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Comments on the Day to Day Life

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New Year- same old me

Well I hope everyone is doing well so far this year. I have been busy doing a lot of things so far this year. Just not sure where I will end up.   1) Doctors- been keeping up with the foot dr. He has gotten me supports for my shoes and hopefully that ends the pain in the feet for now. I did have a cold which made me cancel the dentist so need to reschedule.   2) Beta- Been working with some talented authors lately. I am not sure when they plan to begin publishing their latest stuff but Billy




Even at the worst of times you look for a silver lining, or so my grandmother always said. So I'm taking that advice and running with it.   Today is Christmas and I hope everyone had a great day.   I managed to sleep late. With my schedule lately that was an unexpected pleasure. Add to that my father cooked this year for a change and I am ecstatic. I can't remember the last time he cooked.   I was luckily enough to have some friends who sent me gifts so this year I had something to open o



December into January

I have not exactly been enjoying this month. It has been hard for so many reasons. Forgive me, but this is going to be one of those blogs.   1) My job is hell. I work retail and that alone is hell for anyone who has to do it. However I get the added bonus of working customer service. That is its own special type of hell. I've been told I have ruined people's Christmas, Hanukkah, New Year's, Honeymoon vacation, and Wedding plans because I couldn't or wouldn't return something. Add in the weird



Just a quick entry on me and mine.

Holidays are here so naturally I was waiting for the other shoe to fall. And it did, right on my foot.   I was having issues with my foot just before Black Friday. However with the massive hours I worked last weekend and the beginning of this week my foot swelled and it was hard to walk on. I finally got an appointment with the foot doctor. I was hoping for a planters wart but that isn't what I got. I have one heel spur on the back of my foot, another on the base of my foot and something call



Holidays are almost here, or Welcome to retail hell

It is that time of the year again. The time I use to love, but over time has become nothing more than overtime and craziness. I guess that is what happens when you work retail. Of course it doesn't help to work retail at the return desk either. So as everyone gears up for Thanksgiving and black Friday, I prepare for the lines, the yelling, and being told once again I have ruined some family's Christmas or Hanukkah because I personally don't want to get the item from where I am hiding it in the b



Life's ups and downs

Hi All,   I know it has been a while but I figured I would update things a bit. I am really having some ups and downs but trying to keep it going.   I prefer to focus on the good.   I am up to five Halloween cards this year. One of them was a postcard for the Day of the Dead. That was a first for me so really made me smile. Plus one of the people who sent to me mentioned they didn't know Halloween cards existed. They should just wait. Any of my usual's know I send out cards for all occasio



Good things coming.

Okay as I promised I am working on things. I finished my Halloween story and I have a beta going over it even as I write this. Huge thank you to KC.   I am revising the end of my Prompt Story. The sucker is over eight pages and still not finished so looks like it will be going outside my usual "The Prompt You Say" stories and getting a heading all of its own. I never do that unless a tale reaches ten pages. I will be shopping it around for a beta soon.   Work continues on my other two main p



Signs of Life

Okay I didn't want everyone to think I forgot everything I was working on. I have been writing just so you know.   1) I have the End of the World Anthology story finished.   2) Started work on the Winter Anthology.   3) Wrote what was suppose to be a very short piece for the Anniversary Prompt. Well right now it is about ten pages and still growing so by the time I finish it will either be a long short story, or a short three part tale. Depends on what it is like when I finish and what my



If I am a pest please let me know ...

Okay, I haven't had time to do things like I would like to. Been more of respond to problems then have time to relax and do what you want. My bright spot has been mail, or it was until today.   I am one of those people who enjoys getting mail. A postcard, card, or note can do wonders for me. Just knowing someone took the time to think of me makes me smile. However today I got an email asking me not to send so many postcards and cards. Seems I am a disruption instead of making them happy.   B



Just so you know ...

Hi all.   i know I have few people who try to keep with me. I do apologize. I have been without the internet for about 2 weeks nows regularly. In order to get anything sent I have had to take my laptop to work. It isn't fun sitting in the car emailing work out and hoping it will all get back to you in time to meet a deadline. That is what happened with Amber Prince and I have to thank KC, Renee, and Cia who did what they could with the author being MIA.   Dad has had a busy week. On Monday h



Oops it happened again

Life, no matter how much you might want it, can not be managed. Things sneak up and happen.   Dad has his capsulscopy next Wednesday. It is making him crazy and guess who the target is?   I have no internet until I can afford mifi. It might take a week or so but I will be back. In the meantime I am getting things done as I can. My greatest thanks to KC for picking up the slack I had to leave with with one of my authors by filling in and doing the beta reading. My thanks know no bounds. Also



Life and other issues

Alright, so it has been a while since I posted anything and I figure I owe explanations to people so forgive me if I have been late doing it.   First up is my father. Since coming out of the hospital we have been going to doctor after doctor. He has a surgeon now for the aneurisms. The doctor, who is a specialist in dealing with them informed us that Dad won't be going for surgery on on them until sometime in the new year. Okay, so that major issue is off the table for the moment, but doesn't



