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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Shadow Effect - 14. Chapter 14

This is the final calm before some more serious business needs to be addressed.

Kage scowled at the caller ID. Not knowing his boss’s name, he always labeled him as “B” on his phone. Nothing more, nothing less. He never gave any thought to how fucked up it really was until now.

The Fae’s timing sucked. It had been two days since his little difference of opinions with Elijah. He hated to call it an argument, mostly because he didn’t like how he felt when he was at odds with his shapeshifter. Avoiding those feelings seemed like the best thing to do. He was easily distracted as they spent the past forty-eight hours experimenting with a variety of positions, mostly in bed, but occasionally on the couch, in the shower, and a couple of times in the kitchen. At this moment, Elijah’s head was stalled in its journey south of Kage’s border.

“Hello,” he said curtly, after swiping angrily at the screen. Elijah looked up at him, disappointment clearly evident in those pretty eyes of his. He gave Kage an apologetic half-smile and slid off the bed with a resigned sigh, grabbing shorts before closing the bedroom door behind him. He knew Kage needed privacy when speaking with his boss.

“I’m sending you a file to go over. I’d like you in San Francisco no later than the day after tomorrow.” No greeting, no pleasantries, just an order barked out to be blindly followed. While it had never pissed him off before, it did now. Watching his dick deflate like one of those giant floppy, waving tube men in front of a car dealership when the air pump got turned off didn’t help matters either.

“Got it.” He deliberately kept his answer brief. The Fae was adept at reading between the lines.

“Kage, are you still with the shapeshifter?”

Fuck. What the hell does he need to know that for? “Yes.” A moment of silence followed as his boss digested his answer.

“He knows what you are.” A statement, not a question. One which absolutely did not warrant a response, but Kage felt obliged to give one anyway.


“Take him to San Francisco with you.”

What!?” Kage couldn’t stop the question, nor the surprise in its intonation, from spewing out his mouth. What the fuck?

“He can be an asset. You’re limited when you’re a shadow. He can disguise himself as almost any other living creature as long as it’s not too big or too small.”

Fucking tell him something he didn’t already know. It wasn’t a good enough reason. He worked solo for his entire career, and this was not the time to test out having a partner.

“It’s too dangerous. He’s too young,” he argued. What he really wanted to say was, Elijah was just a kid, but after two days of nonstop sex, he was anything but. In the farthest back corner of his mind, he knew it wasn’t the only reason.

“He successfully infiltrated a rogue shifter pack, helping to expose the ones responsible for starting this whole shitshow. Huntington has become one major source of constipation and must be eliminated before he becomes an explosion of diarrhea all over the human world. Elijah Garrison can be useful in bringing about his termination. Take him to San Francisco.

Those last words were spoken in a tone that brooked no argument. Fucking hell.

“Yes, sir,” he growled through gritted teeth. His boss wasn’t the only one who could show his displeasure through his tone of voice. There was a moment of silence and without being able to see his boss’ expression, Kage couldn’t gauge how he would respond.

“Watch yourself out there.”

Hmmm, that actually sounded like concern. Some of his displeasure ebbed away, but not all. He couldn’t move past the anger he felt at being issued a command to put Elijah’s life at risk. What really pissed him off was the boss’ concern felt related to him and him alone. No regard to Elijah’s safety. Then again, it could be implied the shapeshifter’s wellbeing was another responsibility added to Kage’s shoulders.

“I will,” he answered, then ended the call.

Kage ran his hand through his hair, disheveling it even more. It continued down his face, over the short bristles of his beard, trying to rub away the mixed bag of emotions he felt.

Anger, because he was being forced to risk Elijah’s safety.

Annoyance, for being forced to look out for someone else’s back, even if it belonged to his shapeshifter.

Resignation, acknowledging this was the hand which he had just been dealt.

Most irritating of all, pride, knowing that his boss recognized how important Elijah was.

Fuck! The little shit was probably going to gloat. Then again, maybe not. Elijah didn’t seem to have that sort of mean streak in him.

Kage slid off the bed and grabbed a clean pair of shorts, shimmying them on as he strode down the hall to the kitchen. Elijah was finishing cleaning up from the breakfast they’d abandoned earlier. Kage’s stomach grumbled in protest, not happy the eggs were now garbage disposal fodder.

