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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

2019 - Fall - Raincheck Entry

Maybe Later - 1. Maybe Later

Sometimes love finds you when you stop looking. Patrick has allowed work to swallow him whole, but his sister Carrie pulls him out of his bubble and forces him to come to his niece's graduation. Occasionally a raincheck can work in your favor.

“Fine, I’ll give you this raincheck for Wednesday,” Carrie nearly whispered into the phone as she spoke, “but you better have your ass here Sunday for Tess’s party.”

“Carrie—,” was all I managed to get out.

“No! It is your niece’s birthday, and she is bringing home her fiancé from college. You are my only family. Be here, or so help me God, I’ll track you down and rip your balls off, Pat.”

I shook my head. You’d think we were kids with how we acted, not two adults in their forties. I’d cancelled on the last three events my sister and her family held. I knew that with my job sending me to Florida to cover the East Coast baking event in Jamesport on Saturday, I’d be in miserable shape Sunday. I also knew I had little choice.

“Fine. You win, Carrie. I’ll be there. Just know I’ll be flying out late Saturday night straight from the event. I can’t promise I’ll be fun to be around.”

“Fun or not, Patty boy, you’ll be here.”

My sister hung up before I could say anything else.

I looked at the calendar on my desk and sighed. It was going to be a long week of meetings, travel, and trying to write. After a week of travel, heaven only knows what kind of shape I’d be in when I got home.


The flight into MacArthur airport was late. The plane had been grounded last night when a snowstorm had hit Long Island, leaving it buried under a foot of snow. There had been a layover in Philadelphia that became a cancellation. The airline had me flying out at 9 a.m. on another flight Sunday morning, but they had to wait for the all clear from Islip.

The plane landed at noon, and Carrie’s party was at one. I’d never make it if I went home. Luckily, I found a cab outside and was soon stuck on Sunrise Highway as everyone drove slowly through the ice and snow. I just sat in the cab, wishing I was heading home and to bed.

“We’re here, Bud,” the driver said, dragging me out of my reverie.

I climbed out, paid him, and grabbed my bags from the trunk. As I trudged my way up the shoveled walkway, the door swung open and Carrie stepped outside.

“Luggage? Did you come from the airport?” Carrie grabbed one of my bags as she hugged me.

“Yeah. Sat on the tarmac forever before we could take off. But I’m here by one as promised.”

Carrie blushed. “Damn it, Pat. The party is at three, but I figured I’d get you here a bit earlier.”

I looked at her and groaned.

“Hey, Unc!” My nephew, Stuart, hugged me and took my other bag.

“Hon, take both of your uncle’s bags to the downstairs guest room.” Carrie handed her son my other bag.

“Carrie,” I began to build up a head of steam. I’d had little sleep, was stuck on the plane, and really wanted a shower and sleep.

“Pat, calm down. I’ll put up a pot of coffee while you go take a shower. You can then either grab a nap or sit with us ‘til the party starts. I was expecting you to come from home with a date.”

I paused and looked at her, stunned by her comment. It took me a moment to gather my wits before I spoke.

“If the storm hadn’t hit last night, I’d be coming from home. But why on earth did you think I’d have a date?”

“But…Pat, the last person you brought…”

“Don’t!” I growled at her, cutting her off.

“Okay.” She raised her hands in surrender. “Go shower and nap. You might want to shave. You’re looking a little shaggy, bro. I’ll have Stu go get you when Teresa and her fiancé arrive.”

I nodded and stomped off to the basement stairs. Forget a shower, I really needed some sleep.


“Uncle Pat, you made it.” Teresa ran over and hugged me as soon as I cleared the basement stairs.

“Hi, Tessy. How’s my favorite niece?” I leaned over and kissed her cheek.

“Great, and I’m your only niece.” She giggled and took my hand, dragging me into the kitchen. “Derrick, this my Uncle Pat.”

The young man before me was shorter than I was, with long black hair pulled back into a ponytail and a Van Dyke beard. He smiled and grabbed my hand.

“So nice to meet you. Teresa talks about you constantly.”

“Nice to meet you, too, Derrick.”

It was then I caught sight of another stranger whose appearance just stunned me. I hadn’t really been so caught off guard by someone’s looks in a long time. He sort of shocked me, but I doubted it would even really be noticed. I had long ago faced the truth that I was a tall, overweight, middle-aged bear. I knew no one was checking me out.

“Teresa, where are you?” The young stranger stopped and stared at me.

