Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
The Preacher's Kid: High School - 16. Getting On
There is a conversation the boys have with Dad in this chapter that I totally enjoyed writing. This is a different type of conversation from any other they've had with the good Pastor. Will you see the difference before Eddie talks about it? Either way, you'll get an even better insight into the boys' character.
Holy. Shit! Matty came back to school while we were at lunch. I asked him how things went, and his eyes just got as wide as saucers. He leaned in and told me to hurry and finish eating. He would take me out to the bleachers and tell me what happened.
I inhaled the rest of my lunch, and Matty took my hand, leading me out of the cafeteria and through the back doors to the football stadium. When we sat down, he let out a deep sigh. “Dude, I kinda figured we were kind of well-off—I mean, we had a lot of stuff—like the lake house, his Range Rover and all.”
“Yeah, he was a best-selling author, after all.”
“So he left me everything—the house, the lake house, his car—which I’m not keeping—his insurance policy, and his assets. Dude—it’s like over 30 million bucks! I had no idea we had that kind of money!”
“What the fuck?”
“Well, your dad controls everything until I turn eighteen. But it’s nice to know I don’t have to worry about paying for college or anything.”
“Dude, that’s a shitload of money!” Then it hit me. I must have had some fucking strange look on my face, too.
“Hey! What’s wrong? You look like you’ve seen your own ghost or something.”
“I’m sorry, babe. But—you know, that’s a lot of money for a high school kid to get handed to him. I’m happy that you’ve been set up so well. But—can you promise me something?”
“Anything you need, babe.”
“Please don’t let this change you—or us. You are the most perfect thing in my life. I would die if I lost that.”
“No way, Eddie. We have each other’s back. I can’t imagine how two people could love each other more than we do. I promise not to change and put us at risk. I love you too much.”
“So—you said you were going to sell the Range Rover. I totally get that. What are you going to do with the houses?”
“I want to keep them. When we turn eighteen this summer, I’m gonna talk to the parents about you and I moving in there. I mean, it’s not like we’d be running away or anything since the house is next door and all.”
“Really? You want me to live with you?”
“Hell the fuck, yes! Like for the rest of my life!”
“Wow! Can I let that sink in before you—or we—talk to Mom and Dad about that?”
“Of course, that makes perfect sense!”
“And the lake house?”
“Totally keeping that! That place holds a boatload of special memories for me—for us now. I want us to spend a lot of weekends up there. I want to take the entire family there as soon as we can for a weekend—just a little ‘thank you’ for everything they’ve done for me—and us. You think they’d like that?”
“Yeah, they’d totally love it!”
The bell rang, signally the end of lunch, and we had to get to class.
“Hey, I have baseball practice after school.”
“And I have rehearsals. I missed a whole week. I’m sure they’re gonna work my ass off!”
“Okay, babe. I’ll see you sixth period then.” Matty leaned in and gave me a quick kiss.
“Fuck, I love you.”
“I love you more, babe. See you in a few.”
We headed to class, and all I could think about the rest of the afternoon was how much money Matty had now. As happy as I was for him, I was also scared. This was probably something I needed to talk over with Dad. Not so much about Matty, but my fears.
We met outside the gym before the start of sixth period. Matty was a little nervous about getting back into rehearsals. They were doing Newsies, and Matty was cast as Race, one of the lead newsboys. He missed the tap choreography last week and was hoping he would be able to get caught up.
We said goodbye to each other and planned on meeting at the car once we were done with everything.
We were getting ready for the playoffs, which were set to start Thursday afternoon and finish Sunday afternoon. The entire team had stepped it up, and we were playing like a fine-tuned machine. Coach was pretty happy with the way things went and felt we were right where we needed to be for the playoffs.
After practice, I headed out to the parking lot and found Matty waiting for me by the Rav4. We climbed in, and he looked a little stressed. “Man, I have so much work to do on the show. I really missed a lot of choreography.”
“You got this, babe.”
“Yeah, I’ll get it. They made a video of my tap solos for “King of New York,” and I’m gonna have to learn them on my own—tonight! I think I’ll go next door and use the floor in the basement, so I don’t mess up any of your Mom’s floors.”
“Can I do anything to help?”
