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Silent Heartbeats - 19. Chapter 19: Jeremy faces his past. Will he finally be able to let go?

First and foremost, I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you for taking the time to read and follow this story up to this point. Your support, engagement, and enthusiasm have meant the world to me, and I couldn’t have made it this far without you.
This chapter might be a little too emotional for some of you, but that's what keeps it interesting. Don't forget to drop your comments. Love you all

Carter limped slowly, each step toward his small apartment heavy with the weight of the past few days. His thoughts swirled in chaos, memories of what had happened flashing in his mind—the fear of almost losing Jeremy, the terror of Lopez’s men. Jeremy’s life had hung in the balance, and even though he was in the hospital now, Carter couldn’t shake the dread gnawing at his heart. He was scared, worried, and exhausted.

As he finally reached his door, he fumbled with his keys, trying to unlock it. The door didn’t budge. He frowned, trying again. I could’ve sworn I didn’t lock this before Lopez kidnapped me… he thought, his hands shaking slightly as the memory of that terrifying day crept back into his mind.

Just then, a calm voice from behind startled him.

“I changed the lock.”

Carter spun around quickly, his heart skipping a beat, only to find Jeff standing a few steps away. Jeff gave him a faint, warm smile.

For a moment, Carter just stared, too surprised to speak. Then, without warning, Jeff moved closer and pulled him into a tight hug. The embrace caught Carter off guard, but the warmth and comfort of it eased some of the tension that had been gripping him all day.

“I’m so glad you’re okay,” Jeff whispered, his voice thick with relief. “I’ve been worried sick. I couldn’t sleep knowing what you were going through.”

Jeff broke the hug, stepping back slightly as he looked at Carter’s worn face. Carter hadn’t spoken a word since seeing him, and Jeff could sense the weight that was pulling him down.

Carter finally broke the silence, his voice hoarse and filled with guilt.

“I’m so sorry, Jeff… for getting Jeremy involved in my mess.”

Jeff smiled softly and placed a reassuring hand on Carter’s shoulder.

“It’s not your fault, Carter. No one chooses to be kidnapped. Jeremy just wanted to help.”

“And now he’s in a critical condition because of me,” Carter replied, his voice breaking slightly.

Jeff gave his shoulder a gentle squeeze.

“He’s going to be okay, Carter. He’s at the hospital now, being taken care of by the best doctors. They’ve been with him since he arrived yesterday.”

Carter nodded slightly, though his worry still lingered. Jeff took out a set of keys from his pocket, unlocking the door and pushing it open.

“Come on, let’s get you inside. You need to rest.”

As Carter stepped inside, his eyes swept over the room. To his surprise, the apartment looked far better than the last time he had seen it. The broken table had been replaced, and other small repairs had been made. It was… different. Cleaner. Calmer.

Jeff noticed Carter’s surprise and smiled.

“I came by to check if there was any way to contact your family members. While I was here, I replaced a few of the broken things.”

Carter sighed as he sank onto the couch.

“Even if you’d managed to contact my family… they’d have been happy to hear that I was suffering.”

Jeff sat down beside him, frowning slightly. “Why would you say that?”

Carter glanced at him, then shook his head. “Forget it.”

Jeff hesitated but didn’t push further. “How’s Jeremy?” Carter asked after a moment, his voice barely above a whisper.

Jeff let out a deep sigh. “You’re really worried about him, aren’t you?”

Carter looked down at his hands, his fingers tightening together.

“I won’t be myself until I know he’s okay.”

“Jeremy hasn’t woken up since he was brought to the hospital,” Jeff said softly, “but the doctors think he’ll wake up anytime soon. Mom’s been really worried.”

Carter dropped his gaze to the floor, the guilt and worry on his face so visible that Jeff could almost feel it.

Jeff studied him for a moment before asking, “Would you like to see him?”

Carter’s head shot up, his eyes locking with Jeff’s. “I would love to… but I don’t know if I’ll be allowed. Laura made it very clear that she doesn’t want me anywhere near him.”

Jeff gave him a reassuring smile. “If you want to go, I can handle Laura.”

Carter’s expression shifted, hope flickering across his face as he nodded quickly. Jeff smiled wider, standing up and reaching for his jacket. “Alright then. Let’s go.”


