Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Shane - 2. Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Shane was awaken by a kick to the ribs the next morning. He sat up and found himself on the floor of his bedroom naked from the waist down and wondering how in hell he had gotten there as he’d not remembered his father coming home. Only remembered wondering if anyone would show up at his funeral being the last thoughts going through his head, as he was sure he was gonna freeze to death.
He looked up at his father who was illuminated in light from the hallway and eased himself up off his burning ass which suddenly was re-announcing it’s injuries full force. “Get up I’m leaving for the docks in ten minutes if you ain’t dressed I’ll drag you down there half dressed and use your scrawny little dick as bait.” His father kicked him one more time and stormed out of the room. In as long as he could remember he could not use any other word for the way his father entered and left rooms he stormed that was it. He’d never seen his father not pissed at something and anywhere he went he was always storming there.
Shane looked down at his ‘scrawny little dick’ not thinking it was very scrawny compared to some he’d seen such as his brothers. Though his brother was five years older then him and his dick was full grown Shane’s was nearly the same size and still had a good couple years of growing yet according to the sex ed teacher he’d had in seventh grade, another subject he’d done well in.
He pushed himself up off the floor and threw on a pair of pants, socks, and his jacket he had no sweatshirt and hoped this day would not be as cold as yesterday since he would be outside all day long.
He got to the truck nine minutes later where his father was revving the backfiring engine, no doubt pissing off every neighbor since it was only half past six. He eased up into the seat and held his butt up off it with his hands while his father laughed at him and his attempt to ease his own pain.
They arrived at the docks five minutes later and Shane was pushed out of the truck where he nearly fell on his hands and knees but regained his balance at the last minute. Nick gave him a cheerful wave, Nick was his father’s boss and had met him many times before as Shane was regularly hauled down to the docks for days of hard labor to toughen him up. Nick made these days almost bearable as he unlike his father was a very nice man.
He was set to work right away carrying crates of he had no idea what from the dock up onto the boat. His body already aching in every conceivable spot was jarred and throbbed painfully within one hour of his hard labor. Nick approached him after two hours and told him he could have a break. Shane nodded like he may actually do that but knew he wouldn’t cause if the bear caught him he would be mauled again. His father did not seem to mind giving him a few good whacks right there in front of all his boat mates and Shane would rather save himself that humiliation.
“Don’t you got any gloves boy?” Nick grabbed one of his nearly purple hands and held it up to his face. “You’re hands will freeze right up and fall off. Crazy kids, think you can out smart the elements.” he pulled an extra pair of gloves out of his pocket and pulled them over Shane’s hands and down to his wrists. “You keep those son, you need gloves I don’t give a good god damn what that tyrant of a father of yours says. I’m the boss here and what I say goes.” He nodded curtly then strolled back up onto the boat.
Lunch time arrived and Shane’s stomach filled with a dull ache from hunger as it was rapidly approaching it’s 26th hour with no nourishment. He saw his father sitting on the deck devouring a sandwich that from Shane’s standpoint looked like only lettuce but he was sure there was some meat between those slices of bread somewhere.
Nick said something to his father and they both looked down at him. Shane quickly returned to his work and his father bellowed out that the God Damned kid didn’t need any fucking food.
For the next day and a half Shane worked like a dog ignoring his screaming body that screamed so loud he was awake long into the night. On Thursday morning he woke up extremely over tired and extremely hungry as he had not put anything in his stomach but water since the spoon full of chop suey Monday at lunch. This was Thursday though his last day on the docks and his last day with his father around he could eat the next day and just had to hold onto that thought to get him through this day.
He didn’t make it through that day. After another lunch passed with not a drop of food to his stomach he started to get extremely dizzy. He kept at his work til it was just not possible. He stumbled over to crate to take a moments rest not caring if his father was watching or not. Before he reached the crate his world went black.
Nick up on the boat saw him collapse and ran down off the boat calling to Roger while he ran. He knelt down in front of Shane and cradled his head in his hand. “Shane,” He said trying to shake him awake. Shane’s eyes fluttered but did not open and Roger was suddenly looming over them both he drew back his foot to deliver a good kick to Shane’s back but Nick reached out and knocked his booted foot of track.
“What the fuck is the matter with you?” He asked glaring up at him. “This is your fault you know, the kid needs food. You can’t expect him to work out here all day harder then a grown man and not give him any food.”
“Don’t you tell me how to raise my kid.”
“I’m not. I’m telling you how to treat him when he’s on my boat.” Nick stood up jabbing his finger into his own chest as his got louder. “He’s my responsibility when he’s working for me and I won’t let you treat him this way when you drag him down here any longer. If you can’t follow my rules then don’t bring him.”
