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changed my mind...



Okay, so I had planned to write about how I thought everyone else was being all whiny and needy today, and in the end I was the whiny, needy one. I don't know if it was me all along or if they just rubbed off on me :blink:


Anyway, Rich took care of that 0:) Poor guy... hehehehe. He was... well, behind me :whistle: and then afterwards, he rolled over and lay next to me and not even 2 minutes later I look over at him because I hear him snoring :sleep: it's kinda cute actually. His heart is still beating really fast, I can see it as I am looking at his chest, but he is in the sex coma :wub: Well, whatever, he deserves a rest after that performance 0:)


Beyond that, I mailed out my Christmas cards finally... FINALLY!


So, I was driving to work the other morning, and I looked up at my rear view mirror and I saw something that caused me to smile :D and laugh! I know this sounds weird, but let me try to explain... I have a jade bracelet that hangs from my rear view mirror. My mom-in-law, Rich's stepmom is from Malaysia and she always brings us stuff back when she visits. She gave me this bracelet, and it's a nice one, but not my style really so I hung it from my mirror. Anyway, Rich always hooks it over the thingy that you can use to switch your mirror from daytime to night time use, something I never do, and it bugs me... so he had driven my car late the night before to Taco Bell and the next day when I got in to go to work there was my bracelet hooked over that thing again... it made me think of him and I smiled... I know he just does it to bug me, but this time I smiled... right before I unhooked it!


It seems that Rich has sanctioned the computer tonight for his own amusement, so perhaps I will try and get some writing done for you all to read... :read:


Not whining anymore :wub:



PS. Davey didn't whine when I talked to him! :wub:


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Well I was thinking of whining in my entry tonight, but after reading this I've changed my mind. :blink:


Just kidding. Acutal I havn't figured out wat I really want to express yet. :(


I'm glad you two had fun, everyone needs to 'express themselfs' every now and then. 0:)


Take care Viv and I hope you got some writing done.

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Hey Viv!


I just read your story, I love it!! It's really great, I can't wait till chapter 6 comes out! BTW didn't you say you recently sent a new chapter in? Shows the newest post as Nov. 30th, does it take a couple of days to post or something? Anyway really looking forward to the next, great job :D



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