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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Second Shot - 30. Chapter 30: A Night Out To Forget

Darryl and Dean take Jason out to help him forget, then the police show up -

Big Stick Billiards had its usual Friday night crowd, meaning it was busy. They were surprised when their wait for a table was less than thirty minutes. Being under twenty-one, all three were given green wrist bands that told bar tenders they could not buy alcohol.

Jason watched his brother fiddling with the plastic around his wrist. "If you take it off Dean, they'll kick you out."

"So close." Dean left it alone with only a small frown.

Contrary to Dean's prediction, he only took one out of five games from his older brother. He managed to beat Darryl twice, but lost just as many. Midnight was approaching, so Darryl suggested they go home after the next game. Having had enough pool, he really didn't want to be here in the first place, Jason let his best friend and brother have the final game.

Downing the last of his coke, he noticed three guys across the room looking his way. Even three tables over, he could tell they were not checking him out. Another minute and he recognized one, then the other two, as fraternity brothers of Jordan's. Moving as one, the three walked around the tables, heading his way.

Stepping off the stool, Jason grabbed his pool cue and tapped Darryl on the shoulder. "Trouble."

"What?" Darryl followed Jason's eyes toward the approaching trio.

"Jordan's frat brothers." Jason's explanation drew a nod from his friend.

"So what have we here," the largest of the three said. He turned his baseball cap backward, pushing his brown hair from his face.

"What do you want?" Jason immediately sized up the three. The one who spoke first was built like an offensive lineman. His two friends were slightly shorter, one being somewhat out of shape, the other lean and wiry.

Dean walked around the table to stand beside his brother and Darryl.

"Hey fairy, did you get a new boyfriend now the old one is in the hospital?" The out of-shape-one asked.

Jason squeezed the cue in his hand so hard his knuckles turned white.

"I'm his brother, asshole," Dean said before Jason could stop him.

"Let it go, Dean." Jason wanted to smash the guy in the face, but didn't want to get into a fight with his brother around.

"Yeah, Dean, listen to your pussy brother." The first one said, lisping his voice as he spoke. "You don't want to get hurt like his boyfriend did."

It took all his self control not to scream and lunge at his tormentor. He might take a few licks, but not before he pounded the smirk off the asshole's face.

Dean moved toward the guy, bringing Jason out of his thoughts. Grabbing his arm, he pulled his brother back.

"Get Dean out of here," he told Darryl.

"What about you?" Darryl kept his eyes on the three standing across the table from them.

"Don't worry about me, I'll be outside in a minute." He kept a tight grip on his brother, trying to get him to leave. "I just need to pay the bill."

"Jase, I can take care of myself."

"Dean, go. I'll handle this." He never took his eyes off their adversaries.

Jason wasn't sure what was going to happen, but he couldn't let this end up in a fight. His heart pounded so hard he was sure everyone could hear it. They wouldn't attack him in the crowded hall with all these witnesses, would they? Maybe they were too drunk to care. First he needed to get Dean out of here, then he would have one less thing to worry about.

Fortunately the exit was behind them. Maybe all they were going to do was yell at him. If he kept calm and didn't let them provoke him, he might get away without things escalating.

"Come on, Dean, let's go." Darryl grabbed Dean's other arm, gently pulling him toward the door.

Dean shrugged out of both their gripes. "I'm not leaving Jason alone."

"Dean! GO!" Jason yelled, never taking his eyes off Jordan's three friends.

"What? You think you can take all three of us?" the first guy asked.

"I'm not trying to fight any of you." Jason noticed the hall got eerily quiet. "I didn't come here for any trouble."

"Well, trouble found you didn't it?" the skinny guy said.

"What do you want?" Jason maintained his composure.

"Your fag boyfriend got our friends locked up," the first guy told him. "Someone's gotta pay for that."

