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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
This story deals with sensitive subjects such as suicide and rape. There is also bad language throughout. Reader discretion is advised.

The Saturday Boy - 14. Shaun's Master Plan

This chapter contains scenes of moderate violence. Reading discretion is advised.

I paced my room, seething. Up and down, up and down. It really was getting to me that Shaun, my best fucking friend, could stoop so low. This was something that was going to end us as a threesome; I knew it. Gone would be those days I looked back on with fondness. But, nope, Shaun had played his last fucking card with me, and I was tired of being everyone's doormat.

I heard footsteps coming up the stairs, my anger building to a crescendo. Even after knowing his little plan was gonna get found out, he still has the brawn to come along with Dean and pretend like nothing has happened. I stood there in the middle of my room, waiting… waiting an eternity for the two people that I thought were my friends, one of them that deceived me on more than one occasion and the other that didn't understand me.

"Hey Joey," Dean remarked, first to appear.

"Dean," was all I replied, nodding. Then Shaun appeared, a smile on his face.

"Hi Joey," he said, walking into my room. I moved forward and punched him as hard as I fucking could, bouncing him back out onto his ass, causing him to smash his head on the wall in the hallway. Blood pissed from his nose, running down onto his chin, before soaking the white T-shirt he was wearing. Dean just looked on in astonishment; I don't think he knew what to do.

"Joey, you broke my fucking nose, you asshole," Shaun yelled like he had a cold. I remained silent, staring him down.

"Joey, what the fuck… have you lost your mind?" Dean uttered, finally finding his voice. Again, I ignored him.

"GET UP!" I screeched at Shaun before walking into the hall and grabbing the fucker by the scruff of the neck. "You fucking piece of shit, I said GET UP!" Together with leverage from his legs with the help of my hand tight around his neck Shaun got to his feet. He didn't stay there long, though, as I head-butted him on the mouth busting his lip open. Blood sprayed up the wall behind him, and he burst into tears. I didn't care; I was in a mood of pure unadulterated rage.

I wanted to go back for more; he deserved it, he fucking deserved it more than anything, but Dean was now pulling at me, trying to keep me away from him. My brother came running up the stairs and got between Shaun and me, telling me to calm down… I couldn't hear him. All I could see was Shaun's cocky face making plans behind my back, playing with Jack's emotions. The Bastard!

"Joey, you gotta settle down, mate," Dean almost begged me.

"Get that fucker out of my pub. I never wanna see his face again," I hissed at Roman, who was leaning on my shoulders, wondering what to do.

"Joey, please, you gotta let me explain," implored Shaun, soaked in blood and crying his eyes out. "Please just hear me out."

"Hear you out… fucking hear you out? Why should I, all this time you have been plotting behind my back? Fucking telling me you were okay with me and Jack when all along you couldn't fucking stand it, could you?"

"It wasn't like that, I just…."

"Just what? Just wanted to see if you could run away with him to fucking tinsel town without me knowing. What the fuck were you thinking, you wanker!" I screamed. "Just get out Shaun, I'm sick of the sight of you, your tricks, your deception. Call yourself a mate? Supposed to be my best mate, and you fucking stitch me up every opportunity you get, you're a selfish, shallow, deceiving heartless bastard, that's what you are, now get out, you're spilling blood everywhere.

"Shaun, you can fix yourself up in the bathroom, then I think you better leave," My brother said calmly, helping Shaun to his feet.

"I know how you did it, I know how you called me, it was when you went to the toilet, wasn't it. You were at the hospital, and you went to the toilet and called me... pretending you were at school. Smart but not smart enough!" I yelled as he walked away.

Roman took Shaun to the bathroom to get cleaned up and asked Dean to shut my door, pre-empting any reprisals from me, I suspect. But I was done. My message was clear, I felt. My fucking hand hurt, though. Once Dean had shut my door, he came towards me and pushed my shoulder, causing me to fall back on my bed. Unlike Shaun, I was not about to go to town with Dean; he was far too big.

"Right you, you wanna tell me what in Jesus fuck that was all about?"

"Haven't you worked it out? The guy is a fucking traitor; he stabbed me in the back one time too many."

"Was that really an excuse to smash him up like that?"

