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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Never walk alone- Walk on - 11. Chapter 11

When Andrew and Ryan arrived home that evening, Yvonne was just finish off the it dinner and the house smelled amazing, redolent with the aroma of Indian spices. She had made pickled fish, enough to last a few days at least, which was fine because the spicy, vinegary sauce it was in acted as a preservative, and the longer the fish lay in the sauce, the better it tasted. To go with that, she had baked a fresh seed bread and there was a platter with sliced avocado.
As she was saying goodbye before heading home, Andrew asked if she was happy with the new arrangement.

"Yes, Mr Andrew. Really it's no problem at all. Ms.Marge offered me R150 a day to look after Byron, which, honestly, is more than I was expecting. so yes, I'm happy".

"Okay Yvonne, thank you. But please, if it becomes too much, please don't be afraid to tell us. We don't
want to lose you".

"Thank you Mr Andrew. I appreciate your concern. But it's all good really. My one concern is Rascal. He was very lonely today. Shame, when he wasn't on the twins beds, he was at the window looking to see when they were coming. He was so excited when he saw Mr Ryan's car coming up the road".

"I meant to ask you how he was. Well at least he's going to the office with us tomorrow".

Later that night, once they were in bed, Andrew mentioned to Ryan what Yvonne had said about Rascal.

"Damn, I will admit I never thought how Cam and Elizabeth not being here would affect him, poor puppy. It's only really the mornings. For this for first year, school finishes at 1.30. I'm sure he'll get used to it. And he does go to the office with us on a Wednesday".

All the arrangements regarding the children seemed to be working well. Byron was at the house after school each day, except on days when a Marge was on her day off, then she would fetch him at school and take him to their home. If she worked a late shift, she would pick him up at school, give him lunch, spend a bit of time with him, and then drop him off with Yvonne and the twins on her way to the lodge. He would either sleep over or she would collect him on her way home. If she was on weekend shift, Andrew had given her the choice of taking him to the lodge with her, or dropping him at the house to play with the twins. His preference was to come to the house.

Over the next week or so, Andrew noticed Ryan was a little preoccupied and often saw him sitting at his desk, intently studying his computer screen. Eventually, one night, after the twins had been put to bed and they were sitting in the lounge, Andrew's curiosity got the better of him.

"Ry, my love. What is bugging you? You've been very absorbed and obviously have something on your mind. Tell me what's going on in that head of yours? I might be able to help!"
Ryan turned to look at Andrew and smiled.

"You know me so well". He sighed and looked thoughtful for a moment, then looked back at Andrew.

"I'm seriously thinking about putting 'Amira' on the market", he told Andrew.

"Okay? I know you well enough to know you would not just do that on a whim. So why would you want to sell her? Wait, has this got to do with that website you were looking at a week or so back?"

"Yeah. While we were running for Mauritius ahead of that cyclone, I thought how much more stable 'Belle Catherine' was in very similar conditions. You and I have been on her in howling southeasters, and nortwesterly winter storms, and she's never rolled the way 'Amira' did. Admittedly, towards the end before we turned south to Port Louis, the conditions were very extreme. But initially the conditions were no worse than a gale force south-easter or a winter storm. Think back to that storm were ran ahead of on the trip that we decided to buy the house and have children on. Remember it! The sea conditions were as bad, if not slightly worse, than the conditions when we sailed from Port Mathurin on 'Amira'. Yet it was a very uncomfortable ride on 'Amira'. I'm now, more than ever, convinced that a multihull is a far more stable platform than a monohull, no matter how big or if it is equipped with stabilisers".

"Okay, I see your point. Is that the only reason?", Andrew asked quietly.
Ryan smiled.

"No. It's also her association with what happened to me. I really didn't expect that it would affect me. But when I am on board her, the thoughts do come. I admit she's gorgeous and impressive and incredibly luxurious, but to be quite honest, I don't feel at home on her. It doesn't feel like she belongs to me. With 'Belle', she's a part of me. Maybe because we conceived her together, so to speak. I just know I would much rather be on 'Belle Catherine' than on 'Amira'. So I want to sell her and have a catamaran built to replace her".

"Okay, million dollar question! Cost implications and what about the crew?"

