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Featuring everything new and experienced authors need to develop creative and technical skills. Check out writing development articles, our Word of the Day, writing prompts, anthology opportunities and more!

Entries in this blog

A Matter of Perspective

Sometimes it feels like we’re losing the ability to empathize with each other.  Road rage, entitlement, me, me, me.  Recently, I was heading into a store and someone locked their car with that annoying car beep right as I was passing it.  I am extremely sensitive to noise, so it caused me to involuntarily flinch.  The person noticed, so their reaction was to beep the lock again.  I ended up going into the store right before them, and held the door for them.  Their look of surprise was worth push


Valkyrie in Prompts

In Flagrante Delicato

Getting "caught in the act" is the most common translation of this Latin phrase.  It involves a person being very naughty and someone 'walking in on them.'  I'm proposing these prompts because sometimes our characters can get just too nice.  Our protagonist can be too "pro" and our antagonist too "mean".  Sometimes having our main character suffer a character flaw, or two, can lend more authenticity to a story.  Let's stretch our wings and try something a bit nasty.   #223 - You are in

Freaky Friday

Sometimes life can get a little freaky.  So let's get our freak on and explain the unexplainable.     PT Prompt #221 You're running late to work and don't have time to stop for your customary cup of coffee.  Instead, you end up taking a completely different route to work and end up experiencing what can only be described as a 'glitch in the Matrix'.  What happened?   PT Prompt #222 You keep having moments of deja vu, to the point where it's starting to freak both y


Valkyrie in Prompts

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