“Yeah, keep your phone handy and come over when I’m done practicing. I’ve wanted to have loud and filthy sex with you in that house for years!”
“Perv! And I love every bit of it!” A few minutes later, I was turning into the neighborhood and took a deep breath. “Babe? I have a question for you.”
“What’s up? Everything okay?”
“Yeah, yeah—everything’s great. I just want to make sure it stays okay. Would you mind if we talked with Dad when we get home?”
“Of course we can. What about?”
“Well—and please don’t take this the wrong way—but, all I could think about this afternoon was all this money you’ve got coming your way. On the one hand, It’s awesome. But—on the other hand, it scares me a little.”
“I just want to get some advice from Dad about how we need to go about things. Even though I probably already know what he’ll say.”
“Yeah, probably something like keep your feet on the ground, don’t change a thing about yourselves, that sort of thing, yeah?”
“And one other thing. You see, I’ve been thinking a lot about it, too.”
“What, babe?”
“When I told you that my college was taken care of, what I didn’t tell you was that I want to take care of yours, too. I intend to spend the rest of my life with you, Eddie. It would be so nice not to have to start our lives together with the weight of student loans and that shit.”
“Have you mentioned this to Dad? Does he know?”
“Not yet, but I think he’ll know when we have this chat with him.”
And right on cue, I was pulling into the driveway and waited for the garage door to open. We were home.
We walked into the kitchen from the garage, and Mom was cutting up some veggies for dinner.
“Hi boys! How was school today?” She wiped her hands and kissed each of us on the cheek.
“It was good. We’re pretty much ready for the playoffs, so Coach is happy—and that takes away a lot of the stress we could be feeling.”
“That’s good. We’ll all be there, of course!”
“I have a lot of catching up to do with the show. I need to learn a tap routine tonight. I’m thinking of going next door and using the basement so I don’t mess up any of your floors with my taps.”
“Oh, that’s so sweet of you, Matthew! Do you want to go over now, or would you rather wait until after dinner?”
“I have some homework to catch up on, so after dinner is probably going to be best.”
“Hey Mom, is Dad in his study?”
“Yes, he’s researching for his sermon—but I’m sure he’ll be happy to take a break so he can spend some time with you boys.”
“Cool...thanks, Mom!”
“Thanks, Mrs. H.!”
We walked across the living room to Dad’s study. I knocked lightly on the open door, and Dad looked up and smiled at us. “Hello, boys. Come on in.”
“Hey Dad, do you have a little time to talk?”
“Always have time for you two. Have a seat.”
Dad got up from his desk and sat across from us.
“Before we start, I want to know how your afternoon was, Matthew. Are you feeling alright?”
“Yeah, better than I expected. It was nice to get some normal back into my life.”
“Then, you made the right decision. Now—what’s on your mind, Eddie?”
“First of all—Matty, I want you to understand that I’m trying to be proactive here. Please believe me when I say that I trust and love you completely.”
“So—after Matty told me about his dad’s will and all the money he was left—well, at first, I was all excited for him. But I couldn’t stop thinking about it all afternoon. You see, I love Matty—this Matty—more than life itself. I’m scared that all that money is gonna change him—or us.”
“Matthew? What do you think about what Eddie has said?”
“Well, I’ve been thinking about it a lot, too. I don’t think there’s any way all that money won’t change me—or us. But all I could think about was how I could help make our lives better.”
“How so?”
“Well, first of all, I want to make sure college is taken care of—for both of us.”
“Matthew, you certainly don’t have to pay for Eddie’s college education. We are more than able to do that.”
“Oh, I understand. But I don’t think you fully understand how important you guys have been to me—especially since you let me move in here. I know you say there are no paybacks in this family, but now that I’m able to do something to thank you for everything you’ve done, I want to do this. I mean, it’s not just an investment in Eddie’s future—it’s an investment in our future. I plan on spending the rest of my life with this amazing boy. I mean—if he agrees to that and all.”
Whoah! I didn’t expect Matty to say that in front of my father—and NO! I’m not going to cry, dammit!
“Eddie? What do you have to say to that?”
“Really, Dad?? My boyfriend all but proposes to me, and you have to ask how I feel about that?”
“Dude! That wasn’t a proposal—it was just a fact. Don’t worry—You’ll totally know when I propose to you!”
