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Promptings from Valhalla - 38. Epic Revenge

Prompt 819
First line: “Just you wait, ‘cause my revenge will be epic!”

“Just you wait, ‘cause my revenge will be epic!” I steepled my hands and ran my fingertips across each other in my best imitation of Mr. Burns from The Simpsons. “Excellent!”

Doug rolled his eyes and wiped a damp, white rag over the polished surface of the bar. “All right, Burnsie. So what is this epic revenge you will wreak upon our unsuspecting customer?”

I grabbed a small piece of rectangular paper from our newest waiter and set it on the counter. I swiveled like a ballet dancer and grabbed the Kahlua off the shelf. I waved the bottle at Doug. “Three guesses as to what Table Three ordered, Smithers.” I grinned and opened the fridge, then grabbed the chocolate milk.

Doug laughed. “So do you think their faces turned bright red or did they leer at our newest piece of eye candy?” He threw the rag under the counter and leaned his back against the gleaming wooden edge of the bar, facing me.

I placed five shot glasses in a row and rapidly poured the chocolate milk into them, followed by the Kahlua, without spilling a drop. I finished them off with a dollop of canned whipped cream. Kevin, our ‘newest piece of eye candy’, grabbed the tray and sashayed over to the patrons who ordered the five blow jobs.

“So, Montgomery… your ‘epic revenge’?”

“Oh yeah! So this guy wins the jackpot during Gay Bingo, then stiffs me on the tip! The kicker is, the fucker wrote his number on the back of the ticket, too! Seriously? Not the best way to get a date.” I returned the chocolate milk to the fridge and slammed the door.

“What a dick. But why the revenge? I mean, yeah, it’s shitty of him, but why go to all this trouble?”

“Because I’m sick of this shit. This is the third guy this week to not tip me. What the fuck? I have to make a living, here!”

“Hey, it happens to the best of us. Yeah, it’s shitty, and believe me, I’ve wanted to get my own revenge sometimes. So what devious plot have you concocted to ensnare the offender?”

“Well, the guy wants a date, right? So we’ll go out on a date. To the most expensive restaurant in town. And then I’ll order the most expensive thing on the menu, wait until it’s brought to the table, then go to the bathroom and sneak out the door. So he’ll be stuck with a giant bill!”

Doug held up his hand and gave me a high five. “Nice! Way to obfuscate the guy!”

I frowned. “What the fuck? ‘Devious’… ‘obfuscate’… What the fuck are you talking about?”

“I got a Word of the Day calendar for Christmas. Figured I’d put it to good use. ‘Obfuscate’ means to confuse.”

“Well you got that right,” I stated.

Doug smirked. “You’re adorable when you’re obfuscated. No wonder you get so many phone numbers.”

“Hey, gotta pay the bills somehow. And did you just call me stupid?”

“I plead the fifth,” Doug called over his shoulder as he moved to take care of a customer.


I checked my hair in the visor mirror before sliding out of my maroon 2008 Saturn Ion. I adjusted my navy blue sweater I wore over a white dress shirt. It fit me like a glove, showing off my gym physique to perfection. My pants fit just as well, highlighting my best assets. Even my lesbian roommate admitted I looked ‘doable’ before I left. I grinned. My plan was coming together perfectly. Jeremy was thrilled when I called, although sounded a bit hesitant when I suggested we meet at the most expensive steakhouse in the city. But ultimately, he agreed to meet me there.

I texted him, letting him know I had arrived, as I approached the front door. The whole lack of a tip thing was really disappointing, because I had been really into the guy before that. He was hot and flirty and I’d hoped it would lead to a hook up. Blond hair, green eyes, and just slightly shorter than me… with just the right amount of curve to his ass. Perfect.

Too bad he was a cheapskate.

He was waiting for me right by the hostess’ stand. He smiled shyly, unlike his antics of the night before, and looked me over. “Wow, you look fantastic. I mean, you’ve always been hot, but damn….”

I grinned. “Thanks. You look great too, by the way.”

He beamed at the praise. I placed my hand on the small of his back as the waitress led us to our table.

His emerald eyes widened when he looked at the menu. He ordered a bowl of soup and an appetizer as his meal, while I ordered the most expensive surf and turf option I could find.

The waitress brought us a basket of steaming, fresh-baked, whole grain bread and cinnamon honey butter to spread on it. It tasted like heaven.

