Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Incandescence - 13. Grief
*injuries(nothing too graphic)
*Mental Health
I had been livid. I hadn’t been expecting the love of my life to toss me into a wall. I was a little bitter about it, but in the end, I knew I had brought it on myself. Kalian would not, under any circumstance, let those he cared about be harmed if there was anything he could do about it. It was one of my partner’s best qualities. I knew better than to have a stand off with Eon. Over the years, they’d become closer and it made me even angrier that we’d put Kalian in a situation where he had to choose. It wasn’t fair and he didn’t deserve it. At the same time, Suman was also my family. I’d seen red when I’d stepped into the room to witness the giant muscle head choking the life out of my idiotic cousin. Suman wasn’t without his faults. In fact, I was sure that he possessed more negative qualities than positive ones. It didn’t matter. He was blood. I’d keep protecting him.
Or that’s what I had thought until I’d hauled him up and out of the room. Then I’d seen flashes of the conversation that had taken place before I arrived. Gritting my teeth as my power built and expanded, I jumped the two of us into my old house in the lower levels. Suman had regained consciousness. It hadn’t taken long at all. He was still gasping and I had seen deep bruises already blooming on his neck. I would never admit it to his face, but my brother-in-law was impressive sometimes. Few men were able to make me hesitate before attacking. Eon was in my top ten of people I didn’t want to have to fight and I hated him for it.
I dropped Suman on the ground and kicked him hard in the stomach. He flopped onto his back. I had heard the air whoosh from his lungs and I waited as he rolled onto his stomach, trying to push himself up. I was patient, allowing him to get his arms under his body. Then-when I was sure he’d had a bit of time to recover-I swung my leg forward and kicked him in the head. He shouted, groaning as he held his hands against his face.
“If,” I kicked his ribs, “you ever,” I stepped on his hand, “withhold information regarding my son and his safety again,” I heard and felt his fingers crunch. Suman gasped and I glared down at him, “I will kill you myself. Slowly.”
“I admit it. Mistakes were made.” Suman wheezed, “I withheld information, but only because Wyn wasn’t in danger. I didn’t know that Sumerion was in on it until after it happened.”
“Suman, did I ask for your excuses?” I rested the sole of my boot on his sternum crouched down and leaned over him, “You have caused yet another dispute in my family. My husband will be furious and I will have to apologize for you whilst I grovel for forgiveness. You are my family by blood but Kalian and Wyn are my entire world. I would gladly end you myself if I had to. Do you understand?”
“Yes.” Suman tried to resist throwing my foot off his chest. He didn’t want to fight back for some reason, apparently. It had to hurt. I wasn’t a small man and I had settled a fair amount of weight on him. Rage still flared through me, but I didn’t have enough time to further punish my cousin.
Panic, fear, anger, and a horrible mix of other emotions crashed through me. My vision blurred as thoughts flashed rapidly into my brain. Eon’s office. Red dirt. The Dlethian court.
My foot left Suman’s chest and I gave him no explanation as my shadows took me away. I landed in a ruined room. People were screaming and cowering away from the massive walls of light that rose in the middle of the main hall. Through the light I could see Kalian and Sumerion. Both looked angry at first glance, but I knew better. Kalian was losing control and Sumerion was terrified. My brain short-circuited when Kalian snapped and rushed forward. I couldn’t hear anything through the roar of power, but it had to have been bad for Kalian to be reacting like…well, me.
I went a little numb when I saw Sumerion’s blade strike out. Kalian countered but I had already sent a lance of shadow at the light barrier. I had to get inside. Kalian was about to do something crazy and no matter how much I agreed with his decision making process, I knew it wasn’t what he really wanted.
I had barely managed to get inside when Sumerion forced the lower half of his broken blade into Kalian’s stomach. He jerked it to the side and my world slowed unnaturally. Light ignited around Kalian’s hand in a way I’d never seen before. It was pulsing and bright and I stared. My hands dropped to my sides as I watched my husband thrust his hand through my grandfather’s chest.