"As far as I am concerned, Michael and the crew stay on! The boat I'm interested in is shorter in length, but a fair bit wider in the beam. So overall, it is actually a bigger boat if you take square meterage into account. And she has enough crew accommodation for them all. The thing is, if 'Amira' sells for what my research tells me she should sell for, we can pay for the new boat, fully fitted out, with all the water toys, and still have a nice bit of change left over. In addition, we still have the funds from the emir. Remember, I told Prince Abdul that if we find 'Amira' doesn't work for us, we would sell her".

"Hmmm, that's true. What sort of time frame are we looking at? I'm just thinking of logistics. Future charters, things like that!"

"Ideally, I would like her to finish the summer season here and then send her to the Mediterranean for the northern summer. As soon as she finishes up here, we put her on the market, and then ship her on board a yacht transporter to Europe. It's actually cheaper to ship her than to sail her there and it's a damn sight safer. It negates the African pirate problem. It also gives Michael and the crew the opportunity to take some leave, so that they are fresh when they start the Mediterranean summer season.
The Med is probably the most convenient place to view her should there be interest. And a prospective buyer might want to charter her before making a decision. I have great hopes that she will sell quite quickly. Not much was known about her until we put her on the charter market. Until then she had been kept very much under wraps. She's very luxuriously equipped and furnished, her safety systems are superior to most yachts. She's very well maintained and, let's be honest, she's very pretty to look at. She's a fantastic vessel, just not for us I feel. Thanks to 'Belle Catherine', Devlin-Major Charters is well known as being a catamaran charter and I want to strengthen that with the new boat".

"And how long will it take to build the new boat?" Andrew asked.

"Not as long as I feared. I have made some enquiries with the company concerned and they have a hull almost completed on spec, just waiting for a buyer to provide the finishes. So with a bit of luck, by the beginning of the new summer season, she can be in the water ready to go".

"Well, my love, it sounds like you've thought it out very well. I cannot argue with you. I will admit I had very similar thoughts on 'Amira' but it was your decision to make, not mine. I think we should go ahead and make a firm commitment on the new catamaran. If 'Amira' takes longer to sell than anticipated, the finances are there to complete the new boat until 'Amira' sells".

"Thank you, babe. I appreciate your support. I'll show you what I've got so far tomorrow and then maybe next week we can go to the builders and have a look at the hull that's in-build at the moment. Just let them know we are interested".

"Yeah good thinking! How long will we be be away? We need to get mom and dad to stay with Cam and Elizabeth", Andrew asked.
Ryan grinned.

"That's just the beauty of it. The builders are right here in Cape Town. The factory is in the harbour".
Andrew stared at him in stunned amazement.

"You're kidding! Here in Cape Town!. You mean we could have got 'Belle' built here. How did I not see that?"

"There's nothing wrong with 'Belle Catherine'. In fact, I think she's just perfect. But I'm probably biased. These guys are more well known for building day cats. Apparently, almost all the boats they use for day charters in the Water-front were built by them, although they do have a range of bigger boats. This one is their biggest build so far".

"Well, I definitely want to see the factory now. It will be interesting to see if we get the service we got from Steve and his people".

The next day being a Wednesday was Yvonne's day off, which meant the twins would be at the office after school, along with Byron. Rascal would go with the boys in the morning and spend the day with them. The really nice thing was that, especially with the gorgeous summer weather, the kids generally spent the afternoon in the pool or playing in the garden. The only time Andrew and Ryan saw them was when they were hungry or thirsty. The pool attendant/lifeguard kept an eye on them, although Andrew and Ryan normally sat on the patio of the office which had a good view of the pool deck. This was the first time that Byron was joining them , so they stood close watching him for a while to satisfy themselves that he was comfortable in the water. Ryan brought out his laptop and they sat looking at the website for the new yacht. Andrew was amazed.

"Good heavens Ry. She's got four decks.!", Andrew exclaimed.

