked his tongue out.
Ben laughed. “Have fun explaining that one, Daniel.”
“Oh my god! you did! You asked him!” Lucas almost yelled into the screen. “I can see it in your face. No… I can actually feel it.” Lucas was looking at himself as if there was something on him. The camera was bouncing about. “Oh my god! Congratulations guys!" Lucas paused for a moment like he was trying to figure something out. "Jamie, is this what happened to you same as Hailey and me?”
“Yes, and yes. I knew something was up before you said anything.”
Daniel was smiling from ear to ear. “Not before time, too. Congrats guys. Y’all still flying back today?”
“Yeah, we were on the 2030 flight out of here, but managed to get on the 10am one.” That’s if I can get skippy back home and packed. He's just come off shift and all."
“Ahh, that’s what you kids are calling it these days – packing - huh!” Daniel laughed. For once, Lucas remained silent, just smiling at us, rolling his eyes.
“Okay, see y’all at the airport later. I’m gonna finish my run.” Lucas had started to run, the bouncing had started up. “We can celebrate when you get here. By the way, congrats y’all. Ben, you couldn’t have done better, well maybe, but I’m taken.”
With that Lucas and Daniel said their goodbyes. Ben prepared for the next call, the parents. We decided to call them individually, Ben called his folks first. I stood next to him holding his hand for support or something, I wasn’t sure why really.
My cell beeped and Ben looked at me. "Probably Lucas. Gonna spam us while we're talking to your mom." Ben smiled and shook his head. I quietly pulled my cell from my pocket. "Hmm… the message is from the El Paso Battalion Chief where I’m headed in a few weeks.”
“You want me to hold off calling mom and read it?”
“Nah, all good Ben. I’ll read it later. Come on - make the call before Daniel announces it for you.”
Ben clicked on his mom’s picture and the cell started to ring. He’d decided to facetime. Less confusing for his mom. She's not tech inept but has had issues with Skype. Oh god I remember Ben calling her from Cannes. In the end, I called Daniel in the background. He went over to show her how to answer the call. It's hilarious now, but I thought Ben was gonna die of frustration.
“Hello Benjamin,” her sweet voice echoed out of the speakers. “Oh, hi Jamie. How are you, honey?"
"I'm well, thanks Ma'am. How y’all doing today?”
"Oh look, Benjamin has you speaking properly too now, Jamie, God bless."
Am so sorry for the delay in getting this chapter out to you, but work/life has been manic since January. I hope y'all enjoy this chapter it has been fun writing it. Above all want to thank my Wingman and Editor for all your help, y'all amaze me constantly. To Everyone that has messaged me, commented and is following along... a huge thank you. It means so much to me.
Hope y'all have a fantastic week, smile always and laugh often. John
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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