Carter stepped slowly into the hospital room, immediately welcomed by the soft beeping of machines and the sterile smell of the space. His eyes were drawn straight ahead to the bed, where Jeremy lay, half-covered by crisp, white sheets. An oxygen mask covered his mouth, and electrodes were attached to his chest, monitoring his every breath. The sight of Jeremy so still, connected to all those machines, made Carter’s heart sink. Tears welled up in his eyes as the reality of it all hit him hard.

With shaky steps, Carter moved closer to the bed, every footfall feeling heavier as Jeremy’s bruised face came into clearer view. Purple marks adorned his cheek and nose, and his lip was split, the aftermath of Lopez’s brutal assault. The memory of Lopez kicking Jeremy while he lay defenseless surged through Carter’s mind, tightening the knot of guilt in his chest.

He reached the bedside, feeling as though hours had passed just getting there. Slowly, he took Jeremy’s limp hand in his own, rubbing it gently, his thumb brushing over the back of Jeremy’s knuckles.

He stared at Jeremy’s face, tears silently falling as he whispered, “I know you probably can’t hear me… but I’m so sorry, Jeremy. This is all my fault.”

Carter’s voice cracked, and he had to pause, wiping the tears from his face with the back of his hand.

“You’re lying here, fighting for your life… because of me. I wish it was me in that bed instead of you. It should be me paying for my past, not you.”

His breath hitched as he choked back a sob.

“No one… no one’s ever done what you did for me. No one’s ever sacrificed so much for me, not since my father. He was the only one who believed in me when the world didn’t, and now you’ve… you’ve done the same. I don’t even know how to thank you for that.”

Carter’s fingers tightened around Jeremy’s hand, as if holding him closer might bring him back from wherever he was in that deep sleep.

“If it weren’t for you, I’d probably be dead out there in that jungle. You saved me… and I’m so, so thankful for you, Jeremy.”

He leaned in closer, his voice soft but filled with emotion.

“I’m gonna be praying for you, every day. I’ll fast, I’ll do whatever it takes until you wake up. I know you’re still in there, fighting, just like you always do.”

Carter paused, his eyes scanning Jeremy’s face, trying to imagine what was going on in his mind.

“Despite everything that’s happened… you’re still a good man, Jeremy. I know you’ve got so much pain inside you. I see it in your eyes, I’ve felt it in your anger. And I get it. I’ve been there. I know what it’s like to carry a pain that feels too big to bear. But pain like that… it doesn’t just go away on its own.”

His voice grew softer, almost a whisper. “You have to let go of some of it. Not forget, never forget the person you’ve loved all your life… but find a balance. Love, loss, rebirth… they’re all a part of the same cycle. You can’t have one without the other, but you can still find happiness in it. That’s what I want for you, Jeremy. I want to see the man you were before all this pain. You deserve that. And so do your kids.”

Carter reached up, brushing a strand of hair from Jeremy’s forehead, his fingers lingering for a moment.

“Thank you again… for everything. You’ve done more for me than I could ever repay. But I don’t know if we’ll see each other again.”

His heart clenched at the thought.

“Maybe your mother was right. Maybe I should stay away from you… far away. All I’ve done is bring trouble into your life, and maybe it was a mistake coming to this city in the first place. But one thing’s for sure: I don’t regret meeting you. Or your kids. Despite everything, you’ve changed me, in ways I didn’t think were possible.”

Carter couldn’t hold back the sob that escaped as he wiped at the tears streaming down his face.

“I’ll keep praying for you, Jeremy,” he whispered, his voice breaking.

He leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to Jeremy’s forehead, lingering there for what felt like an eternity. He closed his eyes, wishing silently for Jeremy to wake up, to be okay, to find peace.

After what felt like hours, Carter finally pulled away, his heart heavy but his resolve firm. He took a deep breath, wiped his eyes one last time, and slowly turned, leaving the room without looking back.


Carter limped slowly down the hospital corridor, his mind swirling with thoughts that seemed to grow heavier with each step. His heart was still reeling from the emotional whirlwind of seeing Jeremy lying so helpless in that bed. The guilt, the worry, the overwhelming sense of responsibility weighed on him like an anchor.

‘What if Laura was right?’ he thought to himself. ‘What if I really am a curse to him?’ He couldn't shake the image of Jeremy, bruised and beaten, fighting for his life. ‘All because of me’, he mused bitterly. ‘If only I hadn't gotten him involved...’

