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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Trash Polka - 22. Chapter 22

[R: Sorry. I had no idea he was coming.]

I stretched my legs out and rolled over, resting my hand on Kenji’s chest as he glared at his phone. We still needed to talk about a lot, but for now I just didn’t want to deal with anything. I was going to give myself some time to enjoy the fact that I was in a committed relationship. That was a big deal for me. I snuggled into him as I waited for Alec’s response, running my fingers over the velvety choker around my neck.

It wasn’t super late. The night was still young, and I had so much energy. I traced the lines in the ink on Kenji’s ribs and he reached up, fingers stroking over my temple gently as he gave his phone the dirtiest look. I’d been in the hotel room for far too long today. We should get out and do something. It’d be good for Alec too. This way, perhaps I could get them to bond as well. They were important to me. I wanted them to like each other. Even if I knew that Kenji wasn’t going to be everyone’s cup of tea.

He had a strong personality. So did I, but his was different. I’d never met anyone like him, and it was nice. He tempered my anxious energy. It was like a soothing calm. There’d been several instances already where I’d needed him just to regulate myself. My addiction to the calm and silence that came with him was still something I needed to address. Or maybe…maybe it was something we could tackle together. I’m sure it’d be far easier to deal with if I had his help.

I heard my phone go off and I turned away from my more serious thoughts to glance at my phone. It hadn’t taken Alec long to answer and I’m sure he was anxious. I would have been too if some random guy I’d never met before showed up at my best friend’s hotel room. I unlocked the device and went to our text thread.

[A: Is everything okay?]

[R: Awkward at first. Okay now. He’s hot huh?]

[A: That’s not what’s important here, freak.]

[R: What else could be more important?]

[A: Is he staying?]

[R: Tonight at least. We’re going to go out. You in?]

[A: No.]

[R: Give me like forty minutes and then I’ll come to your room.]

I sat up. I’d stolen Finn’s phone number from Alec’s phone as soon as possible and a plan was forming in my mind. I thought about it for all of two seconds before I sent off a message. After five minutes, I hadn’t heard anything, and I frowned. I glanced at Kenji.

“Do you want to go out for drinks?”

He looked away from his phone and his fingers slipped over my hip, rubbing in circles gently, “I suppose. The look on your face is interesting.”

“This is my plotting face.” I said as I pulled up the contact and pressed the call button.

“Noted. I hope to never be the recipient of the plotting.” He stood and walked into the bathroom. He left the door cracked and I heard him start speaking to someone in a different language. He didn’t sound happy. I was just matchmaking. His tone of voice was the threatening one. My plotting was innocent. Mostly.

“Hello?” A groggy voice finally answered.

“Finn! Get dressed and meet us at the bar!”

“R-River? How’d you get my phone number?”

“Irrelevant! Do as told Larson!” I grinned to myself, “Alec will be there.”

“Man, Riv. I don’t know if that’s a great idea.”

“It’s the perfect idea. You have a half hour pumpkin.”

I hung up and sent off a quick message to Alec to let him know the plans for the night and then I sent Finn the address of the bar. I felt a bit like a maniacal child smashing two dolls’ faces together. Kenji emerged from the bathroom, pushing his loose bangs off his forehead. I watched for a moment. He looked so much younger when the strands were loose and not painstakingly styled. I forced myself to snap out of it, standing and throwing things from my suitcase onto the bed.

Kenji watched and held up the pants before shaking his head and letting them drop back to the mattress, “You dress like no one I’ve met before.”

“Thank you? I don’t know if that’s a compliment.” I said as I brushed past him to shower. I wasn’t even a little upset when the shower door opened a few minutes after I’d gotten in. That was a kind of company I wasn’t going to complain about. Ever.


Once I had rid myself of the sins we’d committed earlier, I started assembling my outfit. I pulled on my thick sweater that boasted black and neon pink stripes. Then I pulled on my black jeans. They were high-waisted and I added a studded belt that had several chains hanging off it. Kenji made a face when I pulled on my favorite dinosaur socks and then my bright purple combat boots.

“I’d just like to point out that you can side eye me all you want, but your thirsty ass followed me all the way here from Washington. You’re the one who desperately wanted me. Remember that Ji.”

“I’ve no regrets. I care not how you cover your person as long as I’m the one seeing what’s underneath all the offensive layers.” He stepped closer and pulled me to him with his hands on my hips.

“Oh, look at you. We started dating and suddenly you’re all smooth. That’s dangerous. Especially if we want to leave this room.” I ran the pad of my thumb gently over the scare under his eye and he smirked at me. His fingers slid under my sweater and skimmed up my spine.

