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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

My Only Escape - 28. Chapter 28

"My Only Escape 28"


"You're not really scared of that stupid security guard, are you?" Brody asked me with a grin. "Dude...I highly doubt that he gets paid enough to interrogate the both of us, get our home phone numbers, and call our parents. That's just...that's not, like, a thing they do." He put his arm on my shoulder, but I was quick to step away from him. "Zack? Seriously...it's no big deal. We're ok. He was just bluffing."

"But what if he wasn't bluffing?" I said, my chest still heaving with panic and confusion. "I can't have anyone call my house for something like this. I can't."

"He's NOT gonna call your house! What are you talking about? Dude, just..." Brody put his hand on me again, and he was shocked by what he felt. "Omigod...Zack...you're fucking shaking! What is happening right now? Are you ok?"

I felt tears welling up in my eyes, but tried to fight them back as best I could. "I don't think...I don't think I can do this anymore." I nearly choked on the words. My throat was burning and my stomach tied itself in knots, but...when you've been through the kind of torture that I've been through at such a young age, and for such an extended period of time, it's hard to recognize anything else as being normal. Who am I without the pain? Who could I possibly be without the stress of always wanting to be better?

"Can't do what anymore?" Brody asked. "What are you saying?"

"THIS! You and me! I...I really want to, but...I can't...I can't connect, you know???" I began to cry and pounded both sides of my head with my fists as I tried to stop myself from feeling so empty. "I TRIED, ok! But I'm just...I'm damaged, Brody! It's just like your mom said. And I don't think I have the power or the courage to fix what's wrong with me! Chances are...I'm always going to be this way. And I'd be bringing you down with me if I stuck around long enough to ruin your life too!"


I interrupted him. "I can't promise you that I'll EVER get any better!!! Don't you get it? I don't think I'm even CAPABLE of being who you need me to be!"

Brody said, "I don't NEED you to be anything! There's nothing that you have to do to impress me! Nothing that you have to change about yourself in order to satisfy me! Zack...what is all this about? Why can't you just let me in?"

"BECAUSE I DON'T KNOW HOW!!!" I shouted, looking around the parking lot to see if anyone heard me screaming louder than I had planned to. Wiping tears off of my face with both hands. "I don't expect you to understand, ok? None of this is your fault. None of it. This is just who I am, ok? NOT hating myself isn't an option for me like it is for most people. I don't have time for wet dreams and fairy tales, because they're not REAL in my world. And I know that you're..." I choked up again, but my tears relieved some of the pressure needed to open my throat again. "...You're one of the most beautiful, most amazing, things that has ever happened to me. Like...ever! But I can't accept that any of this is ok. I mean...do you get it? You can't ever be 'real' to me. I don't know how to make that leap of faith. You keep telling me that I CAN, but I CAN'T!" I sobbed. "This isn't my life. I don't deserve ANY of this! I haven't earned it. How can I be anything other than a worthless burden to you? How I can I ever hope to be less than a massive disappointment? God...you're so perfect, Brody! You're so special. So loving. So...so...EPIC! And having you tell me that you care about me just sounds like another LIE! Do you understand that? It makes me feel like shit, having you LIE to me like that!!!"

Brody moved forward to hold me, but I just pushed his arms off of me, again and again. Trying to get him to leave me alone. Trying to maintain some level of distance before my heart was too corrupted for me to ever fix it again.

"Zack...what are you doing to yourself? What are you doing to US? Stop it!" He kept trying to embrace me, but I wouldn't let him.

I refused.

"If that security guard called my house...it would be a wrap for me. My father would KILL me! And it would be MY fault!"

"Your fault? What the hell are you talking about?" He asked me. SEE??? He's angry now! He hates me! I KNEW he would end up hating me!

"I don't get 'warnings', Brody. I don't get second chances. When I get home, he's going to be waiting for me. And its gonna HURT! Do you understand! It's gonna HURT!!! I don't want to provoke him! I have to be careful to not give him another reason to hurt me!"

The look in Brody's eyes nearly broke my heart. Especially once I saw a single tear roll down his cheek. "Is that what you think?" He asked. "You think that you gave your a dad an actual reason to hurt you? That anything you did could possibly justify what he does to you?"

I didn't want to look him in the eye. And the shame of it all only caused me to cry harder.

"Zack...that man may be a monster...he may be the worst human being ALIVE for what he's put you through..." He said, stepping closer to press his forehead against mine as he lightly caressed the back of my neck and we allowed our tears to flow freely between us. "...But if you honestly think that you're somehow responsible for this...this violence in your life...then he's already won. And I can't imagine any physical beating being worse than that." He sniffled. "Nothing that he can do to you can ever be worse than what you're doing to yourself. Nothing."

