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Noah and Jordan

   (14 reviews)

It started off as a simple, innocent friendship between two college students brought together by an English project. Noah is shy, quiet and nerdy, while Jordan is the exact opposite, athletic, social and outgoing. A series of events, a break up, an unexpected injury, bring the two closer together. And as the pair delve deeper into their project, they realize that simple, innocent friendship may not be so simple or innocent after all. 


The story contains sex between two adult consenting men
Copyright © 2018 Ethan; All Rights Reserved.

Story Recommendations (17 members)

  • Action Packed 9
  • Addictive/Pacing 15
  • Characters 17
  • Chills 3
  • Cliffhanger 8
  • Compelling 4
  • Feel-Good 3
  • Humor 3
  • Smoldering 10
  • Tearjerker 8
  • Unique 5
  • World Building 2

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Suppose a good-looking jock majoring in biosciences told you he had read Virginia Woolf & liked her stuff, what would you do?

Moi? I would throw myself at him & cut my family off if they did not approve. And that was actually what I did during my very first serious relationship. That said, this was just one of the many little things that drew me to this story. I read through the original posted on Nifty & again the updated (& much improved) version here. 

It's such a sweet & poignant story of two college boys falling for each other despite themselves. They had difficult families but supportive friends (and some family members). They had to navigate treachery, loss, doubt, resentment as well as attraction, understanding and love. Their struggles were real and sometimes heart wrenching. They were immature and there was a lot of hurt on both sides. But they were very adult about it all. They had to figure out who they were. Then they had to face the very difficult social milieu they sometimes found themselves in. Both were gripped with fear of the unknown, which impeded their decision-making & communication. They struggled with finance and with the practicalities of living together.

This is what I love most about the story. A relationship is not just all about the physical attraction or the love itself. It's about how to navigate real life. I love the way our author @Ethan unflinchingly presented how sometimes our protagonists acquiesced to pressure and how they managed to emerge stronger as individuals and a couple. It's a long read, but it's an exhilarating journey.  

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· Edited by Cane23

   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

This love story deals with some topics which are common here at GA. Love, self-acceptance, coming out, family rejection, separation and reconciliation… But its unique storytelling, special attention to details, beautiful characterization, wonderful dialogs, realistic characters and plots, dash of humor when it’s needed, put this story above others. @Ethan is intelligent and high skilled author with unique style and beautiful sense for details you would like to read over and over again.

It is pity that there are only two stories by Ethan submitted on GA. He could give us so much more and I would read it all with great joy.

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I’m with the consensus here.  Well developed complicated characters who are easy to identify with.  A complicated plot with lots of twist and turns.  Overall a great story that was difficult to put down. 

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

I loved it! The most realistic story of a young gay couple. It was a roller coaster ride of emotions too! Great build up of characters and their budding relationships especially between Noah and Jordan. Just the right twists and turns. Now I felt like there's a tiny void within me as I part with this story. Bittersweet, indeed.

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

It took me a few chapters to really get into this story, but once I did I found it compelling and unputdownable. One more chapter, I kept thinking, then I’ll go and do some work. The characters are well-thought out, real people. You can imagine their lives carrying on once the storyteller's spotlight has moved away. The obstacles they have to overcome with families and friends are so true to life. A real gem that I will definitely read again.

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

!!!Minor Spoilers ahead!!!

I first started reading this on Nifty years ago, but for some reason dropped it around chapter 7, yet the story always stayed in my memory. I recently remembered this and actually found that you've updated it and posted it on here so I took it as a sign that I need to finish reading it. Boy am I happy I did. Honestly the story is so well written! I was ugly crying all the way from when Noah & Jordan started cooking until Jordan said he chose Noah. Also I love the fact that you've included very realistic struggles most of us have to go through in our lives, like coming out, hemophobia and money. One of the biggest highlights for me personally was the never ending sarcasm everywhere. The interactions between Noah and Jenn, Jenn and Jordan and Jordan and Noah. All of that was pure gold. I genuinely didn't not want the book to finish and was pretty sad when it did. Overall a massive thank for a beautiful experience! 

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   3 of 3 members found this review helpful 3 / 3 members

Ok, so, I want to say first that while I read a lot here, I rarely review anything, because I'm kind of cynical and stingy with praise. That said, I absolutely loved this story from start to finish. I found it to be honest, real and quite well written, with very a believable, fun, quirky cast and very real emotion. Thank you very much for sharing your work with us!

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   3 of 3 members found this review helpful 3 / 3 members

A superbly written portrayal of the trials and tribulations of a relationship in early adulthood. Realistic, yet engaging — I eagerly awaited each chapter as they came out, and they didn’t disappoint. I’m jealous of the lucky people who can now binge-read this whole story.

While @Ethan did a great job with ensuring the story came to a natural and fitting end, I wish these was more, simply because I felt I got to know the characters so well and missed them after the story ended. Here’s hoping there’s a sequel or a spin-off story so we can get more Noah and Jordan! 

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   4 of 4 members found this review helpful 4 / 4 members

I should have written a review on this story the second I finished it, but I was so busy, I just did have the time. I have the time now and I must say, this is one of the very best stories I have read on this site.  Crushes are real, and they don't always turn out as well as they do in this story.  So many authors either do not have the time nor do they want to take the time to develop the full possibilities of a story.  This story takes its time and you get a look from ever angle of a true loving relationship.  I must confess, at one point I was so concerned where things were going, I had to jump to the end to see if Noah and Jordon were still together.  After learning what I wanted to know, I could go back and read along with peace in my heart, not turmoil.  Wouldn't it be nice if like was like a story and you could skip ahead and see how things turn out?  For sure this story hit every emotional point.  Very well done, I loved it.  

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Guest guest

   5 of 5 members found this review helpful 5 / 5 members

Easily one of the best stories I've ever read. Just wish it could've lasted longer. 

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   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

I am also felling empty with the story ending. I really really would like to see more of the guys, their kids, doctor Young etc. Very good work Ethan.

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   4 of 4 members found this review helpful 4 / 4 members

This story really moved me while I was reading it. All the emotions, characters and settings were really relateable to me.


I definitely recommend this great read and thanks to @Ethan for this story 😀. If there is anything I hate about it, it's that it has ended. You know you read something epic when a part of you feels empty when the story ends.

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· Edited by Marius

   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

One of my favorite stories on here. Well written, emotional, funny and with complex characters. If you just stumbled onto it and are considering reading it, please do, it’s so worth it! 

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Hunter of Porn

   4 of 4 members found this review helpful 4 / 4 members

I loved this story when it was originally posted on Nifty and waited the six years it took to post there and reread it multiple times.  I savored it there but I devoured it here. I loved the more realistic changes @Ethan made to this story, although sometimes sad it is often the truth. The characters are well written and developed and you couldn’t help but feel attached to them and understand their struggles and points of view. This is a story I am definitely saving and planning on rereading down the line. 

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