“We have to go. After I dry and straighten my hair.” I said reluctantly. I ran my fingers over his shoulders. He wasn’t wearing the suit jacket or the tie anymore and he was struggling to keep his hair out of his eyes. Some of his gel was hanging on for dear life as he’d refused to get his hair wet. It still seemed like a losing battle.

“Do we?” He asked. His gaze dropped to my lips and I almost gave in. Almost. Then his eyes met mine again and he ran his fingers through my hair, “Don’t straighten it.”


We waited for a few minutes outside Alec’s room and I started to get a bit nervous, “I invited his ex. He’s the one that got away, but I feel like they could really have something beautiful. They’ve been circling each other since we got back into town. Alec doesn’t know I invited him.”

Kenji’s eyes widened as I rambled, and he opened his mouth to say something, but the door opened. Alec looked at us nervously. He was wearing black jeans and sneakers and hadn’t yet decided on a shirt apparently. He looked from Kenji to I and I could see him reconsider.

“Hey. Come on. Adventure time.” I said, grinning at him and pulling a face. I’d thrown on some heavy black eye makeup, but I felt a little weird with my normal hair texture out for the world to see. It was wavy and a little chaotic without being straightened. It made me feel a little out of sorts, but Kenji had kept running his fingers over and through it so I would deal.

“I don’t want to go River.” Alec sighed, leaning against the door frame.

“Odd, Ji, did I phrase my last sentence as a question? I don’t believe I did.” I asked, looking down at Alec. I was entirely unimpressed. He didn’t even know of my plot yet and he was already trying to bail. Rude.

“No. It was clearly a statement and now you’re being facetious. If he doesn’t wish to go-“

“Shh. Point is, get dressed, you’re coming nerd.”

He tried to stare me down, but Alec had never been able to intimidate me, and it wasn’t going to change today. I waited and knew the moment he’d given up. It brought a triumphant grin to my face. Alec spun around, sighing, “I am dressed, but looking at the two of you, it seems like we’re going to two different places.”

“Yeah, and I’m sure Finn will be in gym clothes, so we’ll really look strange together. Believe it or not, this is Kenji’s casual attire.” I decided to just put it out there as I flopped onto Alec’s bed. Kenji closed the door and leaned against the wall, tucking a cigarette behind his ear as his dark eyes trailed over me before cutting to the window.

“What do you mean? Finn?” Alec froze, staring at me.

“Oh, I invited him.” I said, sitting up on my forearms.

“I just told you we aren’t planning on being together. We had that conversation earlier today. It’s way too soon to try and hang out as friends.” He was annoyed. I knew he would be. I was determined that they just needed one good push. I was more than happy to be the one shoving.

“I’ll call for a cab or something.” I said as I unlocked my phone. Alec was grumbling to himself and ignoring us. I watched him consider a few shirt options before taking off to the bathroom. He had a simple black shirt clutched in his hand. I exchanged a look with Kenji. He raised an eyebrow and shook his head. I blew him a kiss.

“Don’t feel like you need to rush.” Alec sighed as he came back. He already looked defeated.

“I promise you. It’s going to be okay. You might even have,” I paused for a dramatic gasp, “Fun!”

When we got out of the car, I spotted Finn pretty quickly. He looked nice. I knew when Alec had seen him too because his shoulders drooped and panic flitted through his eyes. We walked toward the entrance. I leaned into the touch as Kenji’s fingers came to rest on my lower back as we walked. Alec trailed behind and part of me wondered if I was pushing too hard. Maybe this really was too much?

When we reached Finn, I tried to ignore the weird pissing contest that ensued. Finn was a big guy. Athletic. I liked him as a person. If push came to shove, though, I would be terrified for him if he had to square off with Kenji for some reason. I had nothing to base this decision off of other than the man's intense presence. My assessment was confirmed when Kenji finished eyeing the other man and seemed to dismiss him. I shouldn’t find it hot. I was ridiculous really. The whole, “my man could beat up your man,” thing was so childish. It was, but I mean, Kenji would win.


The night was…weird. I was intoxicated. At first, I’d thought I should stay alert in case something went wrong. I had orchestrated this whole thing after all. In the end, I knew that no matter what happened, Finn wasn’t a danger to Alec. Nor would he ever be. If that failed, Kenji wouldn't let anything happen. I trusted him. Which was startling to admit to myself. It was easier instead to focus on my smoke breaks. They’d started pretty normal. Kenji didn’t come with at first. Then, when I had more to drink, he started accompanying me.

