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Shadow Effect - 39. Chapter 39

Time to wrap up some of those pesky loose ends.

Tyler swung Austin’s hand between them and smiled as Kaya skipped ahead with her new best friend, Lila. The two girls had hit it off instantly. He had a feeling it would spell trouble.

The smells wafting through the air were tantalizing. Sebastian arranged a cookout to officially celebrate his pack's six newest members and welcome the Williamson clan into his protective fold.

Currently, there was an unofficial stand-off between Mama and Sandi. Each woman tried to one-up the other in the cooking department. It was good-natured, or at least Tyler thought so. Whatever the case, the rest of them had reaped the rewards. Sandi’s down-home, stick-to-your-ribs comfort food was easily balanced out by Mama’s ethnic Italian and Mexican specialties.

Inhaling deeply, Tyler remarked, “Damn, could you imagine if there was an actual cooking competition between Mama and Sandi?”

Elijah, who was walking hand-in-hand with Ashton, snickered. “Iron Moms; Recipes for Disaster!

Austin and Ashton snorted. The twins knew better than to get in between any of the moms when it came to cooking. They heaped praise on whoever’s food they were eating.

Tyler felt Austin squeeze his fingers. Donovan had injected the twins with the experimental treatment. With daily physical therapy and frequent, gentle stretches, Austin and Ashton could almost fully extend their fingers. There was still progress to be made with strength and dexterity, but the difference was noticeable.

The twins were seeing a counselor three times a week. Tyler attended one of these sessions with Austin. Elijah did the same for Ashton. Slowly, they were learning to cope with being mates without being mated. Occasionally, he saw a glimpse of Austin’s wolf’s frustration but hadn’t needed to use the whistle he kept on a chain around his neck.

Austin explained how one of their “owners” enjoyed torturing them with the sound. It had been bad enough to make their ears bleed on more than one occasion. Upon hearing that, Tyler silently promised himself never to give the whistle more than a quick puff, only as a last resort. He couldn’t bear the thought of hurting Austin.

Tyler! Hurry up!” Kaya shouted over her shoulder. She was excited to be part of a pack gathering. He knew part of her excitement was the probability of seeing more wolves. Once Mama overcame the nudity part of shifting, she took it in stride. No one in his family was startled anymore by seeing any of the pack in wolf form, which was a good thing, as the Alpha had increased the patrols since Huntington’s little stunt. There had been no more contact or threats from the lion shifter. It was as though he had stepped off the face of the earth. It was certainly disconcerting, but they couldn’t put their lives on hold, unlike his family, who didn’t have much choice.

The lodge's backyard had become a giant outdoor reception area. A massive tent was in the middle of the vast expanse. Tables and chairs were spread out in no particular arrangement. Buffet tables lined the far side of the tent, one after another, all laden with delectable goodness.

Kaya spied their family's table and pulled Lila by her hand. Tyler and Elijah watched the girls all afternoon, keeping them out of the way while Mama helped Sandi with food prep, and Papi and his brothers helped the guys set up tables and chairs. Mama smiled brightly when she saw the four of them.

It had been two weeks since his family arrived at the lodge. Sebastian’s generosity provided Papi and Mama with three connecting suites, allowing everyone to have their own bedroom. Declan and Malcolm were excited to have space to play video games and chill out without their siblings underfoot. The younger kids had one of the living rooms to use as their play area, although they’d been outside often, taking advantage of the nice weather before it turned cold. It wasn’t ideal, but it made the most sense with the boys and Kaya attending school with the shifter kids. Tyler knew they were as safe as could be.

The only thing missing was Elena. It wasn’t because she didn’t want to come. Sebastian, Reilly, and Papi had flown to see her and explain the situation. She was reluctant to uproot herself so soon after starting her job. The thought of quitting and losing her newfound independence was more upsetting than discovering the existence of the supernatural world. She’d taken that in stride.

Despite his misgivings, Papi finally agreed with Sebastian’s promise to continue twenty-four-hour protection and not interfere with his eldest daughter’s decision to remain in Sacramento for the time being. Finding a mutual attraction to one of her bodyguards was a bonus. Reilly quickly assured the Williamsons that Elena wasn’t the shifter’s mate. That might have sent Mama over the edge for real. In addition to the bodyguards, Elena had to promise to spend Thanksgiving and Christmas in Montana.

