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GA RPG - Sign Up and Help Choose a Setting!


RPG Setting  

20 members have voted

  1. 1. Which of these would you like to play in?

    • Medieval Fantasy
    • Urban Fantasy
    • Future Fantasy
    • Sci-Fi
    • Dystopia
    • Pirates
    • Prohibition-Era
    • Contemporary
    • Crime
    • Historical
    • Cyberpunk
    • Steampunk
    • Horror
    • Other - Please Comment!

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Plans for a GA forum RPG are currently in the works! It all started in this topic then movied to this one, if you want to catch up on the backstory.


We have permission to do this in a subforum, but it won't be created until we have our list of players and our setting. That's where you good folks come in. Interested in having a go? Then put your vote in for where you'd like the game to be set.


We would appreciate it a lot, though, if people only vote if they're thinking about playing - don't want to accidentally end up with what the wider forum thinks is cool outnumbering the players. Multiple choice, because what's the harm in voting for your second (or third, or...) fave? :)


Current GMs:




Current Players:


Sasha Distan




Delores Esteban


Thorn Wilde






If anyone's on there and doesn't want to be, or wants to be and isn't then let me know. I've been in a bit of a muddle today. :P


Anyone who says they want to play will get their name added to that shiny, super-exclusive list. ;)


These are the rules Myiege and I have currently drafted, plus a sample Character Bio. The Character Bio is currently really vague and has no options for things like magic, since we don't know the setting yet. (It is also for a character nobody will ever want to play. :P) We're looking for feedback on everything!


EDITED TO ADD: Don't worry about filling out a character sheet at this point! Its purely there for you to go 'I like the way that looks/God, what are you thinking?' and generally give any opinion you might have on it. :P




1) What the GM says goes.  If you have an issue with one or both of the GMs, please bring it to us directly, through PM.  We are meant to be objective, but if you believe that for some reason we are not, don't hesitate to bring it to our attention.  There are two of us for a reason!


2) If you feel you are being treated unfairly or think that someone else has broken one of the rules, please go directly to the GM through PM.  We really don't need any vigilante justice people.


3) Godmodding.  This is one of the big ones, guys.  Godmodding (in case you aren't familiar with the term) is when you are essentially invincible.  You make it so that no one can harm you and that you are super and ultra powerful.  Another form of godmodding is using another character without the owner's express permission.  Including killing them or making them fall in love with someone else or making them do ANYTHING without the owner's permission.  Urban dictionary has a great definition if you are interested: http://www.urbandict...erm=god modding


4) Metagaming.  Another big one.  Please remember that you are playing a CHARACTER in a made up world and try to place yourself in your character's shoes and refrain from using information you, as a PLAYER, know and something that would be impossible for your character to know.  A good example of this would be Sammy's character revealing some less than honorable intentions in an inner monologue and then Bobby's character calling them out on it.  How, plausibly, would Bobby's character know any of what was going on in Sammy's character's head?  Being suspicious of suspicious characters is one thing.  Being all knowing is different and is pushing limits on godmodding as well, especially if you suddenly decide that you character can read minds.  Also, 'bad feelings' should be able to be backed up with in-character interaction.  Just a 'bad feeling' isn't enough.  Please back up your feelings!


5) This seems like a no brainer, but please respect your fellow players.  As a writing game, each of us has different strengths and weaknesses when it comes to our narratives.  Also refrain from taking real world grudges (if any of y'all have any to begin with) into the game, or bringing RPG-related grudges OUT of the game.  It's only a game and relationships should not be destroyed by it.  This is supposed to be fun!  GMs are not excluded from this as well.  We will try to be as objective as possible.


6) Every player must submit a full character sheet (to follow) to GMs for approval.  Please try to be realistic and creative.  No one likes to play with Mary-Sues and character depth is important.


7) Please let other characters get a word in edgewise before posting again - for one thing, other characters might decide your character is an unbearable chatterbox.  ;) If things get too out of hand with this we may impose a posting limit


8) If for one reason or another you are going to be absent and you know this in advance, please let us know and make sure your character is not involved in any significant plots. If you are involved in a significant plot, please let us know far enough in advance that a temporary out can be found for your character. On a similar note, please don't abandon minor plots without finishing your part in them, even if it only effects a few players rather than the whole RP. Never finishing that in-character conversation about beer vs. cider is one thing; leaving a declaration of love hanging traps the other player in a situation where they're not sure what's happening with their character.


9) Players - with their consent - may be given plot hooks by the GMs. This can be anything from 'the Big Bad has secretly contacted you, what do you do?' to 'you are driven to fulfill your dream of becoming a baker'. You can request a plot hook/objective/sub goal at any time.