“So what do you do for fun?” I asked around a mouthful of bread. “Besides Gay Bingo, that is.”

“I hope you don’t think I’m a giant nerd or anything, but I’m really into anime and cosplay.” His face turned the most adorable shade of red.

“Cool! So am I! What’s your favorite series?”

He perked up, grinning. “Really? Wow! I’d have never guessed you like anime. Do you cosplay too?”

I nodded. “I went to last year’s ComicCon as Sebastian Michaelis.”

“Oh wow! I want to see pics!”

“I should have some on my phone,” I replied, digging it out of my pocket. It didn’t take long to find the pics of me dressed as Sebastian. Even I had to admit I looked damn hot in his butler's outfit, consisting of black trousers, a six-buttoned double-breasted tailcoat, and a gray vest.

“Damn… I’ve never been into that show, but I will be now!”

Our waitress arrived and placed hot bowls of New England clam chowder in front of us. “Enjoy, gentlemen,” she said before walking away.

Jeremy slid my phone across the table, and we both started eating our soup. It delicious. I was starting to rethink my plan. Jeremy was delightful, adorable, and into the same weird stuff I was. My phone buzzed, and I saw Doug had texted me, asking me if I’d ditched the guy yet. Shit. I had to remind myself this guy was a jerk. I also had a voicemail from Kevin. Fuck. Work crap always seemed to follow me. “Excuse me,” I said, standing. “I have to make a phone call. Work stuff.”

He frowned and nodded, then took another bite of bread.

I headed outside and texted Doug back. Not yet

Then I listened to Kevin’s voicemail. Hey boss, Doug just told me about your date with that guy who won the Gay Bingo jackpot. Listen, I feel horrible about this, but the guy did tip you. You were on break when he left, so he gave me fifty bucks to give to you, and I totally forgot about it. I really hope you get this before you go on your date. Sorry, man.”

I pumped my fist. Yes! He wasn’t a jerk! I exhaled and ran my hand through my hair. I turned to go inside and ran right into Jeremy. “Oh! Hey. I just finished my call.”

He looked me in the eyes. “I read the text your friend sent while I was scrolling through your pics. I didn’t mean to… it just popped up. I don’t know what kind of game you’re playing here, but whatever it is, I’m not into it.”

He walked away, heading toward his car. I stared after him, dumbfounded.

“Sir?” The maître d’ approached me, scowling. “If you don’t come inside immediately and settle your bill, I will call the police.”

Then I realized Jeremy had been carrying a take-out container.


I followed the irate man next to me into the restaurant to pay for my mistake.

So what do you think of Monty's revenge?  Did he cross the line?  Should he have 'fessed up when he realized how much he liked Jeremy?  Did Monty get what he deserved?  Thanks for reading, and thanks to aditus for beta reading :)  
Copyright © 2018 Valkyrie; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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I understood Monty's frustration... been there many times... but there are lots of reasons people don't tip, so unless a guy stiffed me regularly, I tried not to judge. It all evens out. Monty got what he deserved. His plan was mean and petty, and I laughed when he ended up burning himself. Entertaining little story with a timeless lesson... the world doesn't owe you, and you have to take the good with the bad. There are many times you get tips you don't deserve... and Jeremy was one of the good guys. Great use of the prompt, Val. :) 

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15 minutes ago, Headstall said:

I understood Monty's frustration... been there many times... but there are lots of reasons people don't tip, so unless a guy stiffed me regularly, I tried not to judge. It all evens out. Monty got what he deserved. His plan was mean and petty, and I laughed when he ended up burning himself. Entertaining little story with a timeless lesson... the world doesn't owe you, and you have to take the good with the bad. There are many times you get tips you don't deserve... and Jeremy was one of the good guys. Great use of the prompt, Val. :) 

:yes: You pretty much nailed it.  Thanks for reading and commenting :hug:  

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Whilst understanding his frustration about not getting tip Monty's plan for revenge was pretty mean and petty, especially when Jeremy was clearly one of the good guys. So yes he got what he deserved when Jeremy discovered the text. An entertaining little tale that made a great use of the prompt.

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12 minutes ago, chris191070 said:

Whilst understanding his frustration about not getting tip Monty's plan for revenge was pretty mean and petty, especially when Jeremy was clearly one of the good guys. So yes he got what he deserved when Jeremy discovered the text. An entertaining little tale that made a great use of the prompt.