“Boys!” Papi stood up to greet them with hugs. Mama did the same with kisses. Tyler fist-bumped his brothers.

“This is quite the set-up Sebastian has going,” Mama remarked. “It all runs so smoothly.”

Sebastian had leaned heavily on Wayne and Sandi’s help to pull off the pack gathering on such short notice. They’d helped Caleb with his annual meetings enough times that it was a matter of making a few phone calls to set up food deliveries and arrange for volunteers.

After Sebastian had taken control of Caleb's territory, most of the pack chose to stay, which meant it was still numbered close to six hundred. Tonight, nearly four hundred and fifty shifters had shown up. Almost every room at the big resort was occupied.

The previous day, Sebastian held a pack meeting to inform them about what was going on with the search for Huntington and to make sure those living in the outlying areas of the territory had their emergency plan in place.

The Laramees joined them shortly after they sat down. Austin and Ashton grinned. Shifters drifted in and out of the tent over the next hour, filling up on food and socializing with friends they hadn’t seen in a while. Tyler and Austin sat back and watched the comings and goings. His mate leaned closer, resting his head on Tyler’s shoulder. He shivered at the closeness.

Once everyone had eaten, Reilly and Sebastian stepped onto the raised platform. The Alpha took his place behind the podium, and a hush fell over the crowd. He took the microphone from its holder and gave it a light tap to ensure it was on. A short burst of feedback had everyone cringing, shifters and non-shifters alike.

Oops!” Sebastian apologized. “Didn’t mean to do that.” He grinned sheepishly. “Anyway, I want to thank everyone for coming tonight. I know it was short notice, but there’s been a lot going on. As I’m sure you are aware, tonight we welcome Elijah Garrison, Tyler Williamson, their mates, Austin and Ashton Laramee, and their parents, Devin and Becca Laramee, into our pack.”

A hearty round of applause greeted his proclamation.

Reilly motioned for them to join him and Sebastian on the platform. Austin clenched his hand tighter. His mate was still uncomfortable in large groups. In addition to three times-a-week therapy sessions, he and Ashton participated in a group session offered to the hybrids. Being around others and sharing their concerns was beneficial.

Tyler whispered. “It’s okay. You got this.”

Elijah was whispering something to Ashton on the other side of the table. Tyler was willing to bet the words were similar.

The Laramees looked more confident. It hadn’t been a difficult decision for them to switch pack alliances. Isaac, their previous Alpha, was entirely understanding.

There was plenty of room on the dais for everyone, but Austin pressed close to Tyler anyway.

“Are you ready?” Sebastian asked. All six of them nodded. The tradition had been explained to Tyler and Elijah, so both knew what to expect.

Sebastian nodded at Tyler and Austin. Clasping their hands together, they stepped in front of the podium. Sebastian came around to stand in front of them. Tyler felt dwarfed by the man. Austin sucked in a breath.

“Tyler Williamson and Austin Laramee, as individuals and as mates, do you accept my invitation to join my pack as permanent members?”

“Yes, we do,” Tyler answered for himself and Austin. Together, they tilted their heads back, exposing their throats. Reaching out with a single, sharp claw, their Alpha swiftly nicked the soft skin at the base of each of their throats, drawing a few droplets of blood. Then, he leaned down and swiped the tip of his tongue along the superficial wound, imprinting Tyler to him before doing the same to Austin. Even though he couldn’t see it, Tyler knew the cut closed instantly. He also knew; that despite its shallowness, it would leave a tiny scar, evidence that he belonged to Sebastian’s pack.

The Alpha smiled at them, then repeated the ritual for Elijah and Ashton before doing the same for Becca and Devin. When he finished, they all turned to face their new pack. Elijah was startled to see most everyone had shifted to their wolf forms. In unison, the wolves threw their heads back and howled their approval.

The evening wound down as families with small pups departed first. Rosalie and Silas were now staying at the lodge as a precaution, and after extending their congratulations, they, too, retired to their rooms.

Tyler and Austin were back at his family’s table, enjoying some good-natured bantering. All was going well until it wasn’t.