Twisting the facts to blame Peter for what happened nearly caused him to lose his control. In his mind he saw himself run across the table, bashing them all with his cue. Instead he took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. "Peter didn't get Jordan and the others arrested, they did that to themselves. He couldn't take Peter on his own, so he and those other assholes ambushed him. You guys are real tough, aren't you? Can't fight your battles alone, so you attack in a pack like wild dogs."

He spared a glance toward the door to be sure Dean was gone. Seeing no one there, he back toward the cashier.

"I don't need any help to beat the shit out of a faggot like you!" For all the big guy's bluster, Jason noticed he didn't seem in a hurry to attack.

"You okay, kid?" The voice to his right made him jump.

Jason turned to find two older men with pool cues in hand standing next to him, glaring across the table. The one closest to him wore a beige work shirt with the name, 'Hank' on it. His sleeves were rolled up to reveal thick muscled forearms. His friend was tall and lean, but had the look of a man who worked hard every day.

"Yes, sir. Thanks, I'm okay." Jason felt a wave of relief hit him. Maybe these two could calm things down.

"Mind your own business, mister, this has nothing to do with you." The biggest guy said. Even with pool cues of their own, the three didn't seem quite as eager to provoke things now both sides were even.

"I think I heard you three trying to pick a fight with him." Hank nodded toward Jason. "Seems a bit cowardly to try fight someone three on one. Figured me and my friend would even the odds."

"There isn't going to be a fight, sir," Jason said. "I'm going to pay my bill and leave. My brother and I didn't come here for trouble."

"You go pay your bill, son," the other man said. "Hank and I will make sure these three don't get the idea to attack you while your back is turned."

"Why don't you two mind your own business?" the out-of-shape-one said. "This is between us and the little fag boy over there."

"Seeing as I'm a friend of the boy your friends put in the hospital, this just became my business," Hank said. "Why don't you three little pricks run back to your little play pens and go jerk off or something?"

Friend of Peter's? Jason didn't recall meeting either of them before, but was still glad for the help.

"Fuck you asshole," the bigger guy said.

The skinny one added, "Hey Hank, go yank your friend."

His friends laughed nervously.

"Funny coming from a stupid little college boy who's only tough when it's three on one," Hank replied. "If you're so tough, come over here and say that."

"Hey now!" The manager came out of a door at the far end of the room. "There'll be no fighting in here."

"Sorry, Joe," Hank said. "These three tough guys were trying to start a fight with Peter's friend. Me and Roy were just making sure they didn't sucker punch him like their friends did to Amanda's boy."

Jason stood at the register, but the clerk, like everyone else in the crowded hall, was watching what was happening by his table. Unable to pay his tab, he turned his focus back on the developing standoff.

"I think you boys ought to leave," the manager told Jordan's friends. "Now!"

"We didn't do nothing," the thinnest of the three said. "This is a free country, we don't have to go if we don't want to."

"Listen here, you little piss ant," Roy took a half step forward, "You come here to go to school and think you own this town. Some of us live here. We don't need you and your asshole friends messing up our town."

"Settle down, Roy." The manager put a hand on his friend's shoulder. "As for you three, as you said, it's a free country. This is my place, not yours. I don't have to let anyone in I don't want. Right now, I want you out of my pool hall."

Several older men, most seated at the bar, stood up when Joe told the trio to leave. Jason thought he saw a change in demeanor among his three would-be attackers as it became clear they were outnumbered.

"Is there a problem?" Jason heard someone say from the doorway. Spinning, he found Chief Anderson standing behind him, hand on his weapon.

The Chief moved closer to Hank, Roy and the manager. This allowed a second officer to come inside. Looking around the room, he stopped searching when he saw Jason. Safely behind several patrons, Jason was in no danger at this time.

"I got a call that someone was creating a disturbance." He turned to where everyone else was looking; across the table at Jordan's frat brothers. "What's this about, Joe?"

"These three began bothering Jason and his friends." How did the manager know his name? "I didn't need to wait for something to happen to see they were looking for trouble. That's when I called you."