Elijah rinsed the sponge and squeezed out the excess water before turning to Kage, head down, eyes averted.

“You’re leaving.”

Kage sighed, walked over and invaded Elijah’s personal space. “We’re leaving.” Despite his resolve not to do so, he couldn’t keep the irritation out of his voice.

Elijah’s head snapped up so quickly, Kage was afraid he gave himself whiplash. A wide, surprised grin flashed across his face. Despite the seriousness of the situation, the look was too damn cute. He smiled in spite of himself.

“What? When?”

“Day after tomorrow, so let Tyler and his family know you’ll be gone for a little bit. Tell them we’ve decided to take a little road trip. Pretty sure his parents will be convinced I’m kidnapping you, but what the hell. There’s nothing I can do about it.”

“Why the change of heart?” Elijah asked.

“I didn’t have a change of heart. It’s more like my boss forced the change for me. Apparently he has the same line of thinking as you and believes you’re more of an asset than a liability. Don’t think I’ve changed my mind though. I still think it’s too dangerous. I wish we could figure out a way to scope out Huntington’s home or office without either of us having to shift. I’m not comfortable with you possibly being exposed when you’re in animal form.”

“You just don’t want my, ahem, junk exposed if I have to shift back suddenly and find myself naked in the middle of San Francisco.”

Kage could feel the heat of a blush creep up his cheeks of its own volition. “Well, that too,” he admitted.

“Why don’t we try to figure something out? I’m sure between the two of us we can come up with something,” Elijah suggested. They sat at the kitchen table and tossed a few half-assed ideas around, none of which would work.

All of a sudden, Elijah snapped his fingers. “I got it!”

Kage watched him jump up and rummage through a drawer looking for something. Not finding what he was looking for, Elijah moved to the living room where he opened the coat closet and took out a box. Rifling through it, he came back with a stack of condolence cards he’d received in the time since his parents’ murder. He began to shuffle through them looking for something specific.

“A-ha!” he cried triumphantly, holding a letter out to Kage.

Kage took it and looked at the envelope before pulling out the sympathy card enclosed within. It was from the insurance company Mr. Garrison worked for, the very one owned by Kasar Huntington. He scanned the card, reading the handwritten note by Mr. Huntington himself:

Dear Elijah,

Please accept my heartfelt condolences at the passing of your parents. Your father was an exemplary employee and I valued his tremendous contributions helping to make this company successful. If there is anything I may ever do for you, professionally or personally, please don’t hesitate to contact me.


Kasar Huntington

When Kage looked up, Elijah was bouncing lightly on the balls of his feet. “That’s our way in. I’ll call and set up a meeting with Huntington and scope out his office. I’m in and out, and no one's the wiser. He’ll have no idea.”

“What, pray tell, are you going to have a meeting about?”

Elijah’s face fell. He obviously did not think that far ahead. “Gimme a minute, I’ll think of something.”

After a few minutes of silence, Kage started to softly hum the theme from Jeopardy! Elijah started to glare at him, but suddenly his eyes widened as a light bulb went off inside his head.

“I got it! I’ll tell Huntington that I’m considering going back to school and am in the city to check out a few colleges. I’ll play on his philanthropic heartstrings and ask him to hook me up with their marketing department because I just so happen to have a friend who’s a genius when it comes to writing jingles and ditties for commercials and training videos and shit. A genius friend who would like an opportunity to showcase some of his work to the premier Global Insurance company.”

Elijah shot him a look that practically screamed taaa-daa!

Kage leaned back in his seat and steepled his hands together under his chin. He had to admit, the plan had merit. They would need to work out a lot of details, but it just might work. He stroked his jaw, then narrowed his eyes as a thought occurred to him.

“Tyler is not coming with us.”

Elijah actually had the audacity to roll his eyes. “I know that,” he retorted. “I don’t want him to come. He doesn’t need to, I’ll just get him to send me a few of his music files he can bear to part with. He’s got a bazillion of them. I’ll call him now, and we can work out the details later.” He jumped up and grabbed his phone off of the counter where he’d left it earlier.

It was Kage’s turn to roll his eyes. Bossy little shifter. He listened as Elijah spoke to his best friend.

