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Just a follow up :)



Hey everyone ^_^




Thank you all for the concerns and well wishes. Just got news from my dad; it’s now confirmed that it is indeed cancerous cells in his lungs. But, on the positive side, they are relatively new, so that means, the treatments will start ASAP and they won’t be chemo, yet. :2thumbs:



*sigh* It’s really nice to be feeling relieved. Acc to the advice of several, I managed to stock up on power bars and lots of milk… lol therefore my eating irregularities didn’t really make me suffer as bad as it could have! :D


Sleep... well, that’s still pretty elusive, but I am trying to get as much of it as I can, whenever I can get it. So that’s good news too I suppose.


I just realized something, plenty of time when I cannot concentrate, and have a pen and notebook handy, I managed to vent out a lot of things… I wrote journals… with a passion… and after so, so long, that too. And I’m happy! (well, that’s my regular state most of the time, but more than usual I am…)


I think I am sort of an attention hound, I mean… I tend to want attention, and feel terribly sad when I don’t receive it. BUT, when it’s a journal entry, it’s not really meant to be seen, and I’m satisfied keeping it locked in the closet! ^_^


Now, even though I am pretty sure I am ready to drop off and pass out when a mosquito hits me on the forehead, I think I’m happier that I’ve been in a long time…


I have so so many people to thank that I can’t even begin to name them all... But you know who you are, thank you for talking tome, I do love to talk, and I do feel better when I talk… so, even without knowing probably you lit up my otherwise dark hours, and I believe I have had quite a few in the past few days.


Like I promised I’d be back, I am… but, not completely… yet. Mentally, maybe… but there’re still some little things to take care of, and I’ll finish what I started. I’m too proud to leave things half done! Lol, I hope that’s a good thing! :blink:


Anywhooo… It’s so so good to be back and reading again. I was missing my daily dose of good reads. And now I am going to refill myself. ^_^ the charge had almost run out and the battery was showing warnings. ^_^


Ohhh! And thanks for the b’day wishes, I’m afraid I can’t say I had a blast, but I really did have a better time than I though I would, and I did get a book for a gift… therefore… A happy Frosty went to sleep at night on Sunday! :D Sniffing a new a book! :*)


Ummm… did I miss anything??? I can’t really remember... So if I do think of something, I’ll just write some more! For now though,


Frosty out! ^_^







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Hey Frosty,


My thoughts are still with you and your family. I like your honesty in this blog piece--it's hard to admit how you feel sometimes. I think I can relate a little. Esp, with the attention part :P It's just nice to have someone interested in your life and what you're doing--even if it is a complete bore, LOL. (Though yours is NOT that at all).


Well, I just want you to know, I hear so many wonderful things about you from many different people here. You put a smile on many, many people's faces. Including mine, so thanks!


Somehow you keep up a cheery impression--I think that shows a strong character.


Basically, you're pretty cool.


Look after yourself!


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Oh yeah... still thinking of you and sending positive thoughts but I am so glad that things are settling down and getting more positive. Hope youre right back on top very soon

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Glad to hear things are good.

Happy belated birthday

Take a hold of the good feelings and run with them

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My best wishes for the cure of your father.

Tell him that the best way to fight against cancer is a positive attitude and the certitude that the mind can help a lot to cure the body. I remember when the docs told me about my cancer. It was 1996, 15 years ago. A good weapon against it, besides surgery, was a book I had always by my bed, reading it and practising the advices it gave me.

Try to give this book to your father, and BTW you can also learn to live a better life by reading it !

"Getting well again", written by Dr. Carl Simonton, Stephanie Mattews Simonton and James Creighton, published in New York.

See its site under http://www.simontoncenter.com/.

The book is still by my bed and I open it often.

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:hug: thanks LOT Anyta... You're too nice :)

I'm glad i can make people smile.. and its easy with nice people around! :D


Thanks Nephy.. knowing me, i'll be back! and real soon! ^_^


Thanks YB! :D and good feelings are all I have to run on right now! :hug: thanks for the good wishes :)


Thank you Bob, i'll try and get a hold of a copy of that book :) and i'll certainly pass on the good wishes!


Thanks ALL!


:hug: you guys are the best! ^_^

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Hey Frosty, glad you're better now. And I'm happy for your Dad and do hope for him all the best and quick recovery. Stay happy! :hug: John

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