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  • Valkyrie

    Miraculous Prompts

    By Valkyrie

    The saying "truth is stranger than fiction" exists for a reason - sometimes what happens in real life is so far outside the realm of possibility that if written in a piece of fiction, readers would doubt its veracity.  I recently experienced such a moment when a family member of mine had a medical episode that should, by all accounts, have left them dead.  It still boggles my mind when I think about it.  90% of people who have this condition die from it, with most of them not even making it to t

G.a. 2010 Summer Anthology Now Online

The theme for the 2010 Summer Anthology is "Out of This World". While, given the theme, there are a lot of science fiction and fantasy stories, there are also many entries that have taken a different interpretation of the theme.   Have fun reading the stories (and one poem) everyone! Just remember to click on the feedback/discussion links at the bottom of each story to take you to the discussion threads in the forums so you can leave the author a comment.   A special thanks to all the author


Graeme in Anthologies

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