"Yeah, she's a big baby alright. She's almost twice as long a 'Belle Catherine'. 26.5metres or just over 87feet long, 12metres or 39.6feet wide. The lower deck has five guest cabins and three crew cabins, all en suite.
The main deck has the usual saloon, galley, helm station, aft cockpit, and a cockpit in the bow as well. The deck above houses the owners cabin with its own private aft cockpit.
And the top deck is very much like 'Amira's' Sky Deck. Helm station, seating and dining area, bar area and sun pads although I want to replace the central sun pads with a small splash pool.
So she can take twelve guests and five crew. What's really cool though is that she has hybrid propulsion. Electric motors that are virtually silent, powered via lithium ion batteries charged by solar screens on the roofs and on the sides of the hulls. And diesel motors as a backup. The electric motors are ideal for cruising at night, being so quiet, and you use the diesels during the day to assist with recharging the batteries for the nighttime"

"Wow, it all sounds amazing. I'm looking forward to going to the factory to see the hull", Andrew said.

"Hmmm, me too. I know you have a lot on your plate, but can I leave to you to come up with ideas for the interiors. Something similar to 'Belle Catherine', but not an exact copy. I think both boats must have their own identity, so to speak", Ryan said with a smile.

"Yes of course, my love", Andrew replied, " although I would expect your input, just like we did with 'Belle'. To my mind, the three most important aspects are the flooring, panelling and what the main accent colour is going to be. Everything else fits in around those three. And of the three, I think the colour is the most important. So have a think about that, I will too, and give me your ideas"

They sat discussing ideas, Andrew taking notes as they talked, only stopping when the children came running in complaining that they were hungry. Andrew glanced at the time on the laptop.

"Heavens, is it really almost 6pm? I didn't realise if was that late already. Okay, Cam, Elizabeth, Byron, get all your school stuff together. Byron's mommy finishes her shift at six. We'll go meet her in the lobby. Then we can go home. Ry, it's too late to start cooking now. I'm going to ask James to arrange dinner for us. Just some carvery with vegetables. Do you want red meat or chicken?"

"I think some roast chicken would be great. Maybe something for dessert as well", Ryan replied with a grin, wriggling his eyebrows".

"Will you get the kids organised, I'll go see James, and meet you in the lobby?"

"Okay babe, see you in a few"
Andrew hurried out of the office to find Helen still at her desk.

"Heavens Helen, why are you still here?", Andrew asked her.

"You and Ryan looked so busy, I thought you might need me. So I stayed", she replied.
Andrew looked at her, horrified.

"Helen, we are so sorry. Thank you. There was really no need to stay. You should have said something".

"It's not a problem, really. But if you won't need me, then I'll get going. I'll see you in the morning", she answered, starting to gather her things.

"It's quite late already", Andrew said to her. "What are you doing for dinner?"
"I was just going to cook us something when I got home. Why?"

"No you won't! , Andrew replied. "It's our fault you are still at the office. Come with me. I'm about to go and ask James to arrange dinner for us. He can get you something as well. Then you don't have to cook. Or would you rather call your husband and get him to meet you here for dinner? My treat!"

"Thank you Andrew, that's very kind of you. Let me phone him and find out what he wants to do. I'll meet you in the lobby".

While Helen made her call, Andrew walked up to the hotel building and entered through the main doors.

"Good evening, Mr Andrew. Are you still here", Abel their Head Porter enquired as he walked in.

"Good evening Abel. Yes we are. Running a bit late tonight and the twins are already complaining that they are hungry. So I'm going to organise something from the kitchen"

"Well, enjoy your dinner, Mr Andrew". he replied before turning away as a vehicle stopped at the bottom of the stairs.
He walked through to the kitchen, greeting everyone on the way, and noting that the restaurant already had a few early patrons. The buffet looked amazing as always as he walked past. He chatted to James while a chef organised their dinner, then thanking them both, he returned to the lobby where Ryan was waiting with the twins. Marge was walking towards them from the reception desk and Helen was just coming through the doors.

"Andrew, my husband says he will meet me here, if that is fine with you", she said as she approached.

"No problem Helen. Again, our apologies for keeping you so late".
He turned to Douglas, the maitrè d.

"Douglas, Ms Helen and her husband will be dining with you tonight. Please put their bill onto my account".