Suddenly, a gentle but firm hand grabbed his wrist, pulling him abruptly out of his thoughts. Startled, Carter turned his head quickly, his breath catching in his throat. His eyes widened in shock and awe as Jeremy came into view, standing right beside him. The man looked impossibly fragile, yet there he was—shirtless, a large bandage wrapped tightly around his abdomen, covering the fresh wound. He wore a pair of pristine white trousers and simple sandals, his skin pale, and his chest rising and falling slowly as if each breath took effort.

Carter gasped, his heart pounding.

“Jeremy… what are you doing out of bed?!” he exclaimed, his voice trembling with a mix of disbelief and concern. “You just woke up! You're supposed to be resting!”

Jeremy’s glassy eyes softened as they met Carter's, a quiet, almost wistful smile tugging at his lips.

“I’m just… glad you’re okay,” he said in a raspy voice, his gaze unwavering. "I was worried about you."

Carter’s heart skipped a beat at the words. The man who had been shot, who had risked everything, was standing here, worrying about him. Without thinking, Carter reached out and gently took Jeremy’s hand, his fingers intertwining with his, holding it tenderly.

“You’re the one who was shot,” Carter whispered, his voice filled with emotion. “And you're worrying about me?”

He shook his head, unable to fathom it.

“You shouldn’t be out of bed, Jeremy. You’re still healing. Let me take you back. You need to rest.”

But Jeremy, despite the clear weakness in his body, tugged at Carter’s hand, his grip firm but shaky.

“I will rest,” he replied softly, his voice steady but laced with a pleading undertone. “But first, I need you to come with me. It’s urgent.”

Carter’s brow furrowed in confusion. He looked deeply into Jeremy’s eyes, seeing something vulnerable there, something fragile and desperate. He let out a soft sigh, feeling his resistance crumble. Why now? he wondered. But the need in Jeremy’s gaze was undeniable.

“Jeremy,” Carter began softly, “We can go wherever you want, but only when you’ve recovered. This isn’t safe…”

Jeremy’s grip tightened, and he looked at Carter, his eyes almost pleading.

“Please, Carter. It’s important. I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t.”

The sincerity and urgency in Jeremy’s voice silenced any further objections. Carter stared at him for a moment, then exhaled deeply, surrendering.

“Fine,” he said, shaking his head with a small, reluctant smile. “But you have to promise me, after this, you’ll rest.”

Jeremy nodded, a small flicker of relief crossing his face.

“I promise.”

Carter carefully wrapped an arm around Jeremy’s waist, supporting him as they made their way down the hall. Despite his limp and Jeremy’s clear exhaustion, they moved quietly, sneaking past the bustling hospital staff and slipping out of the building into the cool air.


Carter stepped out of the sleek car, his eyes immediately drawn to the beautiful beach house in front of him. The warm, salty breeze from the nearby ocean mixed with the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers surrounding the house. It was an idyllic and peaceful scene, yet Carter couldn’t shake the feeling of confusion as to why Jeremy had brought him here. The house looked like it held deep meaning—like it was more than just a retreat.

Carter quickly moved to the other side of the car to help Jeremy, who was slowly making his way out. Jeremy was now wearing a white shirt that was unbuttoned, revealing the bandage around his abdomen. Carter reached for him, steadying the man as he slowly emerged.

Just as Jeremy took Carter’s hand, he instructed the guard who had accompanied them, “Get on with it.”

The guard nodded slightly and headed toward the house, making Carter wonder what that cryptic command meant.

“Come inside with me,” Jeremy said softly, his voice calm but heavy with emotion. Together, they walked toward the house.

As soon as they stepped inside, Carter’s eyes were immediately drawn to the walls. The house was adorned with pictures—so many pictures—of Jeremy and Ethan. His breath caught in his throat as he saw snapshots of their life together, spanning years. There they were as teenagers, laughing without a care in the world. In high school, arm in arm at graduation, their faces beaming with joy. At the beach, soaking in the sun. Carter’s heart felt like it was being squeezed painfully as he stared at the images, the love and history between the two men hanging in every frame. He was still lost in the bittersweet nostalgia of the pictures when Jeremy’s voice broke through his thoughts.

“This used to be mine and Ethan’s place,” Jeremy said softly, his eyes distant as if he were looking through time rather than at the room. “When we needed to be alone, when the world felt too much, we came here. This… this is where I proposed to him, so many years ago.” His voice cracked slightly, and he paused, swallowing hard. “We were so happy. It felt like the beginning of our lives, like we had everything ahead of us.”