10) In-Character Actions do not equal Out-of-Character feelings. When a character is being a prick to yours, remember that the player doesn't feel any such thing about you - and if you genuinely think they do, bring your concerns to the GMs in a PM.


Character Bio:


Name: Blahdiddyblah


Age: 27


Species: Human/other mix, mongrel of several different species


Sexuality: Anyone with low enough standards




Likes: Getting on people's tits.

Dislikes: Having friends.

Strengths: Good instincts for when somebody is about to thump him.

Weaknesses: Terrrible social skills and general unlikeableness.




Blahdiddyblah is an unbearable little oik with the manners of a portside whore.




Eyes: Yellow

Hair: Dirty blond

Skin: Pale brown

Height: 5'8"

Build: Rangy, lean


Strengths: Quick, agile.

Weaknesses: Weak as a kitten.




Blahdiddyblah is blahblahblahblahblah.








How they work:


Despite his unbearable personality, Blahdiddyblah can usually talk his way blahblahblah.




Poor hygiene

Low social skills



How they work:


If anyone ever showed Blahdiddyblah how to use a shower, he wasn't looking - not that it matters, since with his charming people skills, nobody wants to get close enough to smell him anyway.

Edited by Persinette
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I'd like to join. I'll fill in the character sheet when the setting's been decided. Also, would just like to point out that a lot of the options above work together, such as sci-fi/future fantasy in a dystopic setting with cyberpunk overtones (which doesn't sound too different from an RPG I've played called Alpha Omega). ;)

Edited by Thorn Wilde
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I'd like to join. I'll fill in the character sheet when the setting's been decided. Also, would just like to point out that a lot of the options above work together, such as sci-fi/future fantasy in a dystopic setting with cyberpunk overtones (which doesn't sound too different from an RPG I've played called Alpha Omega). ;)


I'll add you to the list!


Don't worry about filling in a character sheet yet - it's purely there as an example and for people to say 'I like that character sheet/I see these issues with it'. I've edited the post to make that clear now. :P


If you want to argue for that as a setting, I have no objection. Sounds fun. ;)

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If you want to argue for that as a setting, I have no objection. Sounds fun. ;)


I just mean that when everyone's voted who wants to vote, if several of the options are tied, we can combine. But yeah, that setting does sound fun, doesn't it? :P

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I would like to play. I've never done anything like this and I have very scanty idea about RPG. Therefore, I would need guidance.  I would submit my player bio later on.


The GMs will be happy to help you out with stuff. :)


Added your name to the list!

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we're in.


i really think the character sheet needs a bit of D&D style structure. x number of points to put into 5 or so slots for personality/skills/traits. it will make it easier to build characters for anyone who hasn't played before and is going to help keep things on an even keel.

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we're in.


i really think the character sheet needs a bit of D&D style structure. x number of points to put into 5 or so slots for personality/skills/traits. it will make it easier to build characters for anyone who hasn't played before and is going to help keep things on an even keel.


Yeah, that is possibly a required element. In the original thread, some people were for it and some were strongly against - it would be really helpful for the GMs if players could give their opinion on it and talk about it in this thread.


If it does end up being the case/looking likely, the GMs have some thoughts put into it already which we'd be happy to share.

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I'm very for a point system. Say, the amount of stats to fill in multiplied by 10? That way, if you have 5 slots, you have 50 points, and you can choose to just stick 10 points in each stat if you like, but if you want to have more points on one stat (say, strength), it'll be at the cost of another stat (say physical appearance).

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I think the issue we ended up having with points is that it really inhibits growth unless we implement an XP system.  XP is great...for traditional vidyagames.  For a writing RPG that really isn't combat based, it becomes a lot more difficult.  Just how are we going to allocate XP?  For good writing?  Well what if I don't like XXYYZZ's writing style?  It would be hard to be objective.  Without a point-based system, the ability for your character to grow in a traditional story sense is a lot higher.  We ARE going to have to figure out something for combat purposes though.  Any thoughts would certainly be welcome.


(Wow, I was gone for a day and this place just BLEW UP!  So excited to see so many people interested!)

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I think the issue we ended up having with points is that it really inhibits growth unless we implement an XP system.  XP is great...for traditional vidyagames.  For a writing RPG that really isn't combat based, it becomes a lot more difficult.  Just how are we going to allocate XP?  For good writing?  Well what if I don't like XXYYZZ's writing style?  It would be hard to be objective.  Without a point-based system, the ability for your character to grow in a traditional story sense is a lot higher.  We ARE going to have to figure out something for combat purposes though.  Any thoughts would certainly be welcome.


