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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Red Gold - 10. Chapter 10 - Going Home

Suddenly a figure reared out of the rain and brought her up short. Flying red hair flew around her and a hand came from nowhere slapping her hard across her face. Gasping with shock rather than pain she sat down suddenly on the wet grass.

“Oh no you don’t. Twice I was helpless but not this time. I will kill you before I let betray him this time.”

“Leelany, oh thank god. I prayed you would come. I didn’t know what to do. I’m so sorry, so sorry but I didn’t know what to do.”

It was a toss up as to who was the most surprised when Gabrielle leaped to her feet and threw her arms around Leelany, who stood ramrod straight nonplussed.

“I was afraid, so afraid. I thought he was going to die. I couldn’t let that happen. I had no idea you could have healed him. I did the best I could, the only thing I could. I would have done anything, anything at all to save him. If I could have thought of something else, anything else, I would have done it. But I couldn’t. I did the very best I could, I swear. I would never have done anything knowingly to hurt him. He was… he was so scared, I never thought for a moment that he would be so scared.”

Against her will Leelany found herself putting her arms around the sobbing girl and holding her, whilst still staring coldly over her shoulder, stiff and unbending.

“I swear it. I swear I wouldn’t have hurt him, not for anything... not for anything. And you’re right. You are so right. I did abandon him. I couldn’t stay. I couldn’t bear to see him… and not be able to do anything. This time I did betray him, and I did it knowingly. I have let him down. I have let you both down. I can never tell you how sorry I am.

“Please tell me what to do to make it right. Please. Anything… I will do anything.”

“Will you come back?”

Gabrielle pulled away and stared into her face, tears still streaming from her eyes. Through the watery veil she could almost have thought she was looking at Cai. “Back?”

“To our home. Will you come back home with us?”

“To the wood?”

Leelany shook her head and Gabrielle’s heart turned to lead.

“You mean… to the other place.”

“Yes. I have tried to find the rift, to seal it, to prevent The Sorcerer coming here, but it is impossible. He is too fast, he is too strong. There is nothing I can do to stop him reaching through the void at any time. As long as there are birds to sacrifice his demons will come and eventually they will kill him. Once he is dead they will come for you and no one else can protect you.”

“Will he be safe… back there?”

“Whilst he is under His power he will not be safe anywhere. But if we can get him back home to our village, under the protection of our people he will be protected for long enough to heal and become strong again. Hopefully by then you will have fulfilled the prophesy and we will all be free of Him.”

“I… I don’t know. I don’t belong there.”

“And you belong here?”

“I don’t know where I belong.”

“I WILL be taking him home Gabrielle. It is your choice if you come with us, but if you do not come through with us I do not know whether there is any other way for you and if you do not come and fulfil the prophesy then Ca’el will die.”

Gabrielle looked around her with wild eyes. At the familiar sights and sounds. Through the rain she could see a familiar figure in the shelter of the porch, holding back waiting, supporting. Sadie was the only person outside her immediately family who had ever made an effort to get to know her, and out of the whole goddamn planet there was only one person who had succeeded. If he left her...

She nodded. “I don’t know where I belong, but I know who I belong with.”

For a moment Leelany looked as though she was about to say something, a deep frown on her face, but she shook her head and made an effort to smile.

“Take me to him.”

“Will you do it now? Right now?”

“Of course. We must take him from here before the Sorcerer has built enough power for another strike. The passage through the void will confuse him and it will be some time before he is able to act again. By then I hope that Ca’el will be safe in our village.”

In emotional agony Gabrielle nodded and turning back towards the hospital she moved with leaden feet towards the entrance. She paused when she reached Sadie and they exchanged a look that said more than any words could have. They embraced savagely and when they parted Sadie saw the goodbye in her eyes.

“You’re not coming home are you?”

“No Sadie, I’m not coming home.”

“Will I see you again?”

“Maybe, one day.”

“Can I have your stuff?” They both laughed, understanding the underlying meaning and Gabrielle nodded.

“Of course you can.”

When they parted Gabrielle did not look back.

Suddenly something changed. Again there was a sensation as though the world contracted and then expanded very quickly and was torn in two. Again the feeling of another reality flowing in, the sound of wings and a sickening wrench when the ground tilted and bucked under their feet before the alien energy withdrew and the rift sealed.

Both Gabrielle and Leelany had screamed at the same instant. “Cai.” and when reality flooded back they were both running. Pounding through the corridors, careless and heedless of anyone or anything else Gabrielle had no time to think, no focus, no goal other than to run as fast as she possibly could and to keep running, aware all the time of Leelany less than a heartbeat behind her, knowing that if she had wanted to she could have overtaken at any time. Gabrielle’s days of winning races with either brother or sister were long gone.

