Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Goldstein, Johnson & Cole - 9. Chapter 9 Getting To Know Joseph Part 2
“I don't know what you mean boss, I'm just a lowly driver.” Jacob was laughing as he left the office.
Later in the day Ian Kevin were making calls to Manchester. Elsewhere 'Tom' and 'Dick' were getting down to work with an Israeli tech team.
Ian spoke to The Major who assured him that Sean was doing a sterling job managing the business. Sean was enjoying the extra responsibility, reporting good figures he was confident that he could continue for another week before Ian and Kevin returned.
With the business doing well and running smoothly Kevin paid the extra fee and arranged for their flights to be rescheduled.
Joseph had mixed feelings, he was happy that Ian and Kevin would be staying longer as he would see more of them, but he was also concerned that he was causing them inconvenience and extra expense. When he raised his concerns it prompted an important conversation that hadn't yet taken place.
“Ian, I accept that you are the bigger and older brother and that you are in charge, but I need to know what will be expected of me as the youngest brother. I have caused you inconvenience and cost you money, what will be my duties to repay you?” Joseph wanted, no, he needed to know.
Taken aback Ian asked, “Joseph what do you mean that I am in charge?”
In Joseph's eyes Ian being the bigger and older one he was automatically in charge as that was the way in the village he came from. When he explained this and added that until he was of age, it was a little brothers duty to do his big brothers bidding in the absence of a father Ian understood what was being asked.
“I really think Kevin should be involved in this conversation, but I will say this, you are not a servant or anything like that, you will be our little brother, it is our duty to look after you. When it comes to making decisions you will be treated as an equal as much as possible and where practical will be part of the decision making process. Come on let's find Kevin, then we can talk properly.”
When they found Kevin he was chatting with Shamira letting her know of their change of plans, he offered to book Ian and himself into a hotel if it was inconvenient. Shamira insisted that they are welcome to stay for as long they wanted, all the while two noisy six year olds were running circles round them whooping with joy.
Ian explained Joseph's concerns to Kevin and asked him to help explain what it would mean to be their little brother in Manchester. At Kevin's insistence Shamira was invited to join them and help Joseph to understand.
To Ian and Kevin it was really very simple and easy, but to Joseph this was a very big and important thing. Shamira had her work cut out keeping him focused and dealing with his emotional excitement, for Joseph this was heaven and a dream come true all wrapped into one.
He learned that he would not be expected to perform household duties on his own, just pick up after himself and help the lads around the house, his room would be his private domain for which he would be solely responsible. Helping to plan, prepare and cook meals would be expected, but not at every meal-time. His main focus should be to attend school and apply himself to his studies, doing his best in each subject, perfection was not expected only his best efforts. If his grades were good enough and if he wanted to, only if he wanted to, he could attend college or university to achieve the best he was capable of.
He would receive a regular allowance, or as the lads called it 'pocket money', this would in part be determined by his willingness to do his chores and his academic achievements. If he wanted to he could do a part time job when he was old enough. While he would be allowed to spend his own money as he wanted, within reason, he would also be expected to open a savings account and make regular deposits.
When he made friends they would be welcome to visit him at home, provided they were decent people and respected their home. Obviously if they could not do that then they would not be welcome. In short they expected him to be a typical boy growing up, hopefully into a good responsible adult. They emphasised that having fun while growing up was important too and he was given the responsibility to make sure that Ian and Kevin also remembered that.
Joseph was excited that they had many good friends and hoped that they would like him, Ian and Kevin assured him that they would not only like him, but love him as they were growing to love him. He became really excited when they told him about The Major, their Pop and like a father to them, and Christian and Andy who were like big brothers. His excitement rose when the lads told him that it was guaranteed.
For Joseph there was only one downside, he would miss Isaac, Shamira, Aaron and Asher. They had become his surrogate family in Israel and he wanted to maintain contact. Because of the bond that had developed promises were given that not only would contact be kept, reciprocal visits between Israel and the UK would be part of future plans.
All of this sounded to good to be true, but Joseph was reassured by the lads and Shamira that it definitely was true which left Joseph feeling overwhelmed. There was one question that Joseph felt he needed an answer to, how much would he owe to Ian and Kevin, and how would he ever be able to repay what will undoubtedly be a very large sum of money?
Joseph had trouble understanding that a trust fund set up by Manny would cover the expenditure for high value expenses and that Ian and Kevin were covering all of his normal day to day expenses, meaning that there was no debt to repay. He accepted that he would understand this better as time went by.
Being overwhelmed by the revelations from their conversation Joseph went to his room to rest and to try to absorb all of the information. Shamira made sure that he knew he could ask any questions he wanted if he felt he needed more details or a better explanation of what he had been told.
For the remainder of the afternoon Shamira, Ian and Kevin enjoyed a cold drink and each others company while the twins played on the patio.
When Isaac arrived home Joseph had many questions for him, he was seeking clarification regarding some of what he had been told earlier. Realising that this was important to Joseph and not wanting to explain in public the planned evening meal out was cancelled. With Ian and Kevin's help Shamira put together a meal of cold meats with salad and fresh bread, followed by fresh fruit. Wine was passed up for soft drinks so that clear heads were kept.
When the meal was eaten everyone was exhausted from Joseph's relentless question's, one of which took everyone by surprise. Joseph asked if he could have a pet, he used to have a donkey and missed having an animal to look after. His look of disappointment when told no soon disappeared, Kevin said he'd always wanted a horse so maybe they could have horses instead. Joseph was so hyped up he was ecstatic.
Eventually it was time for everyone to turn in for the night, but not before plans were made for Ian and Kevin to take Joseph to the outdoor swimming pool in Beit Zayit the following day, Shamira and the twins would be going with them. Joseph's took it upon himself to call Jacob and tell him to bring swimwear the next day. Hugs were exchanged as they said good night to each other and peace descended on the house for the night.
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I have written this without the aid of an editor or beta reader so any errors are all mine, if you spot any let me know and I'll try to put them right.
What I enjoy more than reactions is to read any comments that readers care to leave. Promise to read and acknowledge
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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