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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Plattenbau - 21. Chapter 21- New Year

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"Wow did you see that?! So pretty!" Alex cheered when an especially colorful rocket lit up the sky. He was half-way hanging over the railing and filming the show with the new phone Ed had bought him for Christmas. From the moment the first fireworks were lit, the teen's excitement was unstoppable while Ed's mood, on the other hand, got worse by the minute.

The older guy had actually dreaded the day for weeks. All those noises, explosions and the smell of gunpowder in the air just reminded him way too much of the battlefield. Another loud bang echoed through the streets below, making Ed shrink back against the balcony door even more. Normally, he would have just turned his TV as loud as possible, closed the blinds, and drunken himself to sleep before the first rockets would have gotten fired. But with Alex being there, he had wanted to go through it in order not ruin the teen’s fun.

"Ed! Smile for the camera!" The younger guy yelled and turned around to film him, but when he saw Ed's face he stopped the recording and stuffed the phone in his pocket. "Hey... you okay?" He asked and came closer. The light from inside, revealing the concerned look on his face. When the teen was right in front of his partner he laid his hand on Ed's cheek.

"Yeah. I'm good." The older guy replied and leaned into the gentle touch.

For a moment, Alex wanted to just let the obvious lie slide, because he didn't want to ruin their evening by starting an argument about Ed's defense mechanisms. But, when another loud firecracker went off and Ed stared off into the night like a deer caught in the headlights, Alex knew he had to do something.

"Let's go inside." The smaller man said, giving Ed a quick peck on the lips and intertwining his slender fingers with his boyfriend's.

"But what about the fireworks?" Ed protested but got quickly shut down by the younger man. "It's the same every year anyways. So we can just watch it next year." With a cheeky grin the teen then added, "Besides, there is something else I would actually really like to do." With that, Alex led the big guy back into the apartment.

But Ed's mind couldn't even really focus on what his partner wanted to do because he was too occupied processing the first part of what he had said.
Did he just say next year? Does that mean he thinks we will be still together then? The blond questioned while fireworks went off in his stomach. He liked the idea. No, he loved it. For him, this relationship was something serious that he would have liked to continue, if possible, even for the rest of his life and knowing that his boy thought of it as something long-term, too, made the older man feel like he was a love-struck teen once again.

His mind only got back to reality when he was pushed down so that he was sitting on the bed. "Wait, what do you want to do?" He questioned his young lover, even though he already had a pretty good idea of what the dark-haired guy wanted to do. The teen bit his lower lip as he leaned closer to the blond to whisper what he wanted.

"Well, I know what we can do that’s both distracting and relaxing." He explained as he took hold of Ed’s knees with his hands and slid down to his knees in front of him. "Please, daddy, allow me." When Ed gave no sign of stopping him, the brunet wasted no time in taking his flesh into his mouth. By then, Alex had learned all of the bigger man’s weaknesses when it came to the shaft in his mouth, so it took him no time at all before he felt Ed’s essence hit the back of his throat.

"Fuck!" Ed slumped back with a groan. "How the hell are you so good at this?"

Alex swallowed the rest of his load before answering. . "Let’s just say that a lot of bananas were involved,” he responded cheekily. “Though, I’d like to think I also have some talent.”

"Well, whatever you did works. That fucking mouth of yours is gonna give me a god damn heart attack." Ed mumbled, making Alex snicker.
Alex smiled, congratulating himself on a job well done. He allowed the spent shaft to fall as he planted a soft kiss below Ed’s belly button and peered up at the man through his half-lidded brown eyes.

Ed let out a low growl as he tugged Alex up to him. The teen hadn’t expected it, so he faltered a bit before deciding to straddle the blond. Both of them moved into a kiss that surprised them both. The blond hadn’t tasted himself in another person’s mouth in a while, but he gave as good as he got. Alex was on fire and more determined than usual to undo him, and Ed was tired of fighting against his own desires.

In a moment that caused a gasp to fall from Alex’s lips, Ed had swung him down onto the bed and spread the teen’s own precum over and around the hardened length. Alex arched his back and clenched tight fists into the sheets. Meanwhile, the other man was on a mission to return the pleasure he’d been given. His free hand explored every inch of the shorter man’s chest, pausing to slide along pert nipples. Ed couldn’t resist giving them each a taste.
When one of Alex’s hands clutched the back of his head to keep it in place, Ed smirked against one of the buds he’d been licking.

"Ed,” the teen cried out. “Oh god, Eddy!"

Alex’s body was downright trembling with pleasure, and yet he himself was tense and as tight as his sac. He slammed his hand back down and found nothing to ground himself on. His toes curled and his brow furrowed as the fervor continued to rise.

Ed knew that the dark-haired teen was close. He noticed it in the rough panting and the rise and fall of his chest as he tried to gain some type of control over his body in vain.