Roger fumed on the other side of Shane who was coming to on the cold wet pavement. He had no come back for the man and didn’t dare give one knowing his job which he needed could be on the line as Nick was madder then he’d ever seen him.
Nick looked down at Shane who was struggling to sit up all the while leaning away from his father and his boots. He leaned down and helped Shane to his feet. “Now you take him home. I’ll give you half an hour off.” He patted Shane’s back thanked him for the hard work and told him to go home and eat a good meal.
Roger grabbed him roughly by the arm and hauled him up to the truck shoving him inside. Shane clutched at his stomach not really with it enough to realize the trouble he inevitably would be in. One blinding punch later reality hit him and he cowered down in the seat as several more blows were delivered to him once the truck hit the street.
The truck was not heading home Shane managed to comprehend while ducking blows and hiding his head under his arms. Instead it was heading North further away from home. They drove out of town where the road stretched on flatly as far as the eye could see if it weren’t for the snow all over the side of the road and fields he may have guessed they were out in the dessert in the middle of Utah somewhere.
Once they were out on this deserted stretch of highway a good ten minutes The Bear slammed on the brakes and the truck skidded to a stop turning partway around in the road in the process. Shane jerked back thinking the fists flying at him were gonna deck him again but instead they reached past him and unlatched the door. Shane grabbed out for something to latch onto as he was pushed from the truck but his fingers slipped past everything they passed leaving him to hit the pavement with a most painful thud.
His father was out on top of him in a flash kicking and punching while Shane writhed on the pavement unable to escape the attack. After some time of which Shane had no idea his father stood back up and reached into the truck slamming his book bag down into his face. “I don’t want to see your god damn face again before I leave. If I see you in the house tonight or tomorrow morning I will end both of our miseries and kill you.” he drew back his foot and sent it crashing into Shane’s ribs. Shane moved a badly scraped arm along the pavement and pressed it to his now throbbing chest the most prevalent at this moment of all his pains as he laid in the fetal position on the roadway.
“Your list of chores will be on the counter, I still expect them all done by the time I get back on Monday. If they aren’t I’ll kill you.” he delivered one last kick this one making contact with Shane’s shoulder then got back in his truck and the sound of the engine was suddenly over powered by the sound of screeching tires as his father zoomed away. Shane figured if there was dust this time of year he would now be left in it.
He quickly got up on his hands and knees putting one hand through the strap of his bag he crawled off the road not wanting to become road kill. He stayed on his hands and knees for a moment taking deep breaths until his pain was eased enough so he could get to his feet. He was glad he’d seen his father drive off otherwise he’d have had no idea which direction to head as one way looked exactly the same as the other.
Seeing he was completely alone he let his tears burn down his cheeks pondering over Buzz’s question from Monday night of why he bothered to stick around at all. It was so painfully obvious he was not wanted he figured he must be an absolute idiot to want to stay. He slung his bag over his shoulder wincing as it hit his bruised shoulder and started his slow walk back to town.
He figured maybe he stayed cause he had no place else to go, he had shelter there at least not from pain but from the cold which after tonight he was sure he was gonna appreciate a whole lot more. He’d been kicked out over night before but he never remembered it being during a cold snap as bad as this one was.
He lowered his back pack down in front of him again and unzipped the front pocket he took out the picture of his mother smiling back at him which only increased his tears. He wondered how much if anything would be different if he hadn’t killed her on his arrival to this world. He wondered how someone who looked so innocent and pretty would ever end up with someone like his father the bear. Austin had repeatedly told him that his father was nice before he was born that Shane himself had turned him bad. And still his father was nice to Austin so there it went his father apparently was only mean to him.
He stuffed the picture back in his pack wanting nothing more then to sit down or even lie down even if it was only on his corner of the carpet in his and Buzz’s bedroom. He walked for a good hour before the town rose up in the distance his face lit up as he remembered he could go to the library where he could at least sit and be warm until five o’clock when it closed.
Once he walked in the library he immediately looked up at the clock seeing it was already three his heart sank realizing he had only two hours to take in all this warmth before he would be thrust back out in the cold. He walked to a far corner and sat in one of the plush chairs that were situated here and there through all parts of the one room library. This one was hidden behind a shelve of books one of which he grabbed without caring what it was before sitting down gingerly in the soft chair. His ass was healing well but the bruises still smarted each time he sat down.
He opened the book and looked down at it then closed his eyes. He jerked them open what seemed like a minute later as he felt someone’s hand grasping his shoulder and shaking him back and forth.
He looked up at the face attached to the hand into the eyes of the librarian who was a nice enough lady who had never said much to him but never said anything mean to him either. She was about sixty five by the looks and smiled warmly at him as he looked at her.