Which might have been a good thing. Every time I came back after I’d left the three of them alone, things were tense. Finn was angry, Alec was upset, and Kenji…well he was normal. I doubted he’d ever truly let his emotions be known in public. I knew he was blunt and direct. I also knew he wasn’t afraid of upsetting people. He also wasn’t afraid of Finn or really anyone else either. As much as I loved my high school friend, Finn used his size and strength to his advantage. He had since we were kids. That wouldn’t work on Kenji. He was a few inches shorter and less wide, but completely unbothered. That was the source of a bit of Finn’s anger. Being the big fish in your hometown pond gave you a certain boldness. Unfortunately, Kenji wasn’t from this pond. Finn wasn’t going to intimidate him. Which meant Kenji said whatever he wanted without fear of repercussions.

As far as Alec’s issue? I had no idea. I tried to step in and soften Kenji’s sharp edges, but at the end of the day, we were all adults. If they had a problem, they could voice it and figure it out. I flicked the butt of my cigarette away and returned inside. Things had reached a boiling point. Finn was standing, Kenji was calm, and Alec looked like he’d been caught in the middle.

“How come you guys look upset every time I come back to the table?” I whined as he slid in next to Kenji and cuddled into his side. He looked surprised a little but then draped his arm over my shoulders. I didn’t care. We were together. That meant I had earned a little bit of PDA.

“It’s nothing. I was making an ass of myself. Kenji was helping me out.” Finn shrugged and smiled sheepishly. Alec met my eyes but he only lifted his shoulders a bit in a half-hearted shrug. I was still suspicious.

I kept my mouth shut and whatever happened when I was gone seemed to have broken some kind of barrier. The emotions settled down a little and everyone started acting like normal humans. Kenji even let them talk at him. He even deigned to answer a few questions. I felt like I kept getting closer and closer. Soon I was going to be on his lap. The constant drinks didn’t help. Finn and I were taking turns buying as we kept the conversations afloat.

“I need another smoke!” I said as I stumbled from the booth, “Ji, you coming?”

“Yes. You can barely walk.” I didn’t know what he was talking about. I was totally fine. I staggered a little bit and I felt him right me. Okay, maybe I had imbibed a bit more than I thought. I wrapped my arms around one of his and leaned against him.

“I’m totally fine!” I assured him (loudly) as he guided me to the back door.

He deposited me against the wall gently. I sagged a little, looking up at him, “You’re, like, super hot.”

He chuckled softly as he lit his hand rolled smoke. He handed it to me before producing another. He held it in his mouth as he leaned forward, using the cherry from my cigarette to light his. I shuddered as his eyes locked on mine when he leaned back. His lips started a smile as he spoke, “You’re, like, super drunk.”

“Yes.” I nodded seriously as though he'd said something profound, and exhaled smoke, turning my head so it didn’t hit him in the face.

He’d moved closer holding his cigarette in one hand as his other ran down my cheek, “I think you’ve hit your limit, River.”

“I think you should mind your business.” I giggled as I took another drag and blew a ring that drifted past his head.

“Is that so?” He said and his fingers moved up, gripping my hair as he pulled my head back. I was already gone for this man. It tore a soft moan from my throat. He flicked his smoke away and I’d apparently dropped mine at some point. I went easily as he tugged me to him, his mouth covering mine.

I got lost in it for a few moments until my knees buckled, “Shit!”

“I think it’s time to call it a night.” Kenji mumbled into my ear after he caught me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and snuggled into him.

“Mm.” I mumbled as his hand slid slowly up and down my back. I closed my eyes and rested my face in his neck.

“Let’s go check on your friends.”

I nodded and he removed my arms, holding my hand instead as we moved back into the bar. I thought it was the alcohol at first, but no. Our table was empty. I glanced back to Kenji, trying to keep control of my concern.

“They’re fine River. I’m sure they left together. It seems your plotting was successful.” He stepped forward and dropped several bills on the table. It had to be far more than necessary, but I wasn’t going to rip off a hard-working waitress or bartender.

Kenji was right next to me again and his hands rested on my hips, “They’re fine. Let’s get you to bed, hm?”

I nodded. That did seem logical. After that, I went a little downhill. The issue was that the human head is heavy. Incredibly so when you’ve had quite a lot to drink. My head lolled on the seat as we were driven back to the hotel. It took an incredible amount of patience on Kenji’s part to get us into the room. Then he had to get both of us undressed and into bed. The man was a saint really. We didn’t need to talk about anything else he might have done in his life.


“Yes River?” He said as he gathered me into his arms under the covers. I was blissfully warm and comfortable. I could barely keep my eyes open.

“I think I’ll keep you.” I mumbled into his shoulder.

River/Kenji fluff? 😯
Copyright © 2024 Demiurge; All Rights Reserved.
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