I had to be fast. I could see realization hit my partner. Sumerion hit the ground and Kalian’s walls of Magik fell. People were shouting and scared. When I reached him, I nearly lost my head when he struck out. His eyes were wide and his expression was so scared, it caused me physical pain. Recognition took a long time to come over his face and I let out a relieved breath when he sank into my arms.
My relief was short-lived, however, when I adjusted him. I had pulled a hand away covered in my love’s blood. It took a considerable amount of effort for me to stay calm. I couldn’t spiral. I held his face gently, trying to get him to stay awake. His pretty eyes were hooded and it became impossible for him to hold up his own head.
”Baby, I need you to stay with me. Kalian, focus love. Stay awake.” His eyes were closed now and he sagged against me. I ignored the smear of crimson of left behind on his cheeks. Supporting his full weight, I spun shadow around us. Faster and faster until we appeared in the middle of Eon’s office.
”Kalian? Babe, I need you to stay awake. Open your eyes for me, yeah? Hey braid, kind of need your help over here. Move your ass.”
Hanja rose quickly and hurried across the small space while I pleaded with Kal to stay with us. Hanja made me lay him on the floor and I resisted the urge to bite his hand when he took my partner from me. There were voices behind us, but I had no chance of pulling my focus from the body laying on the wood floor.
Kal. Kalian. Stay with us. Come on babe. You can do this.
The room was nearly oppressive. Tension spread from wall to wall and choked any optimism that tried to pop up. My fingers curled around the chair’s arms and I studied the gathered Council members. The dukes, as per usual, were a mess. They were already bemoaning the inevitable loss of their handed down fortunes. Hanja hadn't raised his head from his hands since he'd sat. Tyren, to his left, looked distraught. His fist was pressed to his mouth as his unfocused eyes stared down at the war table map. Eon was slouched in his chair. He looked exhausted and a rather large part of me hoped he was miserable.
“How bad is it?” Lyme asked from next to Eon. His loose-fitting khaki shirt’s collar was clutched in his fingers as he looked from Eon, to Hanja, to me. Then back again. It’d been an entire day since I brought Kalian back from Dleth. In that time, I hadn’t been home. A meeting had been called as soon as my partner was stable and I’d been forced into it. I wasn’t even a Council member. I had no obligation to be here and these people made me violent. At least Potlyne had made me fresh clothes so I didn’t have to sit here surrounded by the smell of my husband’s blood. Speaking of which…
“He lost a lot of blood, but Sumerion’s blade didn't pierce anything vital that I wasn’t able to easily fix. The amount of power Kalian used to rearrange the palace and shove his hand through the monarch's chest are the larger problem.” Hanja’s muffled voice explained from behind his hands.
“The last time he used power like this, Kalian slept for a week.” Tyren explained, face becoming even more upset.
“So, not only did he slaughter a king in full view of his court, now he won't even be available when we need him?!” Duke Fawcell threw his hands up, eyes near frantic.
“I knew from the start-the start-that no one should have that kind of power! He's too dangerous! There are methods to bind the power, yes?” He continued and I grit my teeth. I knew what it felt like to have your power suppressed. As much as I had tried to comfort Kalian when mine had been bound, it had hurt terribly. It had felt like hundreds of chains digging into my skin and crushing my body. I’d die before I let my love feel what I had.
“Yes of course, but-”
Keverin interrupted Tyren, earning a venomous glare from Hanja, “How are we to know he won't dispose of all of us next? I've been told members of this very Council have been meeting to plot in secret. Perhaps Kalian’s betrayal was only the beginning. Maybe it is the first in a long line of what will be treasonous offenses!”
“Kalian is not a traitor. He was irrational and concerned for his child.” Eon glowered at Keverin and then Fawcell.
“You would say that General. It's so like your little band to defend each other no matter what. Even when a man with God-like power loses his mind.” Fawcell spat.
“Would you like me to end your worrying?” I said, “I'm sure it's hard to be anxious without your head.”
“Talon.” Eon shot me a warning look. He could kiss my glorious, porcelain ass.
“He's thrown us into conflict! The Dlethian people won't follow someone we put on the throne. They'll revolt and we'll still have a war on a third front!” Keverin exclaimed.
“Your husband is a menace at best and a liability at worst!” Fawcell shouted.
