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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Red Gold - 19. Chapter 19 - The Princess in the Castle

When Gabrielle rode behind her father along the mountain path climbing above the village she looked down and knew that somewhere in the scatter of buildings was the only person who could have made this place seem like home. She wondered what he was doing, what he was thinking. Was he awake or was he dreaming? Was he dreaming of her? In the days to follow would he ask for her and what would they tell him? When would it come? The realisation that she was gone forever. Her view of the village blurred, obscured behind a veil of tears and she rode on.


The castle was more than she could have imagined. A fairytale concoction of spires and minarettes formed from pale sandstone and quarts, glittering in the late afternoon sun. The mountain path rose steeply into a field which was on fire with the glitter of a standing army…. fires, pavilions, weapons. Their progress along the broad paved road caused quite a stir and many people stopped what they were doing and stared at the woman they had heard only rumours and stories of, the woman who would be their queen.


Pierced by the gaze of many eyes Gabrielle kept her head down and her eyes on the silver ring she wore on her finger. The silver bird reminded her that she was doing this for the sake of freedom even though it felt very much like prison to her.


A sense of passing something solid made her look up and she saw that they were riding through a gateway into a large sunny courtyard. In front of them across the pale courtyard floor which glittered with a million points of diamond light, shallow steps fanned out from the base of a circular keep flanked by towers. Close to the stone was faintly pink tinged and there was a smell of cooking and spices in the air.


Along the inside of the castle wall along one side of the courtyard was a single roofed series of stalls which seemed to be selling a variety of foods, in one she could see a whole pig turning on a spit, and she could smell spiced apples and cinnamon.


At the base of the steps a man in livery waited and as soon as they had dismounted he led the horses away.


Taking her hand gently her father led her through large wooden doors, thrown open to the soft early evening air and into her family home for the first time in her life.


The doors led into a circular corridor leading around the inside of the tower. The walls where smooth and cold but after only a few steps a door in the inner wall opened and she was inside the tower proper. The hall was circular and took up almost the whole of the floor space of the tower. It was set out for the banquet. At the far side a long low dais had been set up with a table laid for six.


In front of the dais there was a clear space bearing the shine of well waxed wood. A number of tables at right angles to the main table filled most of the rest of the space apart from long, highly polished sideboards at each side laden with fruit, arrangements of flowers, ice sculptures and silver punch bowls.


All around the walls bright tapestry hangings showed scenes of landscapes and seascapes except for behind the main table where the entire wall was filled with the finest wall hanging Gabrielle had ever seen which depicted a white dove, its wings outstretched holding in its beak an enormous emerald globe. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen and was somehow familiar.


The hall was bustling with activity and they were bumped by any number of bodies going about their business. No one seemed to mind that they were elbowing their king out of the way and all it elicited from the king was a satisfied smile.


“I think we are only in the way here but I wanted you to see the preparations we have made. Tonight you will be the guest of honour here.”

“I wish I didn’t have to.”


“I understand my dear. You think that I do not but I do. You have been brought up in a very different place. You have another mother and father whom you will miss. You have friends that you have left behind. This is a strange and frightening place and if that is not enough you are expected to smile and dance and meet a man that you do not even know whom you will be expected to marry in less than a week. I do understand. But I also understand that you are your mother’s daughter and therefore you will do what is required of you to the best of your capability and that I will be proud of you.”


Looking up into eyes that were shockingly familiar… she saw them every time she looked into a mirror… Gabrielle suddenly realised that this man, this stranger, was her father, her true father and even though she didn’t know him she remembered the feelings she had experienced the very first time her memories had sparked, memories from a time before she was born, carried in her mother’s womb, sharing her longing for a man, a beautiful man who would make her safe and enfold her in love. And now here he was. She smiled.


“I’ll do my best.” And she would because she wanted this man to be proud of her. It was suddenly the most important thing in the world.


“Come Sou Shan. I shall show you to your room. Later you may choose a maid to care for you and be your guide and guardian but until then I will send you Rehanna. She was your mother’s maid and her best friend. She has been as excited about meeting you as any of us.”


He led her back out into the corridor and around to the back of the tower where broad steps led upwards then branched three ways, one straight ahead, one curving to the left and one to the right. The king led her to the left and the steps, deeply carpeted in midnight blue curved around the inside of a tower. They passed two landings each with a closed door until the stairs ended on a wide landing lit by the sun through a window glazed with diamond shaped pieces of coloured glass with the result that the pale walls were dappled with rainbow colours.


The door opened at a touch and Gabrielle stepped into the most enchanting room she had ever seen. It was semi circular with two arched windows in the outer wall which looked out over the courtyard the field and beyond, past the cliffs to the plain and the wood beyond. Between the windows hung a wall hanging showing the same bird she had seen in the hall below and beneath it a bed canopied in soft pale lilac hangings.

The carpet was a darker shade of the same colour as were the cushions on the long upholstered seat which followed the curve on one side of the bed. Along the straight wall a large wardrobe and a set of drawers curved to match the curve of the wall, in bleached pine with golden fittings and to one side of the door was a vanity with a huge curving mirror and tiny shelves filled with cosmetics, perfume bottles and various toiletries.