I closed my eyes, my cheeks soaking wet, doing all I could to pry my heart open and give Brody's love the access it deserved. But it all felt like a dream. A fleeting fantasy that was going to vanish into thin air like wisps of smoke the second I opened my eyes again. "I can hear him..." I said.


"My father. I can hear his voice...in my head. Telling me that I'm being stupid. Telling me that I'm not good enough. That I'm...some 'pretty boy' who doesn't believe in working hard enough to matter to anybody." I sobbed, gripping Brody's shoulders as I lowered my head even further. "I hear him every minute...of every hour...of every day. It won't go away. It's like a fucking poison in my veins, and it makes me sick to know that I can't tune him out like I want to."

"Yes, you can, Zack. Don't listen to his voice. Listen to mine. I love you. Do you hear me? I LOVE you!"

As orgasmic as it was to hear that from him in that moment...I felt like I knew what was best. For the both of us.

Staring down at his shoes as he kissed the top of my head...I said, "I'm sorry, Brody. But...I think that we should just accept the fact that...this isn't what either one of us thinks it is. We need to find something more. Something better."

Surprised, Brody asked me, "Are you saying what I think you're saying?" I felt his hands slip away from me, and he sadly mumbled, "Zack? Look at me. Please?"

It took a few seconds to gather my courage...but I finally opened my red, burning, eyes...and I stared up at him. A face so pretty that it used to feel me with awe and a sense of divine purpose...but now only brought me more pain. "The truth is..." I started, gritting my teeth to make sure that I didn't mince words this time. "...You weaken me. And I can't survive if you disarm me of the only weapons I have to keep my life from devouring me alive. Everything about this act of ours is bad for me. And I don't want to be a part of it anymore." I almost felt my knees buckle when I said it, but...I said it. Defiantly, even. Adding a meek, "Ok?"

It was as if Brody's heart broke right there in front of me. All of the glorious shine and warmth that I used to see reflected in his beautiful eyes had disappeared to the point where I could have sworn that they changed color on me. Darkening to a shade that I didn't recognize. And as tears drenched his pretty face in rivers of pain, I knew that I had finally delivered the potent message that I was trying to get across to him from the very beginning. The message that...I'm not worth the struggle it takes to love somebody like me. I'll never be good enough. I can't let go of who I am...even if it's to make room for who I desperately want to be.

Brody stepped back from me, and he sniffled, "You wanna know something, Zack? I think this is so selfish of you. It really is." He wiped his face on his sleeve, and he said, "You keep trying to push me away. You keep trying to punish me for loving everything about you, until I'm so used up that I don't have anything left to give. And you wanna know something...?" He asked, backing away from me in that empty parking lot. "...It's starting to work. It's really starting to work this time."

It was then that Brody sobbed a bit more, and then turned around to walk away from me. He...he actually walked away. And he didn't look back. Not once.

Was it over? Can I go back to a sense of stability and comfort again in my life? Can I start rebuilding my mask and get back to something that doesn't feel so shaky and artificial when it comes to my real world experience? I'll miss Brody, sure. It already hurts to not be as close to him as I was a few minutes ago...but...

...Sometimes it's just easier to deal with the devil you know.

And my father is that devil. I know what to expect from him. I know how to navigate around certain situations involving his abuse. And...at the end of the day...Brody's love for me might fade once he notices how utterly despicable I am on the inside. By my father? He sees it. He knows. And his rage for me will never fail me. As much as it hurts...at least it's reliable. At least it's permanent.

I think I can live with that.

Not that I have much of a choice.

I wandered the streets for a few hours after that. I couldn't go home, after all. Not until I was expected to be walking home from school. I couldn't let my father know that I ditched. It would just be another opportunity to unleash his wrath upon me in the most painful ways possible. So I just tried to stay off the main streets and sat by a dumpster behind a local strip mall so that I could take my books out and get some homework done. Sneaking out of school is a lot easier than sneaking back in, funny enough. I'd fare better just staying gone until tomorrow, I guess.

I tried to do my math homework...but thoughts of Brody's heartbreaking stare haunted me. To the point where my vision blurred and I found myself crying again. So I switched to my History homework instead. I have no idea why I thought the War of 1812 would somehow heal my wounded heart...but I gave it a shot. It worked for a minute or two. Maybe even five. But...soon, the pain of Brody's voice began to echo in my ears. 'Selfish'. That's what he called me. Selfish.

