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    Dans La Nuit
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  • 2,228 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Worthington Manor - 16. Chapter 16

Justin thought Craig was a really cool person. He was someone he could grow to trust and count on. Craig was a little bit taller than Justin, maybe only an inch. He had jet back hair that was cut short. He was a very thin, lean person, but still a little bit built. He had a little muscle tone. He showed it off when he took off his sweater and his t-shirt got stuck to it for a short second.

When Justin saw his lightly outlined six pack his knees almost buckled. As the British would say, he was fit. He had deep brown eyes that you could stare in for day and an incredibly small beauty mark on the edge of his mouth that went a long with a smile that could make your stomach do turns.

But none of this affected Justin. The only one he thought of in a sexual way now was Luke. He just knew that Craig was a very attractive young man, but in Justin’s eyes he didn’t hold a candle to Luke. Luke, with his ear length blond hair and devastatingly sexy blue eyes just blew Justin away. His skater’s body and demeanor just made Justin buckle at the knees. Just hearing Luke’s voice made Justin’s body start to tingle. Justin made his way to his room, opened his door and there was Hunter, sitting on his bed.

“Hey…Hunter.” said Justin, awkwardly.
“I want to know why.”
“I don’t know why.”
“Am I just so repulsive that you had to go have an affair with a straight guy?” asked Hunter
“He’s not straight Hunter.”
“He goes out with girls Luke. He’s still going out with Jessica. Do you really think he’s going to put you first over her? No, he’s not because she’s his cover. As long as she’s with him, nobody will suspect that’s he’s gay.”
“He wouldn’t do that to me. He loves me.” said Justin
“Yeah and I bet he tells her the same exact thing.”

Justin knew better than to believe him, but it was a very good argument on Hunter’s part. He went through the situation over and over in his head and couldn’t come up with one single reason why he wouldn’t be telling her the exact same things that he’s telling him.

“Where are going with this Hunter?” asked Justin
“I’m trying to say that we were good together and I’m willing to give you another chance.” said Hunter

Hunter got up and walked straight up to Justin and got close enough to where they were about two inches apart. He looked straight into Justin’s green eyes. Justin looked back into Hunter’s brown eyes.

“I still love you Justin.” Hunter said softly.

Justin gently place Hunter a few inches more away from him.

“Hunter, I thought that I really cared about you, but now I know that it was just because I thought I had to, because you were my first. I will always hold a special place in my heart for you, but only because I gave my virginity to you. That’s as far as my care for you goes. Luke has made me see what true love feels like and it’s not something that I had for you.”
“But we were so good together.” said Hunter as he got closer.

Hunter put his lips onto Justin’s, and even though that’s not what Justin wanted, he didn’t exactly push him off. But then, he realized what he was doing and pushed Hunter off.

“See, you want it as much as I do.” said Hunter
“I pushed you off Hunter.”
“Yeah, only after you realized what was happening.”
“Because I don’t want to lead you on; I don’t feel for you the way I do for Luke. There’s nothing between you and me.” said Justin
“Please Justin. I love you.” said Hunter
“But I don’t love you.” said Justin

Hunter’s eyes filled with tears and he ran out of the room. Just as he ran out, Craig walked in.

“What was that about?” asked Craig
“He tried to get back together.”
“Did you blank him?” asked Craig
“Did you ignore him?”
“Yeah, I’m not into him anymore. I love Luke and only Luke.” said Justin.
“Well good for you. It wouldn’t be fair on him if you led him on like that.” said Craig “So, are you going to take me out for a laugh?”
“What?” asked Justin. “Now”
“Why not. You need a cheerin’ up.” said
“Okay, I guess we could go to Mikey’s.”
“What’s that?” asked Craig
“It’s a restaurant.” said Craig
“Alright, cheers mate. Let me just pull on my trainers and slip on a jumper and we could make a move.” said Craig
“Um, okay?” said Justin

Justin had no idea what Craig was saying, but figured it would be a lot easier if he just went with it. After Craig was ready, they caught the bus to go to Mikey’s. They walked in and Craig took a look around and loved it.


Justin looked over and saw Luke with Jessica, Noah, and Laura, and panicked. He turned to Craig and turned him towards him.

“Craig, Luke is over there and he’s with his girlfriend. She doesn’t know anything so you can’t say anything.”
“Bring it down a bit. I won’t say anythin.” said Craig
“Thanks. Can we just sit over here away from them?” asked Justin
“Aw, come on; I wanna meet ya mates.” said Craig

Justin took Craig to the corner where Luke and all of his friends hung out. When Luke saw Justin with Craig, he gave them the jealous look. How Jessica didn’t notice this look is a mystery. He took Craig and introduced him to everyone.

“Everyone, this is Craig Baker. He’s from England. He’s going to be staying with me and my family for a couple years on a foreign exchange program.” said Justin. “Craig this is Luke, Jessica, Noah and Laura.”
“All right then, how are ya?” asked Craig
“Oh love his accent.” said Laura.

Laura threw herself onto Craig.

“You American’s sure are friendly.” said Craig looking at Laura touching him.
“Laura, once again you’re barking up the wrong tree.”
“You too! Are there no straight guys anymore?” panicked Laura

Noah gave her a sad look that said ‘What about me’. Luke’s jealousy got even more obvious.

“Is there something wrong, Luke?” asked Jessica.

Craig began to laugh under his breathe and Justin gave him the ‘Stop it’ look.

“No I’m fine. Hey Justin wanna go to the counter and get some drinks?” asked Luke
“Sure. Hey Craig do ya want anything?” asked Justin
“Na, I’m not thirsty.” said Craig

Luke and Justin walked to the counter and as they were waiting for the waiter, they chatted.