Tracey and Dad

Okay so not sure what the hell this weekend will be like.   Tracey is due down for her visit sometime today. That is the good news.   Dad went to his doctor's appointments today. That is the bad news. His primary finally got all the results back from the testing done in the hospital. Evidently dad is still leaking blood from somewhere. They suspect from his aneurism so he is being sent to see a vascular surgeon. His primary wants the surgery done asap. Originally we were left with the impres



A reason to smile

I'm luckier than most people. Some people collect toys, games, or maybe books. I'm lucky, I collect people that become really close friends.   Seven years ago, god where does the time go, a very special young lady began working with me at my job. I didn't know it then but she would become very important to me. She didn't drive and I didn't know all the bits and pieces of her life. She lived close to thirty minutes from where we worked and on more than one occasion I gave her a lift home. We be



Dad, blood, and one confused puppy

Figured I should update everyone. Dad had his endoscopy yesterday. They found blood pooling in his stomach and went in to do repairs. He was supposed to have his colonoscopy today, but someone screwed up and he had solid food. So now he is back on liquids and had to drink eight glasses of something to clean him out. He will have his test around 8 am tomorrow.   His blood count is slowly returning to normal, Over all I am happy that things are improving. He seems to think he will be home by tom



Fathers and Sons

I know there are some people who get along wonderfully with their fathers. My father and I have more of a gas and match relationship. However I try very hard to ignore the problems and help where I can since my mother passed.   This week has been one trying week. Tuesday my father was very ill. He couldn't even keep water down. I wanted him to go to the doctor or the hospital but he fought me at every turn because he had an appointment with his doctor on Wednesday. Well Wednesday he seen his d



Life as it happens

Just figured I would update and fill in a few blanks.   I have been trying not to stress about work. We are going through a restructure and who knows what that is going to entail all. I am suppose to find out tomorrow morning at a meeting. Yeah, I'm really happy to get out of bed at five am to make this thing. Love all store meetings.   Also dealing with work has been the tragedy of one of our district managers. He was out with his family on a boat on the North Shore of Long Island. The boat



So I cooked today ....

I'm finally feeling better today so I did some cooking. Some people know I am on weight watchers so trying to be very careful with food. I love lemon chicken but so many recipes I came across called for all sorts of stuff I normally don't have in the house or would push the points I use right through the roof. Then I came across this chicken recipe that is easy and low cal. Basically all I have to count it is the chicken itself. lol.   Ingredients   3 - 4 pounds of Chicken. (Originally they



So July begins

It wasn't how I wanted to start the month. I missed the chance to go to Connecticut and see my friends. Instead i was home dealing with the heat and (fingers crossed) getting over being sick. I hate that. Oh well.   This month my brother has his birthday. Not much else to worry about other than my monthly cards to let my friends know I'm thinking of them. Hope everyone had a good day.   My thought for the day is this -   Being sick I can deal with, besides it beats being dead.



Summer heat is not my friend

Alright I admit it, as heavy person summer isn't my friend. The good news is the weight is still coming off so hopefully that will help.   The problem however is tonight. I came home from work, hot and not feeling well. I took a shower but that hasn't helped my head or my stomach, both of which ache. I took an aspirin and plan to get bed shortly. Still wasn't sure why I felt so miserable, so i also took my temp which is reading 101 degrees at the moment. Lucky me. Summer time and running a tem



Moving On

Occasionally you become compliant in life. It happens. Whether from comfort or just lack of interest, and you let life happen instead of trying to get things done.   I find I don't like how my life is going so it is time to make some changes. I learned long ago to take the blame for my own choices and mistakes. So while I can't change the past, I can make some new changes to bring me into the future. Wish me luck.



But I Always Followed the Rules - The Question is Why?

I'm having one of those days. There is no other way to put it. I hate it, but that is life.   I had a miserable day at work. Add to that I'm feeling lonely and life hasn't gone nearly anything like I wanted it to.   I am the poster boy for following directions.I've always done all my homework, I never cut school, I don't call out of work for a day at the beach, or anything else. I balance the checkbook, give up treating myself to make ends meet, and worry about how I can help others. I gradu



Life Catch Up

So a bit of a catch up.   First - I missed the DC GA Get together. I have enjoyed reading the posts of those who went. At least I know those who attended had fun, just wished I could have been among them.   Second - Well I got the results back. From what I understand I have an irregular heart beat. It is something they will be keeping an eye on. I also was put on blood pressure medication. The joys of getting older. Seems nothing is as easy as it use to be, but at least I am still here and p



So when problems strike

Alright I feel like hell and will be posting parts of this in a few spots so people know. I hate going anywhere without being all set. Considering I was the one who set up the DC get together let me simply put this as simply as I can. I won't be there   Three things made sure that doesn't happen. First Strike was my car. I had set over a thousand dollars aside for this trip. I figured no way was I going to be caught flat for it. However, my car in the last month alone stripped me of over $1100



Keeping Up

Just figured I was a bit behind in my blog. Welcome to the first of June. The weather has been beautiful today.   I managed to fill in a hole in the yard, and get it seeded. Supposed to rain for the next couple of days so hoping the seeds take and the lawn comes in instead of the soil just getting washed away.   I also completed the beta work I had. I hate to fall behind but this week was crazy with the hours I was working. I also got back the latest chapter on Jonas. Lets just say I had som



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