Ashton’s innocent question for his mate opened a fresh can of worms when Mama read the words on the screen; Now that you’re part of the pack, are you going to shapeshift and run with the wolves?

“Elijah?” Mama’s head snapped around, and her glare was frightening. “What does Ashton mean by shapeshifting? Are you a wolf shifter too?”

In all the commotion of the past couple of weeks, the subject of Elijah’s shapeshifting abilities had never come up. It was an oversight they now regretted. Ashton’s face fell the moment he realized his mistake.

Elijah’s Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed. “Yeah, um, about that. Funny you should mention it.”

“Mama didn’t mention it. Ashton did,” Kaya pointed out matter-of-factly.

“Not helping, Kaya,” Tyler hissed, motioning to Declan to distract the little know-it-all.

“Ashton, dear, you’re not in trouble,” Mama said sweetly before turning her venom toward the guilty pair. “Elijah. Tyler. One of you better start talking. NOW!”

Oh, fuck! Tyler thought. He wasn’t going to live to see his mating bond completed. They screwed up big time. He looked at Elijah with pleading eyes.

“I’m a shapeshifter?” his best friend said uncertainly.

“Are you telling me or asking me if I even have a clue what that is?” asked Mama acerbically.

“I’m sorry, Mama. Papi too. Um, well, I can change my shape whenever I want.”

“Whoa! Cool! Can you turn into a dinosaur?” Micah hollered, oblivious to the furor in Mama’s eyes. Declan pulled his little brother out of harm’s way, sheltering him and Kaya from the potential fallout.

Mama had pulled herself up to stand behind his and Elijah’s chair. It was pure dumb luck they were sitting beside each other, unlike earlier, when they’d been on opposite sides of the table. They were trapped. No escape route to be had.

Elijah's words came out in a rush. "I’m part of the supernatural world. I’ve been able to shapeshift since I was a few months old. My parents wanted to protect me. They asked Tyler not to say anything."

“How long has Tyler known?”

When Elijah glanced at him, he shook his head, silently praying that his best friend didn’t push him into oncoming traffic.

“Since we were six.”

Tyler squeezed his eyes shut as he practically heard the screech of imaginary tires.

Mama cuffed him and Elijah on the back of their heads. Austin and Ashton’s reactions were instantaneous. Their wolves growled at the threat to their mates.

“Don’t you growl at me!” Mama reprimanded.

The twins immediately backed down, eyes wide, ears pinned back in surprise. Tyler saw Papi and Declan trying not to laugh, turning their heads to avoid getting caught. He suspected the rest of their table was in a similar state.

Mama inhaled sharply. “It was you!" She poked Elijah on the shoulder. "You pretended to be Tyler the summer you were sixteen and supposedly went to visit your mother’s cousin for a long weekend.”

“And you!” She nailed Tyler with her glare. “You spent the weekend with that hussy, Leighanna, whats-her-face. Lay-ann-ah, my backside! More like Lay-on-it!”

Oh, Jesus, Mary, Joseph, and the fucking donkey! The strangled sounds from all around them were impossible to mistake for anything other than what it was; muffled laughter. Mama had indeed gone off the deep end this time.

“Maria Francesca, leave the boys alone,” Papi implored. Using her given name got through to her, and she visibly deflated. Well, as much as a four-foot-eleven-inch Italian-Mexican powerhouse could.

Papi gently guided her back to her chair, patting her back. “It’s water under the bridge. The boys were young, and they never did anything like it again. Did you, boys?”

Even if they had, they would never admit it. He and Elijah shook their heads vehemently. Crisis averted.

“What about Kage? Did he have abilities too?” Mama asked, calmer now.

Tyler’s chest constricted. Kage’s death still weighed heavily on everyone, especially Elijah. He and Austin were aware that Ashton knew Elijah had recently lost someone close to him, not just his parents. Tyler wasn’t sure, however, how much his best friend had explained to his mate.

“Kage was a shadow shifter. He could become a shadow. Please don’t ask me to explain anymore,” Elijah answered. His sadness nearly broke Tyler’s heart. Ashton scooted closer, pressing up against Elijah. If his actions were any indication, he knew more than just the bare basics. Tyler was glad. Elijah shouldn’t have to bear the burden of his grief by himself.