"Certainly Mr Andrew. Does that include drinks?", he enquired

"Umm, I think one glass of wine each, or a small bottle and soft drinks"

"No problem, Mr Andrew. I'll make sure they send the bill to you in the morning for your signature".

"Thank you. Enjoy your evening".

"You too Mr Andrew"

He turned away and saw Marge chatting with Ryan and Helen. Byron was standing close to her side.
He turned back to Douglas.

"Douglas, Marge, the new Deputy Housekeeper and her little boy will also be here. Separate table. Same
arrangements. If she wants to take it to go, will you arrange that for her?".

"Certainly, Mr Andrew. I will look after them"

"Thank you. I know you will. Have a good evening"

"And you too, Mr Andrew".

Andrew walked back to the group of people in the lobby.

"Hi Marge, how was your first day?", he asked.
She smiled brightly.

"It was lovely, thank you. I cannot tell you how happy I am to be here. Lisa was very welcoming".

"Good, I'm pleased to hear it. I have arranged for you and Byron to have dinner here tonight, as a welcome gift. So you don't still have to go home and cook. Or if you wish you can take it home. It's up to you."

"Thank you. I appreciate that. We'll eat here and then go home"

"And Helen, your dinner is arranged as well. Bon appetit! See you in the morning".

The next morning was a lot easier, emotionally, for the boys. Having heard from Cameron and Elizabeth all about their first 'big school' day came the realisation that they were not at all fazed by the new experience but were, in fact, relishing it. Andrew, especially, felt happier, although he still felt a tug at his heart strings when he kissed the twins goodbye when they dropped then at school. Byron was waiting at the school gate having been dropped a few minutes earlier by Marge, and they watched as the three new friends met up, hugging each other before heading to the classrooms.

On arrival at the office, Andrew asked Helen to order a light breakfast for them and they both disappeared into their respective offices. Andrew would be heading up-country the following Tuesday for his monthly visits to those lodges, so he spent the morning studing their latest financial statements and making calls to arrange his accomm-odation with them.
Ryan chatted with Claude at Blue Bay and called Darren on 'Belle Catherine' just to check on the progress of the charter they were on and were due back on Sunday afternoon. Neither had any major problems, although Claude requested a meeting with him and Andrew, preferably before Andrew flew out to Johannesburg. Ryan checked with Andrew and then advised Claude that they would be at Blue Bay for lunch after picking up the children from school and taking them home.

Then he made a fairly lengthy call to the yacht builders, expressed their interest in the new hull they were build-ing, and made an appointment to visit the yard for the next Monday morning. He also updated Helen on the meeting at Blue Bay and that he and Andrew would only be available after lunch on Monday.

At noon, they were again at the school to fetch the twins and Byron. The three smiling tots ran up to them and hugged them, Byron included. He seemed to be slowly coming out of his shell. They drove to the house, getting an ecstatic welcome from Rascal, staying about half an hour with them and then drove to Blue Bay. As usual, Thomas was there when they stepped out Ryan's SUV in the very busy parking area.

"Good afternoon Mr Andrew, Mr Ryan. Welcome to Blue Bay Lodge", the Head Porter/Doorman greeted them.

"Afternoon Thomas", they both chorused. "How are you keeping?", Andrew asked him.

"Very well, thank you, Mr Andrew. How can I not be well when we are so busy".

Andrew studied the almost full parking area and his thoughts went back to the first time he had been there. Then, there had been only a handful of vehicles in the big space and he was justifiably proud of the change that they had wrought. It was even more evident when they stepped into the lobby. The building positively throbbed with life. Guests sat in the lobby chatting while more guests stood at the reception desk checking in. The patio and restaurant buzzed with conversation, and the parasol-shaded tables and chairs around the pool were also fully occupied. The lodge was doing a roaring trade.

Claude was in the restaurant chatting to guests, moving from table to table, checking that they were all happy and noticed them as they stopped in the doorway. Charles, the Maitre'd hurried across the restaurant to them.

"Mr Andrew, Mr Ryan. Welcome, Nice to see you again"

"Hello, Charles. Thank you", Andrew replied

"Hello Charles", added Ryan, "Nice and busy I see"

"Yes Mr Ryan. The normal Friday lunch time crowd. Although most of them will probably stay for sundowners as well. Mr Claude asked me to keep your table for you. This way please".