Chief Anderson turned toward him. "Come here please, Jason."

"Yes, sir." He walked toward the chief, pausing as he passed Hank and Roy. "Thanks, guys."

Hank patted him gently on the back. "You bet, son."

"What's going on?" the chief asked.

"Nothing, sir. We had some words, I sent my younger brother out . . . ." Dean was outside. His heart raced as he turned toward the door. Just as he was about to move for the door, he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Your brother and friend are fine. Officer Bennett is making sure they're safe." The older man nodded slowly. "Tell me what happened."

Slowly he pried eyes off the door, even as he felt his heart rate slow. "I sent Dean outside with Darryl, so I could pay our bill. We didn't want any trouble, so we decided to leave."

"Why did you feel it necessary to leave?" The chief squinted slightly before looking at the three who threatened Jason. "Were they bothering you?"

"Sir." He didn't want this to become more than it was. If things kept escalating it would never die down. "We had a few words, nothing I couldn't handle. These two men helped defuse things, giving me a chance to try to pay for our time."

"I need you to stop sugar-coating things, Jason." The tone he used left no doubt he expected Jason to be forthright with him. "Did they mention what happened to Peter?"

Jason nodded. "Yes, sir, they did."

"Did they use anti-gay language toward you?"

Under the chief's probing stare, Jason felt like he was on trial.

"Yes, sir. They did." He glared over at Jordan's friends. Much as he enjoyed seeing them look like they were gonna crap themselves, he didn't want things to get worse. Next time they might jump him in the dark. "But I just want to squash this and go home. I'm not trying to get anyone in trouble."

"That is not your decision." Two more officers walked in, standing behind the chief. "If they did something wrong, you're not the reason they're in trouble."

He motioned with his head and two of the officers walked over to the three frat brothers on the opposite side of the table.

"You three listen to me, and I mean listen." Chief Anderson moved closer, taking his hand off his gun. "I have a message for you that I want you to take back to your fraternity and your friends. Right now there is an active investigation into the attempted murder of Peter Gregory. If he dies, and that might still happen, your friends are going to be charged with first degree murder. If that happens, they'll be facing the death penalty if convicted."

Jason felt his stomach churn when the chief mentioned Peter might die. Now he felt really guilty being out with Darryl and his brother instead of with Peter.

"If Jason asked, I would arrest you three for obstruction of justice and witness tampering. That's twenty years for each count. Judges in this county rarely grant bond for those charges. You three would join your friends taking turns being prom queen in the county jail. Right now I'm going to get your information and send you home. The detectives handling the case will investigate further and if they find enough evidence, you three will be charged.

"Further, if I hear any whiff that you or your fraternity brothers do anything, and I mean anything, to intimidate, threaten, scare, or change the testimony of any potential witness in the case, I'll arrest you without a second thought. Then I'll do everything in my power to hold you as long as I can. This is not some petty argument or disagreement, nor is it a game. This is as serious as it comes. Don't make the mistake of thinking you can laugh it off.

"Am I clear?" His voice was almost a growl by now. He looked at them one at a time, until each stated affirmatively they understood.

"Good." He took a step to his left. "Give these officers your information, get your stuff, pay your bill and go home. And, unless I'm wrong, none of you better be driving or I'll bust your sorry ass for DUI."

Jason remained with the first officer, waiting for the Chief to say he could leave. One of the three walked to the register, while the other two gathered their coats and back packs. Once they gave their information to the officer, they left the still silent pool hall.

"Go settle your tab, Jason," the Chief told him.

Doing as he was told, he handed the clerk his credit card and signed the receipt. His only focus was getting out and going home. With the return of his card, Jason grabbed his coat to leave. Roy, Hank and the manager were speaking with the chief when he was ready to go.

He stopped in front of the two men who stood up for him. "Thank you both. I appreciate the help."