“Hey Ty! Can you part with four or five of your test compositions? You know the ones you made for commercials or videos?”

Kage could only hear one side of the conversation, and deduced Tyler’s part from how Elijah responded.

“Great!” Silence as Tyer said something else. “What do you mean it’ll cost me? Tonight?

Elijah gave Kage a side glance and bit his bottom lip.

“Aw, she did? That’s great.” Another pause. “Yeah, I know I haven’t seen her in forever.”

One more surreptitious glance at Kage before he turned his back.

“Okay, We’ll be there. What time?”

Uh-oh, what the hell did Elijah just agree to?

He stalked across the room as Elijah ended the call and turned around, jumping when he bumped nose first into Kage’s chest. He laughed nervously, taking a cautious step back.

“What did you get me into?” Kage growled.

Elijah wet his strawberry red lips nervously. “Don’t be mad. We’re going to dinner at his house. His cousin Carina just had a baby and she’s bringing her over so Mama can get her newborn fix. Carina’s only a year older than us. We grew up together and I haven’t seen her since she got married to her high school sweetheart last year.”

Elijah spoke quickly, trying to make his case for another dinner with the Williamsons. It wasn’t that Kage was opposed to it, he just felt that they needed as much time as they could get to plan. His unease hadn’t abated and he needed to be sure they thought of everything, even though realistically it wasn’t possible. There were many things that could go wrong when another person was involved, so much information was needed, not to mention countless variables to consider.

He held his hands up. “Elijah, it’s all right. We’ll go, we just can’t stay late. We have a lot to figure out and not a lot of time to do it, okay?”

Elijah nodded and sagged in relief.

Kage was still starving. He hated skipping breakfast. Elijah pulled out the ingredients to make them a couple of omelets as they were quick and easy. Now he was looking forward to dinner. Tyler’s mother had already proven that she was worth her weight in gold when it came to her culinary talents.

They spent the remainder of the afternoon cleaning up all of the leftover materials they used in the home improvement projects. Elijah didn’t want paint cans and scraps of flooring cluttering up the rooms. After filling up the trash cans and recycle bin, anything leftover which was still usable they stored in the garage before going back inside to clean up before heading out for dinner.

It was a mostly silent drive over to the Williamsons in Elijah’s SUV. Kage reached over and took Elijah’s hand, wordlessly letting him know he was okay with the impromptu plans.

He nearly changed his tune when they walked into the Williamson home and it was packed with people. At least that was how it looked to Kage.

“Shit,” Elijah muttered. He shot Kage an apologetic look right before a squeal pierced their eardrums.

A petite, dark-haired girl about Elijah’s age came trotting over to him and tried to squeeze the bejeezus out of him.

Elijah laughed and squeezed her back, just not as hard.

“E! It’s so good to see you! I’ve missed your face,” she declared, kissing both his cheeks before pinching them. “I’m sorry I couldn’t make it to your parents’ service. So who’s this?” she asked, giving Kage the once over.

“This is Kage,” he replied, making quick introductions. “It’s good to see you too, Carina. Don’t worry, it couldn’t have been easy being on bed rest, and the health of your baby was more important. Congrats on your daughter! You and Marco must be over the moon. Where is the little peanut anyway?”

Carina giggled and pointed toward the living room. “The aunties are passing her around like a blunt in a VW bus.”

Kage and Elijah burst out laughing. She wasn’t wrong. Kage had a direct line of sight into the room where a small bundle was being handed off from woman to woman, each one cooing over the little thing before another set of hands snatched her away.

“I think you better go check on your little blunt, sounds like she’s got some popcorn buds in her diaper,” Tyler informed his cousin, coming up behind her.

Carina smacked his arm. “Damn, I always get the shitty ones when it’s my turn. Wonder if I can hide?”

Just then they heard a loud ‘Woohoo!’ shouted in Carina’s direction. One of the aunties was holding the baby at arm’s length, with a scrunched up look on her face.

“Someone needs her mommy!” the woman yelled.

Carina sighed as she accepted her motherly duties, grabbing a diaper bag that was next to a chair before taking her daughter from the offended auntie and disappearing down the hall toward the bathroom.