"If you didn't think so, why didn't you stop me?"

"Because before I had a chance to react, you had already taken a swing at him."

"He thinks I am walkover Dean, you all do, and that was a clear message to him that I'm not a fucking walkover, far from it. If I need to protect something I care about, I will." Dean looked and me and shook his head.

"You do realise Mike and Susan are gonna go nuts at you when they see the state of him."

"He won't tell them it was me. I have too much on him… primarily the fact he's gay. I don't think his parents will wanna hear that."


"No, Dean, just a mutual secret to be kept. So?"

"So? What do you mean so?" Dean asked, tilting his head sideways

"Well, what side of the fence do you sit with this? You think what he's done is right?"

"Whoa, Joey, I don't know the full story, and I think it's unfair for me to choose between the both of you. You are both my pals and…."

"No, Dean, a pal is someone you trust, someone who looks out for you. Shaun is not a pal. Shaun is a self-centred opportunist who will walk over anyone to get what he wants. That much has been proved."

Dean puffed air through his lips. "Yeah, and I dunno when he went like that, or why for that matter."

"I do, ever since Jack came on the scene. He doesn't seem to get that Jack's not interested, and I don't know what he hates more, the fact Jack is not interested or the fact Jack is interested in me. Whichever it is, he seems hell-bent on fucking things up for us, and you know what the hilarious thing about this entire thing is, Dean?"

"You're gonna tell me, no doubt."

"It's that he thinks no one knows what games he's playing; it's fucking sad. How the hell does he think he's gonna get away with all the things he does? Doesn't he realise that Jack and me are gonna talk… it's laughable."

"Do you want me to talk to him?" Dean asked. I think he knew the answer.

"We're done, Dean, that's it. He crossed a line that he can't come back from with me." Dean was about to say something when my door opened, and Roman walked in, not looking impressed.

"Dean, you need to leave please, thanks for what you did today, but I need to talk to my brother."

"Yeah, sure, Roman, Listen Joey, let me talk to Shaun okay, let me find out why."

"I already know why Dean. Nothing he can tell you I don't already know. And knowing Shaun lately, he will probably be telling you a pack of lies. So you trust him if you want, I won't stand in your way, but this is it for me."

Dean tapped my leg and got up to leave, nodding at Roman as he left my room. Roman closed the door and stood glaring at me.

"You beat him up pretty bad, you know."

"No less than he deserved," I muttered, refusing to meet my brother's gaze.

"I mean, he could press charges against you."

"He won't."

"What makes you so sure?"

"Oh, for fuck sake, Roman, I've had a gut full today. Do we really have to talk about that asshole? Let him do what he wants." I snapped, tired of this all being about Shaun.

"Why are you doing this, Joe?"

"Why am I doing… are you for real Roman?" I asked, totally bemused at the question.

"Let's have a hypothetical conversation here."

"I can't. I need to get Shaun's blood off the wall before Mum or Dad see it."

"Yeah, well, I've already done it; they will never know." He declared, and I looked up at him, surprised.

"You did? Well, that's good."

"You're welcome!"

"Sorry, thank you. So what does this hypothetical conversation contain then?"

"Joey, just say, for instance, you didn't get involved with Jack, and he left the hospital and ended up staying with Shaun."

"Would never happen; he wouldn't go with Shaun," I stated, shaking my head.

"So if you know that, why are you getting so worked up over the games Shaun is playing? If you feel confident that Jack has feelings for you, then why let it bother you what Shaun tries?"

"Two things here, Roman, firstly it bothers me because he is telling Jack that I don't want to be more than friends and Jack in his current state believed him, which caused problems."

"And second?" asked Roman.

"Second, it's the fact he is willing to throw away a long-standing close friendship to get what he wants, and those two reasons alone I think are enough to get upset about, don't you?"

"Enough to head butt him?"

"You're damn right that's enough, and I can't promise if you and Dean had not been here, I wouldn't have finished the job off."

"You mean you kill him, you can't be serious?"

"Maybe not kill him, but put him in hospital for a long time, see how he likes it."

"Jesus, Joey, I've never heard you talk like this before. Are you sure you're not getting a little too involved with this Jack guy?"

