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Is Anyone Familiar with Malibu High School?


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You do keep pushing this, but there's more to being in California than surfing. Will and Brad may disagree with that assesment, but we really do have it well here. And, ironically, not being properly Californian is a very strong Californian trait, probably the defining trait in fact. I will partially agree with you that JJ would more likely go out of state for school. He just had a terrible time of it in school, and may see going elsewhere a chance at a fresh start out from his brother's shadows.


But...won't his homeschooling make going to university at all pretty difficult? Especially if he's homeschooled all through High School?



Not necessarily. As long as JJ took the necessary standardized testing and got his GED, he should generally be fine with getting in. He has his activity covered with the figure skating thing. I know homeschool kids who went to UD...I'm sure he'd get in somewhere.


Something tells me that JJ would be the type of guy who'd really want to strike out on his own, start somewhere new, and relish being in a totally different area. (JJ's similiar to me, personality-wise, kinda like how Brad is similiar to Mark, personality-wise.) And someone who likes spending that much time on ice...I could see totally diggin' a New England winter or something. Or, again, Colorado. (Yes, I'm aware the NorCal and the ski areas get snow. I'm just sayin'.)


I'm sure Mark's going, 'I'm not getting around to 2004 in the story for a while. Why are we talking about this already?" LOL.

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You do keep pushing this, but there's more to being in California than surfing. Will and Brad may disagree with that assesment, but we really do have it well here. And, ironically, not being properly Californian is a very strong Californian trait, probably the defining trait in fact. I will partially agree with you that JJ would more likely go out of state for school. He just had a terrible time of it in school, and may see going elsewhere a chance at a fresh start out from his brother's shadows.


But...won't his homeschooling make going to university at all pretty difficult? Especially if he's homeschooled all through High School?


Rest assured that this native Californian knows there's a lot more to the Golden State than surfing. I have to say, though, that I'm much more partial to the beach than the mountains, although the mountains do have a cameo later in the story. Posted Image


Not necessarily. As long as JJ took the necessary standardized testing and got his GED, he should generally be fine with getting in. He has his activity covered with the figure skating thing. I know homeschool kids who went to UD...I'm sure he'd get in somewhere.


Something tells me that JJ would be the type of guy who'd really want to strike out on his own, start somewhere new, and relish being in a totally different area. (JJ's similiar to me, personality-wise, kinda like how Brad is similiar to Mark, personality-wise.) And someone who likes spending that much time on ice...I could see totally diggin' a New England winter or something. Or, again, Colorado. (Yes, I'm aware the NorCal and the ski areas get snow. I'm just sayin'.)


I'm sure Mark's going, 'I'm not getting around to 2004 in the story for a while. Why are we talking about this already?" LOL.


That's exactly what Mark is thinking. Still, the discussion has been interesting. It's had little bearing on my decision regarding colleges, but I've learned a lot about Malibu-area high schools, and for that I am appreciative.

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That's exactly what Mark is thinking. Still, the discussion has been interesting. It's had little bearing on my decision regarding colleges, but I've learned a lot about Malibu-area high schools, and for that I am appreciative.


I'm kinda excited to know what your decision is for Darius. (I'm assuming decisions about where you're sending JJ and Will are still off in the distance, 'cause again, we don't know how these kids are going to develop as they hit high school. Well, YOU might, but as you already know, characters have a funny way of taking different directions than you planned to take them.)


I've appreciated learning about the schools as well. One thing I like is that it seems a lot less elitist and status-obsessed than where you sent Matt Carrswold and the Be Rad crowd. I like that the kids are growing up in a more laidback environment, and I like knowing that Will is indeed going to have a relatively okay time being openly gay at high school, as opposed to Matt's deal with the University School, where he knew it would have been social suicide. It's also nice to know that the school is more politically involved than Gunn or US were, which will provide a nice background for when we roll around to the '04 election year.

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I could see totally diggin' a New England winter or something. Or, again, Colorado. (Yes, I'm aware the NorCal and the ski areas get snow. I'm just sayin'.)


Damn.... did you miss the picture of Los Angeles???