“I think it’s time we called it a night. It’s past Kaya’s bedtime,” Papi said diplomatically.

Sebastian and Reilly saw them gathering their things and came over to say goodnight. “Thank you all for coming. I’m glad you could celebrate your sons becoming part of my pack.”

Mama and Papi thanked them for their hospitality, her children echoing the sentiment as they’d been taught. Sebastian motioned for him and Elijah and their mates to stay behind. “I’ve called for a meeting at eight o’clock in the small conference room. I have new information regarding Huntington. Please don’t be late.”

They assured their Alpha they would be there on time before returning to their suite. Tyler and Austin nodded at Elijah and Ashton as they retired. Austin snuggled up to him as soon as they slid under the covers.

“I’m so proud of you. You handled tonight perfectly. I know it couldn’t have been easy.”

Austin’s beautiful eyes glimmered in the soft moonlight slipping through the window. His breath felt hot on Tyler’s face. His mate didn’t need any words for what happened next. Tyler’s heart hammered as Austin closed the distance, and their lips met for the first time. It was sheer heaven. Their tongues met tentatively at first, then with confidence. The kiss lasted until Austin broke away with a soft whine. Goddamn. Tyler was awed at how his mate could hold his wolf in check. So much progress had been made. With a sigh, he pulled back, creating just enough distance to get himself under control. They were going to be okay.


Austin watched as Sebastian’s team gathered around the large table. The big Alpha still intimidated him, but he wasn’t scared anymore. The intimidation came from being close to the highest-ranking Alpha in animal shifterdom. Sebastian’s status had no bearing on how he treated them. He’d been kind, patient, and understanding with all the hybrids.

Once they were seated, Sebastian cleared his throat. “Nat Chusi is on her way with the rest of the Council members. They should be here in a few hours. Yesterday afternoon, reports of a private plane crash became headline news. The media is covering the event because of the plane’s passenger list. Kasar Huntington and his top two executives were supposedly on the aircraft when it disappeared off the radar over the Pacific, halfway to Hawaii.”

“Yeah, right,” Hunter scoffed. “If Huntington was on that plane, I’ll spoon-feed Kellan an entire pot of Sandi’s chili and lock myself in a room with him for a week.”

“It’s safe to say that won’t be necessary,” Sebastian retorted. “I’m not sure what game Kasar thinks he’s playing, but he won’t win.”

After Kaya’s brief kidnapping, Huntington had gone underground. Despite Sebastian’s team’s best efforts, the lion shifter became a ghost. In the human world, social media had him firmly ensconced in his office, building his insurance empire. Covert surveillance determined otherwise.

“So, what do we do next?” Zev asked.

“We wait for Nat and the rest of the Council. She’s mentioned a few options. I’d like to get your opinions before they get here. It may help to narrow things down and save time. Although, in my opinion, I believe Huntington is posturing. He wants us to believe he’s ready to strike at any moment. My gut tells me he’s biding his time, weighing his options.”

Austin woke his tablet and typed a message for Tyler to read. “What makes you think that?”

“It’s the only thing that makes sense,” Sebastian replied. “If he were going to strike, he would have done it while the iron was hot, right after Kaya’s kidnapping. We were most vulnerable the first couple of days immediately after.”

Austin tapped Tyler’s arm, prompting him to read again. “It’s classic military ambush tactics. Conceal yourself, then attack. He’s in the planning stage.”

Sebastian smiled. “I think you are absolutely right, Austin. Huntington knows it’s challenging to get to us. The territory is spread over a few hundred square miles, with the lodge and town being the most heavily concentrated with pack members. He needs to gather his forces and ensure they’re familiar with what they’d be going up against before he tries to infiltrate.”

“He’s got brass balls if he thinks his strategy will work,” Zev said. “He doesn’t think he can take us by surprise, does he?”

“I doubt it,” Hunter countered. “He has to know we have heavy surveillance and are aware of who is coming and going in the territory.”