Before they reached Cai’s room they were intercepted by a male nurse and diverted into the relatives room. It was the same nurse who had been thrown by Cai and, seeing the same barely controlled violence in Leelany he was very cautious but still very firm. He would have had no chance if it had not been for Gabrielle.

“Please. This is my world. Trust me. They will help him. I know that is not what you want, that you want to heal him yourself, I know it but whatever has happened, they have the skills, the equipment. Please, just for a while. Please be patient. There is no need for haste now. You told me that it would take time for him to build for another attack, so that holds true again. We have some time, I don’t know if Cai has.”

With extreme reluctance and a look of open hostility to the nurse which had him scurrying off as quickly as he possibly could, Leelany submitted and allowed herself to be drawn into the room. Once there she paced like a caged lion as the heavy minutes ticked by.

She lasted twenty minutes before she snapped. Gabrielle, watching her closely saw it happen and rose to intercept her before she reached the door. She would not, of course, have stood a chance but at that very moment the door opened and Ben came in. He ignored Leelany and took Gabrielle by the shoulders.

“I have always known that there was more to this than you have told me. I respected you and your reasons. But this… this is too much. You have got to tell me what is going on Gabrielle. Daniel’s life may well depend on it.”

“Daniel? Who is Daniel?”

Ben looked quickly at Leelany and then back to Gabrielle. “Gabrielle?”

“What’s happened?”

“What was he so frightened of, when he woke? What scared him so much that he almost tore himself apart to escape from it?”

“Did he… is he hurt..?”

“I told you, he is young and strong and his body heals remarkably quickly. It looked worse than it was. He should be alright. He should be sitting up and giving the nurses a hard time.”

“But he’s not.”

Ben turned to Leelany at last. “You are Daniel’s sister.” Leelany looked past him to Gabrielle with a question in her eyes and Gabrielle shrugged.

“I had to tell them something.”

“Tell me what has happened to my brother.”

“I don’t know what happened to him. He was doing fine. I patched him up and went outside to calm everyone down and… suddenly… for no reason… he crashed. His heart stopped. There was no warning, no sign, no reason for it… but we have had the devil’s own time bringing him back.”

“Oh my god. Ben, is he… is he alright?”

“I have no idea. I don’t know what’s happening here Gabrielle. Something happened to him. Something huge and… I have no idea what it was. He was fine. He was sedated, and stable and he was fine. There was no reason for that to happen but... but… there was… something... In the first instant when I went into his room, after it happened, it seemed that… that there was… just for a second, something… a shadow… a…” he cast about for an explanation for something he could not explain. “... an image of… a man… a hand… I don’t know. There was something going on in that room. Something I can’t explain but whatever it was, in that instant I was frightened, more frightened than I have ever been and THAT is enough to make me want explanations.”

“I’m sorry Ben, but I can’t. I can’t explain. I don’t have the explanations either.”

“Oh but I think you do. At least you have more that I do. You lied didn’t you? You lied about what happened to him. You lied about his name. What else did you lie about?”

“Ben… I didn’t… I mean I didn’t deliberately lie. I couldn’t tell you everything, I couldn’t tell anyone because… because… well for one thing I don’t understand myself and for another no one is going to believe me. But... I won’t insult you by denying that there is something strange happening here. There is. There is something going on and I wasn’t completely honest. I can’t be. Please trust me.”

“Trust you? Did you know that this might happen? Did you know that he… whatever his name is… would wake up screaming, that he would have these…attacks? Did you know? And if so why the hell didn’t you tell me? Don’t you realise… he could have died?”

“I… I... didn’t know. I didn’t know Ben, I swear. Maybe, if I had been clear headed and thought about it I might have guessed, but I didn’t know. THAT’s the problem, the whole of the problem. There are so many things I didn’t know, I don’t know. It’s all my fault, I know that but… but… I would never have had this happen, never.”

“Enough of this. Take me to my brother. Take me to Cai.”

Ben looked uncertain. He looked at Gabrielle’s tear stained, desperate face and at Leelany’s cold distant smile.

“Will you tell me what this is all about?”

“It would take too long and you would not understand. But you will see.”

“Trust us Ben, I know that I have given you no reason to, I have lied but only as much as I had to. I didn’t lie about any of the important things.”

“Alright, I suppose there isn’t any harm in it anyway.”

“Make sure we are alone with him.”


“I told you that I could not explain it but I will allow you to see. Take me healer, take me to my brother or I will find him myself and you will regret that I had to.”

“Are you threatening me?”

“If I had threatened you then you would not have needed to ask. I have asked twice. I ask for a third and final time. Take me to my brother… Now.”