“Go on, let go.” Ed urged. “Do it, Alex.”

With a shuddering gasp, Alex’s hips bucked into the other man’s loose fist."Daddy, I'm coming!" He keened as he shot his release so hard that some of it streaked across Ed’s chest above him. Alex drew in deep gulps of air as he came down from his high. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d cum so damn hard. How would it feel when they really went all the way? The brown-eyed teen could hardly wait.

Ed had thoroughly enjoyed the show. But, he couldn’t help but fuck with his partner just a bit more.

"EY!'' The teen hissed when he felt Ed’s hand on his dick shift. But, the older guy still stroke the weakened flesh once more, twisting around the head as he made his way up. "Oh god!" The teen whimpered before forcefully yanking Ed's hand away from his over-sensitive member.

"I don’t even want to know what you did to get so good at that." Alex mused aloud with a sigh.

"I just had more years of practice than you, babe." The older man chuckled while making a 'jerk off' motion with his messy fist.

With a smile on his lips, Alex lifted himself onto an elbow and tugged Ed into a kiss. "I actually like it when you call me that." he whispered against the bigger man's lips. Ed kissed him back until the younger man had to pull away to take a breath.

Alex’s gaze fell on Ed’s coated hand and a smirk tugged on his lips. He was no stranger to the taste of his own jizz, so he took hold of the appendage and began to lick it clean, one finger and section at a time.

Ed couldn’t help but stare at Alex’s devotion. He was plenty familiar with how that tongue felt on him by now. When his gaze darkened with lust, Alex felt satisfied. He couldn’t feel happier when Ed laid down beside him and he was able to snuggle against his big bear. After a slight moment of hesitation, Ed's arms slipped around him, holding him tight.

"You're amazing." The teen whispered against the blond's chest before clambering up until he was able to press a hard kiss onto his lover’s lips.

Ed opened his mouth when he felt Alex’s tongue seeking entrance. Their kisses grew in intensity until neither of them held anything back. The next thing Ed knew, he’d turn them so that he was once again on top of Alex.

Alex instinctively spread his legs to accommodate him and his thighs held him tightly. FeelingEd's larger frame above him gave Alex the sensation of being safe and protected for the first time in a long while.

From the first moment they had met, Alex had known that Ed was a good man, despite the outward attitude he used to keep people from getting too close. The teen still couldn't believe how far they had come. It had taken him months and a lot of persistence, but he had somehow managed to break through that shell and turn the grumpy bear into a somewhat friendly teddy bear, even if Ed would probably never admit it.

With a groan, Ed kissed Alex, while the younger guy poured all of his emotions into the kiss, allowing the blond to ravish his mouth. He could feel Ed's cock coming back to life as it pressed beneath his balls, its full ten inches nudging into his crack as if it was drawn towards its target. In turn, Alex's hole twitched in anticipation. He couldn't keep from whimpering into his bear’s mouth.

Ed pulled away and slowly started to kiss a trail down his boyfriend's jawline and neck. He softly licked and sucked at Alex's neck until it formed a visible mark. The intent was almost juvenile, but the blond couldn’t help wanting to see it there and know that he’d been the one to make it. . "Feels so good." Alex admitted. The other man’s beard gave him burns that surprised him every time, but it only served as an addition to his rapidly hardening shaft. He gasped when Ed raked his upper teeth along his neck, bucking up against him.

Ed reciprocated by grinding down against him. The warmth and proximity reminded Alex of their size difference and it made him dizzy with need. He could no longer even think straight. All he knew was that he needed to feel Ed inside him. Hell, he needed to know what it felt like more than he wanted anything else. At that moment, he wanted all of him, everything Ed had to offer.

"Fuck!" Alex pleaded. "Fuck me, daddy."

The teen reached over to the handle of his drawer as if it were a life and death situation. After a thunk that was louder than both of them anticipated, he’d forced it open. His lithe hand quickly rummaged about until he emerged victorious with a tube of gel. He pressed it into Ed’s hand with a wide grind.

"Please, Ed.” He urged. “I want you. I want you inside me."

It was as if all rational thought shut down in Ed’s mind. Decorum, society, the gradual process of their relationship, and the opinions of others…none of that mattered to him. At that moment, the only thing that mattered were the words coming out of his boyfriend’s mouth. The guttural need and desire in Alex’s voice was like a siren call that Ed could no longer resist.

Holy fucking shit, he is actually begging me to be fucked?! With what seemed like lightspeed, Ed squeezed the slippery gel onto his fingers and smeared some of it into the crack of Alex's ass.

He grabbed his cock and was about to push up onto his knees when Alex grabbed his wrist. "You need to stretch it first or else it won't fit." Alex firmly reminded him.