Carter’s heart ached as he listened, his gaze locked on Jeremy. He could feel the depth of Jeremy’s pain, the weight of all the memories this place held. It wasn’t just a house—it was their sanctuary, their shared dream. Every corner seemed to hold a piece of Ethan, of their love, of their life together.

Jeremy continued, leading Carter through the house, his movements slow and deliberate. They entered a room filled with more memories—photos, keepsakes, paintings, and the remnants of a life once shared. Carter followed silently, his emotions stirring with each step, knowing how difficult this was for Jeremy to revisit. Jeremy stopped in front of a particular picture of him and Ethan at the beach, both smiling and running through the sand, carefree and youthful.

“I remember this day like it was yesterday,” Jeremy said with a sad smile, taking the photo from its frame. “I wasn’t feeling well that day. My parents were fighting, and I was in a terrible mood. But Ethan… he brought me here, to this house, and somehow he made me forget about everything. We spent the whole day at the beach, laughing, running. It’s one of my happiest memories.” He chuckled softly, though the sadness in his eyes betrayed the heaviness of the memory.

Carter watched, his heart breaking as Jeremy moved around the room, showing him the most treasured things they had collected together—shells in glass jars from their beach trips, messy paintings they had made in moments of playful creativity, videos of their birthdays, moments of laughter and love frozen in time. It was beautiful, but it was also heartbreaking, seeing so much joy locked away in a past that Jeremy clearly hadn’t fully let go of.

As Jeremy finished speaking, the guard returned, interrupting the moment.

“It’s done, sir,” the guard said quietly. “Do you want me to clear this room too?”

There was a long silence as Jeremy stood frozen, his eyes welling with tears. It felt like hours before he finally nodded, his gaze distant. Carter watched in growing confusion and shock as the guard began taking pictures off the wall, removing them from their frames, packing them together.

“Jeremy, what’s happening?” Carter asked, rushing to his side, his voice trembling. He could see the pain in Jeremy’s eyes, tears slipping down his cheeks. “Why are you taking the pictures down? What’s going on?”

Jeremy didn’t speak at first, his throat tight with emotion.

Then, with a soft, almost broken voice, he simply said, “Follow me.”

Carter’s confusion deepened, but he obeyed, trailing behind Jeremy as they left the room, his heart heavy with a sense of foreboding.

Carter followed Jeremy as they left the warmth of the beach house behind them, walking farther away toward the shoreline. The sound of the ocean grew louder, the breeze cooler as they neared a line of trees near the beach. Jeremy’s steps slowed, his shoulders tensing as they approached a particular spot in the sand. Carter noticed the change in Jeremy’s posture—how his heart seemed to grow heavier with every step.

Jeremy stopped suddenly, his eyes fixed on a patch of sand. His face tightened with grief, his breath uneven. He spoke under his breath, but the words carried a weight that made Carter’s chest ache.

“This… this is where Ethan died,” Jeremy said softly, his voice thick with emotion. “In my arms. Right here. He breathed his last breath and begged me to keep living. To keep going.”

Carter’s throat tightened as a tear slipped down his cheek. He quickly wiped it away, his heart sinking. “Jeremy, I—" He hesitated, the words feeling woefully inadequate.

"I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have let you come here. You’re not ready for this… for all these memories.”

Jeremy glanced at him, the raw pain visible in his tear-filled eyes.

“It doesn’t matter if I’m ready,” he whispered. “It’s been years, and it still hurts like hell.”

Carter bit his lip, feeling completely helpless. The weight of Jeremy’s grief was suffocating. After a pause, Jeremy continued, his voice distant, lost in the memory.

“I didn’t even attend his whole funeral,” Jeremy confessed, his voice cracking. “He didn’t want me to. He asked me to visit all the places we’d been together, places that made us happy. But I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t bear to go back to them.”

The emotion in Jeremy’s voice was palpable, and Carter struggled to keep his composure. He rubbed his eyes again, wiping more tears as he asked quietly, “Is Ethan… buried here?”

Jeremy was silent for a moment, his gaze still on the sand. Finally, he spoke, his voice quiet.

“No. He asked to be cremated. His ashes… were scattered them in the sea. He always loved the ocean. It felt like the right thing.”

Carter rubbed his eyes again, struggling to hold back the tears. Jeremy was silent, staring out at the waves. The two of them stood in the painful stillness, the past pressing down on both of them. Just as the silence began to stretch, the guard appeared once again, interrupting them.

