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Writing Prompts #366 & #367

Renee Stevens


Before we get into this week's prompts, first a reminder. This sunday marks the end of daylight savings, so if you're in an area that does the whole daylight savings thing, don't forget that you will need to set your clock's back one hour prior to going to bed (if you go to bed before 2 am!). Now, let's see what comicfan has for us this week!


Prompt 366 – Creative
Tag – List of Words
Use the following words in a story – corn, hay bale, scarecrow, tractor, and skinned knee.


Prompt 367 – Creative
Tag – The Opposite
You have always date the same type of person and while not exactly successful with it, you never seen a reason to change. Of course that all changed when you met them. Talk about a total opposite. What about this person so attracts you, compared to the others you used to date?


This week I'm featuring a bit of a sad one, so here's Carlos H's response to Prompt #364;

“That is the last time I am telling you anything!” said Tony as they walked into their apartment. The warm March afternoon had turned into a chilly evening and they were both ready to take a hot shower and jump into bed.


“He should have known better than to invite you out after Prime closed.”


“For goodness sake babe, he’s just a kid! Getting all up in his face, threatening to cut off his dick before you shoved it up his ass, all in front of everyone was a bit much.”


“Hey, you won’t let me brand you or put a collar on you so I’ve gotta mark my territory somehow. Now go do your nightly business stuff on the computer while I read for a bit. Half an hour and then it’s shower time.”


Still smiling, Colton sat on his favorite chair, grabbed the small leather bound-book sitting on the coffee table, opened it to a random page and began to read once again.


Read the rest, here.

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