"Don't you get it, Roman; this is not about Jack or me. It's about my best friend doing the unthinkable and thinking he can get away with it. Look, we are going round in circles here. I did what I did because I felt it needed to be done. As I said, I'm tired of being made a fool of, being walked over. Now things can start getting back to normal."

"You really think that?"

"I know that!" I said determinedly.




Down in the cellar, I felt more relaxed. I was on my own for a start, away from assholes, other people, and… well, just human beings, and I had, had enough of those for a while. The cooling fans' whirring helped calm my soul as I scrubbed the cellar floor with bleach, for once not minding the dirty job. There was an order to put away after and two guest ales to be made up. I was looking forward to passing the time doing these jobs, and I knew at that point it must have been a bad day.

"Joey?" My Mum called.

"Down here, what's up?"

"Could you come up here, please?"

"For fuck sake," I muttered. "Coming!"

I wandered upstairs to where my Mum was waiting at the top of the stairs. She had a look on her face that told me I was probably in a bit of trouble. Maybe she found some blood on the wall and questioned Roman until he gave me up. But no, it was worse.

"Joey, the police are upstairs, and they want to talk to you. So what the hell is going on, young man."

"Shit, erm, I'm sorry, Mum, but I may be in trouble because of Shaun."

"Shaun, what's Shaun got to do with this?"

"I hit him… badly," I said, lowering my eyes.

"Oh Jesus, this is all I need. Well, you better go and talk to them. I'll come with you. You are going to send me to an early grave, you know that?"

"I'm sorry, Mum, really I am."

"Just get upstairs and get this straightened out."

I walked through the bar and up to the apartment to find two officers in uniform waiting in the lounge.

"Joey Cork?" asked one of the officers.

"Yes, that's me; I know what this is about."

"Hmm, well, my name is PC Brent, and this is my colleague, PC Doyle. We are here because we have received an accusation from Susan Winters that you assaulted her son Shaun Winters?"

"She is correct. I did."

"Hang on, officers; doesn't he need a lawyer present or something?"

"No, ma'am, not at this point, we are just trying to establish the facts right now, but since Joey is being cooperative, this should be quite straightforward."

"Hmm, well, what's going to happen now?" my Mum asked worriedly.

Officer Doyle stood up. "Joey Cork, I am arresting you on suspicion of assault with possible intent to harm. You do not have to say anything, but anything you do say may be used as evidence in court. Do you understand?"

"You're arresting him?" my Mum blurted out.

"Yes," I replied. It was all I could think of. He did it, Shaun actually did it, he dobbed me in, I was shocked.

"I'm assuming handcuffs will not be necessary, Mr Cork?"

"No officer, they won't."

"Now hang on just a damn minute. What is going to happen to my son? Where are you taking…."

"Ma'am, we need to take your son in for further questioning now, you have the right to accompany him, but as he is over sixteen, as you have stated, we will be able to question him alone."

The officers led me away, thankfully through the side entrance to a waiting squad car. I was put in the back and driven away, with my Mum telling me she would sort something out so she could come down soon.

As we headed through the streets towards the police station, I still felt calm, and I still felt he... Shaun deserved it. At the same time, it all felt a bit unreal. I had never been arrested for anything, not even stealing a can of coke before, let alone assault. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but I actually felt more like laughing. So I decided to do neither.

"So what happens now," I said to the officers as we neared the station.

"You'll be processed." That was all the reply was.

"Processed, that sounds like something you do to meat."

"It's just a term, Mr Cork. First, you'll be taken in and questioned about the events that led to Mr Winters getting assaulted, and then a decision will be made as to what to do with you next."

"Right, I see," I said, sighing.




At the police station, I was led into a room and left on my own until a man walked in wearing a navy blue suit.

"You must be Joey Cork?"

"Yes, that's right, who are you, some kind of detective?"

The man laughed. "No, Mr Cork, I'm your assigned lawyer. I'm here to help you. My name is Peter Aldis."

"Oh right, well, what am I supposed to do? This is such a mess."

"Right well, this should be a cut and shut case. I saw your mother outside. She says you have admitted the assault, yes?"

"Yeah, I thought it better to just tell the truth."

"Well, in this case, Mr Cork, you did the right thing. So let's start with that."