Thanks :) I agree that Monty definitely got what he deserved.  Hopefully he learned his lesson.  

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This is what happens when we are not honest in our actions.

My favorite revenge story involves someone bumping my car into the red zone in order to squeeze her Volvo into a space much too short to fit into. I got a ticket because of her rudeness! So I let most of the air out of one of her tires. Since it was in front of my apartment, my neighbors and I watched while sitting on the steps to the entrance. She returned and drove off, completely oblivious…

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32 minutes ago, droughtquake said:

This is what happens when we are not honest in our actions.

My favorite revenge story involves someone bumping my car into the red zone in order to squeeze her Volvo into a space much too short to fit into. I got a ticket because of her rudeness! So I let most of the air out of one of her tires. Since it was in front of my apartment, my neighbors and I watched while sitting on the steps to the entrance. She returned and drove off, completely oblivious…

Remind me to never piss you off... :unsure: 

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22 minutes ago, Valkyrie said:

Remind me to never piss you off... :unsure: 

It was only one tire, so she could easy switch to her spare. And there was no puncture or cut, so the tire only needed to be refilled. Is she had been more careful, she might have been able to squeeze her Volvo into the space without shoving my car out of her way. Or she could have looked for a more appropriately sized space somewhere else!

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I've never worked in any position that depended on tips, so can only guess at how important they are as income, as well as a respectful nod for service well rendered.

But...not leaving a tip may be ignorant if the service warranted it, but it is not a reason to cross the line into ignorance yourself. I like the piece, and do feel that justice prevailed in the end! :)


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13 minutes ago, Geron Kees said:

…not leaving a tip may be ignorant if the service warranted it…

It’s much better to leave a very small tip in order to make it clear that the tip was not forgotten.

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This is an interesting study in ethics.  Monty was absolutely wrong engaging in retribution against someone due to a tip. I’m not surprised he was found out because he would have been.  Jeremy made the right call.   Monty seems to be quite young without much experience.  He should learn from it.  Nice job!

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10 hours ago, Geron Kees said:

I've never worked in any position that depended on tips, so can only guess at how important they are as income, as well as a respectful nod for service well rendered.

But...not leaving a tip may be ignorant if the service warranted it, but it is not a reason to cross the line into ignorance yourself. I like the piece, and do feel that justice prevailed in the end! :)


I'm usually a pretty generous tipper, as I understand they rely on that money as income; however, I have left smaller tips if I felt the service was lacking.  I don't think I've ever not tipped someone for poor service.  I'm more inclined to give 10% vs my usual 20%.  Monty definitely overreacted and got his just desserts.  Thanks for reading :) 

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9 hours ago, Cole Matthews said:

This is an interesting study in ethics.  Monty was absolutely wrong engaging in retribution against someone due to a tip. I’m not surprised he was found out because he would have been.  Jeremy made the right call.   Monty seems to be quite young without much experience.  He should learn from it.  Nice job!

Thanks!  Hopefully Monty learned a valuable lesson, and Jeremy will find someone nicer. 

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18 hours ago, droughtquake said:

It’s much better to leave a very small tip in order to make it clear that the tip was not forgotten.

Well, that's the way we have always done it. Twenty percent for excellent service, ten percent for lackluster or even indifferent service, and five percent for guy-dressed-in-a-gorilla-suit service. I do think it's better to say a little and convey a lot in these instances, than to say nothing at all.

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8 hours ago, Valkyrie said:

I'm usually a pretty generous tipper, as I understand they rely on that money as income; however, I have left smaller tips if I felt the service was lacking.  I don't think I've ever not tipped someone for poor service.  I'm more inclined to give 10% vs my usual 20%.  Monty definitely overreacted and got his just desserts.  Thanks for reading :) 

Nope. Thank you. Here's your 20%! :)


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12 minutes ago, Geron Kees said:

Nope. Thank you. Here's your 20%! :)


:gikkle:  :hug: 

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5 hours ago, Sherye said:

Wait! How did he see the text? Cause Monty had the phone on him when he got it and then left to answer the text! I am confused.......

The text came through while Jeremy was scrolling through pictures of Monty as the anime character.  He saw it then.  

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