I had tolerated more than my fill of politeness, bureaucracy, and holding my tongue. I was up, crossing Eon’s stupid table with fast strides before anyone could react. My wrist flicked and the familiar weight of my butterfly knife slid into my hand. I barreled into Fawcell and his chair. He let out a pathetic little cry as we toppled over. It was satisfying, the fear in his eyes. Even better was the fact that his big, dumb mouth was closed finally. Then he ruined it by opening it again. He gasped as I pressed the blade to his throat horizontally. One flick of my wrist and it would all be over. I smiled down at him, watching blood bead over his throat and run down his neck.
One flick.
“So, now his husband means to kill a duke?” A different voice. Another duke. I had never bothered to learn all their names. This was Kalian’s realm. I'd always just been moral support.
“Continue speaking about him negatively and I'll kill you all. In my opinion, you've more than outlived your usefulness.”
“Talon, get off him. You're only making it worse.” Eon sighed heavily. From the sound of his voice, he hadn't approached me. Good. Kalian and I were already in for an unpleasant conversation when he woke up. I did not want to add me murdering his brother to it. No matter how good it might make me feel.
“Lyrah and Suman Verloren are already in Dleth. One of the teleporters took them this morning. Damage control began almost immediately. It's too early to tell if the girl will bring them to heel, but the court will be more easily swayed with Suman’s endorsement. He may be crazy, but oddly enough, he’s well-liked. He's always been seen as strong and resilient. Everything the Dlethian court likes.” Lyme piped up.
“You will doom yourself and your husband if you kill me!” Fawcell hissed under me.
“Oh. You sweet, simple man. You have placed entirely too much value on yourself. You are nothing and I will make you painfully aware of just how little your death will matter. No one will remember you. No one will grieve.“ I dug the blade in and Fawcell winced.
“Talon,” a gentle hand rested on my shoulder, “please let him up.”
Ignoring Tyren’s calm, controlled, and understanding voice was a struggle. I gripped the hilt tighter and fought with myself. I'd done worse for less. What was one more man's blood on my hands? I closed my eyes and lowered the knife. Kalian had worked so hard to make a life for us. For Wyn. If he were here, lilac eyes would be sad and disappointed. He'd surely be frowning and I hated when he turned disapproving eyes my way. If he was here, he'd stop me. He'd convince me it meant I was the bigger person if I let it go. I slid back onto my heels and then shoved myself up to stand. It was Fawcell’s lucky day. Kalian wouldn't want me to do this and he deserved everything he wanted.
My back was turned and I was walking to my seat when Fawcell found his voice, “A Dlethian through and through. Murderous bastard. No wonder why the disowned brat lets you touch him. You're just his rabid dog and I doubt the boy would have the audacity to make the decisions he's had without you backing him. Influencing him. You’ve both forgotten your place.”
Upon further reflection, it was true that my husband would want me to do and be better. Alas, Kalian was not here. I was already on his, “lecture until repentant” list. What was one more offense? For a change of scenery, this time I pinned Fawcell to the wall.
“Tyren! Stop him!” No-name duke shouted.
“I did help. Then he stirred the pot again and insulted my friend. My hands are tied.” Tyren was and would always be in my favorite non-Kalian adult.
“You can't kill me! I'm a duke! My family has held power for years!”
“Who said kill? I am simply Kalian’s rabid dog. You said it yourself. It appears that in my master’s absence I’ve slipped my leash Fawcell. That’s bad news for you, true, but I won’t kill you. I just want you to feel something your life has seriously lacked.” I slid the knife slowly down his ribs, grinning as he began to shout, “Suffering, Fawcell. I want to introduce you to my most frequent teacher. After you’ve met, I won’t have to kill you. I’m positive you’ll beg for death. You’ll do it yourself.”
I had committed to various violent plans when the war room’s doors burst open. A soldier ran to Eon, face panicked as he hurriedly whispered in his ear. The General’s eyes widened.
“What is it?” Hanja asked, dropping his hands as he stood. Eon made no attempt to answer, he was already half way out the door. I had never, in all my years knowing him, seen the man run that way.
Lyme-who had been close enough to hear-was pale, “They spotted Loren and Wren approaching the city.”
