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Writing Prompts #440 & #441

Renee Stevens


Happy Prompt Day!!! Otherwise known as Friday. I hope everyone has had a great week and are getting geared up for the weekend. Have you ever tackled one of the prompts provided by Comicfan? If not, what better time is there than now? Each week, Comicfan provides two brand new prompts to help get the ideas flowing. Don't forget to share your prompt responses in the forum and if you're posting in GA Stories, remember that all stories under 1,000 words must be posted as part of a collection. Now, let's see what Comicfan has for us this week.


Prompt 440 – Challenge
Tag – Travel
There are many genres of books and stories. The challenge is to write a Travel story. You tell a story about traveling, the places you see, the things you experience, and the things you shouldn’t miss.


Prompt 441 – Creative
Tag – First Line
“Really? If you believe that, you have lost your mind!”


We had a lot of takers last week, especially on the vampire prompt. Enjoy Aditus' response to Prompt #438:


I don’t do blind dates anymore. I’ve learned the hard way, is all I’m going to say. I also avoid all those happily involved friends, when they get this special twinkle in their eyes. ‘I know just the right man for you!’ (Insert saccharine smile here) No, thank you!


But then my friend Vincent from the night shift caught me in the elevator. I was just explaining to a colleague why I was staying home on a Friday night, and boom, now I wasn’t because suddenly I had a blind date. I mean, how could I say no to Vincent’s poor cousin Laurentius, who was visiting from another country and had to sit in Vincent’s home hungry and bored out of his skull, because Vincent had to work? See what I mean?


We met at a bar called ‘The Lonely Heart Club’. Not exactly the place you have in mind when you already have a date I know, but he wanted to listen to live piano music and that was what Google suggested.


Read and review the rest!

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  • Site Administrator

My response to Prompt 441 will be posted on Sunday.  I'm on a roll this week.  :D

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My response to 440 will be posted by Monday... I think I'll take a different route of travel with it ;)

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