“Everything’s ready, sir,” the guard said in a respectful tone.

Jeremy didn’t respond for a moment, but eventually nodded. “I’m coming,” he said, his voice weary.

Carter looked at Jeremy, confusion and worry building inside him.

“Jeremy… what’s going on? What are you doing?”

Jeremy glanced at Carter, his eyes filled with a kind of quiet determination.

“Come with me. I’ll show you.”

They walked a little further down the beach, and as they rounded a corner, Carter saw it. A fire had been made near the water’s edge, and next to it was a table. Carter’s breath hitched when he saw what was laid out on that table—pictures, items, memories. All the things Jeremy had shown him from the beach house. The memories of his life with Ethan.

Carter’s chest tightened as he looked at Jeremy.

“Jeremy, what is this?”

Jeremy stood by the table, looking at the items with a mixture of pain and resolution. His voice was quiet but steady as he spoke.

“When I was unconscious in the hospital, I… I don’t know if it was real or if my mind was playing tricks on me, but I felt Ethan. He was there. He was talking to me, and I was… I was so happy.” His voice cracked, and Carter could hear the depth of his longing. “I didn’t want to come back. If I had died then, I would’ve been at peace.”

Carter swallowed hard, a lump forming in his throat as Jeremy picked up a picture from the table and stared at it, his hand trembling.

“Ethan told me… he pleaded with me… that I needed to move on. That I could only find peace if I let go of some of these things. These memories. I’ve been holding on to them for so long, but he told me that I need to let go.” Jeremy glanced at Carter, his eyes glistening. “After so much time, I finally promised him. I promised to burn some of our things and donate the rest.”

Jeremy turned back to the fire, taking the picture in his hands and tossing it into the flames. Carter watched in stunned silence as the photograph began to curl and darken, the flames consuming it. Jeremy’s face was twisted in pain as he dropped another item into the fire—an old bracelet they had shared, followed by more pictures.

Each item seemed to rip at Jeremy’s soul as he let it go, one by one, watching his memories burn into ashes.

“I’ve never gone against Ethan,” Jeremy whispered. “But this… this is the hardest thing I’ve ever done.”

Carter couldn’t stop the tears that ran down his face, feeling the raw intensity of the moment. He watched Jeremy throw in more pieces of their life together, each one a painful reminder of the love and happiness they had once shared. The fire crackled, the flames hungrily devouring the past.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Jeremy placed the last item on the table—a picture of him and Ethan together, laughing on the beach. He took it, along with a bottle, and slowly walked toward the water, Carter following close behind, his heart heavy with empathy and sorrow.

They reached the shore, the waves gently lapping at their feet, and Jeremy stood still, staring at the ocean that had once been Ethan’s greatest love.

Jeremy stood at the edge of the shore, gazing at the vast sea as the big yellow sun began its slow descent, casting a warm, golden glow over everything. The light shimmered on the waves, and for a moment, it felt like the ocean was reflecting back the memories of a life long lived but now gone. Slowly, Jeremy raised his left hand, staring at it as his eyes filled with painful, warm tears. His right hand trembled as he reached for the ring on his finger, the symbol of a love that had defined his life.

He held the band, his fingers curling around it tightly as if letting go of the ring meant letting go of Ethan. Memories surged through him—Ethan placing the ring on his hand on their wedding day, the warmth in Ethan's eyes, their smiles, their joy. That day had been the happiest of their lives, full of promise, full of love. Now, as he slowly, painstakingly slid the ring off, it felt like he was stripping away his very soul. Each millimeter of the band leaving his skin felt like his heart was being pulled apart.

“This…” Jeremy said, his voice barely above a whisper as he stared at the ring. “This is the last thing I need to let go of. My band.” He exhaled, shaky and broken. “I thought I’d have more to say, but now… I don’t know.”

Carter, standing beside him, felt an overwhelming sadness pierce through him. His heart ached for Jeremy, for the love that had been so strong but was now drenched in sorrow.

Jeremy stared out at the sea, the tears running freely down his face, unchecked. His voice was raw as he spoke.

“I’m so jealous of where Ethan is… because I’m not there with him. He was my childhood friend… my best friend. We were together for so long. Our lives were about each other, and now…” His voice wavered. “Parting like this… it’s going to tear me apart.”

Jeremy’s tears fell harder now, spilling over as he continued, his pain unbearable.