“I will leave you to look around my dear. I will send Rehanna in two hours to help you prepare. In the meantime rest and take a long soak in the bath to wash away the dust an weariness of the journey.”


He kissed her hand as he left her and suddenly she was terribly, terribly alone. Opening and closing drawers she could see that the room was well stocked with all sorts of things, some familiar and some less so. The wardrobe revealed a treasure trove of gowns so rich and beautiful that she was completely mesmerised. What she didn’t find was any sign of any trousers particularly no jeans, ah well.


Investigating a door in the straight wall she found a short corridor lit by a roof window. There was a door on either side. Opening the one on the right she found a pretty room that was set up as an office but with feminine touches such as the lilies in a delicate vase on the desk and books with titles such as ‘Needlecraft for Beginners”, “The Art of Beauty’ and, surprisingly, a number of books on psychology, comparative religions, politics and magic.


She could have lost herself in the books for hours and in the reams of different coloured and perfumed papers in the drawers on the desk. There were coloured inks too with pens that appeared to be made of real crystal with golden nibs and a sophisticated plunger filling system. She could not help but to linger for a moment and draw up some silver ink into a clear crystal pen, watching it glitter and shimmer within. She then scribbled experimentally on a piece of soft midnight blue paper and was delighted with the results until she suddenly realised what she had been writing when she immediately dropped the pen and crumpling the paper threw it into a sliver filigree bin.


The other door opened into a bathroom and Gabrielle was astonished to see as well as a deep pristine white bath and basin there was a also a shower cubicle hung with lilac curtains and they were all plumbed with taps and golden fittings. Why had she thought that this world should be primitive and without modern facilities? Investigating another curtain behind the bath she found a toilet.


Glowing with pleasure Gabrielle kicked off her shoes and buried her toes in the deep pile lilac carpet. Turning on the taps send a powerful gush of water into the bath. Further investigation found jars of coloured crystals which, when added to the water produced bubbles and bowls of scented flower petals.


Within five minutes she was stepping into a bath filled to the brim with hot water bubbles and flowers. With a sigh she lay back and let the warmth soothe away the aches and pains in her body wishing that there was something that could do the same for her heart.


Now that her body was at rest and her mind was freed from the whirl of experience and action she could not help but think of her friends. What were they doing right now? Was Leelany in trouble with her mother, another reason for her to hate Gabrielle. Was Ben deep in conversation with the healers, teaching and learning, already respected for his quiet manner and great knowledge? And Cai….? Her mind balked at thinking of Cai. The merest memory of his face, his hair, his eyes, his lips stabbed into her heart like a sliver of glass and tears flowed from her eyes.


She had to stop thinking of him, of wondering where he was, what was happening to him, if he was alright. The thought that he might be sick and in pain, asking for her and not understanding why she didn’t come was a nagging pain at the back of her mind that she could not, would not address knowing that, if she had she would have to get out of the bath, dress in her jeans and ride out of the castle as fast as the fastest horse could take her. And so she thought of the hall, the feast, the dresses, the ball…. anything and nothing.


Time passed more quickly than she believed it would or could. She was half asleep when the door opening startled her. The thick deep carpet muffled all sounds and she had not heard anyone approach.


A woman swept into the room smiling. She had long honey coloured hair caught at the top of her head with a pearl clip and was wearing a dress of almost the same colour, cut close to her slim waist and flaring over her hips to brush the carpet. Around her waist a slim sliver chain held various implements from a pair of silver scissors to a soft leather pouch and a set of keys.


“I am Rehanna My Lady. Oh, you look so much like your mother” she bent over the bath cupping Gabrielle’s chin in her hand and smiling a soft tender smile with amber eyes. “But your eye are your father’s.”


Gabrielle returned her smile warmly. “Is it time to get ready already?”


“Indeed it is My Lady. Already the first guests are arriving.”


“Oh no. I will be late.”


Gabrielle stood up hurriedly and water fountained off her causing Rehanna to jump back with a laugh.


“Be easy My Lady. It will take time for everyone to be welcomed and seated. As guest of honour you will be the last to enter so there is time.”


Rehanna bustled over to a cabinet against the wall and returned with an enormous purple towel. Gabrielle stepped from the bath and was enveloped in its soft folds.


When she was dry they went back into the bedroom and Gabrielle was dazzled by the sight of the dress that was hanging on a hanger from the wardrobe door. It was pale gold, encrusted on the bodice with crystals and golden embroidery as well as seed pearls and tiny golden balls. The underskirts were gold silk with overskirts of paper thin shimmering pale gold tulle.


Touching the soft folds and running her fingers over the stiff embroidery Gabrielle was mesmerised. Rehanna allowed her to run her hands in wonder over the dress for a time and then laughing, drew her away.

“All in good time My Lady. First let us see to your undergarments and your toilette.”


The undergarments turned out to be lacy knickers, not knee length bloomers as she had somehow expected, a strangely laced bra type garment and a line petticoat. Dressed in these she felt more like a princess and less like a student from the Midlands.