“Yes,” Sebastian agreed. “But, at the same time, we have a few vulnerable spots. He could easily try to draw us out by attacking some outlying farms and ranches. He knows I’m obligated to protect those pack members. Reilly and I have already contacted anyone who may be vulnerable. The ranchers are banding together to protect themselves and each other in the event of an attack. They have plans in place that will allow them to at least be able to stand their ground until I can get reinforcements to them.”

Austin saw Elijah catch Tyler’s attention. They had an uncanny connection, just like he and Ashton. It made them all stronger.

His brother’s mate asked, “What are the options we need to consider? What can we expect if Huntington has fallen back and is planning his attack?”

There was a low murmuring between couples as they considered the possibilities.

“If you don’t mind ending the speculation,” Sebastian said, “I’ll go over them.”

A hush fell over the group as they settled down.

“Options we need to consider include planning our own preemptive strike, fortifying our defenses by calling in reinforcements, planning a counterattack strategy, coming up with a plan to flush out Huntington, or a combination of any of those.”

Austin didn’t have enough experience with strategy and wasn’t sure what questions to ask. Ashton beat him to it when Elijah read his question to the group. “What are the pros and cons?”

“That’s what we need to discuss,” Sebastian answered. “Hunter? You take the first option.”

Hunter picked up the pen and notebook in front of him. He drew a line down the center of the page and labeled each column as Pros/Cons.

The team spent the next two hours discussing the merits and drawbacks of each course of action. Ultimately, they were far from a decision when Nat Chusi and the other High Council members strode into the room. The complexity of the situation made Austin’s head spin.

Sebastian introduced everyone not familiar with each other. There was no way Austin would be able to keep the names straight. Even Tyler and Elijah were unfamiliar with the newcomers. They would need to rely on Zev and Ben to remind them who’s who.

“It’s wonderful to meet you,” the woman Sebastian introduced as Nat Chusi said. “Our Alpha made the right decision to send rescue teams out. You’ve been more successful than your European counterparts.”

“They’ll get there,” Sebastian assured her. “We’ve been extremely fortunate.”

Austin wondered if Ms. Chusi would think it was unfair they had Elijah’s Kage-O-Matic advantage.

“So,” Sebastian continued, “the human news media is red hot with speculation regarding Huntington’s alleged plane crash. Every angle has been covered; mechanical failure, pilot error, terrorist action. You name it. It’s been discussed on every broadcast and podcast across the globe. Huntington was revered among humans.”

“It won’t die down anytime soon,” Nat remarked.

“What if we made it work in our favor?” Elijah suggested, tipping his head to the side as if mulling something over.

“Tell us your thoughts.” Sebastian prompted.

“I think it’s time to call in the big guns.”

One side of the Alpha’s lip quirked up, and he raised an eyebrow. “You mean—-”

Elijah nodded slyly.

“Why don’t you clue in the rest of us?” asked Roberto Mata. The bear shifter sounded annoyed, as if he were kept in the dark on purpose.

“Our resident shapeshifter has ties with the Fae prince, Cassiel,” Sebastian told them, a distinctly wolfish smile spreading across his face. “He did tell you to call him if you ever needed anything, did he not?”

All eyes turned to Elijah. Austin reached for Tyler’s hand. A Fae prince? There had to be a story behind that revelation.

“Yes, he did.”

“There’s no better time than the present,” Sebastian suggested.

Austin held his breath as Elijah pulled up a contact on his phone. They all listened as he put the call on speaker. Time seemed to stand still as it rang in long tones, echoing against the walls.

After four rings, the call connected. “Hello, Elijah. I had a feeling I would hear from you.”

“Hello, Cassiel. I have you on speaker. I’m here with Sebastian McTire, his team, and members of the High Council. I guess you know why I’m calling.”

“Ah, yes. Our problem kitty, Kasar Huntington.”

Austin snickered. He already liked this Fae prince dude.

“Exactly,” Elijah confirmed.

“What do you need from me?”

“Information, for a start,” Sebastian interjected. “We believe we have a window of opportunity. Huntington staging his death has effectively forced him out of the spotlight. He must lay low if he wants the ruse to succeed. He would be stupid to launch an attack, and I believe he knows it. I think he’s amassing his followers and planning an attack.”

