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Featuring everything new and experienced authors need to develop creative and technical skills. Check out writing development articles, our Word of the Day, writing prompts, anthology opportunities and more!

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Staff Prompts #9 & #10

So here we are again on a Friday, and not much to do in my little world  Maybe, just maybe, I'll see if I'm inspired by one of these prompts  Who knows   Oh, did anyone notice that mess that I posted last week  Guess I shouldn't be too reliant on copy and paste.   Prompt #9 - Creative scene by @wildone You run into school knowing you are late, again. You quickly stop at your locker and ditch your jacket and grab some books. As usual the halls are quiet during classes. You das


wildone in Prompts

Staff Prompts #7 & #8

Well this week was gone in a flash! Speaking of flash, are you feeling motivated to write a prompt in a flash? Well we actually got a response to one of the prompts last week, so make sure you pop over to this topic and see what anonymous penguin crafted a story   Since we have got a few great prompts from Cia, why not a couple of more this week?   Prompt #5 - Use the following words in a story brought to you by @Cia dodge help deep bodyguard strawberry wind   Promp


wildone in Prompts

Staff Prompts #5 & #6

Good Friday to you all  So, any plans over the weekend? Mine will be more or less that same as what I've done since March . Well, I might have one thing I'm doing that I haven't done in years . Stay tuned! So for Staff Prompt Friday, it is an all Cia week  I'm on holidays     Prompt #5 - First Line brought to you by @Cia He'd never forgotten those teenage years.   Prompt #6 - Creative What If brought to you by @Cia There's an old tree I fell asleep under. I dre


wildone in Prompts

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