“Please Ben. She’s a bit… aggressive, but she knows what she’s doing. Please.”

Without another word Ben opened the door and led the way. There were two nurses in the room, adjusting equipment and Ben smiled at them, indicating that they should leave. As soon as the door was closed Leelany slipped off a bag she had been carrying across her shoulder and began to take things out and put them on the table.

Four small round crystals, candles, a leather bag, a silver ring, very like the one that Cai wore. This she gave to Gabrielle.

“This is yours, I have been holding it for you. You cannot return home without it so you should put it on immediately.”

“I have Cai’s.”

“He gave it to you?” She sounded shocked.

“Not exactly. They… took it off him when they brought him here.” Leelany’s eyes were wide and accusing as they flicked between Ben and Gabrielle.

“Why would you do this? Why would you take from him the only small protection that he had? I am trying hard to believe that you wish him no ill Gabrielle, but I am finding it harder all the time. Give it back to him. Give it back now.”

Reaching into her pocket Gabrielle brought out the ring and the locket. First she slipped the ring back onto his finger and then she fastened the locket around his neck. At her touch he sighed and murmured.

Leelany put the bag back over her shoulder and, opening the leather pouch drew a careful, and disturbingly perfect circle on the floor with the glittering crystal powder it contained. It was about four feet in diameter and took most of the available floor surface.

“Can the door be locked?”


“Then I would suggest that you stand on the outside and stop anyone from coming in.”

“I would prefer to stay on the inside. I will ensure you have privacy for as long as I am satisfied that you are not doing anything that will jeopardise my patient.”

Gabrielle had never heard his voice so cold and professional. “Ben, please trust her. This is going to be weird. I don’t know what she is going to do but I know it will be hard for you to understand.”

He remained tight lipped and silent. Carefully Leelany placed the crystals and the candles around the circumference of the circle and when she had finished she stepped back and ran a critical eye over her work.

“It is not perfect but it will have to do.”

She moved to the side of the bed and looked down at Cai. For the first time her expression softened and she reached out to gently smooth his hair.

“Cai. It is I. I am here for you. You are safe now Cai. It is time to go home.”

At first there was no response but, after a moment Cai’s face creased into a frown and his eyelids flickered.

“Wake up now Cai, it is time.”

He sighed deeply and his eyes blinked open, heavy still with sleep. For a time he struggled, forcing his eyes open only to have them close again almost immediately. Finally he was able to focus and, at first, when he saw where he was he went stiff and cried out.


“Steady Cai, I am here.”


“I am here.”

Gabrielle was slightly hurt that the presence of his sister and the sound of her voice calmed him so quickly and completely, but immeasurably glad to see him relax against the pillows and, for the first time, allow his eyes to wander around the room. When they settled on Gabrielle he smiled. It wasn’t quite his usual smile, a pale ghost of the brightness he had previously bestowed but still it was a smile and it was precious. She smiled back, somewhat shyly.

“It is time to go home Cai.”


“Yes, the void is unstable from His interferences and it is as good a time as any to penetrate it. I have the crystals prepared and lanes half open. Come Cai, in a few minutes we will be home.”


His eyes were anxious as they found hers, searching, fearful. If there had ever been any doubt in her mind that she would return with them it would have vanished in that instant. She smiled and nodded, rewarded by such a bright smile and a look of such tenderness and relief that in that moment she would have walked off the end of the world if he had asked her to.

He reached out his hand to her and pulled her towards him. His eyes searched her face, clear now and full of understanding.

“It will be alright Gabrielle. I understand that you did not betray me.” and it was that more than anything else which brought home to her how badly she had. She threw her arms around him and hugged him.

“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I love you so much, I never meant to hurt you. I didn’t know. I didn’t know what would happen.”

“Hush, I know. I know you didn’t. It was my fault. I should have taken more care to explain. I thought... it has always been so clear to me, so present. I didn’t understand your world.”

“And I didn’t understand yours. I won’t make that mistake again.”

“From now on we will be living in the same world, Gabrielle. No more misunderstandings.”

“Oh Cai, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

“Hush now, it’s over, or at least it soon will be. Help me.”

Pulling back the blankets he swung his legs over the side of the bed, grunting with pain and doubling over for a moment, wrestling with it.

“Woah there. Hang on a minute. I can’t go along with this.” Ben had kept silent through all the exchanges, not understanding but prepared to be magnanimous, however he was not prepared to sit back and allow his patient to put himself at risk for this charade. “You are most definitely not up to getting out of bed yet.”

Cai looked up at him, his clear green eyes neither challenging nor pleading, simply watching.

“The last time you tried to get out of bed you almost opened up that wound again. It goes deep. You don’t realise how ill you’ve been. If you walk out of here now you are going to get ill again…. you might die.”