“Trevor, what did you need?” Teresa looked at Trevor and then at me. “Oh, sorry, guys. Trevor, meet my Uncle Pat. Uncle Pat meet Trevor. He was part of my track team in middle school and high school. He has been doing classes at Boces.”

“Nice to meet ya,” Trevor said as he waved at me and turned to Teresa. “Where are you having us put our coats?”

“Dad’s office. It is down the hall to your left.” Teresa pointed down the hall.

Once Trevor was out of sight, I grabbed Teresa for a second. She looked at me blankly.

“Teresa, not to be stupid or anything, but what the hell is Boces?”

Teresa laughed. “Boards of Cooperative Educational Services. Think tech school. They do everything from automotive to culinary to design to god knows what.”

“Oh,” was all I could come up with.

“Tess, your other college friends are here,” Stuart said as he poked his head into the kitchen.

“Yeeeeees,” she squealed as she ran towards the front door. Derrick simply followed in her wake.

“If I ever screech like that when I’m her age, just shoot me,” Stuart snidely commented as he grabbed one of the mini quiches his mother had on the counter.

I laughed and followed Stuart into the party.


I’d spent most of the party standing in the corner while kids half my age wandered around Carrie’s house. Carrie and my brother-in-law, Ashton, kept introducing me to co-workers, friends, and classmates of Tessy’s. Stuart finally gave me an out.

“This is boring. Uncle Pat, wanna play Madden with me?”

“Sure thing, Stu.”

We headed downstairs to the family room. As Stu went to set up his Xbox, I suddenly heard a deep voice behind me.

“Mind if I join you two? I feel out of place up there,” said Trevor as he stared at his feet.

“I…I only have two controllers. Sorry, Trev.” Stu looked upset as he held the two in his hands.

“No worries. Come in, Trevor. We can take turns.” I walked over to the wing chair beside the couch and sat down.

Stu smiled and waved him in. Quickly the game went from Madden to some shooter game. I watched the two of them play for a bit before I passed out in the chair I was in.


“Stuart, are you down there?” Carrie called down.

I sat up and was confused for a second.

“It’s after midnight. I don’t care if you are off tomorrow. Go to bed!”

I looked down and nearly panicked. It had been around eight when we’d come downstairs.

“When did the party end?” I asked as I stood up and stretched.

“Pat?” A moment later Carrie walked into the family room. “I thought you snuck out hours ago.”

“No, more like he sacked out hours ago,” Trevor said with a chuckle.

“Oh, Trev. I didn’t know you were here, too.” Carrie shook her head. “Well, you both should go get comfortable. Neither of you are leaving here tonight.”

“Carrie, I appreciate the offer,” I began.

Carrie held up her hand. “While you three were hiding down here, the party broke up hours ago due to the snowstorm. We’ve added another foot at least to what we had, and nothing is moving out there.”

“Crap. Thanks. I got dropped off and would have to walk. Don’t want to do that in snow,” Trevor said blushing a deep red.

“No problem, Trevor. Pat, I know you have your luggage, so clothes and things won’t be a problem. Stu, go grab a pair of sweats for Trev.”

“You got it, Mom.” Stu looked over at Trevor and shook his head. “I don’t have a top for you though. I’m still shorter than you.”

“No problem, squirt.” Trevor smiled at Stuart.

“I’ll grab one of your father’s tee shirts,” Carrie said.

“Forget it, I’ll give him one of mine. I’m always packing extra anyway.” I looked at Trevor who was still standing with his hands in his pocket, blushing like a stoplight.

“Fine. Trevor, you can take the other guest room. I’ll grab some towels and extra blankets for both of you.” Carrie paused and looked back and forth between Trevor and me. “Need anything else?”

“No,” we said in unison.

Stu and Carrie left to gather things, leaving the two of us alone. I shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot, looking at this handsome young man before me.

“I’ll grab you that shirt,” I muttered and hurried to my room.

I swung the suitcase up onto the bed and rapidly began pulling out things I could sleep in as well as a spare shirt for Trevor. I didn’t realize he had followed me ‘til he spoke again.

“Cooking magazines and lube? I’ve heard of food porn but …” Trevor’s sentence trailed off to deep laughter.

I was the one blushing as I spotted the tube alongside the latest copy of East Coast Food tucked into my bag.

“I’m sorry, I…uh…shouldn’t have said anything.” Trevor looked up and smiled.

I felt even hotter, and my pants suddenly felt tight. Before I could say anything, there was noise outside the room.

“Trevor, I left the sweats on the bed with blankets and towels.” Carrie barged in and handed me a pile. “These are for you. If you two are hungry, there is plenty of food in the fridge. I swear people barely got to eat before the storm hit. Pat, are you okay? You look all red.”