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Or these? All maybe an hour maybe 1 1/2hours from downtown.


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Where is this Dell Aware you speak of???

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Compared to New England or the Rockies, those are some pretty small ski resorts.


And small compared to Mammoth, Squaw and the rest of the resorts in Central Cal, but the point is they are from 45 minutes (Mt. Baldy) to 1 1/2 hours (Bear Mtn) from downtown L.A., which most people don't realize. Southern Cal is one of the few places you can legitimately surf in the morning and snow ski at a resort in the afternoon.
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Is it really that hard for you guys to let just one of the CAP saga family members go off on their own and leave the state of CA for the Rockies or the East Coast? I'll give you Darius and Will staying there, but I still don't see why it'd be imperative for JJ to stay. Let the kid go off and find his own way in a new state. LOL.:lol: He's a Sagittarius, which means he wouldn't want to spend his entire life in one state anyway.


JJ likes snow and ice. He's a middle child overshadowed by his two brothers. He's not a beach bunny. He likes new experiences. The colleges with the top figure skating programs are located East. Is it really that much of a stretch for him to want to leave the state he grew up in for something new when he grows up? It's almost like you guys are acting affronted that I'd like for Mark to send at least one character out of state for college.:D

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Is it really that hard for you guys to let just one of the CAP saga family members go off on their own and leave the state of CA for the Rockies or the East Coast? I'll give you Darius and Will staying there, but I still don't see why it'd be imperative for JJ to stay. Let the kid go off and find his own way in a new state. LOL.:lol: He's a Sagittarius, which means he wouldn't want to spend his entire life in one state anyway.


JJ likes snow and ice. He's a middle child overshadowed by his two brothers. He's not a beach bunny. He likes new experiences. The colleges with the top figure skating programs are located East. Is it really that much of a stretch for him to want to leave the state he grew up in for something new when he grows up? It's almost like you guys are acting affronted that I'd like for Mark to send at least one character out of state for college.:D


Well a state that would be ranked 23rd in size geographically if it were a county in CA and 13th in population is probably too small for a CA boy.


NYU is perfectly acceptable to Malibu people, everyone knows a director or actor who went there and Boston/Cambridge is perfectly acceptable, Boston is a real city. New Jersey probably wouldn't work since black & orange is such a garish combination, despite some fine Hollywood types who've come from there. Of course Georgetown is acceptable, but who wants to live in DC? :P

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Wade Danflield, Matt Carrswold's current beau, will likely go back to live there once done with college for his political career...I think D.C. has some cool things going for it.


Mark could send JJ to Boston University. I think he'd like it there.


And in any event- as long as JJ had a car, from Delaware he could get to Philadelphia in 45 minutes, to Baltimore and DC in 2 and half hours, to the beaches in 90 minutes, and to New York City in 3 hours. That's the nice thing about the East Coast- everything's closer together.

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And small compared to Mammoth, Squaw and the rest of the resorts in Central Cal, but the point is they are from 45 minutes (Mt. Baldy) to 1 1/2 hours (Bear Mtn) from downtown L.A., which most people don't realize. Southern Cal is one of the few places you can legitimately surf in the morning and snow ski at a resort in the afternoon.


That was one of the coolest things about growing up in the Bay Area. In the Spring, you could go to the beach and the mountains (with snow) in the same day.



Is it really that hard for you guys to let just one of the CAP saga family members go off on their own and leave the state of CA for the Rockies or the East Coast? I'll give you Darius and Will staying there, but I still don't see why it'd be imperative for JJ to stay. Let the kid go off and find his own way in a new state. LOL.:lol: He's a Sagittarius, which means he wouldn't want to spend his entire life in one state anyway.


JJ likes snow and ice. He's a middle child overshadowed by his two brothers. He's not a beach bunny. He likes new experiences. The colleges with the top figure skating programs are located East. Is it really that much of a stretch for him to want to leave the state he grew up in for something new when he grows up? It's almost like you guys are acting affronted that I'd like for Mark to send at least one character out of state for college.:D


He likes ice, but take him away from his beach and we'll see how much he misses it. These Californians are justifiably proud of their state.