“It’s five o’clock dear. Looks like you fell asleep. If you want that book,” she said pointing down to where it had fallen into his lap. “Then we need to check it out cause the library is closing.”
“No ma’am.” Shane shook his head and picked the book up. “I guess it wasn’t too good if it made me fall asleep like that.” He stood up shakily making sure his bag was still attached to his back then returned the book to the shelf.
“Good night.” the librarian called after him. He turned and nodded giving her a half wave then went outside where the sun had now set and it was at least ten degrees colder. He walked down off the library steps and looked down the street to the bank the sign out front was flashing the time and he watched and waited til it flashed 3 degrees making him wish he hadn’t looked at the sign at all.
He thought desperately of where he could go and spent several hours a shivering mass roaming the deserted streets of Prescott Cove. By eleven o’clock he was sure he would freeze to death as he turned back onto Main street and looked at the bank clock which now said it was -5 degrees. He knew he couldn’t stop moving as that would surely kill him.
An hour later as he was just about to give up and die a thought struck him so profoundly it nearly knocked him on his ass. He headed out of town cursing himself for his stupidity at not coming up with it earlier. He reached his destination the trailer park where his trailer looked warm and inviting though he knew it really wasn’t just comparatively he’d rather be in there being fucked by Buzz then out here freezing his ass off. He turned left into the first trailer’s yard and knelt down in front of Old Shep’s dog house. He pushed the blanket back hung in the door way. “Hey Shep.” he said quietly wanting only Shep to hear it. The dog let out a low growl as he shifted himself in the house.
“It’s only me.” Shane said reaching a shivering hand into the pitch black house so Shep could smell that it was him. A moment later a cold wet nose protruded and a wet tongue licked the side of his face. Shane took this as an invite to go on in which he did crawling in on his hands and knees letting the blanket fall back in place behind him. The house to his amazement was incredibly warm. He was not sure if it was just by comparison or not but he liked it. He laid down on his side laid out his pack under his head and pressed himself against the wall so Shep would have plenty of room to still lay down.
Shep laid down snuggling his body into Shane’s side he whimpered a few times while licking at Shane’s face and neck. If Shane had, had any knowledge of dogs and their protection to the ones they loved he would have realized this dog was real worried about him and was trying real hard to raise his body temperature by nuzzling into him and licking him with his warm tongue.
Shane wrapped his arm around the dog’s back and was asleep within minutes. He was jarred awake the next morning by the Rust bucket firing to life four trailers down. He rolled his eyes as his father revved the damn engine letting everyone in the park know he was up and off to work. Shane stayed snuggled into Shep until several minutes after he heard the truck roar past the dog house and out onto the street.
He would rather have stayed there with Shep in the house that still felt real warm cuddled up with the dog that had stayed by his side all through the night. He knew though if Shep’s owners were to catch him in there his father would hear about it and he would be killed when his father got back Monday morning.
He reached out and scratched between Shep’s ears then kissed him on the nose. “I gotta go home now. Thanks so much for sharing your house with me.” He grabbed his bag and crawled out of the house Shep on his heels til he reached the end of his line and could go no further.
Shane turned and patted him one more time then walked down the dirt road and up into his trailer. The list as the bear had promised was scrawled out on three pages of paper and covering half the small counter top in the kitchen. He opened the fridge and devoured the half block of cracker barrel cheese that was in there caring very little at that point about the punishment he would receive for doing it.
He jumped while shoving the last bit of cheese into his mouth as he heard footsteps entering the kitchen on the other side of the fridge door which he was currently cowering behind while he was gorging himself. The door swung back and his heart flooded with relief seeing it was only Kelly, Buzz’s fiancé who had obviously spent the night as she was dressed in only in one of the Buzz saws T shirts and a pair of white underwear which he could only see the very bottom of below the shirt.
“How are you Shane?” she asked cocking her head to one side as she looked at him with the same look in her eyes that was in that secretaries eyes in the school office on Monday. With Kelly though he felt the look may be genuine as he had always thought she was very nice person and when she was around Buzz generally left him alone cause she had gotten real pissed at him more then once in the way he was towards Shane.
“I’m good how are you?” this was his usual response to her question she always asked when she first saw him on a visit. He wanted desperately to ward her off from marrying Buzz for perhaps her own safety but never was able to muster up the nerve.
“I’m good,” She nodded and smiled a small smile. Shane found her pretty attractive for a girl, Austin though was a very attractive guy which he had to admit despite his hate for his brother so it did not surprise him that he’d landed a pretty girl. “Where did you stay last night?”
“At a friends house.”