“When that time comes, can we try to keep it off the internet?” That took some of the stress away, and we all had a good chuckle.
“So—back to our conversation. I think Eddie has a good point and may not be entirely off-base with his concerns. But there’s one thing you both should understand. As we go through life, we change—we all change. It’s inevitable. As we live and move through the world, we’ll have experiences that will affect how we live our lives. Those experiences will change us. We just hope and pray that those changes make us a better person—not only to those who love us but also in God’s eyes.
“Now, you are both a few months away from turning eighteen. I promise you—there are so many opportunities for change and growth in your lives. And—so that you understand—I’m excited for what’s ahead for the two of you. You are both wonderful boys. You both think of others first. You are kind. You are both considerate. As a parent—now to the both of you—it’s my job to help you continue on this path you are already on.”
“So you don’t think Matty’s money will affect us—in a bad way?”
“Not if you don’t let it. And that is completely up to the two of you.”
“What do you mean, Mr. H.?”
“Well, let me see how I can put this. You see, I’ve never given counsel or advice to a gay couple.”
“Dad, I don’t think there’s too much difference. I mean, we’re two people who love each other. That’s all.”
“I see. Eddie, that’s very insightful of you—and I couldn’t agree more. So, my advice is that for any relationship to succeed, it depends on three things. I usually call it the ‘holy trinity of relationships.’ Those are respect, honesty, and communication. If you keep those three things front and center in your relationship, there’s not a thing you won’t be able to handle and get through.”
Matty and I looked at each other and smiled. “Dude, your dad hit the nail on the head. It seems pretty simple to me.”
“Boys, I don’t want to burst your bubble—but the last thing a relationship is is simple. It is complex. It can be difficult. A relationship can even be frustrating. But at the same time, a relationship with someone you love can also be fulfilling. It can be joyous. And most importantly, it can be the one thing that completes you as a human being.”
“I get it, Dad. See? What you just told us makes perfect sense. And it didn’t matter at all that you were talking to two boys.”
“You’re right, Eddie. And I should thank you for letting me see that more clearly.”
“Mr. H.?”
“Yes, Matthew?”
“There’s one other thing that I was thinking about this afternoon.”
“If I’m supposed to be taking control of all that money when I turn eighteen, that means I’ll be doing that before I even finish high school. I don’t know if I’ll be ready for all that responsibility.”
“And your thoughts on that are...?”
“I don’t know if we need to make it legal or anything, but can you stay in charge of all that until I’m out of high school?”
“I think that’s very wise of you, Matthew. And yes, I’ll be your executor for as long as you desire—even through college if you think that’s a good idea. But—just so you know, I'm fairly certain that decision needs to be made by you when you turn eighteen. We’ll talk to the attorney about it and see what he has to say, okay?”
“Yeah, thanks.”
“Eddie? Do you feel better about everything now?”
“Yeah, I do. If we both just be honest about what we’re feeling and make sure we communicate, we should be able to handle anything that might come up. And if we can’t—we knock on your door and sit down with you.”
Dad stood up and leaned down, kissing each of us on the tops of our heads. “I love you boys. You bring me so much happiness when I see that you are comfortable enough to come in and talk with me about things that are bothering you. Now, why don’t you head upstairs and get a start on your homework? I’m sure you both have some making up to do.”
We stood and got Dad into a three-way hug. How is it that just a few months ago, that man drove me up the fucking wall with pretty much everything he said and did—and now talking to him is almost like talking to one of my friends. Okay, he’s not a friend—that would be too creepy. But fuck me, he’s something pretty special.
But when I look back on that talk with Dad, something hit me pretty hard. We’ve never had a conversation like that before. Think about it. Before he told us his thoughts, he pretty much made sure he heard our opinions first. It was like he was seeing us as grown-ups somehow. Did he really respect our opinions? I think he actually did. Not once did he shoot down any of our thoughts. Weird. Just too fucking weird.
We went up to the bedroom, had a very brief make-out session, and cracked open our books. About two hours later, we went downstairs for dinner. Mom made her amazeballs beef stew, and between the five of us, there was nothing left by the time we were finished!