Well a state that would be ranked 23rd in size geographically if it were a county in CA and 13th in population is probably too small for a CA boy.


NYU is perfectly acceptable to Malibu people, everyone knows a director or actor who went there and Boston/Cambridge is perfectly acceptable, Boston is a real city. New Jersey probably wouldn't work since black & orange is such a garish combination, despite some fine Hollywood types who've come from there. Of course Georgetown is acceptable, but who wants to live in DC? :P



Don't underestimate DC. It's got a lot going on, some of it good.





A hypothesis for you CA boys: Someone from LA would be more comfortable in New York, and someone from the Bay Area would find Boston more compelling.

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Bah! NY is a nice place to visit......


NYC has its merits. I think one of them would actually really like it- I'm thinking either Darius or JJ. Will...no. I see Will ultimately living with his husband(he'll get married by the time he's 30), and two kids courtesy of a surrogate in some beautiful Los Angeles Country suburb. Although he could experiment living East during his college era. Matt Carrswold...I'm torn on this one. I could see him in Los Angeles, but I could also see him in New York City. I'm leaning towards NYC, so he'll be on the same coast with Wade, who'll be back to living in DC to pursue a politcal career.


Of course, what I'm saying is basically like saying Greek since you haven't read the CAP saga. LOL.


Not everyone wants to live in CA. I mean, there's a lot of good about the place- but trust me, there are people who live outside of CA who like being where they are. Especially if they manage to be able to afford to live in a place as cool as New York City.

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A hypothesis for you CA boys: Someone from LA would be more comfortable in New York, and someone from the Bay Area would find Boston more compelling.


But no one who grew up in Los Angeles would willingly live in NYC. The rivalry between the cities is quiet (because LA is losing), and akin to siblings, but it's there. It's hard to describe, because it's hardly ever acknowledged except in a teeth-grinding half-growled kind of way, interspursed with mutters of "arrogant, annoying, far too much money for their own good." And yes, I hear you whispering "Why hello Kettle! How have you been?" but I never said it was rational. I put it down to years and years of being compared to NYC in history and political stuies and always coming up short. Which, in part, explains the city-wide obsession with looks (but not, note, fashion), where at least we can reign supreme.


Plus, you're expected to do too much walking in NYC. I know people here that will drive across the street.


Alright, maybe some people from LA would enjoy New York just fine. There's crazies and rebels everywhere. I tend to think Austin or DC would be more compelling. Plus, if Wade and Matt really do head for DC after graduation (I think Matt would have a thriving carreer as a lobbyist or business consultant, or New York isn't a terrible weekend commute), JJ might follow along behind them.

Is it really that hard for you guys to let just one of the CAP saga family members go off on their own and leave the state of CA for the Rockies or the East Coast?

Right back atcha, why are you arguing this so hard? It made sense for Brad, Robbie, and Ace to spread out for their academics. They wanted to get out from Papa's wings, and there was no way to do that while staying at Standford. None of them wanted to be doctors or engineers, so that elimintates pretty much all other "acceptable" schools here in state. Not only do Will, Darius, and JJ seem less inclined to bolt, though they're young and that will probably change in a couple years, but they aren't anywhere as academic minded as the rest of the family. I blame the surfing. It has effects on the psyche that mostly manifest as a laid-back approach to life and calling everyone "dude."
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Right back atcha, why are you arguing this so hard? It made sense for Brad, Robbie, and Ace to spread out for their academics. They wanted to get out from Papa's wings, and there was no way to do that while staying at Standford.


You misspelled it. It is Stanfurd. and it isn't even a really a university, they say so right in their name, Leland Stanfurd Junior University. See, they admit it! A junior university. Go Bears.
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*shrugs* I guess I'm just a firm believer that people should try living in different states at least once or twice in their lives. Plus a lot of interesting stuff happened on the East Coast in that past decade- like Virginia Tech or something- and it'd be cool to have at least one of them living out there, experiencing it, rather than watching afar from the West Coast.