Doesn't he know that I was doing this as much for him as I was for myself?

I don't want the boy that I love more than anything in this world, myself included, to wake up one morning and think...'God. I totally wasted my time on this.'

Great. Now I'm crying again. Dammit! I thought this would bring me some relief. Give me some difference. I was hoping that I could drop the 'hot coal' before it burned me too badly. But now I feel even worse than I did before.

I hurt him.

Brody took a chance on me...and I hurt him.

My father was right about me. I'm not worth the filth that I'm sitting next to in this back alley dumpster. I'm lower than trash. Unlovable beyond words. And if breaking Brody's heart isn't direct proof of that...then I don't know what is.

I wish I could keep my brain from being stuck in this loop. Round and round we go.

At that moment, the back door of the store behind me suddenly opened up, and one of the employees was taking out the garbage when they saw me sobbing quietly to myself on the ground.

"Hello?" He asked. "Hey, kid? Are you alright?" He asked.

Embarrassed beyond belief, I immediately packed my textbooks and papers back into my backpack and stood up on my feet. "I'm sorry!" I whimpered, wiping my eyes. "I'll go. So sorry."

"Well, WAIT! Are you...?"

"I'm ok. I'm fine. Thanks." I said, and slung my backpack over my shoulder as I hurried away from him, hiding my distressed expression as much as I possibly could...running to find myself another hiding place. Somewhere.


I didn't slow my pace down until I was a few blocks away...breathing hard as my legs ached slightly from my quick 'escape'. But the moment the temporary panic faded away...the most somber thoughts began to move in on my heart from all sides. Squeezing it. Putting pressure on the overworked organ until it was almost ready to pop like a balloon. I'm no stranger to heartache. Certainly no strange to pain. But this was different. I hadn't built an emotional callous thick enough to defend me from whatever it was that was happening to me at that moment.

It was like a thick layer of ice was frosting over my heart...a collection og jagged icicles in the center of my stomach. I could feel this intense sensation of guilt crawling up the back of my neck and over my shoulders like tar...weighing me down. Suffocating my spirit.

But I'll be ok. I wasn't prepared for this but I'll deal with it. I always do. I'm supposed to be a soldier, remember?

It'll hurt for a while, sure...but eventually, Brody and I will just be two strange faces that pass each other in the hallway every now and then. Life will go on, we'll graduate high school and go our separate ways...and one day, he'll find somebody special of his very own.. Someone gorgeous and funny and super smart. Best of all...someone who won't self destruct every time someone tries to get him to put his shield down. Someone who can love him back the way he deserves. And that's when he'll finally understand why I did what I did. That's when he'll get it. And he'll thank God that he dodged that bullet for something more worthy of his time.

I can't be that person.

I just...I can't.

I had to wander the streets for a bit longer, constantly checking the time so i didn't go home before I was certain it looked like I actually just walked home. And then...the journey back to our apartment. The driveway. The back steps. Already, I could feel my muscles tightening up in defense of what might be waiting for me on the other side of that door. Will he be in a good mood? A bad mood? Will he do his best to provoke me into making him hit me? Or will he be so disgusted by the very sight of me that he sends me to my room and dares me to come out again until it was time for me to make dinner for hi and Mom? It really was a coin toss, most days. To say that there was anything predictable about my father's massive mood swings would be one of the greatest understatements of all time. But...as I ascended to the top of the steps, my hands trembling slightly as I pulled my house key out of my pocket...I knew that I'd simply have to face whatever was coming my way, regardless. So why even worry about it?

This is my home. It's not like I had any choice.

I turned the key, cringing at the sound of the door a it creaked open...alerting the 'beast' to my presence. I shut and locked the door behind me, and kicked my shoes off. Keeping my eyes open. Keeping my ears open.

And that's when I heard his footsteps approaching from the living room. An overexaggerated 'stomp', as if he had to prove to the world that this was his domain. My heart began to race frantically. He's going to know! He's going to take one look at me and hes going to know I wasn't in school. He'll dare me to lie to him, and I'm liable to take a knee buckling shot in the stomach for it. Am I ready for this? Am I ready?

Too scared to stand still.

Too terrified to run away.

Too scared to look him in the eye.

Too terrified to look away.

I just froze. Glancing up at his intimidating glare as he towered over me. Waiting. Always waiting.

However, this time, he didn't say a word. He gave me a dirty look for a moment, and sort of shoved me out of his way as he reached into the fridge and got himself a cold bottle of beer. Was that it? Is it over? Am I safe for now?