She nodded again though she in no way believed him as he had dirt smeared all over his face and his whole demeanor made him appear as though he’d hadn’t slept in days. She was quite certain in fact that he’d been kicked out of the house once again by his father whom she hated which was why she spent so few nights at the house except when his father was away.
“What’s this?” she asked walking over to the counter and looking down the list.
“Just stuff that needs to be done.” He closed the fridge door and turned to her.
“By you?”
“Whoever gets to it.” he said shrugging not wanting her to know it was part of a long running punishment for decking a teacher.
Kelly turned back to him and put her hands up behind her gripping the edge of the counter. “How come you aren’t coming to our wedding Shane?”
Shane scraped at some cheese on the roof of his mouth with his tongue. He had been invited to no such wedding the wedding had not even been mentioned to him. He was only aware that his brother would be married in....he turned his head to one side and thought. Oh yeah only two weeks now, two weeks til the Buzz was gone and he’d have his own bed.
“Shane?” he looked back at her where she was still leaning back against the counter and wondered if maybe she was pissed he wasn’t going. He wouldn’t want that but knew there was no choice for him in the matter. His mind raced for some excuse while her eyes continued to study him.
“It’s just that...” he paused wanting to kick himself in the ass and scratched at the bridge of his nose that did not itch.
“Did Austin tell you he didn’t want you going?” she asked cocking her head down a little further.
“No,” Shane shook his head his eyes looking at everything in the kitchen but her. “I have to work with Dad on the docks that day.”
Kelly let out a sort of laugh that lasted maybe half a second and shook her head. “Your father is not working that day Shane he’s coming to the wedding.”
“I’m taking his place.” Good one he thought to himself it almost making up for his lack of an excuse in the beginning. Kelly crossed the kitchen in two steps she reached out and wrapped her hand around his wrist. Shane’s breath caught in his throat and he pulled his wrist up only resulting in her hand coming up with it. “What are you doing?” he asked panicked as his eyes darted to the hallway praying The Buzz would not come out and catch her touching him. He wrenched his wrist sideways pulling it out of her grasp and backed into the fridge his breathing becoming heavier in his panic not at her but at Buzz seeing her showing him some compassion.
“Shane I’m not gonna hurt you.” her face was even softer now and her eyes seemed to be studying every milli-inch of his face the sides her eyes somewhat wrinkled in a look of what? Worry? Pity? He could not really tell just knew it was not mad that look he was an expert on.
His eyes darted back to the hall and he strained his ears to hear any movement from Buzz somewhat of a wave of relief rolled through him as he heard the sound of the Buzz buzzing, at which, he was aptly named for. He looked back down at Kelly who was a good two inches shorter then him bringing forth his look of innocence.
“It’s just I have to work.” He said looking down at his hands which were cracked and bleeding. His father had not been congenial enough to throw his gloves out of the truck the previous afternoon.
Though Kelly didn’t believe this lie for a minute either she knew she shouldn’t press Shane on it cause she had a good idea neither his father or his brother had invited or wanted him to come to the wedding. She knew Shane was not loved in this home though she did not know the extent of what he lived with day after day she had always felt real sorry for him. “Just in case you don’t have to work. I just want to let you know that I am officially inviting you.”
Shane nodded knowing he would never go even if he wanted to just to see Kelly dressed all up he would never dare go to a place he was obviously not wanted. He side stepped around her and walked over to the list figuring that was a pretty stupid thing for him to think as he returned to this tin shack every damn day and he was obviously not wanted there at all.
He looked down over the list seeing what he had to do which was pretty much every damn thing that could be done. Such as clean every inch of the house from the floors to the ceilings to the closets and the bathroom. His eyes lit up as he finger ran down past ‘do laundry’ with get money from Austin in parentheses beside it. If he was gonna get to do the laundry surely he could slip in a few of his own clothes and not be discovered.
He had only been able to add one quarter to his two dollars the night before as he wandered the streets. He started in the livingroom that being the furthest room from Buzz’s and he had less chance there of waking him up. Kelly busied herself making something that smelled rather heavenly in the kitchen she hummed as she worked and the sound seemed to relax Shane a great deal as he removed pictures from the walls, filled a bucket with hot soapy water then started scrubbing them.
It had been a good year since his last full house cleaning punishment and the yellowed walls once passed by with the sponge were dripping down yellow water from Buzz and The Bears continual smoking of at least a pack a day each when they were around in the room. The two spent many evenings in the room drinking and playing cards or just drinking and watching TV, a cigarette most always dangling from their lips or between their fingers.