"So, tell me what happened from the beginning and try to be as detailed as possible. It will give me more ammunition when you are questioned."

"Okay, well…"

I went on to explain how it all happened and why it happened. I told him everything, leaving nothing out, and you know what, it felt good actually, getting it all off my chest to someone who wasn't directly involved, and he was very sympathetic to my… lifestyle.

Soon after we talked, an officer came into the room and questioned me, with my solicitor instructing me what to say at specific points. It was likely I was going to get off with a fine and would have to pay compensation to Shaun for my actions, but apart from that, I would be released the next day on bail until having to attend court for my plea. I was guilty, of course, and I just wanted this out of the way. For now, though, it was off to a cell which was the only point where I became terrified. I was able to hug my Mum as I was led away, much to her protests, but my solicitor said it was just a formality and I would be let out at the latest by noon in his experience.

It was gonna be a long night!


Spending a night in a cell at a police station was scarier than I was perhaps prepared for. A night of lowliness mixed with the drunk shouting of other people and the constant smell of urine. I felt like I was in another country… another world. I cried myself to sleep that night, and I don't think it was just because I was locked in a cage, if you catch my drift.

It was all going to be so perfect. My Mum had said Jack could come and stay with us. Roman was back, and even with Dean being Dean and Shaun being Shaun, I really felt like life was good. Upon reflection, which often happens after a traumatic or regrettable event, I should never have hit Shaun. It was stupid, immature and reckless. But, I knew that I was a better person than that, which added to the sadness that consumed me in the cell. Joey Cook, the popular one at school with good grades, friends with everyone… anyone. The person who will do anything for anyone, reduced to what? A sad, lonely kid in tears, locked in a piss infested concrete box, his parents ashamed, friends lost, and enemies made.

Like a caged rat!

I worried that night, worried until my brain shut down and sleep intervened, my face wet. The pathetic sound of my sobs being ridiculed by the other louts locked up alongside me. I had to redeem myself; I wanted my old life back, the life where I didn't feel my sanity was slowly slipping away from me.

It had to start right now!

"Joey Cork?" Came the low, gruff voice of a police officer, tapping on the bars, bringing me away from my self-loathing thoughts. He must have been on the morning shift because I don't remember seeing him last night. "Your mother is here to collect you."

"Thank you," I said, deflated. Part of me wanted to stay locked up, knowing she was outside. I feared facing her because I knew what was to come. She would either cry or shout at me.

Please, God, let her shout, I thought.

The guard turned a large key in what looked like a lock from the eighteen hundreds, and my cell door creaked open. I was led past a few still-sleeping crooks into a back room with a counter to collect my things. These consisted of a simple gold ring my parents had gotten me for my sixteenth birthday, my cell phone, sneaker laces and belt, presumably thinking I might hang myself. Despite everything, it had not crossed my mind.

I put my belt back on and started to thread the laces back through my shoes, feeling suddenly emotional again. How sad this was, I thought as the officer looked on. To him, I was just more paperwork, no doubt, the scum of the earth.

I was given some information as to what would happen next and led round to the front where my stern-looking mother was waiting, that was until she saw me, of course, and promptly burst into tears, holding out her arms. I embraced her quickly and tightly, feeling her raw pain travel to me. I began to tear up as well.

"Are you okay, oh my God, are you okay?" she asked, between heartfelt sobs.

"Yeah… yeah, it was okay, I'm okay," I replied, relief setting in. "I'm just looking forward to a hot shower."

"Before you do anything, young man, you have some explaining to do," she stated, once again stern. Stern I could do, stern I wanted, better than tears, tears I didn't need, not from her, it got to me I was the cause of her crying… it affected me, it always had.

We got outside, and I took deep lung-fulls of air, enjoying the clean smell that cleansed my protesting nostrils. I followed my Mum over to where she had parked the car and stood looking back at the police station where I had just spent the night. I shuddered, vowing never to set foot in one again.

"Okay, Joey, get in," she said, getting in herself. I did as she asked, barely getting my seatbelt on before she pulled away out of the parking lot. "We need to talk," She said, not looking at me.

"Yeah, I know."