“Oh, yeah. I just need some water.”

Carrie nodded. “Okay, I’m off to bed. See you both in the morning.”

Trevor followed Carrie out.

“Trev?” I called out and he came back in. “Here.” I tossed him the shirt.

“Thanks,” he said as he quickly crossed the hall.

I grabbed what I needed and rushed into the shared bathroom, closing and locking the door so I could shower.

Exiting after a shower and shave, I knocked on Trevor’s door. “Bathroom is free. Going to go grab something to eat.”

Trevor opened the door and stepped out in his boxers, a towel over his shoulder. “Thanks.”

I swallowed hard and tried not say or do anything stupid. The second he closed the bathroom door I rushed upstairs.

Carrie had left the kitchen light on, and I stood looking out into the back yard through the window. There had to be at least three feet of snow out there. It was still falling.

“Pretty, isn’t it?”

I turned to find Trevor in my shirt. He was smaller than me, so my shirt swam on him. He looked like a little kid playing dress-up. It took a moment for me to realize he didn’t have Stu’s sweats on, and his legs were bare.

“Um,” I stuttered out. I had to mentally smack myself before I spoke again. “Yes, it is.”

Trevor was raiding the fridge. He opened up containers, looked, grabbed some stuff, and before I realized it he had made us both a plate. He smiled and handed me one.

“So, you’re the famous Uncle Pat. I’ve been hearing about you for years. Seems if I made a party, you missed it and vice versa. Was beginning to think you were a unicorn or Big Foot.”

“Nah, just really a workaholic. Being single makes it easy to lose out on things because I let work take over.” I watched as Trevor kept watching every move I made. I tried to ignore his glances as we snacked on the food.

“Tess said as much. Though she thought you’d finally found someone,” Trevor commented as he picked apart a chicken leg he had on his plate.

“Nah. I’d been out with a guy a few times, but we didn’t fit, and he found a girlfriend.” I shrugged my shoulders and tried to pretend that Jamal’s leaving me for his pregnant girlfriend was fine. I discovered that my earlier hunger died with thoughts of my ex. I found myself just pushing around the last things on my plate.

“Hmm.” Trevor’s deep voice almost hummed.

I looked up to find him staring at me. The more he stared the more I blushed.

“Let’s clean up and go to bed.” Trevor smiled as he gathered our plates, dumped the remaining food, rinsed the plates, and put them in the dishwasher.

“You seem at home here,” I noted as he finished up.

“Yeah. It’s just me and Mom. She couldn’t always get me to the meets in high school. Tess used to just ask her mom if I could stay. Stu’s been like a younger bro, and Mrs. Sa…I mean, Carrie has been like a second mom. They sort of adopted me. My mom’s a nurse at the hospital, so her hours are long. Whenever there is a need, I stay in the room across the hall.“

I nodded. Seemed Trevor was pretty much a part of Carrie’s family and I was the stranger here.

“Oh.” I didn’t know what to say.

We headed downstairs, and I was almost to the bottom step when we lost power. I missed the step and went down hard on my knee, my glasses flying off into the darkness.

“Fuck,” I muttered out between clenched teeth. “That goddamn hurt.”

“Are you ok?” Trevor slowly stepped toward me with a shuffling step ‘til he touched my arm. “Hold still.”

I suddenly felt two hands on my back, then sliding to my arm pits.

“Okay, now I know where you are. I’m going to help you up.” His deep voice almost whispered in my ear.

The young stud helped me stand up, and I was grateful he couldn’t see what a mess I was. My knee throbbed, and I didn’t have a chance in hell of seeing without my glasses.

“Going to get you to your bed, then grab a flashlight,” Trevor said as he guided me into my room.

“You know where there is a flashlight?”

“Yup. Besides, Tess used to sneak her boyfriends down here, and I didn’t want to fall over clothes or whatever at night. Carrie has them in most of the house after the last hurricane.”

I sat on the bed then moved around so I could sit with my leg up. I’d barely gotten comfortable when suddenly a bright light entered the room.

“I found a battery lantern and your glasses on the way back.” Trevor held out my glasses.


Trevor grabbed the blankets and covered me. I felt like a kid.

“I’m sorry. Never meant to be such a klutz.” I know my cheeks were a bright red.

“We lost power when you fell.” Trevor sat on the side of the bed and smiled. “I’m just glad we were close to the bottom and you didn’t get more hurt.”