“That's great!” Tyren gasped.
Lyme’s brown eyes were sad, “Loren’s carrying Wren on his back.”
The room burst into chaos. The dukes were all words but the members of the long-scattered band of misfits rushed the door. I was the fastest and jumped when I hit the hallway. Shadow wrapped around me and my power sang through my body. I landed behind Eon and gripped his arm. He turned with a snarl.
“Shut up. I can get you there faster.” I watched his face drop and added it to the list of things Eon did that I never wanted to see again. He nodded once and waited. I built up my power, noting when Hanja and Tyren reached us. We dropped down into the area outside the outer wall and time seemed to stop.
Loren looked like shit. There were deep gouges over his arms and even a few small holes from arrows littering his body. He was limping and clearly at his limit. His hands were under hole-riddled thighs and small arms hung over his shoulders. The person Loren carried was eerily still. Snow white hair was dirty and streaked through with dark red. Dried blood. Eon and I reached them at the same time. I gripped Loren’s shoulders and then dropped my arms to his waist as his legs gave out. Eon had already laid Wren out on the ground. His fingers dug into a too-pale wrist and he made a strange noise. He dropped suddenly to his hands and knees, ear pressed against Wren’s chest.
“What happened?” I asked as I lowered Loren onto the ground. Tyren was suddenly there to help and we laid him out on his back.
“Hanja, breathing. Hanja, he's not breathing. Hanja, Hanja please.” Eon’s face was void of emotion as he sat back. His voice, however, was strained and scared. Another item added to things I never wanted to see, or hear from him.
“Loren, stay awake. What happened?” Tyren held the man's head in his lap, eyes roaming over extensive damage.
“We were trying to destroy it all. As much as we could in as little time. We crippled their distribution network. At the last place... Someone tipped them off. By the time we realized, there were so many arrows, they blacked out the sky. All laced with that pleasant poison. Wren saved my life.”
I glanced over. How? How could Serran have so many archers? Was it Magik? It must have been impressive to stop Wren. He was still as Hanja muttered under his breath. Eon was kneeling next to them, eyes wide and chest heaving.
“Can't you get Kalian to heal him faster?” Loren rasped as Tyren began taking stock of his injuries with light touches.
“Kalian is asleep.” Hanja snapped, hands red and face tense as he tried to heal everyone's favorite monster.
“Wake him up! Wren was nearly dead!” Eon flinched hard, lowering himself to sit on the ground. Shock was setting in and I had no idea what he'd do if Wren didn't make it.
“Kal exerted too much power. We can't wake him. It isn't that easy.” Tyren whispered.
Loren complained right up until Tyren removed the other’s jacket and bloodstained bandages that had been messily secured around Loren’s abdomen. The wound there was worse. A long gash stretched from under Loren’s left pec to his opposite hip. He'd been losing too much blood for too long. Gods only knew how he'd managed to get them both back. I didn't even know how he was conscious.
“Hanja...” Tyren’s eyes were like saucers. Loren had gone quiet when I wasn't paying attention. He was way too pale and still. Loren was constantly moving and talking. He was the most obnoxious person I knew. This was unsettling. It was bad. Now neither he nor Wren were showing any signs of life.
“I'm doing all I can here. I am only one man. No matter how good I am I can only do so much.” Hanja rasped. My eyes trailed to his face and I looked away. Hanja was afraid. I hadn't seen him like this since I had watched Kal’s memories of the time Mallex captured them. The day Tyren almost died.
My hands were shaking as I lowered myself down beside Loren. There was no way this day got any worse. There were less skilled healers in Syrin. They weren't Hanja, but they could help with Loren. Maybe if I jumped into the city I could find one. I wasn't sure if he had that kind of time. Biting my lip, I tried to think. My head was a mess and my own fear and panic were making level-headed thinking difficult. What should I do?
“The arrow wounds are healed. Why isn't he waking up?” I turned as Eon gripped Hanja’s arm. The healer shook him off, expression strange as he moved to Loren’s side.
“Hanja... He's not waking up. You're not done. How could you move on to Loren? Hanja!” Eon moved forward quickly, gripping the healer’s shoulder tight.