"Peter Gregory teaches my seven-year-old martial arts." Hank shook his head slowly. "He's a good kid. I don't care if he's gay or straight, he always treated my boy good. Eric adores him; cried when he heard what happened. Weren't no reason for what they did, and I don't aim to let it happen to anyone else if I'm around."

He held out a thick hand that Jason shook with a smile. "I'll be sure to tell Pete he has so many good friends when he wakes up."

"You do that, son." Roy smiled, putting a hand on Jason's left shoulder as the two shook hands.

Chief Anderson put his hand on Jason's upper back, guiding him to the exit. "You okay?"

"I will be, I guess." He still felt the sting of how they talked about Peter.

"You guess?"

"Yeah, I guess so." Jason needed to sort out his emotions right now. "I just don't understand, maybe I'm not supposed to."

"What don't you understand?"

"Why they hate me so much." His lips twisted to convey his confusion. "I never talk to them, hell, I barely know them."

"I can't answer that for you," the Chief said. "Some people are so insecure they need to find someone they can pick on. Doesn't make it right, but that's how I see it."

"We were minding our own business." Jason snorted. "They're not even my type so it's not like I was staring at them or anything."

"Jason, I can't make you press charges, but if they so much as look at your wrong, you let me know. Next time I'm going to insist we go forward. Are we clear?" His tone and his expression told Jason this was not a suggestion.

"Yes, sir, I understand." As much as he didn't like being pressured, Jason knew this was not a game. Peter's case was still under investigation, he wasn't going to do anything to hinder that.

"Excellent." The chief finally smiled. "Go home and get some sleep. I understand there's a game tomorrow. We need you rested and ready."


When Jason emerged from the hall, followed by a police officer, Dean and Darryl stood next to a squad car. The lights spun, bathing the parking lot in a weird blue and red light. He and Dean made eye contact almost immediately.

"Jason." Dean seemed relieved as he walked over quickly. "You okay? What happened?"

"Fine." He let his brother hug him, grateful no one got hurt. "Some men at the bar know Peter's family. They came over to make sure things didn't get out of hand."

"Really?" Darryl asked.

"Yeah, no kidding." Jason nodded. "People around here like Peter. He teaches some of their kids Martial arts, and his mom taught more than a few of their children over the years."

The officer who accompanied him out of the hall, whose name tag said, 'Killingham,' walked over to speak to the officer with Dean and Darryl. From what the Chief said, Jason assumed that was Officer Bennett. He didn't pay attention to what they were saying, as he scanned the parking lot for signs of the three guys who threatened him.

"They went back toward campus." Darryl must have noticed what he was doing. "They did not look happy leaving."

"Chief told them they might end up getting arrested for obstruction of justice and witness tampering." Jason recounted the rest of what happened inside.

"Did he really say prom queen?" Darryl asked between laughs.

This drew a smile from Jason. "Yeah, those were his words."

Darryl shook his head. "Too funny."

"I don't think it's funny." Dean kept looking in the direction where Jordan's friends walked off. "Those three were fucking assholes. Jason could have been hurt."

Noting his brother's anger, Jason questioned how smart it was bringing Dean here. "Are we allowed to go?"

"They never said we couldn't," Darryl said.

"Excuse me, officers." When they turned toward him, he asked, "Can we go?"

Officer Killingham nodded. "Yes. Chief said to go home."

"Thank you both." Darryl and his brother echoed his words.

Jason's car was at the far end of the lot. Despite what happened, he barely noticed their surroundings. With all the police officers in the area, he wasn't expecting trouble. Sliding behind the wheel, he put the key in the ignition then took his hand off. Staring blankly at the dashboard, he didn't move. They could have got attacked, just like Peter. If those three had thought it out, they could have waited until Jason was outside to jump him.

Softly at first, then harder, he began hitting the steering wheel with the palms of his hands. "Fuck!" he said repeatedly, getting louder each time.

It wasn't until his brother grabbed him from behind that he stopped. "Jason!"