“Yeah, sorry though. You got stuck helping the old man here.” I shook my head and winced as my knee throbbed.

“Old man? Where?”

I chuckled. “You’re what? Maybe twenty-two? I’m turning fifty this year.”

“And? Do you want a prize?” Trevor cocked his eyebrow. “Besides, I’m twenty-five. Four months older than Teresa.”

Damn, he could be my son.

“And before you make any other stupid comments, do you want me to grab you an ice pack for your knee?” Trevor smirked at me.

“Stupid comments? I haven’t …ugh.” I grunted as I went to move and my knee sent a wave of pain through my leg.

Trevor didn’t say anything but pulled a flashlight out of the little nightstand and left the room.

As I sat in the room, I noticed it was getting cooler. I pulled the second blanket up and began to think about Trevor. He was younger than I was—a bit shorter, too. He definitely was sarcastic but was also caring. However, even if he was interested in an old bear like me, he was half my age. Hell, I’m panicking and the kid hasn’t even done anything to indicate he was gay or interested. This is why I should have stayed home.

“Got it.” Trevor handed me the ice pack and sat beside me. “Took a look out the front door. The snow has blown up against the screen door and is above my hips. Also, there are no lights in any direction. Guess the snow and ice took out the power.”

“Great. No heat or power. I’m already feeling the cold after being down in Florida most of the week.”

I pulled up the lounge pants I was wearing to find my knee already red and swollen. I carefully set the ice pack on and sat back.

“I’m going to go grab the blankets Carrie left me and be right back.”

I was learning whatever Trevor thought, he did. I didn’t even get to ask him why he wanted them.

“Look, after hearing all about you from Tess, I know you’ll want to complain. You have a full-sized bed. I don’t know when the power will be back, but we can share the bed, body heat, and the blankets to stay warm. Besides with your knee the size of a grapefruit, you shouldn’t be on it. So, if you need anything, I’ll be right here.”

I stared at him for a moment. “Thank you,” was all I managed to croak out.

“Good.” He spread the blankets out over the bed, making sure I was covered. Then he climbed in and cuddled up close to me.

I did feel much warmer, but I was acutely aware I had a male body pressed up against me.

We lay there for a bit ‘til he spoke again, pulling me from my thoughts.

“You remind me of a teddy bear. I could get used to this.”

I turned to look at Trevor, afraid to comment.

“You should see your face.” Trevor chuckled. “You are a handsome man, Pat. I’m pissed we didn’t meet sooner.”

“Look…” I began, only to suddenly find his soft lips pressed to mine.

“I’ve wanted to do that all night. When I saw you leave with Stu, I had hoped to talk to you.”

“Oh,” was about all I could say. The blood was rushing elsewhere.

“Pat, relax. We’re at your sister’s house in the middle of a snowstorm. You’re also hurt. I just want to get to know you. I don’t want to have sex now.”

I sighed as he snuggled closer. I let myself relax.

“Maybe later, though. Once we are at your place.”

I went to move and heard him laugh.

“Relax, Pat. I’m patient. Your reactions are hysterical.” He leaned up and kissed me again before resting in the crook of my arm.

It wasn’t long until Trevor fell asleep and seemed to wrap himself even closer in the cooling house. As much as I didn’t want to admit, Trevor fit comfortably beside me. I kept thinking about everything he told me and all the things I still wanted to learn about him. I eventually felt sleep begin to pull me into its embrace, so I slipped the ice pack off and put it on the nightstand.

As I let sleep take me my last thought was: damn Carrie and her rainchecks.

So this was my take on the idea of a raincheck. What did you think? Comments and likes are always appreciated.

Thank you to @Timothy M. for his work on this. Thank you to @rec as the Anthology editor. Any mistakes still found are my own.
Thank you for reading
Copyright © 2019 comicfan; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

2019 - Fall - Raincheck Entry
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Chapter Comments

This is such a wonderful sweet story. Trevor certainly recognizes what he wants, and helps Pat to see that, too. Thank you. 

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Loved the story.

There does seem to be two editorial marks left in the story, when they're in the kitchen: " Being single [‘makes it’?] easy to lose out on things because I let work take over.” I watched as Trevor kept watching every move I made. I tried to ignore his glances as [‘he’/’we’?] snacked on the food. "

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2 hours ago, Parker Owens said:

This is such a wonderful sweet story. Trevor certainly recognizes what he wants, and helps Pat to see that, too. Thank you. 

Yes, some times it is the one who makes the move. Glad you enjoyed it, Parker.

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1 hour ago, Fae Briona said:

Loved the story.