"Oh.” Ed mumbled as some rationality began to seep back into his mind. “Yeah. Right. Fuck! Sorry." The blond then worked a slick finger into his lover. He didn’t know what he was looking for until he came along the walnut sized prostate. Rubbing along there caused Alex to beg him for more. So, he obliged with a second finger. By the third finger, Ed expected Alex’s entrance to close in tightly around him. But, the teen surprised him by relaxing the area more and more.

"Do I want to know what you’ve been practicing with?" Ed nervously asked, hoping that he was doing it right. He didn't want to hurt his boyfriend but he also didn't really have the patience for overly long, drawn out foreplay. Ed's mind knew only one goal at that moment: to bury his fat cock deep inside that hole, to feel it squeeze and throb around him just like it did with his fingers. There were no other thoughts, no other priorities. “Is this fine?”

"Yes!" Alex groaned, concentrating completely on keeping relaxed."More!"

Just as he was told, the older guy continued to spread his fingers, pumping them and turning them. All the while, he watched in amazement as Alex panted and moaned. The little guy was clearly loving what he was doing to him.

The teen humped the air for a moment before trying to cram more of Ed’s fingers deeper inside him. His brown eyes were nearly black with how wide his pupils became. The next thing Ed knew, he was all but fucking himself on his fingers.

"For fuck’s sake, Ed!” Alex whimpered. “That's enough. I need you inside me. Oh, god, I need you so badly."

Ed hesitated for a moment as he realized he wasn’t nearly as prepared as his lover was. "Shit! Alex, I forgot to buy condoms. But, when I had the doctor's appointment last week I got tested... I swear I'm clean." The older man nervously explained, hoping this wouldn't ruin the moment.

“Well, fuck, Ed,” Alex responded. “I got tested, too. Mom freaking dragged my ass to get tested after she found out about us. I’m clean, too.”

Without wasting another minute, Alex turned over onto his hands and knees, presenting himself to Ed. “So, are we doing this? Let’s go.”

The blond fumbled as he quickly squeezed some more gel into his hand and coated his cock. He then moved up behind the dark-haired guy and used his meaty paws to spread the cheeks of the smaller man's ass wider.

His lover’s hole looked so small in comparison to his girth. Ed wasn't so sure if he would really be able to take him. But, he sure as hell was gonna try, at least until Alex told him to stop or he had the feeling it was too much for his babe. Carefully, he lined the tip of his cock up to its shiny target and with a slow push, slid the head into Alex.

Alex tried to suppress a hiss when Ed breached his muscled ring. The younger guy knew that it could hurt, but it was still a bit more than he had imagined. Determined, Alex ground his teeth and pushed out when Ed pushed in, easing the pressure on his entry.

Ed did what he could as he took hold of Alex’s hips to keep him steady. Or, was it to keep himself steady? By that point, the blond didn’t know. His goal at the moment was to ensure that Alex wasn’t hurt, so he forced himself as still as possible. The very task was more challenging than he realized it would be when his entire being just wanted to drive himself deep inside Alex.

Alex took deep, slow breaths as he willed himself to relax through the burn. He reminded himself how badly he wanted this, for Ed to completely take him and make him his. There was no way in hell was he going to back out now. After another moment of focus, the spasms finally slowed and his sphincter relaxed,opening up for his man.

Ed actually felt it when Alex relaxed because he found himself sliding forward even deeper. When he was buried completely inside his boy, he held still once again so that his partner could get used to the feeling, but also partly for his own sake. Deeply lodged in Alex's ass, he was surrounded by a hot and tight grip that was so inviting that Ed feared that if he moved even slightly he would come already, and it would be all over before it had even really started.
The blond occupied himself by giving Alex encouraging caresses up his sides and down his outer thighs. He kept one hand gently squeezing one of the teen’s cheeks because he couldn’t resist the view. Alex had almost taken him completely.

"Ed!” Alex called out, drawing the blond’s attention back to what they were doing. “Please. Move."

Ed’s hands went back to the younger man's hips as he slowly pulled back halfway and slowly slid back in. With each retreat, he slid out just a little more. Then, Alex began to moan and push back against him. The two of them worked at it until they found a rhythm that wasn’t too fast.

"Shit. So fucking hot." The older man grunted while Alex panted underneath him.

Alex was clinging to a pillow as he struggled to keep his bottom half up high. His shaft swung like the clapper of a bell against his abdomen. He was surely making some kind of splatter painting onto the mattress with how much precum kept dripping. But, his concerns were blown right out of his brain with Ed’s following sharp movement. "Fuck!” The blond had nailed his prostate, making Alex moan. He swore he even saw stars. “Right there! Oh god!"