He saw me standing there, practically shaking myself to pieces...and as he opened up his bottle and tossed the top in the trash, he took a healthy gulp or two, and grunted, "Homework. Get it done. Let's go."

"Yes, sir..." I sighed, still stuck in a state of fear induced paralysis.

I didn't realize that I had stopped breathing until he turnedto walk back to the living room TV again. He...he didn't hurt me. He didn't even yell at me. Good! This is GREAT!!!

Ok, so...homework. Right. And I'll make dinner, and my mom will come home, and things will be...they'll be normal.

See? I can have a good day too...on occasion. I just have to keep trying harder. That's all.

Keep trying harder.

Copyright © 2010 Comicality; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

2 chapters in less than one year! Seriously, Comsie, you've outdone yourself! I remember reading the first 6ish chapters on Nifty about 15 years ago... it's got to be a tough story to write.

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I feel so bad for Zach and Brody. Zach has been through hell, hell that isn’t even his fault yet he blames himself constantly. Hopefully one day Zach will be able to cope...😢

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Oh, how I wish this wasn't the end for Zack and Brody, but it really doesn't look good this time. You know, it really hurts to see Zack try to sabotage his own happiness at every turn, and I really thought Brody was starting to get through to him. I'm still hoping for a positive ending, but this gets so difficult to read sometimes. I just don't understand how anyone can live with themselves after treating another human being this way. :hug:

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7 hours ago, Asher25 said:

Belive me. Abusive fathers deserve the worst. That’s why I love Com’s stories. He tells the story truthfully and doesn’t cover the bs up. My dad once even made me throw out 15 pairs of my shoes and made me go barefoot and BUY a pair of slippers from the dollar store to teach me a lesson! F***! I should PAY com just for writing this! You taking donations Com? Hmm? *waves 50’s* 

I hope you’re okay now. You’re right abusive fathers have no right to mercy not after all the damage they cause. They always find a problem in everything and nothing is ever good enough for them. Grew up with one too and he could never admit his faults. Always tried to play the good guy yet behind doors he would hit us until our bodies were bruised as children. 

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1 hour ago, Comicality said:


I've been really moved by your responses here, in email, and some others coming from Nifty. And I wanted to express my feelings tonight concerning you guys who have been through similar situations, or may be going through them now. I think it's important.


There were many times when I wanted to quit. Walk away from 'Comicality' and pretend that I was never here at all. The voice that I've been writing about in this story, in GFD, or in earlier chapters of New Kid...? It's real. It doesn't go away. But I wanted to tell you that it can be beaten. You can maneuver around it once you see it for what it is. 


It's not your fault. It never was.


I've been talked down from a ledge many times over the years, and a few of those times came from Myr himself, right here at GA years ago. He's seen me at my lowest points, and he stepped up to really be there for me on more than a few occasions. Even enlisting others at GA to help out with love and support as well. I won't ever forget that. So thank you for being a friend. ((Hugz))


For all of you who are struggling with voices of your own, I know that it can be difficult a times...but it's not stronger than you are. Love yourselves. And know that it will only make you stronger in the end. K? Don't let it beat you. 


Joy is truth, and truth is absolute. No amount of abuse can take that away from you.


Love always. And this post is for you...



You’re better than me I probably would have told everybody fuck off im not updating shit anymore with the amount of people bothering you

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They don't bother me, they inspire me. Either to keep going or to get better. So t's a win/win as far as I'm concerned. :P 

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Hey @Comicality hoping all is well, can I ask how your going with a new chapter. Have re read the story a few times and am soooooo keen for the next instalment. Hope you have a fantastic day 😁😁

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57 minutes ago, FSELL said:

Hey @Comicality hoping all is well, can I ask how your going with a new chapter. Have re read the story a few times and am soooooo keen for the next instalment. Hope you have a fantastic day 😁😁

Newest chapter is done! :)

Unedited, but it'll be up soon! K?

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I've lost friends listening to that voice in my head. This chapter really pulls on my emotions. You're storytelling is as great as always. Can't wait for the next chapter. I really hope it gets better for Zack soon. 

Edited by LHSJ
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Hoping this chapter is an example of two steps forward, one step back.  That happens a lot.

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NOOOOOO! No, no, no, no, no! What are you doing, Zack? What have you done! 😭 I'm literally crying right now.

Brody didn't deserve this, and neither did Zack! :no: Ugh, this hurts!

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On 2/10/2019 at 4:10 AM, Comicality said:


I've been really moved by your responses here, in email, and some others coming from Nifty. And I wanted to express my feelings tonight concerning you guys who have been through similar situations, or may be going through them now. I think it's important.