Matty told Mom and Dad that he was going to go next door to learn his tap solos for the show, and Mom was way more than agreeable when he mentioned that he didn’t want to ruin her floors. Damn, he’s good!
I went back upstairs to start some research on my Sociology term paper while Matty went next door with his tap shoes. Do you know how hard it is to concentrate on Sociology when you know that you and your boyfriend are about to have sex—loud and dirty sex—in the house that now belonged to him? Just sayin’.
About two hours later, my phone buzzed with a text.
QBMATTY: im ready, baby. bring your phone so you can film me. bring the lube 2.
SHORTSTOPCEM: me so horny! ❤️ u!
I put the bottle of lube in my pocket and grabbed my phone. I told Mom and Dad that Matty wanted me to go over and film him so he could send a video to the choreographer.
“Don’t stay up too late, Eddie. It’s a school night.”
“Of course, Mom. I’ll drag him back home as soon as we finish.” I sure hope she didn’t see my wood through my jeans. Sheesh!
Once I was out the back door, I couldn’t run fast enough to get to my boy. I knocked on the kitchen door and walked into my favorite sight—Matty Jordan standing in front of me, totally naked and hard as a rock!
“Is that big boy for me?”
“You know it is!”
“I thought you wanted me to film you dancing.”
“Oh—there’s gonna be some filming done—if you agree to it.”
“You mean?”
“Fuck yeah, he took my phone and set it on the breakfast bar. He turned on the video camera, made a few adjustments, and walked back over to me. I couldn’t believe what was about to happen! Even more—I couldn’t believe how fucking turned-on I was—knowing that we were filming this!
Matty had me out of my clothes in less than thirty seconds, kissed me, then picked me up. Whoa! He carried me across the room and sat me on the edge of the kitchen table.
“Did you bring the lube?”
I panted out, “In my jeans!” and started rubbing my hands over my chest and nipples. My cock was bouncing as my blood rushed through my body.
Matty came back to me with the lube and set it down on a chair as he knelt in front of me. “Grab on to your legs, baby.”
I did just as he requested, and before I could take a breath, Matty has his tongue licking and probing my ass. Holy fuuuuuck! My boy was so fucking good with his tongue. You know, he’s made me nut just from rimming me. I knew I had to stop him before I nutted again.
“Now, Matty! Fuck me NOW!”
Man! Did he ever! And can I just say that when there is no little brother in the next room or parents in the house—Matty Jordan and I fuck loud—real loud—and REAL dirty!! All the loud, dirty talk added to the fact that my boy was fucking me on the same table we’ve had so many breakfasts with his parents was more than I could handle. So. Fucking. Hot!
Yeah, I had another hands-free nut that literally sprayed all over the kitchen. More of my nut was on the table and floor than there was on my body. It wasn’t long before every drop of Matty’s nut was pumping deep inside me! There is nothing hotter than hearing your boyfriend yell “fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck” at the top of his lungs as he’s pounding your ass and filling you with his hot seed. It nearly made me nut again!
When we finally came back to Earth, Matty walked over and turned off the camera. We both cleaned the mess I made on the kitchen floor and table. It was kind of embarrassing finding my nut all over the place—but at the same time, I was kinda proud of my cock’s power!
That night, we were lying in bed together, watching the video we had made. Fuuuuuuck! This was so much hotter than any of that internet porn Matty showed me. After the video ended, we swallowed each other’s nut before falling asleep.
So Matty’s house became a favorite place for us to fuck and discover new ways to bring some hot-as-fuck pleasure to each other. It got to the point where I just knew that there was no way in Hell that anyone in that school was having mind-blowing sex like Matty and me! Not only that, I’m positive nobody had hot-as-fuck selfie videos of their incredible sex. Just so you know--we didn’t hoard them. In fact, whenever we made a new video, we would erase the last one we made.
The rest of the school year zoomed along pretty much normal. We didn’t win the baseball playoffs but came in second. We were a little disappointed in the results, but since most of us were coming back next year, we definitely had our sights on winning it all!
Prom was fucking awesome! Matty took me out to a real nice restaurant, where we had dinner with the squad and our dates. We walked into the hotel ballroom holding hands, proud to show the entire fucking school that we were together and in love. For the first time in school history, same-sex couples were allowed to dance without a faculty member walking out to the dance floor to stop “that nonsense.” Everyone seemed to think it was all because of the viral video thing. Eric said the school wouldn’t dare try to stop us, fearing that the negative publicity would be on GMA the following day! Small victories can mean so much.