He led them to their usual table in the back corner of the patio where they had a good view of everything. He got them seated and a waiter arrived to take a drinks order, just as Claude approached the table.

"Andrew, Ryan, thank you for agreeing to see me so quickly", he said, shaking their hands.

"Sit down Claude. If they need you, you're right here. What would you like to drink?", Andrew asked.

"I'll have a steelworks thank you", Claude replied, looking at the waiter, who hurried away to get their drinks, Claude looked around. "It's surprisingly busy today for the first week that everyone is back in the office after the holidays".

"It's proof that you're doing a good job. Our guests know that if they come to Blue Bay, they're going to have good food, good service and a great experience", Ryan old him, grinning.
Claude nodded.

"Thank you. But it is a team effort".
"Yes, but it starts at the top", Andrew replied. Claude grinned.

"Then, Andrew mes amis, you must include yourselves in that as well. Not so!"
They all chuckled and then Ryan asked,

"What did you want to see us about? Not a problem, I hope?"

"No, not a problem. At least I hope not! I actually want to request some vacation time. François and I want to get married". Andrew gasped then smiled widely.

"Oh Claude. Of course!. There's no question about it. Congratulations my friend. I'm so happy for you and François".

"Yes, Definitely", Ryan added. "Congratulations! When is the big day?"

"Thank you my friends. We are planning on early July. I know it's the middle of winter here in the Cape, so it will be quieter, but we want to go to Mauritius for our honeymoon . We want to go for two weeks".

"Even if had been the middle of the summer season, it would have been fine", Andrew told him. "Thank you for thinking of the company when deciding on your date. But most definitely. And we will cover the cost of your flights and a weeks accommodation on Mauritius as our wedding gift".
Claude's eyes widened at Andrew's words and his eyes got misty.

"Mon Dieu (My God)", he whispered, clearly overcome and reverting to his native French, "It is too much, both of you, but thank you. You continue to be a blessing to this old man. I was so very fortunate to be your butler when you were on your honeymoon. I feel it was destined".

"It's our pleasure Claude", Ryan replied, "Knowing you and being able to work with you has been our pleasure. We have never regretted bringing you here from Mauritius. Have you and François decided on any other arrange-ments yet?"
The waiter returned with their drinks and they told him that they would just go to the buffet for lunch, before continuing their conversation.

"It's not going to be a big affair. Our families in France have taken no interest in us. So it will just be our Devlin-Major family here in Cape Town and some friends. We were thinking of doing everything on one of the wine estates. One that has a chapel and where we can have a small, intimate reception. But we're still deciding on which one to choose", Claude advised them.

"Well if you need any assistance or advice, please don't hesitate to ask", Andrew told him. "We're so happy for you and François. You deserve all the happiness in the world. Now, all this good news has given me an appetite. I need food", Andrew said, standing up to go to the buffet.
They enjoyed a very pleasant, tasty lunch, just chatting in general about the upcoming wedding and after lunch they wandered through the back areas of the lodge, chatting to the chefs, the housekeeping ladies and the main-tenance department before stopping off in the front office to see the reception staff and to say goodbye to Claude.
On the drive back to the office, Andrew lay his head back on the headrest of his seat with a happy smile on his face.

"We did a good thing when we stole Claude from Paradise Beach. For us and for him", he said.

"And it was all you, babe! You were the one who saw his potential and how he would fit into the company", Ryan added.

"Yeah, I suppose so! Guess I'm just a good judge of character. I married you didn't I?", he said, looking sideways at his husband with a huge grin.

"Hah, you had no choice. If you hadn't proposed, I would have. Maybe not then, but it was definitely part of my thinking. So we would have ended up married anyway".

"Yeah, I know! Just one problem with a wedding in July. I'll have to rethink our plans to go to Scotland. Claude and François need to decide on a definite date, so that we can make plans for the trip".

Little did Andrew know just how soon he would be making those plans!