Elijah prodded Kage toward the lion’s den that the living room had become. Weird how a roomful of women seemed more dangerous than an actual lion shifter. The decibel level created when a dozen or so women, all talking at once, hands flying, indicative of their Italian heritage, was like being caught inside a loud vacuum. The noise flew about them in all directions as the conversations seemed to bounce off of the ladies like they were in a pinball machine.

Introductions were swift, as Tyler and Elijah knew Kage didn’t give a rat’s ass about Auntie Gia or Auntie Maria. They made their escape in less than five minutes, for which Kage was eternally grateful.

Tyler’s mom was in the kitchen with three other women.

“Sisters,” Elijah whispered before he was swept away in a deluge of hugs and cheek kisses. More introductions and Kage nodded politely, charming each one with a panty-melting smile.

Tyler led the way outside to an oasis of masculinity, where the men of the family were clustered, talking in small groups, hands flying with more gusto than the ladies. A few were playing horseshoes or cornhole, and the kids were running around, burning off energy.

Papi was manning the grill and the smell of barbeque chicken set Kage’s mouth watering. He and Elijah got pulled into a game of horseshoes while waiting for the call that food was ready.

All in all, it wasn’t a horrible evening. Tyler’s family were loud and boisterous, something which Kage normally stayed away from, but Elijah seemed to thrive with. Kage enjoyed watching him interact with his extended family. It showed him yet another side of his shapeshifter. At the same time it caused a knot to form deep within as realization dawned.

Carina came out and introduced Elijah to his new ‘cousin’, Martha Josephine who was named after her two grandmothers. Elijah’s face transformed as he gazed down at the sleeping cherub gently nestled in his arms. She was a beautiful baby with pink skin, chubby cheeks and a thick tuft of dark hair on top of her sweet-smelling head.

Kage’s eyebrows drew together as he recognized the reality that Elijah wanted this. He wanted a family, one of his own. Something Kage could never be able to give him. Damn, he was in over his head when it came to Elijah. Feelings welled up from deep inside so quickly he nearly choked on them as he forced them back down.

Elijah’s happy expression turned to concern as he caught a glimpse of Kage’s frown just before he managed to mask it.

“Are you okay?”

Kage nodded, not trusting his voice. He felt angry. Angry with himself for not being able to give Elijah the life he wanted.

“We’ll talk later,” he said when he could trust his voice again. He was saved from further discussion by the sound of Tyler’s mom yelling out the backdoor that dinner was ready. Elijah handed the baby back to Carina and Kage followed him back to the house where the buffet line was already at least ten people deep.

After they ate, Elijah made his rounds, saying goodbye and accepting additional condolences on his parents’ passing. Kage wondered how long it took before people moved on and didn’t bring it up anymore.

“I’ll meet you in the car,” he said to Elijah after saying thank you to Tyler’s mom and dad. Mama kissed both his cheeks and told him not to be a stranger. He escaped into the blessed silence of Elijah’s vehicle and took in a deep breath, letting the quiet wash over him. That type of gathering was his worst nightmare. He could dine with royalty, schmooze with the upper crust, fit in at a wild, raucous bachelor party, but big family to-dos? Nope, not his cup of tea, which, by the way, he could also pull off, high tea with a group of top level politician’s wives that is. Been there, done that.

Elijah joined him a few minutes later.

“Talk to me Kage, what’s bothering you?”

“It can wait until we get back to your place,” he said, deliberately not mentioning the word ‘home’. He just couldn’t let his mind go there.

Once they were back at Elijah’s and in the house his beautiful shapeshifter pinned him with his glare. “Ok, out with it.”

Kage leaned his ass against the kitchen counter and placed his hands against the edge on either side of his hips. It was an open stance, not like the defensive one he really wanted to take by crossing his arms over his chest. This was a conversation they already had, but seeing the look on Elijah’s face as he held that baby reinforced Kage’s resolve to not let Elijah expect anything other than friendship from him.

“Carina has a beautiful baby, don’t you think?” he asked tentatively.

“Yes, she does, but what does that have to do with your shift in mood?” Elijah seemed confused.