“Yes,” Cassiel agreed. “I know for a fact he does not have an appropriate number of supernaturals to attempt to overthrow you. Indeed, he has just lost one of his most valuable assets.”

“What would that be?” asked Sebastian.

Cassiel paused. “His fire shifter.”

“Do you mean the one Kage told me about? The one you had tortured?” Elijah accused.

“An unfortunate mistake on my part. Trevor betrayed me. He fed me misinformation regarding the fire shifter. I acted on the knowledge I had at that time. It does not sadden me to know he is dead. I am proud of Kage’s last act of atonement. He rid the world of a true parasite.”

“Back to this fire shifter,” Sebastian said, rerouting the conversation in the right direction. “How do you know Huntington has lost her?”

“Because Enya is with me.”

“Wow. I didn’t expect that,” Elijah said. “Cassiel, would you be willing to meet with us? Maybe Enya too?”

“Is an hour soon enough?”

“You’re that close?” Reilly asked, his eyebrows lifting in surprise.

Cassiel chuckled. “No. However, I can travel through your world in, let us say, an unconventional manner.”

Sebastian took control back. “Thank you, Cassiel. We’ll expect you in an hour.”

Elijah ended the call, and everyone sat in stunned silence. The Fae prince was coming here. Austin’s heart hammered. Growing up, Fae were not always portrayed in the best light. He was nervous about meeting the prince. For one, he sounded much too formal. Second, he was royalty, for fuck’s sake.

Tyler leaned over and whispered, “It’s okay. I haven’t met him, but Elijah says he’s pretty down to earth, at least as much as Fae royalty can be. I don’t know if we can trust him, but that’s a decision for Sebastian to make.”

Austin nodded.

Sebastian instructed Hunter to fetch Silas and Rosalie. He felt his two senior pack members needed to be present. When Hunter returned with the duo, everyone headed to the larger conference room.

Soon after everyone was settled, they heard a loud pop! Cassiel strode in with the fire shifter. Austin was surprised to see how young she looked. He doubted she was older than him, Ashton, Tyler, and Elijah. There was a hardness in her eyes that he recognized. The same hardness he saw reflected in Ashton’s eyes when his brother was caught in a memory. It was the same hardness he knew his own eyes gave off when he dwelled on the past. Some things were meant to break you. When they didn’t, remnants remained to remind you of what you went through.

Enya’s eyes scanned the room. Her gaze caught his for a brief moment, recognizing a kindred tortured spirit. She must have gone through as much trauma as he and Ashton had in their short lives.

Austin had to hold back a smile as he saw Elijah’s face redden as he realized everyone was waiting for him to initiate the conversation.

Clearing his throat, the shapeshifter finally spoke. “Cassiel, it’s good to see you again. Thank you for coming.”

“Yes,” echoed Sebastian. “Welcome to my territory. Please, come in and have a seat. We have much to discuss.”

Cassiel and Enya took seats directly across from Elijah and Ashton. Austin was sitting next to his brother, so he had a direct view of the fire shifter. Her amber eyes seemed to flicker in the light. He wondered if it was due to the motion of the ceiling fans overhead or if it was something natural within her. He’d place money on the latter.

Sebastian introduced everyone. Enya didn’t seem phased by the presence of so many animal shifters.

“Cassiel, Enya,” Sebastian started. “Would you be so kind as to fill us in on what’s going on?”

Austin saw Enya dip her head slightly, deferring to the Fae. While being among shifters didn’t unsettle her, she seemed uncomfortable being the center of attention.

“Certainly,” Cassiel agreed. “Not long after Elijah and I had our meeting in the aftermath of Kage’s death, I realized the extent of Trevor’s betrayal. He not only had been working for Huntington, but he was also doing so at the behest of my brother, Brioc. When I found out, I confronted him. The bastard lost a bet with Puck. Brioc’s payment was to offer his protection to Huntington and, by extension, Trevor.”

“What was the bet?” Reilly asked.