Of course, this is coming from a guy who's lived on the East Coast since he was 9, so I'm admittedly biased. LOL.


JJ's not a surfer- I think JJ is incredibly bright, but he's also a slacker, when it comes to school. Matt and Will are the only hopes for keeping the "academic" part of the saga's title intact. LOL.


And I like your idea of why JJ might leave- following around Matt and Wade going back East. He does seem pretty attached to them. And what you said earlier makes sense- I could JJ wanting to get out of the state so that he has a chance to find himself, apart from his brothers.

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You misspelled it. It is Stanfurd. and it isn't even a really a university, they say so right in their name, Leland Stanfurd Junior University. See, they admit it! A junior university. Go Bears.


I've managed to misspell the word "word." Dyslexia is a bitch.


*shrugs* I guess I'm just a firm believer that people should try living in different states at least once or twice in their lives. Plus a lot of interesting stuff happened on the East Coast in that past decade- like Virginia Tech or something- and it'd be cool to have at least one of them living out there, experiencing it, rather than watching afar from the West Coast.


Of course, this is coming from a guy who's lived on the East Coast since he was 9, so I'm admittedly biased. LOL.


Fair enough. I've lived in various parts of California my entire life, and in fact am one of the few who has family that were born in the state before 1930, so I'm pretty biased as well. And while I agree that having someone on hand to witness the events on the East coast would make it more real, do you truly think that as an educator and historian who specializes in the event surrounding the Vietnam War, JP won't be affected by Virginia Tech and Duke University? That Max and Marcel won't? That Stef won't freak out again?


JJ's not a surfer- I think JJ is incredibly bright, but he's also a slacker, when it comes to school. Matt and Will are the only hopes for keeping the "academic" part of the saga's title intact. LOL.


And I like your idea of why JJ might leave- following around Matt and Wade going back East. He does seem pretty attached to them. And what you said earlier makes sense- I could JJ wanting to get out of the state so that he has a chance to find himself, apart from his brothers.


JJ might surprise us all. I know I was more engaged in my studies once I gained more control over them. Homeschooling may prove a good thing in more ways than one. Also, another reason he may migrate is if Jeanine, for whatever reason, decides to head home to NJ for a few years, perhaps to take care of a sick parent or sibling. Actually, that'd be a good thing (storywise) to happen sooner than later. It'd be interesting to see how Brad reacts to another crutch being taken away, and being forced to become a more active part in Darius and Will's lives.


Nah, he'd just ship them off to live with Claire. It'd take her all of twenty seconds to bring Will in line.

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I've managed to misspell the word "word." Dyslexia is a bitch.



Fair enough. I've lived in various parts of California my entire life, and in fact am one of the few who has family that were born in the state before 1930, so I'm pretty biased as well. And while I agree that having someone on hand to witness the events on the East coast would make it more real, do you truly think that as an educator and historian who specializes in the event surrounding the Vietnam War, JP won't be affected by Virginia Tech and Duke University? That Max and Marcel won't? That Stef won't freak out again?


Fair enough. I do know JJ and Will are going to see guys who dress up as Duke Lacrosse players for Halloween '06 college parties, and they'll be pretty shocked at Virginia Tech and will likely get the memorial ribbons for that one. It was the college Columbine- I think a lot of the shock was the idea that something like Columbine would happen in the university setting. Bullying only really happens in college if you're getting hazed for a frat or sports team. Or at least that's what I used to think.


I'm someone who has lived in 6 different states...so it's a foreign concept for me that anyone would live in one state their entire life, even if it's California. I pin it on being a Sag. You know we like to travel and move around. (JJ's a Sag as well. Just sayin'.)


JJ might surprise us all. I know I was more engaged in my studies once I gained more control over them. Homeschooling may prove a good thing in more ways than one. Also, another reason he may migrate is if Jeanine, for whatever reason, decides to head home to NJ for a few years, perhaps to take care of a sick parent or sibling. Actually, that'd be a good thing (storywise) to happen sooner than later. It'd be interesting to see how Brad reacts to another crutch being taken away, and being forced to become a more active part in Darius and Will's lives.