There does seem to be two editorial marks left in the story, when they're in the kitchen: " Being single [‘makes it’?] easy to lose out on things because I let work take over.” I watched as Trevor kept watching every move I made. I tried to ignore his glances as [‘he’/’we’?] snacked on the food. "

Yeah. Unfortunately, with the anthologies we can not correct anything once it goes live. Glad you enjoyed though.

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1 hour ago, chris191070 said:

I loved the story, really wonderful and sweet. Trevor recognise what he wants and helped Pat see what he wanted.

Every once in a while someone takes a chance and things just work out. Glad you liked it.

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Trevor will have a good excuse to help Pat get home, after the snowstorm, and they can spend more time getting to know each other.

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Attraction and possibly love can hit, or trip you over at any time, lol. Do we get a follow-up? I'd love to know how far it goes, relationship not sex, lol.

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Thank you for this lovely story. It was charming and i am so glad Pat is willing. Age should be no barrier. Too often it is. And it is such a waste of possible happiness.

Wonderful story.

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On 11/28/2019 at 3:24 PM, Timothy M. said:

Trevor will have a good excuse to help Pat get home, after the snowstorm, and they can spend more time getting to know each other.

I expect the two will get to know each other well. Thanks for all the help.

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On 11/28/2019 at 4:34 PM, Mancunian said:

Attraction and possibly love can hit, or trip you over at any time, lol. Do we get a follow-up? I'd love to know how far it goes, relationship not sex, lol.

Sometimes the most you can do is imagine how it will be. Lol. Thanks for reading. Might come come back.

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On 11/28/2019 at 6:02 PM, Mikiesboy said:

Thank you for this lovely story. It was charming and i am so glad Pat is willing. Age should be no barrier. Too often it is. And it is such a waste of possible happiness.

Wonderful story.

Thank you. I think life sometimes gives you opportunities for love and it is up to you to seize it. I think Pat will.

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On 11/29/2019 at 4:57 PM, Thorn Wilde said:

Aww, this was really sweet!

Thank you, Thorn. I am glad people are enjoying it.

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12 hours ago, aditus said:

That was very nice and sweet. Love it. Thank you.

Thanks, Aditus.  Glad you enjoyed it.

Edited by comicfan
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Nice story. If only Patrick hadn’t been such an habitual rainchecker, he might have met Trevor a few years before, although Patrick’s concern about the age difference might have been even more of an issue. Love how young Trevor is so confident, with no hang ups about age. 

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33 minutes ago, lomax61 said:

Nice story. If only Patrick hadn’t been such an habitual rainchecker, he might have met Trevor a few years before, although Patrick’s concern about the age difference might have been even more of an issue. Love how young Trevor is so confident, with no hang ups about age. 

Thank you, Lomax. Im glad you enjoyed it. Trevor is sure of what he wants and will most likely end up teaching Pat a few things. You never know when love will walk in and flip your life upside down.

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I heartily agree with the consensus, Wayne. This was sweet, charming, funny, and hopeful. I did relate to Patrick's concern about age difference, but learned a long time ago it isn't all that important when loves visits. Well done, sir... cheers... Gary....

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5 hours ago, Headstall said:

I heartily agree with the consensus, Wayne. This was sweet, charming, funny, and hopeful. I did relate to Patrick's concern about age difference, but learned a long time ago it isn't all that important when loves visits. Well done, sir... cheers... Gary....

Thanks Gary. I am just glad everyone is enjoying this. 

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This was such a sweet story.  I have a feeling that Pat has just met the person who's going to make him change his workaholic ways!!  

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6 hours ago, LadyDe said:

This was such a sweet story.  I have a feeling that Pat has just met the person who's going to make him change his workaholic ways!!  

I think it is easy to allow work to fill up your life until someone makes you reevaluate your life. Pat suddenly has Trevor messing up his usual schedule and taking notice of parts of his life he has let slide. Thank you for the comments, LadyDe

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  • Site Moderator

So this was my take on the idea of a raincheck

And, an excellent take it was, Wayne. I could easily read more about Pat and Trevor. Perhaps, we’ll see them in another prompt response? 


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22 hours ago, Reader1810 said:

So this was my take on the idea of a raincheck

And, an excellent take it was, Wayne. I could easily read more about Pat and Trevor. Perhaps, we’ll see them in another prompt response? 


I have learned to never say no.

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Age difference is still a bit of a taboo, isn't it? Whether it's between the couple, or from those looking on. Good for Trevor - he's just going for the guy he likes regardless.

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