I slowly became aware that she was heading away from the direction of the pub. I was about to ask her where we were going but thought any words that came from my mouth were likely to make her explode at me. She just had one of those looks on her face. So instead, I remained silent, knowing that wherever she was going would soon be revealed when the car came to a stop.

She swung the car around a few turnings and pulled up in front of some park… a park where kids play; you know the ones with the swings and slides? The place was empty, just a man walking his rather large dog nearby.

My Mum got out of the car and slammed the door, walking through a large metal gate which was the entrance to a grassy space. She headed over to one of the swings and sat down on it. Realising I was probably supposed to follow her, I quickly exited the car and jogged towards the swings, sitting on the one next to her.

There was a warm breeze that blew up now and again, making my Mum's hair stick to her face, the same breeze that scattered ghostly sounds as it rushed through the surrounding fence. I waited patiently, knowing that she would say something soon. After all, there must have been some reason we were out here.

"Your Grandad used to bring me here when I was a little girl," she remarked, gently swinging back and forward.

"Really, I've never been here," I replied, staring ahead.

"And when life got tough, as I got older, I used to come back here and sit for hours." She added. "When your Dad and I first got together, we never had much, no family support like you have, hardly any money… life was hard. But here… here I could get away from it all and just be me again. Be that little girl my Grandad used to push gently on the swings, just like the one you're sitting on now."

"Feels peaceful."

"You can feel it too, then?"

"I guess,"

"Sometimes you need places like this, Joey. It stops you from doing things you might go on to regret… a place for reflection. Because Joey, life is hard and love is hard, friends will become enemies, and sometimes enemies become friends. What's happened to you lately is just a glimpse of what's to come, and it's how you deal with those challenges which will determine the person you become."

"I'm sorry for the way I have acted. I know that's not me; I've had time to think about that."

"Good, I'm glad to hear it, but what you have done, Joey, no matter how sorry you are, has consequences. You badly beat up Shaun, and I had to spend over two hours on the phone to his mother explaining why after thirteen years of friendship, her son came home with a broken nose and split lip, inflicted by you."

"I know, it was wrong, and a stupid thing to do and…."

"But..." she cut me off. "I have convinced her to drop the charges against you and put this down to a schoolyard fight, and she has agreed."

"Oh my God…really Mum, oh Mum wow, you are awesome, I…."

"As I said, Joey, you still need to face the consequences of your actions, and so you will."

"Okay, what are my options?" I said stupidly.

"Options Joey... options, you don't get any bloody options … this is still serious. Just because you will no longer be facing criminal charges does not mean this is all over. Mrs Winters is still very upset and angry for what you have done to Shaun, and I have had to reassure her that you will be severely punished by her and by me!" She ranted, her voice starting to rise.

"So, what did you and she have in mind?"

"Firstly, you will apologise to Shaun, in person, for the horrific act you inflicted on him. You will then conduct… a kind of community service for her and Mr winters. They need their shed and whole back fence painted, and you will go round every day after school until it's done."

"Is that all," I said, huffing at the thought of having to apologise to Shaun more than anything else coming my way.

"All Joey? No, that's not all! From my and your father's standpoint, you will work for free for a whole month with the money you would have earned going towards a compensation payment to Shaun. In addition, you will not have access to a TV, internet or games console, for a month, and you are grounded for two months. Although I should fully ground you for those two months, I will allow you to continue visiting Jack for the sole reason you are his only visitor. As much as I would love to go with your father, we simply don't have the time."

"What about…" I started.

"Jack coming to stay?" Mum cut in.


"That was a difficult one, but I see no reason why he should be punished for your stupidity, and I won't go back on my commitment to him."

"So he can still come and stay?"

"Yes, he can still come and stay."

"Still in my room?"

"Don't push it, Joey!"

"Just... Just don't hate me, Mum, I'm sorry okay, I can't take it back, I know, but I'm sorry."

"You really think I hate you? Joey, this is what I have had to trade to get you off this charge. I'm not doing this because I hate you. I'm doing it because I love you, Jesus!"

"I love you too, Mum, and I'm sorry I've disappointed you."

"Yes, you have, Joey, I can't deny that, your father too, and Roman. So the only advice I can give you is to find your own park to deal with life's challenges in dignity, Joey. Now come on, I have a pub to run.