“The last memory I have of him is him dying in my arms, right there…” He pointed to the sand, his hand trembling. “I wish I could see him one last time, hold him, kiss him… just love him for a little while longer.” He looked down at the ring again, his tears still falling, but he didn’t bother to wipe them away. “I miss him so much.”

Carter could barely hold back his own emotions. Seeing Jeremy this broken, this raw, tugged at every part of him. But he stood strong, knowing Jeremy needed this moment.

Jeremy’s voice dropped lower, shaking with anguish.

“My happiness was tied to Ethan’s. That’s why I’m doing this. Because I know he wanted it… he needed me to move on.” And with that, Jeremy broke. His knees buckled as he cried out, the tears and sobs finally overtaking him. His body shook with the weight of his grief as he collapsed, wailing in a way that spoke of deep, soul-crushing sorrow.

Carter moved closer, placing a firm hand on Jeremy’s shoulder. He squeezed it gently, offering the only comfort he could in such a heart-wrenching moment.

Jeremy eventually rubbed his tears away, his sobs quieting.

“I’m okay,” he said, his voice hoarse but composed.

He hesitated before placing the last picture of him and Ethan into the bottle. His hand lingered on the photograph, and then, after what felt like a lifetime, he added the ring, staring at it for a long time before finally sealing the bottle and holding it close to his heart.

Turning toward the sea, Jeremy whispered, “Goodbye, my friend… my love… my life. Forgive me, Ethan, for not listening to you for so long. You deserved better. But I hope you’re at peace now, wherever you are. You were everything to me… until we meet again.”

With immense difficulty, Jeremy stepped forward and threw the bottle into the sea. Carter and Jeremy watched as the bottle floated for a while, carried by the gentle waves, until eventually, the ocean swallowed it up, as if welcoming Ethan’s memory home.

Carter, still emotional, silently thanked Ethan.

Thank you, Ethan, for everything. I never knew you, but I hope you find happiness in the next life. Goodbye.’

After a long moment of silence, Carter moved closer to Jeremy.

“My father used to say something… that love doesn’t end with death. Love is sacrifice, and sometimes that sacrifice means letting go. But that love—it continues. It grows, and it stays with us, even when they’re gone.”

Jeremy turned to Carter, his eyes still wet but more composed.

“Do you think… after everything we’ve been through… we’ll find that infinite love? The kind that frees us from all this pain?”

Carter didn’t have an answer. The truth was, he didn’t know if that kind of love existed beyond this moment. So he remained quiet, letting the question hang in the air.

Jeremy took a deep breath, wiping the last of his tears.

“Strangely, I feel… a bit relieved. The pain’s still here, but it’s not as bad. Not as crushing.”

Carter offered a small, understanding smile.

“What you did… it took a lot of courage. Loving someone that deeply and then letting them go… it’s not easy.”

Jeremy nodded, his eyes distant.

“It’s all for love,” he said softly, before turning to Carter. “So… what’s next for you?”

Carter smiled gently.

“I’m going to keep looking for my long-lost mother and brother. I still have hope I’ll find them someday. And… I need to find a job.” He chuckled softly. “But you’ve given me hope, Jeremy. That things can get better.”

Jeremy glanced at him.

“There’s still a position open in my company if you want it.”

Carter shook his head, smiling.

“Thanks, but I think it’s time I found something else. Another company, another path.” He raised his hands in mock surrender. “No hard feelings, but I’ve caused enough trouble here.”

Jeremy smiled faintly.

“I understand. I’ll write you a recommendation. You’ll have no trouble finding a job.”

Carter laughed lightly.

“I knew you were a nice guy deep down.” He paused, looking at Jeremy with warmth. “We’ve been through a lot. A lot went wrong, but maybe it’s time to start fresh.”

With a smile, Carter extended his hand. “Hi, I’m Carter Mayson.”

Jeremy stared at him for a moment, those familiar shining eyes, and then, with a soft chuckle, he took Carter’s hand. “Jeremy Rivers.”

Carter laughed. “Nice to meet you.”

“The pleasure’s mine,” Jeremy replied. “Good luck.”

“You too,” Carter said as they shook hands.

Suddenly, thunder roared in the distance, and within moments, rain began to pour down. Jeremy looked up and said, “I’ll tell my driver to take you home.”

Carter shook his head with a grin. “No rush. This is the first time it’s rained since I got to the city. I think I’ll enjoy it, walk a little, then call a taxi.”