“I healed his wounds and got out as much poison as I could. We have no way of knowing how long it was in his system and how much blood he lost. I can't do anything else.” Hanja sounded exasperated and frustrated. It was rare that he had to admit he couldn't do something. He and Tyren wouldn't meet Eon’s eyes and I closed mine. I knew what he was feeling. Even if I didn't want to sympathize with my husband’s brother. I’d been through it. The reality that we may one day lose those most precious to us wasn't foreign, but to have it laid bare right in front of you... The soul crushing pain that descended when mortality made itself known.
Kal. We need you. You have to wake up.
My head stayed quiet aside from my own thoughts. Loren moaned with pain as Hanja set to work. Eon brought his hands up to hold the sides of his head, fingers gripped tight into his now unruly bronze hair. His mouth was open and he was staring at the ground between his knees, eyes unseeing.
Kalian, love, please. Please. We can't do this. This can't happen.
Wren was so small. I'd never seen him sleep, so I'd never seen his features look so soft. He looked impossibly young, fragile even. His tiny, clawed hands were limp where they rested on his stomach. It made me ill. This wasn't right. Any minute, his mouth would break into a razor-sharp smile. His pink eyes would pop open and he'd roll them at us for being dramatic.
Baby, please.
Hanja was carefully checking Wren over again. Tyren was helping Loren sit up. They stared at the still form lying on bright green grass. The life around him made Wren look worse. So bright and healthy while he remained limp and white. Tyren’s eyes met mine and I cringed away from his golden, watery gaze. A stirring in the back of my head came too late to stoke any hope inside my chest.
We need your help.
Was it possible for my mental voice to be strained?
So tired. Going back to sleep.
Kalian! He'll die! If he hasn't already!
Screaming. Now I was screaming over our tether.
What? Who? Where are you?
My head fell into my hands and I shared everything leading up to the moment I'd called out to him. Through my fingers, I began to see light. The amount grew until a body dropped down beside me. Killian was on his knees. His chest and feet were bare. He was clothed only in thin sleep pants and his hair was still mussed from the pillow. He crawled forward and I frowned when I realized he was breathing hard. That made sense. He was exhausted. He shouldn't have been able to regain consciousness at all. Let alone this soon. Then he’d had to jump again too. How was this possible?
“He's not breathing. No pulse.” Hanja murmured. Kalian frowned and nodded as he gently turned Wren’s face to him.
“I don't know how to bring him back. I just did it last time. A voice told me everything was okay and then I... I don't know what to do!”
“Fucking figure it out! You've done it before! You should be able to again!” Eon roared at his brother. He was barely keeping it together. This was all very unlike him, these bursts of emotions.
“Eon I-”
“Figure it out. Please, fuck please Kalian. I can't... I can't lose him. He's everything.” the emotion dropped off Eon’s face as his hands rose to grip at his hair again, “I can't. I won't. No, no, no.”
Loren and I exchanged a look. The fighter’s face was grim and he ran a hand over his dirty hair. He was filthy. Mud caked his boots and had splattered his clothes. This is why it had taken so long. Loren had carried Wren all the way back, probably nonstop, while temporarily patching his own injuries as he bled out. He'd gone through all of that to now have to watch Wren die anyway.
“I don't... I used so much when... Sumerion...” Kalian looked haunted, dark circles under his eyes as he held his hands up. Nothing happened. Kal struggled, and we all watched, helpless to provide any aid. I settled back, balancing on my heels.
Was this a taste of what was to come?
I'd been floating quite pleasantly in the dark. Recouping after my incredibly bad life choice. At first, there'd been pain, but that was long gone. Now, I was simply tired. Terribly so. I was content to stay in this dreamland forever. Returning to consciousness meant I'd have to confront the consequences of my actions. I'd killed Sumerion violently in front of a lot of people. I was sure the fallout would be brutal. So, I slept and avoided thinking about it all.
Until a voice splintered through my calm. Talon. It was Talon, but something was wrong. He was distressed, scared. It sent off alarms in my head and a cold rush of anxiety down my spine. Had something happened? Had our enemies attacked?