“Correct me if I’m wrong, but you want that. Not today, but somewhere in your future is a husband, maybe a surrogate or adoption agency, whatever the case may be. You want the whole sha-bang; house, white picket fence, Golden Retriever and a couple of your own mini-mes running around. Vacation to Disney thrown in as a bonus.”

“I don’t have to have that.”

“But you want it, Elijah,” Kage said definitively, knowing the man standing across from him was incapable of denying it.


Kage shook his head. “No ‘maybe’ Elijah. I saw it in you. I saw it in the way you lit up when you held her. I saw it in the way you interacted with everyone there. Once this business with Huntington is done, we go our separate ways. I can’t give you what your heart desires. I’m an assassin. I don’t have a nine to five job, I never will. Even if I quit the second Huntington is dead, I still can’t walk away. I’ve made too many enemies. I will always have somebody out there who would take the first opportunity that presented itself to kill me, or someone I love. I will never put you or anyone else, especially not children, in danger. I don’t want children. That is not negotiable with me.”


“No buts either. You will make a wonderful dad someday. You’ve had amazing role models and your kids will be so lucky. I can’t even be the favorite uncle who drops in and showers them with toys and candy, getting them all wired up before leaving again. I can’t have anyone associated with me who can be used against me. Never, Elijah.” Kage slammed his fist on the countertop. “Never!

“You want to know who I really am? I’m not just a shadow shifter and assassin. My boss sends me when he needs to take someone out and not leave a single trace. You want to know how I can do that? I can give someone a massive heart attack that kills them instantly. I can give someone stage-four cancer that will kill in a few months and make them suffer. I can give someone ALS and let them deteriorate for years while their loved ones watch helplessly. You know how I can do it? By just touching them! That’s who I am Elijah. I’m the Grim-Fucking-Reaper people are afraid of! That’s why I’m not good for you!” Kage growled loudly, his breathing rough and ragged.

Elijah didn’t say anything. His face was an emotionless mask, but when he raised his eyes, Kage saw the look of hurt and betrayal in them. He also saw love. He knew the shifter was falling for him, even though Kage had warned him not to. Hell, Kage had a hard time staying emotionally distant himself and he had years of practice being a detached robot, doing his boss’s bidding mindlessly.

What a fucked up life he had. He never realized it until he met Elijah, a beautiful soul who made him want things he couldn’t have. For now he would just have to be satisfied for the moments which he did have. The end of their time together was drawing to a close. Kage could feel it in his very bones. That, more than anything, spurred him to draw Elijah close, burying his nose in the soft waves, inhaling the scent of his shampoo which belonged only to him. They stayed that way for several long minutes, each lost in his own thoughts.

Elijah pulled away first, needing some distance. He also spoke first.

“I understand, Kage. I don’t like it, but I understand. I’ve already lost two of the people I loved the most in this world. I don’t want anyone else to have to go through that either. I didn’t want to fall for you, but I couldn’t help it. I guess you and Tyler were right after all. My heart will break when you leave for good. I’m not even going to try to deny it. I’ll be okay though. There will never be anyone else in the world like you. Just know that when you go, a piece of me will go with you.”

Kage’s heart constricted tightly and his lungs seemed incapable of drawing in air for several seconds.

“Come here,” he said, pulling Elijah back up against him, not wanting him to see the tears threatening to spill over.

“When I go, you’ll be the only one who will ever hold a piece of my heart.”

Elijah’s shoulders jumped as a soft sob broke free. Kage hated knowing he was the cause. He rocked them back and forth, rubbing his hands soothingly up and down his shapeshifter’s back. He would always think of Elijah as his, until his very last breath.

They spent the night wrapped up in each other’s arms, just being close. Somehow they both knew if they did anything else, it would be a mistake. Fucking would become lovemaking and it would be the last time. Neither were ready to let go.

San Francisco awaited. Kage was uncertain about an assignment for the first time in his life. There was more at stake than just his job, reputation, hell, even his life. He had Elijah to look out for and he’d be damned if he let anything happen to the one and only person he had ever let into his heart.

He loved him and it would not only break Elijah’s heart when he left, but he knew his own would shatter as well.

This is probably my favorite chapter so far, even though Elijah and Kage have to face a harsh reality.
Would love to hear your thoughts and ideas for where this could be headed.
Copyright © 2022 kbois; All Rights Reserved.
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