“It is complicated, so bear with me,” Cassiel implored. “About eight years ago, Puck was aiding a wolf-shifter pack in some no-so-legal business dealings. It was a game to him, pitting one pack against another. He went too far, and a turf war broke out, annihilating an entire pack. Kasar was in an on-again/off-again relationship with one of the she-wolves killed. My understanding is she left Huntington when she found her true mate, but still had feelings for him. He thought he had lost his son in the attack as well. Only it turned out it was not his son. The she-wolf cheated on her mate with Kasar and someone else. That someone else was the biological father. Only Kasar did not put two and two together until later. I think Puck tipped him off, but I am not positive. Does any of this sound familiar, Mr. McTire?”

Sebastian looked shocked. It took a full minute before he found his voice. “Vann. Huntington once believed Vann was his son?”

Cassiel nodded.

“So Vann’s original pack was killed because your fucking court jester couldn’t keep his nose out of shifter business?” Sebastian growled.

“It appears that way.”

“Let me guess. Huntington found out, most likely from the infamous Puck, that Caleb was Vann’s real father, and that’s why Caleb was targeted?”

Cassiel nodded, impressed. “You are good at this.”

“Nevermind that.” Sebastian waved him off. “How does Enya tie into all this?”

“Ah, yes. Unfortunately, it was a matter of wrong place, wrong time. Trevor happened to come across Enya when she was in a rather precarious position. She was caught in the act of committing arson.”

Enya muttered under her breath. “The bastards deserved it.”

“It does not matter if they deserved it or not, my dear,” Cassiel rebuked. “In the eyes of the humans, they were innocent until proven guilty. Archaic, I know, but lacking the means to differentiate truth from lies, humans must rely on their system of laws to uphold justice. At least in theory.”

Austin thought Enya looked annoyed. He quickly looked away when her gaze shifted to him. He wasn’t sure, but something about the girl unsettled him.

“Getting back to Trevor and Enya,” Cassiel continued. “Trevor broke Enya out of jail by shapeshifting into one of the guards. He promised protection. In reality, he took her back to Huntington. Trevor had been in his employ for several years. He was Kasar’s lead striker. As soon as Huntington realized the potential Enya presented, he tried to exploit her by hatching the plan for Trevor to infiltrate my staff. Somehow he convinced my brother to partake in deceiving me. I am ashamed to admit it worked. Kage is dead because of my mistake.”

Austin felt Tyler stiffen as Elijah stood up and spat, “Well, you fucking better fix your goddamn mistake before anyone else gets killed!”

Ashton growled at the Fae. Austin felt the fur along the back of his neck bristle in solidarity with his twin. Tyler squeezed his knee in an attempt to calm him.

“Elijah! Ashton! Sit down,” Sebastian commanded. Thankfully, his brother and his mate complied.

Cassiel gave the Alpha a nod of gratitude. “That is why I am here. I have had a come-to-Auberon-moment with Brioc. He has agreed to lift his protection on Huntington, and I have agreed not to bring his and Puck’s involvement in this matter to our father's or the court's attention.”

“Excuse me,” Nat Chusi cut in. “How is this beneficial to us?”

Austin watched, fascinated, as the Fae prince and anaconda shifter sized each other up.

Cassiel gave a nod of acquiescence before answering. “Without Brioc’s protection, Huntington won’t be able to launch an attack of any sort until he is sure he has a fighting chance. It gives you a few months at least to strategize the best way to take him down.”

“Why won’t you help us?” Elijah demanded.

“For the same reason, it was wrong of Brioc to offer his protection to Huntington. Fae laws prohibit it.”

“It didn’t stop him,” Nat noted.

Cassiel pinned her under his gaze. “I am not my brother.”

“Nat, drop it,” issued Sebastian. “Rosalie, Silas, what do you think about this?”

Silas deferred to Rosalie. “My dear,” she said. “I think you can trust Mr. Cassiel. Look at our young fire shifter. She can tell you he speaks the truth.”

Austin wondered how Rosalie knew this. He got his answer a moment later.

“Enya. You have a secondary ability in addition to your fire shifting, don’t you?” Rosalie proclaimed as if it were a fact rather than a question.

Enya squirmed under the sudden attention of everyone in the room but nodded before answering, “I can detect the lies. Cassiel speaks the truth.”

Austin sat up straight. You could have heard a pin drop. As if the recent conversation hadn’t been eye-opening enough, things just got even more interesting.

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