Jeremy raised an eyebrow.

“What about your injured foot?”

Carter smiled, wincing slightly but waving it off.

“I’ve got it under control. What about you? You going to be alright?”

Jeremy nodded. “I just need to sort a few things. Then I’ll head home.”

Carter smiled again. “Take it easy, Jeremy.”

With one last look, Carter turned and started walking down the beach, his arms outstretched, a smile on his face as he embraced the rain. Jeremy stood there, watching him go, until Carter was no longer in sight, disappearing into the downpour like a figure out of a dream.


Laura rushed into the house, her footsteps echoing against the polished floors as she called out in a panic,

“Jeremy! Jeremy!” Her voice cracked with worry, each shout louder than the last, but there was no answer. Behind her, Jeff, Dexter, and Elena followed, their faces filled with the same concern, tension weighing heavily in the air.

“I’ll check upstairs,” Jeff said firmly, his voice strained but controlled as he turned to rush up the stairs two at a time. "Maybe he's in his room."

The three remaining stood in the living room, their worry growing with every second of silence. Laura’s hands trembled as she looked at the staircase, hoping Jeff would return with good news. A few agonizing minutes later, Jeff came back down, his expression grim.

“Is he there?” Laura asked, her voice barely above a whisper, her heart hanging on Jeff’s answer.

He shook his head, and Laura’s strength faltered.

“Where could my son be?” she sobbed softly, her voice filled with dread. “We’ve looked everywhere... everywhere.” The weight of uncertainty crushed her, her tears falling freely.

Jeff moved quickly to his mother’s side, wrapping a supportive arm around her shoulders.

“We'll find him, Mom,” he reassured her, though his own worry was evident in the tightness of his jaw.

Just then, one of the household guards stepped into the room, his face serious as he held a sealed envelope in his hand.

“I have a letter for you,” the guard said solemnly.

Jeff was quick to take the letter, his fingers trembling slightly as he tore it open. Laura, Dexter, and Elena gathered close, eyes fixed on the envelope as though it held the answers to their deepest fears.

The moment Jeff unfolded the paper, his heart sank. The letter began with familiar words written in Jeremy’s neat, careful handwriting.

Jeff, I know you’ll be worried when you get this…’

Jeff’s eyes scanned the letter, and his chest tightened.

Please, try to understand what I’m about to say. What I’m doing is important. Not just for me, but for all of you.”

Laura’s knees buckled the second she realized the gravity of the letter.

“No…” she whispered, her legs giving way as she collapsed onto the floor, tears flooding her eyes. “He’s leaving?” The devastation in her voice was palpable. Dexter rushed to her side, wrapping his arms around her protectively, but Laura couldn’t stop crying.

“Where is he? Where is my son?” she sobbed, her body shaking uncontrollably as Dexter held her close.

Jeff’s grip on the letter tightened, but he continued reading.

I’m leaving because I need to understand everything that’s happened to me over the past five years. Don’t think I’m running away. I’ve never run from anything in my life, but right now, I feel like I don’t even know who I am. I don’t know what I feel… and I don’t want to be unstable around anyone.”

He paused, his throat tightening as he read the next part.

I need to go away to figure this out, to understand and accept everything. I know it’ll hurt that I’ve left like this, but it’s something I need to do. I can’t keep hurting the people I love—especially my sons—with my selfishness. Tell them I’m happy, and I’ll come back… I just don’t know when.”

Laura was inconsolable, her sobs filling the room. Dexter tried to comfort her, but it was no use—her pain was too deep.

Jeff swallowed hard, forcing himself to read on.

If Carter asks, tell him that for the first time, I’m blindly listening to someone. I need to trust this process, and I hope he’ll understand. I only ask one thing: take care of the company for me, Jeff and Carter. I know Carter wanted to leave, but he can postpone that until I return.”

Across town, Carter stood alone, holding the same letter in his trembling hands, tears welling in his eyes as he read Jeremy’s words.

I’ve left a video for my sons, telling them I’m away on a business trip. But I need you all to take care of them, especially you, Carter. They’re comfortable with you. Please, don’t be sad—be happy I’m on this journey.”

Carter folded the letter slowly, his chest tight with emotion. He turned to look at Jeff, who sat beside him, just as consumed by worry.

“We need to stop him,” Carter said urgently, his voice strained. “He’s not in his right mind. He’s not… he’s not well.”