I didn't know what to expect, but this never would have crossed my mind. The image of Wren laying in the grass, unmoving and bloody. The picture burned itself into my mind forever. Eon was a wreck. Tyren had already shed tears and Loren had turned his head away. This wasn't supposed to happen. It was Wren! Ageless, powerful, unwavering Wren!
My Magik was weak. So much had been spent making a spectacle of myself. I'd been a fool. Not only had I lost my mind, but I'd wasted potentially lifesaving power. I could have used it for Wren. I had let everyone down and my rash decisions were going to cost me more than I imagined. Wren was integral to our family. He was one of numerous branches that existed harmoniously together in our strange tree. We couldn't spare any. Not even one.
I choked on a sob before I knew tears were coming. I plead with my power. I needed it to do this one thing then I'd sleep forever if I had to. I'd give anything for Magik to light my hands and force open rose-colored eyes. My hands brought nothing forth. My heart felt like it might implode. I pushed and pushed, but nothing changed. Wren was silent. Wren was blood soaked and limp.
Wren was dead.
I was useless.
I had nothing to give when he needed me the most. There was no return on the investment he'd made on me. My friend was dead and I could do nothing. The worst part of it all, was that this was my fault. I'd let anger get the best of me and now I was being punished for it. Another sob tore from my lungs and I looked away as Eon hauled the smaller body to his chest . Wren’s head lolled back, arms hanging by his side as my brother held him. The stone exterior had crumbled all at once and I watched my brother's shoulder shake. Tears slipped down my cheeks and I dropped my worthless hands into my lap. Hanja was mumbling to himself, hyper-focused on how Wren hung from Eon's embrace.
Pain and sadness that wasn't my own crashed into my mind. Talon was looking at the ground, expression empty. Tyren was wiping at his cheeks and taking gasping little breaths as he tried to keep himself together. Loren still looked away, but I saw his breath hitch. We'd run the gambit. We'd suffered and had things taken from us and we'd been infinitely blessed. Life would inevitably balance. I knew this, but I didn't care. I refused to lose Wren simply to wait for an eventual uptick in our fortune. His worth was immeasurable.
Pain lanced through my stomach and chest, forcing me onto my hands and knees. Something inside shattered as I looked to my friends stricken faces. Magik the like of which I'd never seen soared through me and I gasped. It was blinding pain followed by a euphoric high. My racing thoughts were eased away and that voice that had popped up at the most convenient times reappeared. I slumped over, and as my cheek hit the ground, I was somewhere else. At first, I thought it was Talon’s white room. There was no “room”, though. I seemed to exist in some unknown plane that was made of pure light.
Images started to materialize before my eyes. My heart stopped and I was almost sick as I continued to look. A battlefield, details lost to me, but one thing stood out of the blurry background. Hanja lying in the dirt, a slash through his neck and chest. Lifeless eyes stared up and into nothing. The image was traded for a lovely play by play of Amaris being stabbed. Next was Tyren falling to his knees. One by one my friends’ gruesome deaths flitted before me. I looked away, closing my eyes when I saw bronze hair and light blue eyes. I hadn't seen what had happened to Eon, but the next vision had shoulder length grey hair.
I gasped, looking around me. There was no one. Only light.
The light around me shifted and I blinked when it grew brighter. When I looked again, I was looking at myself. Well, a version of myself. He sat at the small table, staring at a flame that refused to go out. It looked like a completely different person. My hair was lank and stringy, heterochromatic eyes focused solely on the stupid candle. I sighed softly. The me from the past looked so sad and defeated. I wish I could tell him what awaited him. A family, a husband, friends I loved, and my own life. Not to mention my magic.
Things shifted again and suddenly we were face to face. It was unnerving and I felt uneasy. What was happening? Why was I seeing these things? The other me opened his mouth to speak, but my voice wasn't the one to come out.
“Pure heart.”
I frowned but he continued before I could respond, “Before you, I was lost in the ether, floating endlessly and without purpose. Your heart called to me. You're the only one in 500 years that I've found worthy. Your entrance into the world gave me reason again.”
“You're one of the ancient ones like the Soul Eater? You're who gave me my power. The one who's been... Speaking to me?”