“My sister will take care of me.”

“You can’t leave.”

“Who are you?”

“I am the doctor who saved your life, not ten minutes ago, when your heart stopped.”

Cai’s eyes widened but remained steady. He looked to Leelany who nodded. “It was Him.”

“Then I thank you. But it changes nothing.” He touched the electrodes on his chest. “When I take these off will they sound an alarm… like before?”

“Yes, they will. Please don’t do that. If you don’t calm down and get back into bed I am going to have to call for help.”

“I am calm. I am going home.”

“You can’t…”

“I can. I will. I must. And you will help me, or you will not. If you cannot help me then it would be best if you left.”

“Why? What are you going to do?”

“I am going to go home.”

“Why do I get the impression that you are not intending to walk out thorough the door?”

Cai smiled and the look in his eyes made even Gabrielle shiver.

“Do you realise that if you leave here now you might die?”

“I realise that I am hurt. I have been hurt before. My sister will heal me. I trust her more than I trust you.”

Ben looked distraught. It was his first week and this kind of thing just wasn’t supposed to happen. He looked into the steady green eyes that were simply waiting and abruptly came to a conclusion.

“If you are intent on this. If you are sure this is what you want…” He looked at Gabrielle and the Leelany both of whom simply looked back.

“I’m sure.”

“Alright. I know I am going to regret this but… If it’s really what you want.”

“It is.”

With fingers made expert by their approximation to the text books he flicked switches and turned dials until, one by one the machines fell silent and dark.

“Lie down for a minute.” Cai’s eyes narrowed with suspicion. “Just for a minute. You won’t get far like that. I’ll give you a shot of painkiller, it will keep you on your feet until you can get to somewhere you can rest.”

“I don’t know. I… don’t trust...”

“I understand… but I also understand medicine and I understand the human body and I am telling you that without a shot you won’t make it for five minutes on your feet before you collapse.”

Cai looked at him with a strange expression on his face. Finally he grinned. “I would have taken bets on half an hour but… okay. I think that I can trust you that much.”

Very carefully Ben removed the IV tubes from Cai’s arms and he breathed a long sigh of relief. He leaned back against the pillows and closed his eyes. Before he removed the ported needle from the back of his hand Ben gave him a shot of the strongest painkiller he could find that would not have knocked him out, and then Cai was free.

“Just lie quiet for a few minutes to let it take effect and you’ll be alright for a couple of hours.”

“Thank you.” He opened his eyes long enough to smile and then closed them again. He looked exhausted and Ben frowned.

Leelany was impatient and paced restlessly, fiddling with the bag she carried and twisting the ring on her finger. Gabrielle was oblivious to it. She was lost in Cai’s face, holding tightly to his hand which gripped her as tightly back.

After a few minutes Cai opened his eyes and smiled up at her and Gabrielle’s heart almost stopped beating at what she saw there.

“How are you feeling?”

“Like shit but I have felt worse.”


“Yes, I have been hurt before and Leelany is not such a gentle healer.” He was looking at her with mischief in his eyes as he said so and laughed lightly at her glare. Then he sighed and closed his eyes again. “This bed is softer that a cave floor.”

After another five minutes of pacing Leelany came to the end of her tolerance. “Cai, I cannot wait any longer, the rifts are stabilising, we have to go.”

Cai jumped, jerking awake. “S… sorry Lee, I… I was… was falling asleep.”

Leelany glared accusingly at Ben but Cai, getting very carefully to his feet grinned at him. “Thanks. I feel weird but…the pain’s bearable. I reckon I can make it through the void on my feet. Um… don’t you think I should put some clothes on?”

“I don’t think you have any.”


“Hang on. I may be able to help.”

Ben slipped out of the door and vanished.

“Do you think he will come back?”

“If we hurry maybe we can be gone before he comes back. It would be for the best.”

“Lee, I can’t pass through the void naked, not now, it would be too cold.”

“Take the blankets from the bed and wrap them around you. That’s right. Pull them close. Come into the circle and hold hands.”

They all huddled together within the sparkling circle while Leelany lit the candles. At first Gabrielle felt foolish, playacting at ritual as Leelany began to chant softly in a strange language. After a time, as the chanting rose Cai began to sing. It was nothing like the soothing lullabyes he had sung to her but was low and almost sinister, throbbing with power. As both voices rose the flames of the candles stretched and became pillars of light, shutting them off from the outside world.

As the light intensified they became entirely shut off and suddenly two things happened simultaneously. As if from a very great distance they heard the door of the hospital room open and Ben stepped into the circle, looking confused and carrying a bag, and the world beyond the light fell away

Copyright © 2011 Nephylim; All Rights Reserved.
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