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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

What is normal? - 1. Chapter 1

What is normal?

Carl is a good looking all-American boy next door. Women have always adored him and fussed over him. Girls have always been shy around him, and his buddies vied for his attention. And, Carl doesn’t have any complaints about any of that.

He lives in a time when teachers taught you about honoring your country and your parents. America will allow you to be anything you want to make of it, through your hard work and dedication.

”Carl Jordan Peterson! Get your butt down here right this instant.” He knew the use of his full name meant his mother was at the end of her rope, she’d been on him all morning to take the garbage out and he kept getting distracted. But now, he has absolutely no other choice.

Carl marched down the steps like to a drum beat, passed his mother without question, and straight to the kitchen. Mechanical in motion he removed the bag from the container, adjusted it’s contents, tied the bag, exited the rear door, marched down the driveway. Carl opened the lid to the outside container, placed the bag snug inside, replaced the lid, marched back inside past his mother and straight up the stairs. “Now was that so hard?” His mother yelled before he closed the door to his room.

Today was the first day of Summer vacation and he was busy drawing a design of a treehouse/fort he planned on making in the nearby woods. He had first drawn a map of the main markers, the pond on the northwest corner. (Technically it belongs to old man Williams for his farm, but he doesn’t mind if we swim or fish for catfish back there). He included the splintered old oak in the center, which had practically split in two after it was struck by lightning. Still, it was the tallest that can be seen from even his bedroom window. He marked the old elm which looked creepy the way it fell into another old elm long after it had died. That’s where he planned to build.

After putting his plans carefully into his backpack and after grabbing a soda, thermos of water, and a sandwich. He placed everything in his backpack and called out to his mother that he’d be back later. He didn’t even wait to respond to her wanting to know where he was going. She didn’t chase after him. She knew he was going to Hanks, Johnnys, or the woods.

On his way to the woods he saw Hank jumping onto his bike so Carl didn’t even slow down, he just glanced back to see Hank pumping his pedals to catch up. Just as Hank managed to come up beside Carl they turned the corner and there was Johnny ready and waiting. “Wooohoooo” Johnny yelled as he caught up, which made the other boys chuckle.

They rode through the well worn trail entrance, over the large root they used as a ramp, around the old oak and out to the pond. “What’s the plan?” Hank asked as he grabbed Carls handle bars to balance his bike while Carl sat on it.

“See the old elm? What do ya say we use the dead trunk as a ladder up to where all the branches are tangled together? We can clear away the smaller stuff and build a cool fort right there.”

Hank and Johnny were focused hard at the tree, Carl took a brief moment to trace how his front tire of his bike has pushed all of Hanks dick and balls up and out. You couldn’t help seeing it even if you tried. As Carl looked up from his front tire he realized Hank was looking him in the eye and smiled..... “That looks like a great place for a fort!”

The boys threw their packs down, stripped off their shirts and shoes and ran into the pond. Carl then caught a full view glimpse of Johnnys butt as he submerged right in front of him. He watched the swirling water trail over to Hank and witnessed the attack from the lurching Johnny onto Hanks back. That made him laugh, but it also brought the focus on him. Panicked, Carl fought the water as he tried desperately to make a run for it. No such luck, Johnny grabbed his arms from behind him and Hank grabbed Carls legs breaking his balance. It was at that moment Carl could swear Hank brushed his hand on Carls dick. Either way he was caught in that moment.

As the assault came to an end, the three made their way to the flat rock they always laid on to dry out. Like always, Hank would lay to the right of Carl and Johnny to the left. Shoulder to shoulder with their hands either on their own stomachs or on the edge of their own bathing suit. Boys have a code for such a thing. Carl even managed to actually fall asleep. He only became conscious when Hank had jumped into the pond cannonball style to splash Johnny and Carl. “Asshole!” Both boys yelled in unison.

But, before they could begin their revenge they were interrupted by a soft voice. “What are you boys up to?” It was Carry, she was the object of Carls fantasy’s on more than one occasion. She had on a beautiful floral summer dress and her long blonde hair gently covered the low neck line of her dress. She unconsciously fidgeted making her dress float back and forth in a slightly seductive way.

“Hi Carry, We-we’re just horsing around.” Carl said as he stood to face her with a huge smile. “What brings you out here?”

”I saw you ride past and I thought I’d come see you guys for a minute.” By this time Johnny and Hank had joined Carl in front of Carry. They each were so handsome and sweet in their own way. Carry liked them all, but it didn’t take a genius to know she fancied Carl most. She produced a basket from behind her and handed it to Carl. “ My mother and I baked cookies yesterday and I thought you boys would like to try them.”

”Gee thanks!” All three boys chimed in unison.

With a chuckle and a shy wave she said farewell and left. One last look behind her before the path turned she paid special attention to Carl, which made him blush three shades of red.

“Oh man, she, has got, the Hots, FOR YOU “ Hank bellowed as he wrapped his arms around Carls neck and began kissing his cheeks saying, “Oh Carl, if you marry me, I will bake cookies for you EVERY DAY!”

Carl shoved Hank away from him as Johnny fell to the ground laughing with tears steaming from his eyes. Then Hank and Carl joined in on the laughter.

Copyright © 2019 PhillMakracken; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

I'm guessing this is an historical novel, because you said: He lives in a time when... I like stories set in the past, they give an insight into how people's lives used to be, so I'll read along and see where you take us. Nicely written opening chapter.

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I think carl is a confused young man so I’m guessing that he’s 13, 14 at the most. Thanks, Phil.

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I purposely allowed the reader to place an image, age, year. I give basic information to help, but the rest is up to you.

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Uncertain time & age. An interesting approach.  The writing is decent.  I'm reading on....


On 10/8/2019 at 10:09 AM, PhillMakracken said:

I purposely allowed the reader to place an image, age, year. I give basic information to help, but the rest is up to you.


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