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Loving Anniversary

   (11 reviews)
Genres: General Fiction
Sub-genres: Drama
Loving Cover.jpg

Elizabeth Liston Abelló and Fabricio Cesar Baravento have known each other since they were born. Their fathers, President César Marcos Abelló and Thiago Zeca Baravento had been friends since high school.

On the eighty-first anniversary weekend of the Supreme Court’s decision in Loving vs Virginia, the young couple marries in the Rose Garden at the White House.

Although most characters in Loving Anniversary have appeared in previous stories, this work stands on its own.
Gus Morales is the intellectual property of Parker Owens and is used with his permission.
Copyright © 2022 Carlos Hazday; All Rights Reserved.

Story Recommendations (13 members)

  • Action Packed 1
  • Addictive/Pacing 6
  • Characters 13
  • Chills 2
  • Cliffhanger 0
  • Compelling 11
  • Feel-Good 11
  • Humor 10
  • Smoldering 0
  • Tearjerker 3
  • Unique 8
  • World Building 5

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· Edited by JACC


I have to admit that I am quite partial to @Carlos Hazday's stories, so, don't go hoping for some sort of objectivity, because there will be none. Once this disclaimer is out of the way, "Loving Anniversary" is once again a beautifully crafted reading where fictional characters tell a more or less simple story, but the author is able to weave much more into his storytelling. Here we deal with racism, but also with headstrong people (Liebe is undoubtedly CJ's daughter) who are ready to go to fight for a good case.

I've told in other places how fond I am of the CJverse: a story with lots of characters develops into sort of a parallel world where CJ, Owen, Harley, Thiago etc. become real to the reader, to readers who await more or less patiently to new installments, new stories, new chapters. Every story, short or long, fills a cluster in the timeline which started with "Summer" and CJ's arrival in Washington.

I'm borrowing WolfM words to sum up this rambling: If you think you know your way in the CJverse, you have to read this. If you still don't, it is a nice appetizer. Thanks, Carlos!

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   3 of 3 members found this review helpful 3 / 3 members

I love a series.  I enjoy the character development overtime.  I get to “know” the characters.  Carlos has a core set of characters to work with and a magical method of writing that draws me inside the story.  I was hooked with the first CJ story and Carlos’ writing has improved over the years.  His hard work is obvious in the details of each chapter. 

Thanks for another great story!

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   3 of 3 members found this review helpful 3 / 3 members

Wonderful things always happen when Carlos brings us back to the Abello family and this one doesn't disappoint. To any fan of the CJverse, this is a must read. And those who aren't fans yet, climb aboard and enjoy the ride.

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James B.

   3 of 3 members found this review helpful 3 / 3 members

Well after reading this I was a little disappointed, although it was a excellent chapter, simply because the was no mention of Ritchie or the grandparents. I know CJ's grandparents are most likely deceased. Is Ritchie, Cesar, Brett and Owen's parents dead as well? I jus need a little mention on family here. 

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   5 of 5 members found this review helpful 5 / 5 members

Fun to follow along as the beloved and fierce daughter of the President gets married. It's full of fun, sass, and humor. Very sweet without being sappy. Just like Carlos. 

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   3 of 3 members found this review helpful 3 / 3 members

A brilliantly written and hopeful glimpse of a possible future where reason and fact prevail over fear and conspiracy in a vivid yet romantic story.  I highly recommend this story, especially to anyone following the CJ universe!

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   4 of 4 members found this review helpful 4 / 4 members

a great love short from Carlos with an nice look into the future of our favourite family.


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   4 of 4 members found this review helpful 4 / 4 members

A fantastic glimpse into the future with some familiar faces.

A great one off addition, to the world of CJ.

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   3 of 3 members found this review helpful 3 / 3 members

A brilliantly written hopeful look into the future that is inclusive and encompasses so much it's a testament to skilful writing. It warrants more than the five stars that I rate it. My advice? Read and enjoy.

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· Edited by raven1

   4 of 4 members found this review helpful 4 / 4 members

Loving Anniversary is a wonderful short about some excellent people, the Liston-Abelló family.  Liebe and Fab are getting married in the Rose Garden, but have to get past President Abelló's requirements to do so.  Liebe Liston-Abelló has learned much from her father and gives as good as she gets.  The story is filled with humor, love and family.  The newlywed's anniversaries will aptly correspond with the SCOTUS ruling on Loving vs Virginia.  This is a wonderful addition to the C.J. series of books, and a wonderful sampler of Carlos Hazaday's great stories.

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Gary L

   6 of 6 members found this review helpful 6 / 6 members

A great look into the future - uff in 2047 I would be ninety, but the author’s skill in story-telling makes us feel as if we were there in the White House. A lovely one-off addition to the world of CJ and Ozzie and a worthy contribution to this amazing 2022 Anniversary collection.  

if you claim to be a CJ fan, this is a must read!

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