We pulled back up at the pub, and I got out feeling like I had just got out of prison. Strange, I know, but that's how it felt. I was being given a second chance, although part of me… the stupid part, wondered if the actual punishment would have been less severe.

I walked through the double doors expecting everyone to turn round and look at me like I was some murderer, but nothing; everything was normal, customers carried on drinking, and I even got a smile off my Dad as I walked through the bar.

Getting to the top of the stairs, I was met by my brother, who held out his hand. I took it, not really understanding why he offered it but pleased nonetheless.

"I gotta hand it to you, Joey. You sure know how to fall in a bucket of shit and come out smelling of fine French fucking roses."

"Roman, I assure you, there are better days behind than there are ahead."

"Well, I think you should know, we got a shit hot diplomat living here, called our mother. She fought for you like you will never know, Joey. Never forget that."

"I won't, Roman, trust me."

"I hope so." He said, walking away from me.

"Wait, uh… Roman?"


"Thanks, you know… for not spitting on me."

"Bro code Joey… bro code," was all he responded with and left me standing in the hallway.

I went straight to the shower as I promised myself from the minute I got out of that disgusting cell and got in straight away, not bothering to wait for it to warm up. It was my way of punishing myself for my own stupid behaviour. I flinched and shuddered under the cold jet of water that attacked every nerve on my body, making my nuts climb up into my body. "Shit!" I hissed.

I scrubbed myself red raw, wanting to get rid of every trace of that damn piss smell that hung over me since I came out. I felt like I was also scrubbing away the guilt, the stupidity, the anger and the remorse. No remorse for Shaun. No, he could rot in hell. It was remorse for my mother.




"Joey, I have spoken to the school. I have said you will be in tomorrow and explained that you have been off because of what you saw at Jack's house. Not quite a lie, but if we can keep the thing with Shaun out of this, then so much the better," my Mum said, standing in the doorway to my room.

"When do I have to go and apologise to Shaun?" I asked begrudgingly.

"After school tomorrow, Shaun will not be at school, obviously, so you will need to travel over to his house. While you are there, you might as well get started with the painting. The quicker you get it done, the quicker it's off your list."

"Right, okay, so can I go visit Jack?"

"I guess that would be okay. How are you getting there?"

"I was gonna ask Roman since he does nothing all day."

"As long as he's earning money to pay his keep here, he can do what he wants, so before you start getting on your high horse about your brother, just remember you live here for free."

"Thanks, Mum, that's really nice of you to remind me," I said, feeling bitter at her comment.

I got up off my bed and moved past her, heading towards Roman's room. I watched as she pushed off my door frame and went downstairs before opening my brother's door and walking in.

"Roman, would you mind… Oh shit, that is not something I was expecting to see." I cried as my brother pulled the covers over his naked lower half.

"Fuck Joey, ever heard of knocking?"

"Well, I didn't expect to find you KNOCKING one-off," I retorted, covering my eyes.

"Jesus and I was almost there then, and you totally ruined it."

"Too much information Roman, anyway you can finish that off later. I need you to run me to the hospital."

"You mean you wanted to politely ask if I wouldn't mind running you to the hospital. I might be your brother but learn some fucking manners."

"Call it punishment for what you just subjected my poor eyes to." I retorted. We both tried to keep serious faces, but it was in vain, and before long, we had both broken into stupid grins.

Roman sighed. "Okay, squirt, let's go see lover boy so you can get wet."


"Oh, don't get your knickers in a twist; I'm just playing with you."

I went back to my room and pulled my sneakers on; again, all I was starting to think about was Jack. Forget everything else. It was just him on my mind once more. God, I had it bad. Roman led me over to his car, and we drove away at typical Roman speed.

"What time do you want picking up?" he asked as we pulled into the hospital grounds once more.

"Can you come back in an hour?"

"I'm gonna go see Brian then. Apparently, he's written a new song for the band. So I'll see you back here in about an hour."

"Thanks, Roman, you're the best!"

"Yeah, I know, don't remind me, hey, and try to stay out of trouble."

"Like I have a choice, one more peep out of me, and I think Mum will disown me."

"I'll see you later," he said, chuckling. I watched as he backed out of the space, and I waved.