EXP can be handed out and decided by the GM's based on character experiences. so if your character flirts with someone (possibly successfully) the GM can say "+2 charisma" and voila. each character keeps a rolling sheet with their stats. i realise that i am clinging rather to my idea of dice, but RPG's without dice scare me...

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EXP can be handed out and decided by the GM's based on character experiences. so if your character flirts with someone (possibly successfully) the GM can say "+2 charisma" and voila. each character keeps a rolling sheet with their stats. i realise that i am clinging rather to my idea of dice, but RPG's without dice scare me...


Time to venture into a brand new world!  But in all honestly, please try to think about this from a GM's perspective too.  Because we are playing on the interwebzzzz, we cannot just HWACHA, character sheet, this is what I've been doing.  That leaves it to the GMs to have a rolling sheet for each character and keep them updated in a separate public space so that other players can keep track too.  It seems like a lot of work...especially when we're not even sure that this will pan out at all.  Maybe we can start a D&D group as well for your precious dice, but interwebzzzz makes that hard too.  I physically roll a 2...say I rolled a 10, you know what I mean?

Edited by Myiege
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Just been reading through the rules again and something has come to me, if your character gets killed can you create another character straight away and continue playing. Or do you have to wait for a certain amount of time before creating another character, and continue to play.

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That is a great point to bring up Scotty.  It hasn't come up in our GM discussion, but it certainly will now.  I don't think we were planning on having characters die at this point.  My guess would be that you would have to submit a new character sheet and wait for it to be approved and then we would try to find a good place for your new character to turn up. *shrug* that's just my opinion though.  I'll talk to my fellow GM and get back!

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I wanna play too, count me in..... please.


BTW, this may sound stupid, but is it possible to have a poll once in a while and let others vote for the characters and give extra points that way? 

It's sorta fun if the characters can do some crazy stuff after reaching certain points, like leveling up...

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I wanna play too, count me in..... please.


BTW, this may sound stupid, but is it possible to have a poll once in a while and let others vote for the characters and give extra points that way? 

It's sorta fun if the characters can do some crazy stuff after reaching certain points, like leveling up...


I'll add you to the list. :)


We're certainly thinking about giving players the chance to 'earn' more points! Weren't planning anything to do with a poll, but we'll talk about it.

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I am more inclined towards a RolePlaying without point or exp or the like, but I shall abide by the GM rules.

They said it themselves, no? What they says, goes.

If they decide that the game system will grants points or exp or whatever, I will still play the game with just as much enthusiasm.





Oh, by the way, the mods can create a closed thread (only a GM can reply or add to this thread) containing character's profile that has been approved. It will help for the other player to keep tracks of the other character's personalities (or powers).


Why a closed thread you ask? Well to prevent players changed it in the middle of the game of course!


Just think about it. Lest just say in the game, me, Sasha and Mr XxX is in the middle of fighting huge,fire-breathing, molten-skinned demon. Neither of us has any water-based powers that can be used against it and all of a sudden Mr XxX conviniently changes his flirty-irresistible-seduction powers into a water-bending techniques.


BOOM! He defeats that monsters single-handedly and ALL the experience (assuming there IS an exp based system) gained from that scene flowing into him and HIM alone.


No fair, right? Which is why you should think and re-think it again before submitting any kinds of character profile into GM's. Once the game begins, the characters cannot be changed in any other way. Except maybe by PM-ing a GM and personally requesting a change in your characters powers or personality. As long as the game haven't progressed that far, I see no reason why the GM should deny your request.

Edited by AnimalMorph
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That is a good point to bring up AM (can I call you that, just let me know if I can't ;) ).  Changing skills is going to be a lot more difficult than just a request, I believe.  We want growth of a character through NATURAL story progression, not, OH CRAP THERE'S A DRAAAAAGOOOOOON!  So if this flirty-irresistible seductor wants to learn water magic, he'd better find a book and start learning, lol.


We are thinking that the points system will be a LAST resort to settle disputes between characters in combat or other such things.  We're still ironing things out, but we'll get back to as soon as we do.

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ANNOUNCEMENT: Players and potential players: The poll will become closed at 12:00PM in GMT +1 (or British Standard Time) Saturday, August 31st.  That would be 7:00AM US Eastern, 6:00AM US Central, 5:00AM US Mountain, 4:00AM US Pacific, and 7:00PM China Standard.  Please have your votes in by then!  Even if the poll isn't officially become closed, I will no longer take votes after that point.



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Since it doesn't seem like there will be genera that will end up with 50% of the vote, wouldn't it be a good idea for there to be a run-off of the top 2-3.  The way it is now you could end up with one that less than 20% support.

Edited by JMH
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