Remember though, Jeanine is with Tiffany. Tiffany might be willing to move around with her, if Jeanine could set her up with a job in a top-ranked figure skating program in a school that's close enough to New Jersey that she'd be able to commute. Like say...University of Delaware.:D (Hey, you've gotten to plug UC Santa Barbara. I should be able to plug my own school, especially since it has a program that spawned well-known figure skaters like Johnny Weir and Tara Lipiniski and is currently ranked third in the nation. JJ WOULD have a legitimate reason to want to go there because of how renowned the figure skating program is.)


Nah, he'd just ship them off to live with Claire. It'd take her all of twenty seconds to bring Will in line.


I just think it'd be funny to watch Claire try and convince Will to dress in preppy clothes, when that's soooooo not in for their age group and where they go to school. It's going to be all about flip-flops, skate shoes, cargo shorts, hoodies, and layered t-shirts. Not loafers, chinos, and the preppy little get-ups Brad dressed in when he went to high school. And I'm betting Marie and her peasant /bohemian clothing are going to make Claire twitch a little.*


(Circa 2003-2005...peasant/bohemian clothing is popular on girls, inspired by the Olsen Twins and Sienna Miller. On guys, it's about wearing a short-sleeve t-shirt over a longer-sleeved shirt. Usually with a pair of pre-distressed jeans.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright, so I found this online-


The Malibu High School Class of 2005 graduated June 23 with a full stadium of proud parents, relatives and friends attending ceremonies to cheer them on their success.


Out of the 171 graduates, 59 percent are planning to attend four-year colleges, 37 percent are planning to attend two-year colleges or technical schools, while a handful are planning to work or travel, and one graduate will join the military.


This is Malibu High's 13th graduating class.


I couldn't find much on Darius's class, but here you have it for the class of 2005. So that graduation will be held on Thursday, June 23rd, 2005. 171 is somewhat of a small class- not tiny, but not one of those huge 300+ classes that both of my sisters had. (I graduated in a class of 82 people.) I think that means that these kids have to interact more with one another, for better or worse. Sometimes going to a smaller school was a good thing. Sometimes you just wanted to throttle people.


On a side note, my own graduation got held on June 2nd, 2005. (or 3rd.) Is it customary to hold graduations at Malibu High during the third week of June, Tommy?


Here's another cool thing I found...


Where Is the Class of '05 Going?


I don't think this is a full list, but yeah, they did mostly go off California colleges, although there were kids who did indeed head East, and not just for the Ivy League. It also gives Mark good ideas for names of future characters- it seems like "Kelly" is a very popular name for that class.


After reading this list, I'm voting for Darius to head to UC Santa Cruz, or maybe he should just bum around to Santa Monica College to get his grades up.

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Alright, so I found this online-


The Malibu High School Class of 2005 graduated June 23 with a full stadium of proud parents, relatives and friends attending ceremonies to cheer them on their success.


Out of the 171 graduates, 59 percent are planning to attend four-year colleges, 37 percent are planning to attend two-year colleges or technical schools, while a handful are planning to work or travel, and one graduate will join the military.


This is Malibu High's 13th graduating class.


I couldn't find much on Darius's class, but here you have it for the class of 2005. So that graduation will be held on Thursday, June 23rd, 2005. 171 is somewhat of a small class- not tiny, but not one of those huge 300+ classes that both of my sisters had. (I graduated in a class of 82 people.) I think that means that these kids have to interact more with one another, for better or worse. Sometimes going to a smaller school was a good thing. Sometimes you just wanted to throttle people.


On a side note, my own graduation got held on June 2nd, 2005. (or 3rd.) Is it customary to hold graduations at Malibu High during the third week of June, Tommy?


Here's another cool thing I found...


Where Is the Class of '05 Going?


I don't think this is a full list, but yeah, they did mostly go off California colleges, although there were kids who did indeed head East, and not just for the Ivy League. It also gives Mark good ideas for names of future characters- it seems like "Kelly" is a very popular name for that class.


After reading this list, I'm voting for Darius to head to UC Santa Cruz, or maybe he should just bum around to Santa Monica College to get his grades up.