Jeff shook his head.

“The letter’s been here for hours, Carter. The guard said his plane already left.” His voice was heavy with helplessness.

Carter sighed deeply, his heart sinking. He stood up and walked to the window, staring out into the darkening sky as rain began to tap gently against the glass. His thoughts swirled with concern, with confusion, with fear for Jeremy’s safety.

‘Where are you, Jeremy?’ he thought, his brow furrowed as his mind wandered. ‘Why did you have to leave like this? Why now?’

His heart ached with the weight of it all.

I hope you’re safe wherever you are, but… why, Jeremy? Why?’

Could this be the end of Jeremy and Carter’s journey?

Or… is it just the beginning?

As we reach the end of this chapter, I find myself wondering: should the journey continue? Would you like to see the story carry on in this book, or do we end here and begin a new adventure with Book 2? Your feedback and suggestions mean everything to me, and I’m truly excited to hear your thoughts on where we should go from here.
Rest assured, I’ll be reading all of your comments and am open to any ideas you may have.
Copyright © 2024 vanalas; All Rights Reserved.
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I whole-heartedly agree with everything wallycleaver said‼️A book 2 could present Carter/Jeremy POV’s, and definitely deal with the unreasonable hatred of both Laura and wannabe fiancé Dexter 🤦🏾‍♀️ Plus you have the wonderful Jeff, who has been in Carter’s corner from day one…🥰 Please continue 🙏🏽💯

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This last chapter was a catharsis.  Until this point,  Carter and Jeremy seemed destined to cause each other difficulties and suffering.  Both had deep-seated unresolved issues that weren't being addressed.

Now Jeremy has seized the bull by the horns and will work to regain control of his life.  I hope Carter can do the same and start getting over his guilt trip about his father.  Carter also needs to exorcize his aunt,  just as Jeremy must exorcize his mother who trying to impose a bit of a guilt trip on him-- and also Dexter, who seems to have imagined himself into the role of fiancé.  I worry only that Jeremy has now started this journey while Carter may not fully realize how desperately he needs to do the same thing. 

I would love to see you continue the story. Perhaps f first a few chairs about how each comes to terms with their separation and desires with their emotional issues,  and then in a list phase his they come back together,  handle the required exorcism, and build a life together.

Bravo thus far!!!

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1 hour ago, Jjeffalch said:

This last chapter was a catharsis.  Until this point,  Carter and Jeremy seemed destined to cause each other difficulties and suffering.  Both had deep-seated unresolved issues that weren't being addressed.

Now Jeremy has seized the bull by the horns and will work to regain control of his life.  I hope Carter can do the same and start getting over his guilt trip about his father.  Carter also needs to exorcize his aunt,  just as Jeremy must exorcize his mother who trying to impose a bit of a guilt trip on him-- and also Dexter, who seems to have imagined himself into the role of fiancé.  I worry only that Jeremy has now started this journey while Carter may not fully realize how desperately he needs to do the same thing. 

I would love to see you continue the story. Perhaps f first a few chairs about how each comes to terms with their separation and desires with their emotional issues,  and then in a list phase his they come back together,  handle the required exorcism, and build a life together.

Bravo thus far!!!

Yeah, let's call Father Porous 😂😂😂😂 he'll do the required exorcism lol

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This is going to be unanimous.  Please, please continue it.  For all that has happened to Jeremy and Carter this is not the end, but the beginning.

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This is a heart-wrenching chapter, but it is not the end of the story. As this is the first in a series I think this is a good place for this episode to end, remember I said episode, not story. The ending has created a perfect start to the next in the series, but what form it will take is up to you @vanalas. Will there be a book each for Carter and Jeremy until they meet again, or will it be one book with chapters alternating between Carter and Jeremy's intertwined story? Either way, I'm looking forward to what comes next, hopefully, I'll still be around to read it.

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Great story. You must continue in one form or another. You cannot leave Dexter in his misery.

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I agree with the continuation of the story.  They need some time to heal. Then maybe they can come back together.  It may be a concern that Laura or Dexter will not let Carter see the boys, hopefully Jeff will help with that.  Is Jeff having feelings for Carter? He has been extremely supportive through the whole story.  So many unanswered questions.

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Book 2 will be great.  Jeremy and Carter eventually reunite, Dexter gets his for all his subterfuge, and Laura goes on Prozac!  All becomes right with the world.

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