Matty was fucking amazing in the musical. It was funny hearing him be a smart-ass in a New York accent, though. But man, let me tell you! My boy can fucking dance up a storm! I hope he heard me yelling and cheering for him as he took his bow!
Before the end of the year, the guidance counselors told us that we needed to visit some colleges and universities. Since Matty had that offer on GMA, we both decided to check out Appalachian State up in the mountains.
Man! That place is gorgeous! The campus is nestled in a valley and is surrounded by tree-covered mountains. Matty was a little nervous meeting the coaching staff and wanted to make sure they understood he wasn’t their typical quarterback recruit. When he reminded them of his sexuality, they were pretty honest with him. They said all they cared about was the ability and determination of their players. While school policy made it clear that no decisions were to be made based on gender or sexual orientation, the coaches reassured Matty that he would not be the first gay athlete at the school and promised that he would not be the last of them.
By the time we left Boone, Matty had signed a pre-commitment thing to the school and was pretty psyched about it. When the coaches asked him about his education plans, he told them that he wanted a theatre education degree. Damn! My boy wanted to be a high school theatre director when he grew up! Wow!
While Matty was visiting with the coaches, I decided to visit the Sociology department. I wasn’t quite sure what I wanted to major in, but I was pretty sure that my ultimate goal was to do something where I could help people—where I could make a difference in the world.
While I was talking with Dr. Hodges, he suggested we go to one of the on-campus cafes and sit down over a cup of coffee. Now—I’m never going to pass up the opportunity for some fresh-brewed caffeine! But it was the conversation over that cup of coffee that fucking blew me away!
Dr. Hodges told me that he wanted us to continue our talk in a more relaxed place. He said what he had seen in me was something he rarely sees in students—especially high school students.
When I asked him what he meant, he placed his hand over mine and said that from everything I had told him about myself, Matty, and my home life—well fuck me. Dr. Hodges told me I needed to think about a Bachelor of Theology with an emphasis on pastoral studies. Fuck me! Now Matty and Dr. Hodges think I should be a minister!
Dr. Hodges made me promise that I would look into at least two seminary colleges before making a school decision. He assumed—correctly, I might add—that if I chose to go to seminary, I would want one that was more on the progressive side of things. He opened a book and copied the name of a few schools that he thought would fit the bill nicely.
Damn! Damn! Damn! The more he talked about it, the more comfortable I was getting with the whole idea. Is this what they call “being called to ministry?” Hell, I don’t know. Personally, I don’t think I’d make a very good minister. I mean—just listen to my mouth! Nearly every other word is a fucking curse word! Of course, my potty mouth would make for some memorable sermons, right? Ha! Sometimes I slay myself with my sense of humor!
Driving home, Matty was pretty excited about ASU’s football program. They were nationally ranked at the time and were consistently one of the two best teams in the Sun Belt Conference. The coaches said they couldn’t make a scholarship offer at this time, but he was most definitely on the list for one. Matty told them he didn’t need a scholarship and they should give it to someone who needed the assistance. There he goes again—thinking of others!
When Matty asked me about my visit, I took a deep breath. I told him what Dr. Hodges had said. I thought he would be upset with the idea of us going to different schools, but when I looked over and saw him smiling, it kinda blew my mind.
“What are you smiling about?”
“I told you the other day that you should think about being a pastor. It’s just nice to know I’m not the only one who thinks that! Now there are two of us!”
“No. Now there are three of us. The more I think about it, the more I think that’s what I’m supposed to do. Shit! I think I’m going to be a fucking minister!”
Matty howled with laughter. “Yeah, you’re gonna be a minister with the dirtiest mouth in North America!”
Will the boys end up going to different schools for college? We'll find out next chapter. We'll find out how they handle their choices in the next book.
The next chapter is the last chapter in this book. A lot of it will be setting up the next book. And i can promise you this will be a two-book series! I mean it! Really!
Thanks again for all your kind words and support. You will never know just how much your comments inspire me and what they mean to me!
Love you ALL!!
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