"What's wrong?" Dean and Darryl asked together.

"Nothing. Everything. I don't know anymore. FUCK!"

"Bro, what's wrong? You're scaring me." Dean's worried voice told Jason he needed to calm down. "What happened in there?"

"Sorry, Dean, I'm okay." He took a couple deep breaths before continuing. "You and Darryl almost got jumped because of me. If those three ass wipes had half a brain between them, they would have waited until we left to do anything. We weren't expecting trouble. By the time we knew what was happening it would have been too late."

"What does that mean?" Darryl asked.

"They were mad because their fraternity brothers got locked up. Said someone had to pay. If they had thought it through, they could have jumped us out here." He gripped the steering wheel with both hands. "I can't even go hang out with my brother and best friend without a problem."

"Whoa there, Jase." Darryl gently pulled his hands off the wheel. "You aren't the problem; they are. You were minding your own business, we all were. They're fucktards. Not everyone is a jerk. What about the guys inside who had your back? There are more good people than you think."

Jason wanted to say it only took one, but there was a knock on the window. The sound nearly sent him through the roof. Officer Bennett stood outside the door with his flash light on.

"Everything okay?"

Nodding, Jason turned the key so he could roll down the window. "Yes, sir. Sorry, I was explaining what happened."

Officer Bennett turned his light on the area around the car. Seemingly satisfied with whatever he was doing, he said, "Could you step out of the car, Jason, I'd like to speak to you."

"Am I in trouble, sir?" Jason opened the door as he spoke.

The officer shook his head. "Not at all, this is more personal than law enforcement."

Remembering to roll up the window, Jason stepped out and followed the police office to the cruiser parked closest to his car.

"I understand from the Chief you wanted to talk to me."

"Yes, sir." Relieved that was what this was about, Jason smiled. "I want to thank you personally for saving Peter's life."

"There's no need for thanks." He shrugged and looked down. "I was doing my job."

"Officer Bennett, I could thank you until the day I die and never repay you for saving his life. To me you are a hero."

"I don't know about being a hero. Any one on the department would've done what I did." The man looked up, meeting Jason's eyes. "Anyway, I appreciate your wanting to tell me yourself."

"You're welcome, sir." Jason held out his hand. Tentatively the officer accepted it.

"Go get some sleep." The officer smiled at him. "You look like you need it."


When the three got home, they made a quick detour to the kitchen for something to drink before going to sleep. The brothers let Darryl use the bathroom first while they settled sleeping arrangements.

"Are you sure you don't want to share the bed?" Dean peeled of his shirt, looking around for a place to toss it. "It won't be the first time we had to do it."

"Just toss it anywhere that's clear." Jason waved absently at the floor. "No, it's probably best I don't."

"Why not? It doesn't make me uncomfortable, I know you are not going to do anything."

"EWW!" Jason made a face. "You had to go there? That is so nasty."

"Like I said, I'm not worried about it." Dean laughed.

"Actually," Jason tried to be serious. "After all these months of sharing the bed with Pete, I just might reach across and hug you thinking it was him. I think you would agree, neither of us want to wake up like that."

They both laughed. "Okay, you make a good point." Dean took off his pants. Wearing just his boxers, he flopped on the bed.

"I'll be fine." Jason assured him. "It certainly isn't the first and won't be the last time I sleep on a couch."

Opening his closet, Jason pulled out a tee shirt and quickly changed. "I need to use the bathroom. Be right back."

After brushing his teeth, Jason located a pillow and a blanket and plopped down on the couch, wondering if he would get to sleep. He did his best not to dwell on the events of the day, but found his mind switching between his mother, Peter, and events outside of Big Stick Billiards. Eventually exhaustion took over and he fell asleep.

So much for a quite night out - tomorrow is game day - Jason may not be in the right frame of mind for that.
Copyright © 2011 Andrew Q Gordon; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

Another good chapter Andy. Great to learn more about Peter's (and family) standing in the local community. Thanks for providing the additional character depth/development.