Copyright © 2021 Andre Delport; All Rights Reserved.
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A huge thank you to all go you who read, reacted and commented on 'Never walk alone'. I still cannot believe the reaction it got. I hope 'Walk On' gives similar enjoyment.
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

I’m glad that Andrew and Ryan have given great thought to the future of the Amira and it’s continuing use for the Devlin-Major Charters. Ryan figured that he just didn’t feel at home on the Amira then Andrew said the same thing.  They’ve decided on getting another catamaran and the company that’s building it is right there in Cape Town. They got a surprise from Claude when he said that he wanted some more vacation time so he and Francois could get married and then have a honeymoon. This was equally great for the happy couple as Andrew said that they would cover the costs of their flights and a weeks accommodation at Mauritius 

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Andrew and Ryan have decided to sell the Amira and replace her with a new catamaran, keeping all the staff on.

Edited by chris191070
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Loved this chapter, and selling the yacht seems to make the most sense, keeping it would always be a reminder even if they decided on an extensive retrofit. Can't wait to see what the new one will look like!

Love the way they care for their staff and Claude has become a favorite, it is a crying shame his family has no use for him...so sad! Thank goodness he has Andrew and Ryan!!

It seems that Andrew is getting over his separation anxiety with the twins going off to school!

What could possibly be going on in Scotland...more babies???

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12 hours ago, Andre Delport said:

Hi folks. Once again my apologies for the late publication of this chapter. I spent the day in bed today and had the time to do a polish and edit.

I notice a few of you have already read the chapter as it appeared in its initial saved form on the site. Not sure if everyone can see the notification or whether it's just the authors,  but we have been advised to not edit a chapter after posting, but to publish and then edit. So some of you might not have read the final edited version.

Thank you all. 

Andre, read both versions and have no major concerns with either.

My personal and 'editor' comments about website / webhosts 'advisories' to any authors, let alone to really good authors such as yourself, is best reserved "lest the gods be upset". 

Anyway, this is a really good chapter, with lots of new developments, from how well Marge and Byron are fitting in at work and with the Devlin-Major family, to new developments vis-à-vis the 'floating' accommodations, as well as Claude and François getting married.

Then there are a few cliffhangers in the works. #1 being the trip to Scotland, a 'Cameron' reunion with perhaps new title & responsibilities for someone?  #2 concerning major (not pun intended) shipboard changes. #3 Nuptial cliffhanger? As for (others) suggestion of 'new babies', I don't think it will be a two-legged variety. 

Adventures await.


Edited by Anton_Cloche
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11 hours ago, Butcher56 said:

I’m glad that Andrew and Ryan have given great thought to the future of the Amira and it’s continuing use for the Devlin-Major Charters. Ryan figured that he just didn’t feel at home on the Amira then Andrew said the same thing.  They’ve decided on getting another catamaran and the company that’s building it is right there in Cape Town. They got a surprise from Claude when he said that he wanted some more vacation time so he and Francois could get married and then have a honeymoon. This was equally great for the happy couple as Andrew said that they would cover the costs of their flights and a weeks accommodation at Mauritius 

Andrew and Ryan are firm believers in the mantra " Happy staff make happy guests". Thus just reinforces their  policy

Edited by Andre Delport
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27 minutes ago, Anton_Cloche said:


Andre, read both versions and have no major concerns with either.

My personal and 'editor' comments about website / webhosts 'advisories' to any authors, let alone to really good authors such as yourself, is best reserved "lest the gods be upset". 

Anyway, this is a really good chapter, with lots of new developments, from how well Marge and Byron are fitting in at work and with the Devlin-Major family, to new developments vis-à-vis the 'floating' accommodations, as well as Claude and François getting married.

Then there are a few cliffhangers in the works. #1 being the trip to Scotland, a 'Cameron' reunion with perhaps new title & responsibilities for someone?  #2 concerning major (not pun intended) shipboard changes. #3 Nuptial cliffhanger? As for (others) suggestion of 'new babies', I don't think it will be a two-legged variety. 

Adventures await.


Hi Anton. Good try but not quite! Will post pictures of the new yacht in coming chapters. Also refer to my reply to @drsawzall

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 Nice chapter selling the Amira is not a bad idea. I. can understand why and think it’s a good plan. And build a big Catamaran also. The Amira is beautiful but not For Ryan and Andrew.🥰

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