Sitting at the dressing table she watched while Rehanna brushed her hair until it was shining sheet of silk almost the same colour as her dress. With skilfull hands Rehanna plaited strands with strings of tiny pears and twisted it up so that it formed a cap at the front with the rest hanging free at the back. Then, with the assistance of the cosmetics which lay on the shelves Rehanna worked more magic to turn the gauche child into a woman of astonishing beauty. Staring into the mirror Gabrielle barely recognised herself.


“Come Lady.” Rehanna helped her slowly lower the silken creation over her head and settle it on her hips then laced up the back, not so tightly that she could not breathe but tightly enough that she suddenly found herself with a far more womanly figure that she had ever had in jeans.


The outfit was finished with a pair of soft silk slippers decorated with the same embroidery, the same pearls, the same crystals.


Delighted Gabrielle spun in front of the mirror while an enchanted Rehanna watched with misty tears in her eyes. Was it really more than twenty years ago she had last watched the Queen doing the same thing? Shaking herself Rehanna stopped Gabrielle and, taking an ornate gold watch from her pocket gasped.


“Oh dear where did the time go? I promised to have you at the doors three minutes ago. Ah well, it is the privilege of the guest of honour to be late. And when they see you……”


“Are you coming to the ball too?” Gabrielle was suddenly anxious.


“No, my dear. This is not my night, not my place. I have my own party to go to. Come now.”


She took Gabrielle’s arm noting that she was suddenly pale and trembling. Gently Rehanna guided her down the stairs. Out on the landing the dying sun was sending the very last of its beams through the window and they were walking through rainbows. As they descended the stairs Gabrielle noticed for the first time parts of the walls which glowed, softly, lighting their way. She would learn that these panels were all over the castle and grew brighter as the day grew darker.


At the door of the hall Rehanna kissed her goodbye and was gone. The door was closed and, on either side servants in full livery stood to attention. At her approach the stood respectfully aside. She hovered uncertainly and one of the winked at her and held up a hand to pause her. He then turned and flung the doors open. Stepping into the doorway he announced in a ringing voice that caused instant and absolute silence to fall within.


“Her Gracious Highness the Princess Sou Shan”

The servant stepped back and motioned to Gabrielle to move forward which she did slowly and hesitantly.


The inside of the hall had been transformed. The tables were filled with people dressed in jewel bright colours, all gazing at her with wonder and love in their faces. Overhead the high arching ceiling was glowing with the same light that illuminated the rest of the castle and on the high table every seat but one was filled.

There was a clear aisle down the middle of the room and she walked slowly down it holding her head high, her eyes fixed on the only face in the room that was familiar to her.


On her approach her father left his seat and stepped down from the dais coming to meet her. Taking her arm he whispered.

“You are the most beautiful creature I have ever laid eyes on since I last saw your mother. I am so proud, so proud.”


The king drew her forward to stand before the High Table. Four of the six seats were now occupied; two by women and two by men. Turning to the woman who sat at the far right the king bowed and said formally.


“Princess Serena, may I present my daughter Sou Shan, Crown Princess of Moravia. Sou Shan, may I present Her Highness Princess Serena of Seline.”


Gabrielle looked up smiling at the girl who was probably a little older than she was. She was met by a cold, almost hostile stare from a pair of ice blue eyes in a pale face framed by raven black hair that was twisted with ice crystals in a similar style to her own. She was very beautiful but looked haughty and distant. The smile she gave Gabrielle was tight and formal and never reached her eyes.


Before she could wonder her father had moved her on to the next person who was introduced and Farena Queen of Seline. Farena was an older version of her daughter except that there were silver strands in the raven’s wings and the smile she gave was one of true warmth and understanding.


“Welcome home, my dear. It must be strange for you, and to be thrust into this pomp and ceremony so soon…… I will come to you in the morning and we can talk quietly and get to know each other. Try and enjoy the party tonight.”


Gabrielle’s answering smile was genuinely grateful.


The next guest was King Strahan. He too smiled warmly and inclined his head complimenting her beauty and expressing his profound regret that she had not known her mother who was the only other woman in the kingdom who could have matched her.


There was a twinkle in his eyes and he winked at her making her blush. She found herself instantly taking a liking to both of the monarchs of Seline. If only their daughter had taken after them.


And then she was walking past two empty seats towards someone who was sitting alone at the end of the table. Gabrielle’s heart was pounding as, keeping her eyes on the hem of her dress, too terrified to raise them, her father formally announced them.


“Prince Orien, may I present my daughter Sou Shan, Crown Princess of Moravia. Sou Shan, may I present His Highness Prince Orien, Crown Prince of Seline.”


Left with no choice Gabrielle raised her eyes. She dreaded finding the same look in his eyes that she had seen in his sister’s. What she found was in some ways better and in some ways worse.


Prince Orien was very like his mother and sister in many ways. His raven black hair worn long, curled slightly where it touched his shoulders and framed a pale face of astonishing beauty. Full lips curved in a gentle smile and wide blue eyes met hers with a look that was both direct and filled with such incredible sadness that it almost struck her down where she stood.


With impeccable courtesy the prince got up and took her father’s place guiding her into her seat. She could not take her eyes off him.

Copyright © 2011 Nephylim; All Rights Reserved.
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