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scary phone call...



Well, 2 trips to the craft store, 6 glue sticks, 48 bows, one hot glue gun, a super designer hubby, one trip to Office Depot and 36 hours later all my Christmas cards are made, written, addressed, stamped, and waiting to be taken to the post office tomorrow! :D I only had to stay up till 1 am to finish making them and God bless the person who invented self adhesive envelopes!


So work is bullshit right now, no other way to say it really.... :angry: whatever! I'm tired of being pissed about it.


So I had just gotten home from work today and changed my clothes and sat down to read DD 18, yay :read: when my phone rings....


It's my sons' preschool saying that he is hurt and I should drive over there NOW!!!! to decide if I want to take him to the hospital or not to stitch up the cut he now has on his face :o So of course I try really hard not to freak and change my clothes AGAIN, call Rich and head over there. My brave boy :boy: was sitting on his chair with his books and was so calm and it was so scary! He has a deep cut about a half an inch long that starts on his forehead and goes into his eyebrow :( So I decided against going to the hospital and instead went with butterfly bandages and antibiotic ointment, but now I'm a little worried cause the cut is in a place that sort of comes open when his expressions change and it's sorta... oozing occasionally :unsure:


Besides that, my daughter has cleaned up her room, washed the dishes, washed my car, and did all the laundry :great: I wonder if she is sucking up to Santa... hmmmm. Actually we are about to have the 'talk about Santa' with her cause she is 10 now. I'm just going to tell her that we are letting her in on the huge secret of Santa now because she is such a big girl and I know we can count on her to keep the secret for my son and include her that way, I hope she goes for it :P


That's pretty much all for now. I've started the next chapter and I will probably send in the next one tonight... so look for it soon. Enjoy!


My back is sore and Rich is gonna rub it 0:)



PS. :wub:


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AT the risk of feeling like a dork...


I didn't learn about Santa until I was in Grade 5. I think it was April when I learned the truth. After that Christmas was never the same. I forget how old I was, but I think I was close to 12. That sounds about right.


My brother fround out in Grade 1 when some kid told everyone in show and tell. That didn't go over well. Since I was the last child in the family, once I knew we almost gave it up. Kind of sad when you think about it.


In the end I was determind to keep it alive at least until this year when I just stopped caring.


Now as for your son, I'm sure having a scar will make him all happy to show it off when it is healed. So take care of that one.


DD18 was great. I liked it very much.


Your Chapter 5 was also the best of them yet. your getting better so keep it up.

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Hey Viv!


Oh my that sounds so scary with the cut on your son's forehead. Is he less likely to scar with stitches or without? I'd probably go with whichever is least likely. Way to go to him (and you) for staying so calm. I think I'm going to be one of those uptight, hyper-vigilant parents no one can stand. "what you broke a fingernail! Quick to the emergency room!" :wacko: LOL who knows maybe we'll all be lucky and I'll mellow out.


oh man, good luck with "the talk", I hope she goes for the being in on a secret thing. Let us know how it goes!


Have a great day :D


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Hi Viv :wub:


Well if it does leave he can tell everyone he got it fighting pirates. :chris:

"Arrrrgh Matey! That scallywag nearly took my life. He now resides in Davy Jones locker."


I hope he's ok. :o


No Santa! Now what am I going to do for Christmas? :blink:



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My youngest niece is like Bard...she was like in the 5th grade when well the secret got revealed....My nephew was very good playing along with it...(they get along so well...considering when she was born and he was 4.he kept saying "Mommy, you don't need Emilia..you have me..can't you take her back to the hospital?"


He suffered from the green eyed monster syndrome...now as close as 2 peas in a pod!!


Your son sounds like such a trooper...and an adorable one....I hope he doesn't scar and will be ok....he can be the pirate until the boo boos go away....I bet he still needed his blankey and teddy bear...we all need those no matter what our age:)


I hope the "talk" goes well with your daughter...fingers crossed...


I got told by the youngest of my sisters when I was in first grade...wasn't pretty and she as then and as now never pulled punches....blunt and I still remembering her saying "oh by the way there is no Santa"....ouch....


But we are all Santa....I still believe, I still believe:)



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Um.....ok. I don't really know how to say this without sounding like a dork. I already knew about Santa not being real but you're actually the first adult I have ever really known of who said it....I guess it's just kinda weird to actually hear it (or read it) from an adult for the first time. Like I said, I already knew the truth a long time ago, but I guess I kinda held on to the idea that maybe since I hadn't heard it from a grownup that maybe I was wrong..lol...I know it's silly :lol:

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Even if you didn't take him to get stitches, make sure the tetanus shot is up to date. If he's never gotten one, now's as good a time as any.

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