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How do you know if a relationship will work?

I'm really in a mind to not try getting a boyfriend for a while. Dating is such a confusing affair!


So far this year, I dated this one guy, whom I met over a dating website. I don't multidate, like some people do. I like to concentrate on one objective, and I do trust that the other guy is doing the same.


We had many things in common, never ran out of conversation, have pretty similar outlooks on life. The fact that we are both bi-lingual French-English was a definite plus.


After meeting him for the first time, I was aware that he was not quite my type: a little too effeminate for my taste and way too gay-looking for my straight-looking/straight-acting personna. But we hit it off on so many intellectual levels that I decided to let things run their course and to continue the relationship. After all, I have been known to fall in love with a person who was not necessarily my type (i.e. a woman! :lol:) and subsequently have 12 years of perfect happiness which only ended with her untimely death.


Also, I thought that maybe I was still a bit squeamish about living the gay lifestyle and that this guy, who is clearly much more confident about it than I am, could help me assert myself.


So I went into that relationship half-heartedly, but willing to give it a chance.


Recipe for disaster :thumbdown:


I should have known: where were the stomach butterflies I should have felt every time I thought about him? Where was the urge to call him every hour? To buy him a gift? To suggest we go see a movie?


Then a few weeks ago he sent me a text saying that we needed to talk. And I thought "Huh hoh, he's going to complain, and rightly so, that I'm not giving 100% to this relationship, that I'm not committed enough, that I'm letting myself float about at the mercy of outside forces, like a ball at the top of a wave".


Well, he had something entirely different on his mind. He told me that he had meant to tell me before but was afraid of my reaction: he's HIV+. This is a story I told there. I think I reacted appropriately at the time, unwilling to crush him there and then. And frankly I really didn't feel like crushing his hopes. However, after talking about it with some GA friends, I came to realise the dangers he made me go through by not telling me, and also that he abused my trust. This was the catalyst, not the main reason, for our break-up. We met in a café recently and he asked me point-blank if I thought our relationship was going somewhere? My silence was much more eloquent than any word I could have said. Yeah, sometimes I'm not very good with words at all.


I'm giving dating a wide berth for a while...


.... unless that really cute guy that I met once....


Oh damn it!

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So, if you're giving boyfriends a miss for a while how about a girlfriend ;)

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don't be sad that it's over, be happy that it happened (:

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Bleu, I'm feeling blue too :(


Oh dear, live and learn as you so well said to me too. I can't imagine how you felt. I think you are a treasure and will find the right one to moon over soon. But it is also ok to be without a relationship and constantly pursuing for it.


I think about the hiv about the same as you. It is not something to turn your back on someone, it is just an illness no matter what the stigma is that goes with it. Still, it is a deadly disease and should have been told before making you take the risk.

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old bob


Reading back your last blogs since last September, I tried to put myself in your place. I think your problem is the same as mine when I was your age. It seems to me that we are both bi, able to live happily with and love someone as any sex whatsoever, male or female. Does it mean that we are gayer, or more bi?


For me, the circumstances made me to meet at 22 a girl, to fell “in love”, to merry her, to have 4 children, to lose a daughter through AIDS and a son through heart infraction, still living today with my wife after soon 60 years, and, on the other side and in the same 60 years, meeting several times nice people who became very close friends, if not boyfriends.


In a few words, if you are really bi (and your life story prove it) the problem to be bi or gay is a wrong problem, because it isn’t up to you to resolve it. Go around with the people you can meet, guys or girls. Don’t try to chose one gender or the other. Let the hazard (or the chance) guide you. Fate or Fortune exist, believe me. Your destiny is to meet someone and when you find him or her, you will know it.


Good luck !





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Thanks for your replies :)


@ Nephy: a girlfriend would be the easy option, but I'm not sure it would be one that would make me happy in the long run. I don't reject the idea, though. It might yet happen.


@Secret: I'm not sad that it happened. It's more that I'm frustrated with myself because of the way it happened.


@Marzipan: I kind of feel that I rushed into this particular relationship, as if I had to prove something to myself. I really don't. And as you say, it's ok to be without a relationship for a while. However, I have been by myself for a few years now, and the absence of companionship is tough.


@Bob: thanks for your wise words, once again :) I don't see being bi as a problem. I will let Fate and Fortune guide me. I know that there is only so much we can plan in this life. What I do plan on finding though, is the right person to understand me and to build a loving, exclusive relationship.

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