Part of me wants to read about Jordan hearing his perspective...is he having any remorse now that his life is really in the dumpster? While he is a minor player from an overall perspective, he has had a major role in the movement of the story...


As usual, can't wait for the next chapter!

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On 01/14/2011 07:07 AM, KevinD said:
Another good chapter Andy. Great to learn more about Peter's (and family) standing in the local community. Thanks for providing the additional character depth/development.


Part of me wants to read about Jordan hearing his perspective...is he having any remorse now that his life is really in the dumpster? While he is a minor player from an overall perspective, he has had a major role in the movement of the story...


As usual, can't wait for the next chapter!

Kevin - not sure I will ever write from Jordan's perspective - maybe but not likely - the idea was after this is over to do a short, maybe 4 - 5 chapter short story about the trial of Jordan, and it's out come. I have a rough idea ho wthat would go, but to give more would require I give away the ending - suffice it to say there will a point where Jason summarizes Jordan's attitude - chapter 41 I believe, I just finished editing it. So there will be a hint of what he is thinking.Thanks for reading.Andy
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I really thought Dean might get in trouble shooting pool, with him wanting to get drunk. Really glad he didn't though.


I think Jason will be OK with his game, he draws strength from the rest of the team.


As always, looking forward to the next chapter :)

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Dean is such a great guy. If what he said earlier, that he learnt it all from his 'Big Brother' is true, wow... his big bro must be quite a character, huh? :D:P

(i'm not making much sense, am I?)



Always looking forward to a soccer match! :D

thumbsupsmileyanim.gif to you Andy,


and a :hug: for The 'Karate Kid'. :)






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Tense chapter but it moves the game on fast. Jase is starting to doubt himself and that's dangerous. I'm sure the game will go fine as he will be surrouded by his friends and he gets very focused when he is in the game.


You are being very cruel you know. Although I am very interested in what is going on in Jason's life I am far more interested in what's happening to Peter. :)


Way to go for the awesome build up of tension and unfolding of one awesome story

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You misled me with the whole "police are going to get involved" thing :-P I was expected Dean to get in trouble or something, hehe.


Poor Jason, he can't catch a break :-(


Oh, and I agree with Nephylim, I miss Peter

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On 01/14/2011 07:20 AM, Simonjames30 said:
I really thought Dean might get in trouble shooting pool, with him wanting to get drunk. Really glad he didn't though.


I think Jason will be OK with his game, he draws strength from the rest of the team.


As always, looking forward to the next chapter :)

The weekend isn't over yet, Dean can still get drunk. As for the game, well, y'all gonna need to wait til Monday :P
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On 01/14/2011 10:37 AM, Sara Alva said:
You misled me with the whole "police are going to get involved" thing :-P I was expected Dean to get in trouble or something, hehe.


Poor Jason, he can't catch a break :-(


Oh, and I agree with Nephylim, I miss Peter

Me?? Misled you? Never?? 0:) Okay the chapter note that the police were called WAS designed to misled a little. Sorry, but Peter is in a coma, what do you want me to do? Smack him around until he wakes up?? He might now wake up at all - :whistle: - maybe Thanks for reading :)
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On 01/14/2011 07:33 AM, Nephylim said:
Tense chapter but it moves the game on fast. Jase is starting to doubt himself and that's dangerous. I'm sure the game will go fine as he will be surrouded by his friends and he gets very focused when he is in the game.


You are being very cruel you know. Although I am very interested in what is going on in Jason's life I am far more interested in what's happening to Peter. :)


Way to go for the awesome build up of tension and unfolding of one awesome story

Nephy, Jason is going to be crushed when I tell him you are far more interested in Peter :( Besides how interesting is it to see Peter in a coma, he MIGHT never get better you know. Hmm who do I sound like - **wonders who it could be** :P Jason's self doubt is more an issue of he's had it too easy. With Peter helping him and the team so supportive, he never really had to worry too much about being bashed or taunted - sure mom was a bitch, but being away, it was manageable.
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On 01/14/2011 07:32 AM, Frostina said:
Dean is such a great guy. If what he said earlier, that he learnt it all from his 'Big Brother' is true, wow... his big bro must be quite a character, huh? :D:P

(i'm not making much sense, am I?)