He had to go over the walls three times before every last trace of the yellow drippings were gone and was just rehanging the pictures when the old buzz saw himself staggered out into the kitchen. Shane looked over at him long enough to see him scrape the chair from the table out along the floor and plop into it then Kelly walk over and kiss him on the lips.
Shane made a grossed out face as he turned back to the wall not able to picture anyone willingly kissing Austin good looks or not.
He was pulling crushed up beer cans out from under the couch an hour later when Kelly and Buzz walked into the livingroom with their jackets on. “I won’t be home this weekend we are going out of town.” He grumbled.
Shane looked at him quite surprised he was privy to this information he looked from him to Kelly who was smiling and figured she must have something to do with Buzz informing him of his plans. “Dad said I gotta get money from you for the laundry.”
Buzz’s face turned even angrier. “I ain’t giving you any damn money.”
Shane’s heart drooped and he figured he should have expected this. Wanting to give it one more try he pointed wearily over at the list on the counter. “Says right on it you have to give it to me.”
Buzz lunged forward and delivered a strong punch to Shane’s stomach. Shane gripped onto it and doubled over trying to regain his breath as Kelly lit into Austin.
“You let him be you asshole.” She snapped. “Give him the God damn money it’s your laundry he’s going to be doing.”
Shane straightened himself out in time to see Buzz pulling out his wallet he then pulled it open angrily his face was beet red and Shane knew it was just killing him to have to hand over money to the likes of him. He figured Buzz must sure love Kelly to actually listen to him when it came to this.
A bill was whipped out and flung in his direction landing about a foot shy of him on the floor. Shane waited not daring to even look down til after Buzz and Kelly left the house and the car left the trailer park. When he did look down his eyes lit up seeing a whole twenty dollar bill right there on the floor. After cleaning the livingroom he gathered up every dirty piece of clothing and dirty towel or dishcloth in the house and set the bags of them by the door.
Once he was sure he had everything including the sheets on the beds he grabbed the economy size of no brand detergent and walked to the door. “How the fuck am I gonna get this all down there.” he said aloud as he scratched his head and looked over the four very full trash bags.
Another epiphany hit him and he looked out at the tin shed by his tin trailer if he remembered correctly there was an old Bradlee’s shopping cart in it and all he would have to do was a little shoveling which was on the list anyways to get to it as well as cleaning out the shed.
The shopping cart as it happened was buried in the back of the shed so Shane cleaned out the shed while working his way to it. He filled several more trash bags and put what was left in neat piles it took him close to an hour and it was another thing he could scratch off his list. He pushed the cart with a stubborn wheel out of the snow and into the driveway by the steps. He threw the bags down in from inside the trailer door then walked back out closed the door and set the economy size detergent bottle in the cart over the bags. He smiled down at it thinking maybe he wasn’t so stupid as everyone had said as this plan despite the stubborn wheel would surely work out real well.
He stopped pushing the cart in front of Shep’s trailer and gave him a good long pat while Shep did his usual jump on welcome and lick of his face. “It’s warmer today don’t you think?” He asked scratching his ears. He pulled his pack off his back and set it in the child seat of the cart. He unzipped it and pulled one of the tennis balls of only two he had left after the balls went rolling all over the bitches classroom. “You deserve this for helping me out last night.” he said sticking the ball in between Shep’s teeth. He watched the dog play with the ball smiling with satisfaction as he threw it up in the air then pounced on it as it landed for a good five minutes before he said good bye and pushed the cart out of the park and onto the main road.
He reached the laundry-mat ten minutes later leaving the cart outside he put his pack on his back and carried the bags in two by two setting them on top of four unused machines.
He got all the laundry into six washers put a capful of detergent into each one then set them to wash. He sat down in one of the chairs against the wall that were like seemingly every chair in town the school colors of green and white. He pulled his pack off his back and set it in his lap opening it up he pulled out his worn copy of Romeo and ‘Julian’ and started reading.
He had read about ten pages when he looked up over the book hearing the tinkling of the bell over the door. He nearly choked on his own spit as he saw no other then Derek Kirk, the Stud walk in with his own bag of laundry.
He held the book up higher in front of his face and peeked out over it keeping an eye on Derek as he dumped his load into a machine. He bought a box of detergent from the cashier girl who by from her giddy mannerisms Shane figured was a Jockette.
Shane nearly dropped his book as Derek turned his way and his deep warm eyes looked directly into his. ‘Shit’ he muttered to himself as he quickly looked down at the book wondering more about Derek’s lips and the position they had gone into in the instant there eyes had met. ‘Was it a sneer or a smile?’ he asked himself maybe ten times before he dared look up again. His brain tickled against his scalp as it felt like it was doing a full revolution seeing Derek was walking straight towards him.
