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I'm hungry.



I eat a lot, just so all of you know. I have a naturally high metabolism, and I run every day, so I eat more than anyone else on the planet. Well, we went to nothing but noodles for dinner tonight, and it was absoutely delicious, but now I'm hungry. The problem is that I'm too lazy to go get any food. That would require standing up and walking to the fridge, and that's just a messy process that I don't want to get involved with.


I got a haircut :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:( . I love(d) my hair, and now some of it is gone. But it's really not so bad. The only reason I finally agreed to getting it cut was because it started poking me in the eye at cross country, and now it doesn't do that anymore. Also, my hair gets blonder during the summer and browner during the winter, so I am a brunette right now. I can feel my IQ going up by the second.


Christmas is in two days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am super-happy. And I mean SUPER happy. However, I only have, like, four presents under tree right now, and two are sweaters. But I shouldn't complain, because Snow Dog pointed out that he gets none. Boy, he's lucky.


All of you bitches that told me to read Desert Dropping can burn in Hell!!!!!! Now I'm addicted again!!!!! I thought I was cured, but nope, I'm right back to Domaholism. I worship you, Dom. :worship: You took the two most Aggrivating characters ever, Rory and Aaron (The little slut, sorry Vic), and still the story is one of the best I've ever read. I am not a bowling pin.


-psychic psychopath


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Dessert Dropping is a good ( addicting ) story.


Have you ever heard the song "Hey There Delilah" by Plain White T's?

I am in love with that song. :wub:


Talk To You Later Hun





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Haha, now you can suffer with the rest of us. I say we create a band of rabble rousers, find Dom's house, break down the door and find his computer so we can read the stored chapters... You with me?!




P.S. Food is good. We like food.

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Christmas is in a few hours!!!!!! One advantage of living in Germany is that you'll get your presents at the evening of the 24th, which will be in about 2 hours :2thumbs:


Merry Christmas

Tob :ph34r:

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