There were many times when I wanted to quit. Walk away from 'Comicality' and pretend that I was never here at all. The voice that I've been writing about in this story, in GFD, or in earlier chapters of New Kid...? It's real. It doesn't go away. But I wanted to tell you that it can be beaten. You can maneuver around it once you see it for what it is. 


It's not your fault. It never was.


I've been talked down from a ledge many times over the years, and a few of those times came from Myr himself, right here at GA years ago. He's seen me at my lowest points, and he stepped up to really be there for me on more than a few occasions. Even enlisting others at GA to help out with love and support as well. I won't ever forget that. So thank you for being a friend. ((Hugz))


For all of you who are struggling with voices of your own, I know that it can be difficult a times...but it's not stronger than you are. Love yourselves. And know that it will only make you stronger in the end. K? Don't let it beat you. 


Joy is truth, and truth is absolute. No amount of abuse can take that away from you.


Love always. And this post is for you...



Oh WOW! That is so heartbreaking! I hate that you went through all that! I do know about abuse but it was from my mom not my dad and he helped me a lot. I do hear the voices too. My abuse might not be as bad as yours was but it was still abuse. My mom did not always physically abuse me but she did abuse me verbally a lot. She let my sister who was 2 years younger do whatever she wanted to and she thought I should be her model to show her what she should be. If I said a cuss word and my sister did too, I would be the one she got on to not my sister. And this was when we were both over 21 that she did this to me. The only problem was we both lived with her and I worked in her bar. We would see her doing things that she would always tell us to not do and she "THINKS" I should be a role model for my sister! I think she got it backwards! She should have been the role model to show both of us, NOT ME!

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Well, I feel kind of silly.  I was reading this on my Amazon device and just finished book four thinking I was finishing the series.  Lol.  Boy was I mistaken.  But I am so happy to learn that there is more to this story.  Book four ends around this chapter.  I thought it was the end of the story.  I felt so bad for Zack!!!  Brody too.  God, what a sad chapter.  I was feeling all bleak and bummed at what I thought was the sad ending.  What Zack is dealing with crushes me.  I have some of this in my background so it is hard to read.  I have some of those same voices flying around in my brain.  At first, I avoided this series because of my history.  However, once I started, I kept reading because Zack is a fighter not just a survivor.  The connection he has with Brody is something was all hope and long for.  I know that the voices Zack is hearing are very real to him but I hope he can learn to silence those voices or at least keep them at bay. Comicality, thanks for writing this and creating some characters that I truly love getting to know.  

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On 2/7/2019 at 12:00 PM, Black Paper said:

My god. I haven’t even finished reading, yet. But,


"I can't promise you that I'll EVER get any better!!! Don't you get it? I don't think I'm evenCAPABLE of being who you need me to be!" 

Brody said, "I don't NEED you to be anything! There's nothing that you have to do to impress me! Nothing that you have to change about yourself in order to satisfy me! Zack...what is all this about? Why can't you just let me in?" 

"BECAUSE I DON'T KNOW HOW!!!" I shouted, 


and this right here...



"My father. I can hear his voice...in my head. Telling me that I'm being stupid. Telling me that I'm not good enough. That I'm...some 'pretty boy' who doesn't believe in working hard enough to matter to anybody."


I don’t know how you’re doing this. Or what kind of sick black magic or crystal ball you have, but you’re literally writing my life. F***! This is exactly how I act think am and have lived my whole life. My god it’s not just cute anymore it’s scary as hell. All Zach needs to do now is buy himself a Starbucks iced coffee to drown his feelings with caffeine and not know where he put his other sock and he’s ME. This is just disgusting. Im honestly scared of Com now. He’s psychic I tell you.🔮PSYCHIC! I ♥️ you Com.

You too? Dammit. Hugs and love.  Sigh 😔 

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im late at discovering this series and this site but whatever. I’m really truly heartbroken over what happened bt Zack and Brody. I hope they mend. I hope Brody realizes Zach doesn’t realize what he’s doing and I hope Brody finds a way to not break his promise to Zack and get him help bc at this point he needs serious therapy..the kind I had for 6 yrs straight every week kinda therapy. Zack is borderline suicidal right now and does t even know it but I do. I’ve been there. This is all too familiar. Zack’s pos father has brainwashed him with his negativity so much it wouldn’t take much 

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I fear this is what I would have done if I’d ever found a Brody. The voices told me and still tell me I can’t have that kind of love. It’s wrong for me to want it, etc. It’s the emotional abuse that eats away at your soul…your very humanity. I empathize with Zack, naturally. Comsie always was good at putting into words what others can’t. 

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