His throat closed off completely when Derek dropped down in the chair beside him and he had to force himself to stay put and not cower over one more chair. He looked blindly at his book it’s words nothing but one black smear as his mind whirled in wonderment at exactly why Derek the Stud had chosen to sit there by him.
He knew full well chances were he was there to deliver some teasing about the picture in his pack that the bitch had so proudly displayed about the classroom. Or maybe he was just gonna beat the hell out of him for being queer and not saying anything therefore opening Derek up for ridicule for sticking up for him the few times he had.
“How are you?”
The words on the pages of his book were now just dripping right off. This he had not expected why in hell would the Stud be asking how he, the runt, was doing?
‘Oh god he knows my name.’ He slowly turned his face towards Derek and studied his face that was pretty surely a smile on his face he thought as he managed to make his own lips turn upward in what he hoped look like a smile and not some goofy face you might see on a scared person.
Derek’s smile got a little bigger and his nervousness over his own smile faded a bit.
“That was pretty great what you did to Miss Narchek. Good for you.”
Shane’s brain did another full revolution at actually being congratulated by the Stud.
“Did you get in much trouble for it or for being suspended?” Derek asked his eyes not leaving Shane’s which was exciting Shane as much as it was making him nervous.
He managed to shake his head, nonchalantly he hoped.
“My dad says you were down working on his boat this week was that your punishment?”
Realization dawned on Shane and he managed to speak just to get clarification. “Nick is your dad?”
Derek nodded and smiled. “You like him?”
“Yes,” Shane said firmly having no doubt in this answer. “He’s very nice.” His eyes wandered away from Derek as this also brought up another realization. Derek must have been told by Nick to be nice to him. That must be the reason for this sudden concern. Though he felt humiliated at this he was gonna take advantage of it for this hour or so they would be at the laundry mat together.
The buzzers to his washers all went off in succession the next one starting as soon as the preceding one stopped causing a continual buzz that lasted nearly a minute. “That’s me.” Shane said flushing with embarrassment as he stood up and hefted his pack back on his shoulder. The whole time he was transferring his loads from the washers to the dryers he fought with himself on whether or not to retake his chair. Would it look forward if he did? Would it make him look like a wuss if he didn’t? He cursed himself for not just leaving his book there that at least would have given him some excuse to return.
Once the dryers were filled with clothes he put in his coins turned the nobs and walked over and sat back down in his original chair by Derek not caring if it looked forward as his whole body was tingling with warmth at just sitting there beside him and he did not care for that moment anyways that Derek was only being nice on orders from his father.
After Derek had changed his load he retook his seat by Shane which sent Shane’s tingles into actual vibrations as his face flushed hot and he fought like hell to hide his excitement.
The bell over the door tinkled again and they both looked up to see Dudley Do-right the aptly named one arm law of the town strode in. Like his father stormed into rooms Dudley always strolled. It was obvious to all around the town that the man thought pretty highly of himself and though he was extremely conceited he was also known as being pretty nice. He was a jock when he was at Prescott high he’d been quarter back of the foot ball team and captain of the basket ball team and was more then likely why he had this huge ego and why he had stayed in the town that had once worshiped him so though now his athletic fame was a mere history and Shane had heard many people picking on him in his spiffed up cop uniform strolling superiorly through town.
He stood at the head of the row of washers and cleared his throat as he put his hands on his hips in a sort of Super man pose. “Whose shopping cart is that outside?”
Shane figuratively shrunk down out of his chair and melted into a puddle on the floor, but literally raised up his shaky hand and said it was his. Dudley strode over to him looking like he may take flight at any moment. He stopped an inch or so in front of Shane’s chair and looked down at him while Shane looked up feebly from his chair.
“It’s against the law to possess those carts son. Where did you get it?”
“Out of my shed.” He managed to squeak out while his hands turned to pools of sweat on his thighs.
“Where did it come from originally?”
“It says Bradlee’s on the side.” He figured maybe that should have been obvious to Dudley but that was how he knew where it was from so that was what came out of his mouth.
Dudley leaned over in rattle keys and handcuffs that were around his belt. “Are you being smart with me son?” He asked his nose so close Shane thought if his stuck his tongue out full stretch it would touch it. He leaned back in the chair in no way liking that closeness and shook his head as he in no way had meant to be smart and knew after years of being told so that he could never be smart.
“You gonna tell me where you got it then?”
“In my shed.” He squeaked again not sure why this answer was not satisfying the man who was now rolling his eyes and shaking his head.
“So are you telling me you don’t know how it got in your shed?”