The not-me nodded, “Guidance. You've lived up to my expectations thus far. Your world is changing, becoming more violent and dangerous. As we predicted.”
“We?” I frowned. Why were the answers to my questions only raising more?
“It is no small thing for a human to be bestowed with the power you possess. You must continue to use it for the betterment of those around you. They will need you, your people.”
“Okay, very cryptic. Why have you put a cap on my power then?”
“Why are you so sure I am responsible? Your conscience and heart earned you the power. Unfortunately,this means you often stand in your own way.”
I shook my head, “Fine, great, but how do I save Wren?”
Other me smiled and everything around began to fade. I startled, shouting, “Wait! You didn't tell me anything! How do I help him? Hey! Come back here!”
I was ignored and descended into darkness. I squeezed my eyes closed, willing the power’s former source to come back. After a moment, I gave up. Opening my eyes, I was back in reality. Kneeling on the grass near Wren. I was tired and frustrated. The whole conversation was a waste of time. The dream or vision hadn't helped me in the slightest.
Eon looked like a statue. My brother seemed to have retreated into his own mind. He'd curled Wren up in his lap now, his arms holding the small body tight. Wren was covered in blood and Eon’s skin and clothes were smeared with it now. Talon seemed to be in shock and Tyren had curled into Hanja’s side.
“Uh, if I may interrupt?” No one acknowledged Lyme, but he was undeterred, “Kalian, I researched the mon-master Wren’s gods. Very primitive and very ancient. They were not structured like ours. Life and death were not represented by specific gods the way ours are. Separate. One for life and one for death.”
Lyme crouched next to me, “Kalian, life was light. I believe it's why you were able to heal and resurrect all the people at Anders’ trial.”
“Obviously.” Hanja sighed, eyes on the ground.
Lyme bristled and took a deep breath, “It's simply a theory, but if your light is life, it's possible Talon’s gift may coincide with death.”
“Great. So, I can make Wren more dead.” Talon scoffed and my chest nearly caved in when Eon flinched away, eyes suspiciously glassy.
“That's not what I meant!” Lyme frowned, “You may be able to supplement your husband's power because you two are connected in such a unique way.”
“Kalian is spent. There's nothing to supplement.” Hanja said quietly, “Little monster is gone.”
“Try anyway.” Loren’s voice was low and dangerous as he finally turned to look at us, “He can't die this way. He can't die for someone like me. It isn't fair. It can't be.”
I looked around at my chosen family and clenched my hands into fists. If Wren’s god wouldn't explain anything, I'd have to find my own solutions. I grit my teeth and reached inside myself, reaching for what, I didn’t know. There had to be something. A slash of pain ravaged my body as I struggled within. I fell forward when the pain mounted. I gasped and squeezed my eyes closed as my hands fumbled over the ground.
I found claws first and I slid my fingers up the smooth skin of Wren’s wrist. When I made contact, my eyes shot open. There, sliding around Wren was some kind of pink, white, and black wisps. I seized the white one and was surprised that it didn’t simply slip through my fingers.
”What is that?” Talon’s voice was filled with wonder and I felt him move closer to me. I didn’t answer as I carefully collected the pink one. I reached for the black, but Talon caught my wrist.
”Not that one. Don’t touch that.” He said as he waved it away. The black dispersed in the air as we watched and I pressed the wisps into Wren’s chest.
Nothing happened and I found myself devastated. I hadn’t known what was going on, but I had thought my instincts were guiding me to a solution. I thought maybe we could save Wren. It hurt that I had failed.
I curled into Talon, gasping as I let my tears fall finally. Eon was in my peripheral vision and I had to close my eyes. He was sitting there, eyes wide and fingers tight in his hair as he fell apart.
I hadn’t been fast enough to miss the moment when my brother finally resigned himself to his loss. I hadn’t missed when Eon broke.
I was so close to posting this on time. Better late than never right?
Microsoft word corrects Hanja to Honda and I just need you all to know that it sends my sleep deprived ass into a fit of giggles every time I edit.
Also, Tyren is Tyrant which is less funny.
This chapter came out real heavy, so there’s that…Also, writer's block. Ugh
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