Walking into the main entrance, I bypassed the desk and went straight for the lifts. Now I had familiarised myself with Jack's location. Splashing some gel on my hands, I pushed through the doors to Churchill ward as I wiped my alcohol-laden hands down my jeans, walking straight up to the desk to check in with the staff nurse.

"Hello, Joey, isn't it? I remember seeing you a few nights ago."

"Yeah, that's right."

"Here to see Jack, I'm guessing?"

"Yes, please."

"No problem, my love, just go on down," the female nurse said, gesturing her hand towards the end of the corridor. As I approached his room, I peered through the blinds to see a better looking Jack sitting up in bed looking like he was watching TV. I didn't go in straight away; instead, I just stood there looking at him. I knew the trauma and hurt he had been through but couldn't help thinking how cute he looked laying there, his head in a bandage and his cute smooth pecks peeking out from under the white hospital bed sheet, his deep-set ocean blue eyes blinking every now and again.

I gently tapped on the window, causing his head to look my way. I was expecting a smile to follow, maybe, but he was… expressionless, neither smiling nor frowning, happy or sad. I slowly opened the door.

"Any chance of a visit?" I said, smiling at him.

"How are you, Joey?"

"Never mind me, how are you?"


"Aww, why is that?"

"They keep lying to me, Joey."

"Who does?"

"Those doctors, out there, and the police." I started to feel my gut twist. Something wasn't right with him.

"Okay… well, what are they saying, Jack?" I asked, probably looking suspicious.

"They keep telling me my mother is dead, can you believe that?" he said, matter-of-fact.

I sighed. "Jack, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine; why?"

"Don't you remember the conversation you had with me about your Mum a couple of nights ago?"



"And I told you that how nice she was when she smiled and how happy she was when my Dad wasn't around etcetera, etcetera."

"Yeah, you did, Jack, but you also told me that you hoped someone was looking after her. You told me she was dead, Jack."

"Did I?"

"Yeah, Jack, and I'm afraid she is."

"Why is everyone trying to hurt me, Joey? Why are you trying to hurt me?"

"I'm not Jack, fucking hell man, I seriously am not," I said, tearing up. "Jack, you gotta try and remember, please remember!" I added, putting my hand up to my mouth. I didn't know what to say to him, so I left the room, bursting into tears once I was out.

"What's wrong?" asked the nurse as she came running down towards me.

"What's wrong with him? Why is he being like this? He keeps saying his mother is alive and he wasn't before."

"Joey, Jack has had trauma to his head, quite badly, plus he is still on a lot of pain medication. His brain is trying to repair itself, and it's not uncommon for some patients to act like this in times of great stress. For a brain to repair, it can put up a defence mechanism, and sometimes this results in complete denial of traumatic events. Try not to worry and just go with him on this."

"Go with him on it? You mean like agree that his mother is alive?"

"If he needs you to, yes. He will soon become aware of the truth and will learn to accept that over time."

I took a deep breath and blew it out. "I'm sorry, he just freaked me out a bit. It was like he had kinda gone mental."

"Don't apologise; I expect his behaviour came as a shock. I used to work in a military hospital Joey, some soldiers that came in were totally different people before they went to war, and yes, it can be heartbreaking to see, but it's people like you that can help those with trauma. Now go back in there and just be yourself." She said with a reassuring smile.

"Okay, thank you." I did as she asked and went back to Jack's room, and again he turned his attention towards me.

"Where did you go?"

"I just needed a minute Jack, I'm sorry I left. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, just watching a repeat of Frasier."



"What year is it?"

"Twenty fourteen."

"Who is the current Prime Minister?"

"Uh… David Cameron? Why the questions, Joey, I'm not insane, you know, I don't have Alzheimer's."

"Yeah, I know, I'm sorry. So do you know when you can come home?"

"Pfft, home, where is that?"

"Well, I hear you have an offer on the table to go and stay with Shaun."

"Yeah, true, I do, I guess… Joey, why did you kiss me the other day?"

I was taken aback by the question and stumbled about like a lovesick schoolboy… which I was, I guess. His question sent butterflies through my stomach. He remembered he remembered the kiss.