The light dawned on the situation and Shane nodded cursing his stupidity again for not catching on to what the officer meant. Dudley stood back up rattling the keys and handcuffs around his waist again. “You need to take it back to Bradlee’s. If you do that I won’t write you up for any violation.”
Shane immediately got up from his seat. “Yes sir,” He said side skirting him and going outside he grabbed hold of the cart and wheeled it down the sidewalk he turned the corner onto Striper lane and five minutes later wheeled the cart into one of the corrals at Bradlee’s department store.
When he returned to the laundry mat Dudley was gone and his things were done drying. He stuffed them all into the garbage bags having been embarrassed enough for one day and intending on folding them all up at home. He was trying like hell to get all the bags into a good grip with no success when Derek stepped up in front of him. “Mine is just about done. I can give you a ride home if you want.”
Shane though desperately needing help shook his head. “You don’t have to do that Derek.”
Derek reached over and snatched up two of the heavy bags like they were filled with feathers. “You can’t get these all the way home on foot. Don’t be so stubborn. Let me give you a ride.”
Not wanting to risk another insult Shane nodded he twirled his finger into the material of his shirt and wound it around nervously bunching up the fabric around his waist. “You ain’t gonna drive me to some secluded place where all your jock...” he stopped and turned his head to one side. “I mean your sports friends will be waiting to beat the hell out of me are you?”
Derek’s eyes seemed to light up with a glint of humor maybe? Shane studied him his eyes moving up and down his handsome face searching for any sign of malicious intent.
“Of course not Shane. I’m the one that sticks up for your remember? I would never do that to you.”
Shane nodded and pulled his finger out of his shirt letting the fabric fall back into place falling loosely around his hips.
“Come on then.” Derek grabbed a third bag while Shane grabbed the last bag and detergent and they walked out to Derek’s car which was a beat up old Chevy Impala. It was a huge car with dents and rust all over it which looked to be better then it’s original color which was sort of a faded snot green.
Derek hoisted the three bags over one shoulder effortlessly while producing a ring of keys from his back pocket. He jammed one into the key hole in the trunk then flung the trunk open and the bags in. Shane added his bag and detergent Derek closed the trunk and they went back inside and waited about five minutes for Derek’s load to be done then got back in the car and headed west out to the trailer park.
“How do you know where I live?” Shane asked as he was heading in the right direction though Shane wasn’t sure if he was headed to his house or some secluded spot despite Derek’s denials to the whole beat the crap out of him issue.
“I live right past there. I’ve seen you walking in there a lot. You live in the first trailer right?”
“No fourth.” Shane said shaking his head while Derek looked over at him looking slightly confused.
“Oh I just thought it was the first cause you always stop there and pat that dog.”
Shane nodded now looking confused himself sort of wondering how Derek would know that if he had not been intentionally looking.
“Why are you in the locker room every morning Shane? Can you not shower at home?”
Shane looked down at his lap and ran the sweaty palm of his hand across his thigh. He figured it may be better to tell the real reason then let Derek think he was not allowed to shower. He looked back up at Derek who was taking his eyes off the road repeatedly to look over at him. “I just want to be stronger. I don’t like being such a wimp.”
“So you are using the weight room?”
Though Derek had not sounded angry Shane took it as that and winced sure a punch would be flying his way. Derek’s hand did strike out but it only landed gently on Shane’s shoulder. “It’s okay Shane. I’m not gonna get mad at you. I think it’s a good idea. Boy Bart would pass right out if you let him have it some day. I’d like to be there.”
Shane looked at him sideways more then a little unable to believe his own ears at the fact that he had stated at least that he would like to see none other then he little old nothing beat up Mr. King Jock.
“You must get there real early to get a work out in before we show up.”
“Five fifteen.” Shane could have punched himself in the face at that huge error in actually divulging his time of arrival to one of the enemy. Even though it was the cutest, in his opinion, of those enemies.
They turned into the park. “It’s that sort of bluish one right there.” He pointed it out there in all it’s rusted falling apart glory figuring if Derek already knew he lived in the park there would be little more shame added if he pointed out the exact one as all ten trailers in the park looked like they had survived through the depression hell even back to the civil war maybe.
“Well this is nice.” Derek said upon turning in the driveway.
Sure he was kidding and though he figured he was being teased Shane busted right out laughing something he could not ever remember of ever doing before. Catching hold of himself about thirty seconds later he put his hand up over his mouth to stop his sudden and quite embarrassing laughter which to him sounded between something like a dying crow and the distant sound of his father’s truck on it’s way home evenings.
He looked over at Derek who was smiling at him much to Shane’s surprise. “Well maybe it’s not so nice. I just thought it would be a polite thing to say.”