“So who’s this guy?” asked Luke
“He’s just my friend. He’s like a brother.” said Justin
“But he’s gay.” said Luke

Justin lightly chuckled.

“Listen, Luke, you don’t have anything to worry about. I love you.” said Justin
“He just better stay away.”

At first, Justin was slightly amused by Luke’s jealousy, but now it was getting sort of hypocritical. They ordered their drinks.

“Listen, you can’t be jealous of me and whoever because it’s not exactly fair when you’re always all over Jessica and there’s nothing I can do about it.”
“That’s different; you know that I don’t have any feelings for her.”
“And you should know how much I love you and that I would never ever look at anyone else the way that I look at you.”
“Are you sure, ‘cause he’s really hot and that accent, ooh.” said Luke, playfully.
“Come one, let’s just go. We have our drinks. You need to go back to your girlfriend.”
“I don’t want to spend time with her now that you’re here.” said Luke
“Are you sure that you want to spend time with me, or is it because I’m here with Craig.”

Luke gave him a guilty look.

“You see, I’m right. Listen, Craig and I will just go somewhere else. We can go to Charlie’s.”
“Don’t go to Charlie’s. That place is dead boring.”
“Then are you going to be able to hold back your jealousy because if you can’t you’re going to blow everything.” said Justin
“I can do that. I can, but you have to promise me that you won’t dangle him in front of me.” said Luke
“There’s nothing to dangle Luke. Craig and I are just friends.” said Justin

They walked back to the booth with their drinks and Craig was already getting to know Laura, Noah and Jessica and vice/versa.

“So I see you guys are getting along.” said Justin
“Yeah, ya mates are really nice.”
“Well what did you expect?” asked
“I donno mate, I just thought that ya mates might be a bunch a wankers. Ya said you didn’t have friends.” said Craig
“Well, I said I didn’t have a lot of friends.” said Justin.
“Who needs a lot when you got this lot.” said Craig
“I guess you’re right.” said Justin
“Hey Justin, can I talk to you outside?” asked Jessica.
“Shh-sure.” said Justin.

They walked outside.

“What’s up Jess?” asked Justin
“Are you sure that there’s nothing up with Luke? I saw you guys arguing at the counter. What were you arguing about?” asked Jessica
“I-I can’t do this Jessica. I can talk to him if you want, but this is something that you have to talk to Luke about.”

Justin walked back in and left Jessica outside high and dry. He walked over to Craig.

“Can we go? I’m having a lousy time.” said Justin
“What ya on about? I was just startin’ to have some fun.” said Craig
“Please” said Justin
“Yeah, alright”

They left and Luke followed them with their eyes. They caught the bus. Craig tried to figure out what was wrong, but as Craig would say, Justin blanked him. They walked into the house. Justin was silent and went straight to his room. Craig followed him into the room.

“What’s up with ya, mate? Have you gone mental?” asked Craig
“I just can’t take this anymore. I can’t take it when Jessica, my love’s girlfriend asks me for advice on him. I hate this.” said Justin in a panicked tone.
“Come on mate. You just need to sort things out. In time, you’ll get to be the one ya love.” said Craig
“Thanks Craig”
“Do ya want me to stay with ya?” asked Craig
“No, I think I just want to be alone.”

No one else was home. It seemed that they had gone out to eat also. It was only Craig and Justin. As Craig was leaving Justin’s room, the doorbell rang and Justin asked Craig to answer it. He did. It was Luke

“Is Justin here?” asked Luke
“Yeah, but he’s not well. Maybe you should come round later.” said Craig
“No, I want to see him now.”
“Right then, you might as well come in.” said Craig. “He’s in his room.”
“Thanks Craig.” said Luke

Luke walked into Justin’s room and Justin gave him the dirty looks of all dirty looks.

“I hate what this is doing to me, Luke. This situation is turning me into an asshole. Jessica is getting more and more suspicious everyday. I don’t know if I can do this much longer.”
“I love you Justin. I think that I will ever stop. I don’t like seeing you like this.”
“Then tell her.”

Luke went to Justin’s house not knowing that Jessica had also made plans to show up there also. In fact, her bus had almost arrived.

“I will, tomorrow, at school.” said Luke.
“Are you sure?” asked Justin
“Yes absolutely. I love you and I want to be with you.”

Luke started to undress himself. He then walked towards Luke with his sweater and t-shirt already off and his pants unbuttoned. He pushed Justin onto the bed. Meanwhile, Jessica was knocking at the door, something that Justin and Luke didn’t hear, but Craig did. He opened the door.

Craig really wasn’t trying to make thing worse for them. He was just trying to help Luke and Justin’s situation but pushing it along. His intentions were not negative. They were very much positive. So, as Craig was telling Jessica that Justin was in his room, leaving out that Luke was also in there, Justin and Luke’s love making had gotten further.

Justin’s t-shirt was now off and so were his pants, along with Luke’s. The lovers were each in their underwear. Luke was on top of Justin, kissing at his chest and his abs, Justin moaning in pleasure. Jessica was making her way up the stairs, oblivious of what she was about to walk in on. She knocked on the door, but not loud enough for them to hear. Since no one answered she walked right in.

Her eyes met the sight of her boyfriend and Justin kissing. Them, not know she was there, kept going. Luke was kissing Justin all over his body; his neck, his chest, his abs, and of course on the lips. The shock took her over and she couldn’t move. She could feel the tears coming, but she was too angry to let them flow.

“Don’t stop on my account.” said Jessica

Copyright © 2011 Dans La Nuit; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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