"You like it here?” Ed hissed as he remained angled and aimed for that spot again. He didn’t need to ask twice because the teen undulated beneath him with whimpers of affirmation.

"Fuck me,” Alex groaned as Ed continued his pleasurable torture. He spread his legs a little further and tried to move back into the thrusts even more.
"Pretty sure that’s what we’re doing, babe." Ed grunted in return.

Alex kept one arm on the pillow as he reached down to clamp a hand around the head of his shaft in a desperate effort not to spew. But, Ed noticed the movement and slowed down. The teen whined when he pulled out, but the blond took the opportunity to do a spot check.

Just when Alex was about to curse him to hell and back, Ed flipped his younger partner onto his back and urged him to lift his hips with his feet flat on the bed. Their gazes locked when Ed sunk back into the teen’s heat in one slow, deep thrust. Ed’s hands curled under Alex’s shoulders as he shifted them until the brunet had to hold onto his knees or suffer the world’s worst cramps.

The new position gave Alex the best view of the bear that nearly had him bent in half. He risked another kiss and was rewarded with a shallow thrust. It took another few tries before Ed brushed up against an area that caused Alex’s shaft to twitch.

“Oh, Daddy!” Alex gasped. “So fucking good…” Alex's words inflamed Ed's desire even further. He didn't fully understand why, but every time Alex called him 'daddy' he felt a shiver roll down his spine. Maybe it was because such an intimate term marked him as Alex’s lover, or maybe Ed was kinkier than he thought. Either way, he loved it.

"Harder, Daddy!"

Up until that point, Ed had been overly careful not to downright jackhammer into Alex in order not to hurt him during his first time. But, he couldn’t help but move just a bit faster in response. He lifted one of Alex’s legs over his shoulder and rocked into him at a slightly different angle.

"Daddy!" yelped as his free hand slammed down onto the mattress.

Ed's eyes widened in shock when an arc of cum shot across Alex’s chest, coating one of his nipples. He grunted as he felt a pulsing around his shaft, but it didn’t immediately halt his movements. “Shit!” The blond hissed. His rhythm was thrown off and he found himself struggling to keep his balance when he spilled forth. The blond took several ragged breaths as a couple of more spurts shot right through him and into Alex’s depths. He ultimately lost his balance and dropped onto the teen. But, before he could pull away, Alex held him in an embrace.

“I’m fine. Stay...just for a little bit." Alex inissted.

Ed’s heart pounded in his chest and emotions overwhelmed him as he shifted and looked down, trying to focus on the man underneath him. The teen was whispering something. At first, Ed had trouble understanding what he was saying, but then the words became much clearer.

"...love you, Eddy. Love you so much... "

With a smile on his lips, Ed leaned down and kissed his lover's forehead. "I love you too, Alex."

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Copyright © 2022 LunaM.; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

4 minutes ago, centexhairysub said:

WOW, so hot and sensuous; but do hope they were both really ready for what this means going forward.

They were. There is actually only the epilogue left (should come out tomorrow).

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A very happy start to the new year.  I hope they celebrate each New Year the same way for the rest of their lives.

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I’ve been enjoying the story so far, but this sex scene is clearly plagiarized from RobCub’s story about Brandon and Lonnie. Not cool. 

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6 hours ago, elisabeth3 said:

I’ve been enjoying the story so far, but this sex scene is clearly plagiarized from RobCub’s story about Brandon and Lonnie. Not cool. 

While that scene might have been inspired by it, I doubt it was intentional theft. I'll get with Luna and see what we can do to not draw so hard on those similarities you're seeing. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.

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13 hours ago, elisabeth3 said:

I’ve been enjoying the story so far, but this sex scene is clearly plagiarized from RobCub’s story about Brandon and Lonnie. Not cool. 

I seriously didn't intentionally copied it, I'm really sorry if it seems that way and promise me and Michi will change this chapter.  

The story I was inspired by had those characters names yes, but it was posted on a different site by someone who changed the title and was pretending that they are the author.


It's completely overworked and rewritten now. Hope you enjoy. And sorry again that it was so closely worded as the other story. 

Edited by LunaM.
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13 hours ago, elisabeth3 said:

I’ve been enjoying the story so far, but this sex scene is clearly plagiarized from RobCub’s story about Brandon and Lonnie. Not cool. 

Done. Now, while slightly similar, it shouldn't even echo the prior version. I'm leaving this thread up, as I strongly feel that it's always good to make sure no two stories are exactly the same, regardless of inspiration. 

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9 hours ago, Thirdly said:

Done. Now, while slightly similar, it shouldn't even echo the prior version. I'm leaving this thread up, as I strongly feel that it's always good to make sure no two stories are exactly the same, regardless of inspiration. 

I’m so impressed by how you both responded to this. I apologize if my original comment was overly critical! Thank you ❤️ 

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