Shane nodded as he opened the car door sort of in a shocked silence at his own ability to come right out and laugh like that. He’d heard people laughing plenty but never heard it come from his own mouth and the fact that it did scared him a little. Like maybe he had gone mad cause he knew damn well he had nothing to laugh about.
Derek helped him into the trailer with his bags. “What are you doing for the rest of the day?” he asked looking around the very dumpy kitchen of the trailer then the much cleaner livingroom.
“I have to clean.” Shane pointed absentmindedly over at the list on the counter not that it’s presence would make much sense or difference to Derek. “That’s my punishment for getting suspended.”
Derek nodded and again got a funny look that Shane could not quite read. He’d have thought it was disappointment but knew there was no reason at all for Derek to be disappointed by his having to work. “Well I’ll let you get to it then. See you Monday I’m sure.”
Shane nodded and scratched at his head. He stepped back so Derek could open the door. Derek lingered for a minute making Shane somewhat nervous then said good bye and walked out. Shane walked over to the window and peeked out past the curtain.
Derek got into his car and was now looking back at the trailer the seconds stretched into minutes and he continued to just sit there. Shane’s heart beat wildly in his ears of fear of what Derek could be up to. He let out a long low whistle when the car finally started. It slowly backed out of the driveway then took off out of the park.
He turned back to the livingroom and dumped the bags of clothes out on the floor. The warmth of the recently out of the dryer clothes piled up all around him called out to him and before he could think to stop it he laid down among them and buried himself in them. When he came to later he sat up abruptly the trailer was all dark meaning it was already dark outside meaning it was already past four and he’d lost at least three hours of work time.
He jumped up out of the clothes causing such a wave of dizziness he fell directly back down on his butt which sent up flares of pain where it was still tender from the hiding. He grimaced and rubbed at it then stood up more slowly he looked out into the kitchen at the clock on the stove he could not make out the numbers and walked over into the kitchen. “Holy mother of Fuck.” He called out loudly seeing it was nearly ten o’clock and he’d lost five hours of work time.
Tears of frustration burned at his eyes as he could not believe what a shit he was for falling asleep for so long. He saw no way he would ever get all the work done now with eight precious hours totally lost.
Still crying heavily he walked back to the livingroom and turned on the light. He knelt down among the clothes which were now his enemy as it had been their fault for tempting him in such a way that his feeble will power had no control to stop it’s invitation. He cried the entire time he folded all four bags of clothes and towels while he put the clothes away his tears dried up. He made up the beds with the clean sheets then set to work in the kitchen scouring every surface and washing every dish that had been piled high in on and near the sink.
He scoured every room top to bottom, cleaning out every closet and under every bed. He did not cross the last item off the list until 1am Monday morning at which time he walked into the bathroom and took a long hot shower. He had not slept at all since the illegal nap on Friday and was dead tired but more then that he was grimy and gross and knew he would not get to sleep unless he was just a bit cleaner.
He got out of the shower toweled off and combed through is hair that was getting much too long for his own likes. He opened the cracked mirror door that housed the medicine cabinet and looked in at the pair of scissors. Though he was tired he knew he would not get another chance to use them for who knew how long as he was so rarely left alone in the house. It figured longest it could be was two weeks when Buzz moved out but still that was too long his hair would be long as a girls by that point.
He smiled into the mirror thinking maybe he would have his own little celebration at home while Buzz was off getting hitched. He couldn’t wait for the bed to be his and couldn’t wait to have a room of his own. And just the fact he would no longer be fucked like bronco was real satisfying to him let alone the fact that Austin would no longer be around to get him in trouble, or beat him up and ridicule his every move. He knew he would still get in trouble but figured at least not as much and had to take what he could get.
He spent about twenty minutes trying to cut his hair and though he could not see the back the front came out pretty good in his opinion and he would just have to hope the back did too. Either way it was bound to look better then it had. He put the scissors back in the cabinet precisely where he had placed them earlier after cleaning it out and walked across the hall to his bedroom.
Though Austin was not there he held no thoughts of taking his bed not only for fear Austin may show up in the night but he figured it would be best to hold off the anticipation til the bed was really his. He fell asleep nearly the instant his head hit the pack and did not wake up til 4:30 the next morning. He took his time getting ready putting on a nice clean pair of jeans though still three sizes too big despite the fact he’d washed all his own clothes in the same batch using the strongest cycle and the hottest water in apparently a vain attempt to shrink them.
He also put on his favorite of the worn T-shirts that used to be Buzz’s a dark green one that had the word Colors on it each letter written in a different color. He put on his jacket which he had also snuck in the washer and added a clean pair of sweat pants and a ripped across the sleeve white T-shirt to his bag so he’d have clean work out clothes as well.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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