California school's get out in late June because they have so many damn days off during the year.


I looked at the list of schools that people are going to (went to actually) and several thoughts struck me. One student was going to FIDM, a great school for gay boys to go to. It also made me think about Cal Arts, a university started by Walt & Roy Disney, partly to educate future animators and the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, another fine school for gay boys or macho boys who want to design cars and the like.


It also reminded me of Matt Nechak who played football at Malibu High (along with lacrosse) and then was a starting defensive end for the Naval Academy. I think you had asked earlier how likely it was to know someone from Malibu in the service. Matt is a good example. Most of the Malibu kids are likely to have entered the service through an academy or ROTC program.


The smart Malibu kids who go to JC go to Santa Barbara City College, not SaMoCity. They can still have fun and party like they are at a 4 year school, but they don't need to be home and under mom and dad's rules.

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Is that one of those community colleges that have dorms? I've heard of those.


I don't think Will, who despises shopping, would be into a fashion design school, but thanks for your thoughts.


And thanks for you thought on the military situation. Mark's going to try and work in Iraq, and I figure having a friend there might be a good way to do that. Very "of this generation", I think.

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Why would you want to stay in a dorm when you could live in Isla Vista?


Although, at the tme Darius might have wandered up there, certain dorms did rent to both CC and UC kids. They cut that off my second year at Fransisco Torres, which had the colorful descriptor of "F**k Towers." I think there was another dorm that catered to both, but it wasn't managed by either school.


And Tim, you are absolutely right about the ROTC program. I hadn't thought to suggest that.


Out of the 171 graduates, 59 percent are planning to attend four-year colleges, 37 percent are planning to attend two-year colleges or technical schools, while a handful are planning to work or travel, and one graduate will join the military.

Strange that they grouped the Naval academy separately from the other universities. I hadn't noticed that before.


And my graduation was the second week of June. It may vary a bit by district. You don't want to release the entire 18 year old population of California at once.

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Alright, so I found this online-


The Malibu High School Class of 2005 graduated June 23 with a full stadium of proud parents, relatives and friends attending ceremonies to cheer them on their success.


Out of the 171 graduates, 59 percent are planning to attend four-year colleges, 37 percent are planning to attend two-year colleges or technical schools, while a handful are planning to work or travel, and one graduate will join the military.


This is Malibu High's 13th graduating class.


I couldn't find much on Darius's class, but here you have it for the class of 2005. So that graduation will be held on Thursday, June 23rd, 2005. 171 is somewhat of a small class- not tiny, but not one of those huge 300+ classes that both of my sisters had. (I graduated in a class of 82 people.) I think that means that these kids have to interact more with one another, for better or worse. Sometimes going to a smaller school was a good thing. Sometimes you just wanted to throttle people.


On a side note, my own graduation got held on June 2nd, 2005. (or 3rd.) Is it customary to hold graduations at Malibu High during the third week of June, Tommy?


Here's another cool thing I found...


Where Is the Class of '05 Going?


I don't think this is a full list, but yeah, they did mostly go off California colleges, although there were kids who did indeed head East, and not just for the Ivy League. It also gives Mark good ideas for names of future characters- it seems like "Kelly" is a very popular name for that class.


After reading this list, I'm voting for Darius to head to UC Santa Cruz, or maybe he should just bum around to Santa Monica College to get his grades up.


School starts right after Labor Day and finals start in mid-June.


I know guys who went to SBCC and were able to stay in the same dorms as UCSB guys because two guys I knew were roommates and one each was going to the two schools, but I don't know if the dorms were official UCSB dorms or private dorms. I know also guys from HI who play polo and I know they start school in August and get out in late May. I think CA has schools open the latest, not including year round schools which are a very bad idea to start with.

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Good to know that, Tommy.


See, my high school started the week BEFORE Labor Day- I'm thinking usually about August 27th. The freshman had the first day by themselves to get accustomed, and then the rest of the kids came in. Seniors had their finals about two weeks before school let out, and graduation was the first week of June. The rest of the kids got out the second week.

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