Always looking forward to a soccer match! :D

thumbsupsmileyanim.gif to you Andy,


and a :hug: for The 'Karate Kid'. :)





I'd like to think Jason is a right decent sort, but he's had a few good examples in his life - Dad, Grandpa Henry, his coach. Peter would thank you, but he isn't able. Sadly he might never be able to. :( Thanks for the comments - even if I am being a tease right now.
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'Killinghog' seriously? That's funny. Despite the grim situation I'm glad there's humor in it.

As always I liked reading. But I don't like your attitude 'Peter might never wake up' we're all waiting to see the KK getting a full recovery soon. So better not spoil it Andy.

Even though I didn't comment on last couple of chapters - got caught up with work, they were awesome too.


Looking forward to the next chapter.

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On 01/14/2011 01:25 PM, boiwonder said:
'Killinghog' seriously? That's funny. Despite the grim situation I'm glad there's humor in it.

As always I liked reading. But I don't like your attitude 'Peter might never wake up' we're all waiting to see the KK getting a full recovery soon. So better not spoil it Andy.

Even though I didn't comment on last couple of chapters - got caught up with work, they were awesome too.


Looking forward to the next chapter.

LMAO!! Killignhog??? :blink: it was KillingHAM - I knew someone with that last name, so I stole it for the book. Hog/Ham, I guess it's about the same. Geez Boi, do you think this is a democracy? Pete may or may not wake up, may or may not survive - no I will not bow to pressure. The chapters are written, for good or ill. I am being like my Idol, Nephy and making sure I don't give away Peter's fate. Well not until the time is right. Sorry, but you really would be made at you if I told you . . . er - NVM. :) Thanks for the comments and as always for reading :)
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On 01/15/2011 12:07 PM, rckclimber27 said:
Great story! Hurry up for the next chapter, though!
Thanks for reading. The next 11 chapters are written, I am posting two a week until I write the last few chapters. I think I have 4-5 left. Once those are done, I will post them and finish up. Thanks again for taking the time to comment. Andy
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I was a little worried there, but everything turned out fine. Chief Anderson seems to be showing up when Jason needs some help. Is there a story there? I'm also glad to see the police department is taking this serious, and doing a great job. Thanks for that statement by the chief about what may happen to Jordan. Great work!

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On 01/17/2011 01:21 AM, montyblk said:
I was a little worried there, but everything turned out fine. Chief Anderson seems to be showing up when Jason needs some help. Is there a story there? I'm also glad to see the police department is taking this serious, and doing a great job. Thanks for that statement by the chief about what may happen to Jordan. Great work!
LOL no, there is not story there, just needed a character and that was him - I just see him as a small city police chief. They tend to know everything that is going on and they respond personally to make sure things are handled right. As for Jordan, I promise to let everyone know what happens to him after the story is over - we won't get to the trial before I end the story - I will do it as a short story addendum I think.
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i really like this chapter is good to everyone helping jason.

i hope peter wakes up don't make him die or nything that would be horrible to jason and his carrer, i hope the guys that did it get lock up for a long time

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On 04/16/2013 10:25 PM, sarapf said:
i really like this chapter is good to everyone helping jason.

i hope peter wakes up don't make him die or nything that would be horrible to jason and his carrer, i hope the guys that did it get lock up for a long time

Thanks for letting me know you like it. well you probably already know what happens so I'll just leave it with thanks :)
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On 1/23/2021 at 11:20 PM, Chris L said:

Such asstards in the world! 

Sadly that is always the case. Small people in the world. Fortunately they are not the majority.

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