"I told you why, because the stuff Shaun has been telling you about me… about me not liking you is bullshit. My kiss, I had hoped, would convince you of that."

"Will… will you kiss me again, just to make sure?" he shyly asked. I went over and gently pressed my lips on his, pushing my tongue past his ice-white teeth until I found his tongue. It was a soft but long lingering kiss in which he responded. I opened my eyes to see his closed, then I pulled back, staying close to his face and smiled.


"Not quite," he replied, pulling me in for another sample. I didn't put up much of a fight enjoying the sweet taste of him, our wet tongues gently dancing."

"Now, are you convinced?" I asked again, pulling away.

"Yeah, I think I am."


"So, no school again Joey, how did you get off another day?"

"Jack, has Shaun been to see you or called you since I left yesterday?"

"No, why?"

I felt sick all of a sudden, but I needed to tell him, but how?

"Jack, I need to be honest with you about something. Something I did that was idiotic, something which considering what you have been through was really unacceptable."

"Is this the part where you tell me Shaun is somewhere in a bed down the hall from me?" He asked, looking at me expectantly. "Please, Joey, tell me you didn't."

"I was angry and…."

"How bad?" he asked, cutting me off. His heart monitor started to beep faster.

"I didn't mean to do it. It was just a heat of the…."

"How bad, Joey?" The heart rate jumped another notch.

"Jack, you gotta settle down; it ain't good for you to get worked up, please."

"I'll ask you one more time, Joey… hoooow baaaad!"

"I broke his nose and split his lip." Jack turned away from me, laying his head sideways on the pillow. "I was angry, Jack. He was feeding you lies. He was supposed to be my best friend."

"And you were supposed to be his Joey," Jack replied, turning and glaring at me.

"Yeah, I know, but how long was I supposed to put up with him screwing me over like that and telling you lies and…."

"Don't you get it, Joey?"

"Get it, get what?"

"How come I can get bashed in the head and work it out, but you can't?"

"Jack, I don't know what you are talking about. Should I get the nurse? You aren't making sense." Jack just rolled his eyes.

"Remember the Spanish kid you both talked about when you were on vacation?"

"Yeah, the one that Shaun screwed, you mean?"

"Joey, Shaun never screwed him. He was just sounding you out."

"But why, and how do you know?"

"Why? Because he wanted to know how you would react, and how do I know? Because he told me at school and made me promise to keep it a secret."

"But…" I started but was cut off.

"Did he seem jealous or uneasy to you when he found out you got that letter from the kid pinned to the fence and was dying to know what you were gonna do?"

"I guess?"

"Your guess is right, and yeah, don't look surprised. I know all about that too. And do you know why he has been so desperate in his tactics between us?"

"Yeah, because he wants you, and he is willing to screw me over to have you."

"No, Joey. I'll tell you what's really going on here, which is why it makes it so bad what you did to him." Jack closed his eyes as if to prepare me rather than himself. "Joey, Shaun hasn't been trying to keep you away from me because he wants me; he's been trying to keep me away from you…because he wants you!

My Jaw dropped open, but I was unable to speak!!

I try and edit my stories to the highest standard, for your reading pleasure. However, if you do find any grammar gremlins or spelling sneezes please do message me on the site. I'd be very grateful to zap these out for other readers.
Many thanks
James :) 
Copyright © 2021 James Matthews; All Rights Reserved.
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Chapter Comments

A number of other readers ha guessed correctly, but I didn't.  Ah, the trials and tribulations of teenage angst.  All those feelings and no idea how to express them.  Lashing out at a buddy isn't cool, but neither is punching holes in the walls which some teens do.  Feeling like you have no one to talk to is part of the problem, but so are raging hormones, and a bunch of other things.  All of these guys need to find someway to get a little grounding, either among themselves, or outside.

Edited by Quixo
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I still feel that Shaun is a duplicitous, conniving asswaffle! As much as he told Joey he would not move in on Jack, WTF did he think by offering Jack a place to stay!! 

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On 8/19/2021 at 8:58 PM, Howzat said:

That was really a Duf! Duf! Duf! moment - (viewers of a UK soap called Eastenders will get what I mean) 😁


I believe Joey also said the classic line, ‘Get out of my pub!’

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