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Well, we had a plan....



Well, as many of you know, we had this plan. It was wonderful. I was gonna save up a nice amount of money, and on the 31st August this year, move to the Czech Republic to be with Paya. Its been month's in preparation already - discussions, plans, ideas - but late last week, in the space of three days everything changed. And it changed with a single email...


I was contacted by a recruiter who asked me if I would consider work in London. Apparently my areas of expertise have become more sought after in recent years, and my salary has fallen behind the curve. It turns out that in London, people in my position are looking at salaries 71% higher than mine.


Now, I earn a very good wage now, so 71% is what I call a "game changer". And although London is a lot more expensive, I would be able to afford to rent a place, pay all the gas and electric, council tax, water rates, broadband, television etc, pay transport and food and still have a significant amount of money left over.


London also has the advantage that it would be relatively easy for Paya to get a job here, as opposed to my hick town in the North, where it would be pretty hard to get anything other than waiting tables.


London is more gay friendly, more cosmopolitan than anywhere in the Czech Republic. It also has the advantage of pretty great transport links to... well everywhere in the world. More planes come through the City's five airports every day than any other city in the world.


There are disadvantages too. London is a very rushed and fast pace of life. Especially in the centre. One of the attractions of the Czech Republic was the more sedate pace. Paya is also closer to his family than I am to mine, and I feel bad about him moving away from them.


So, right now, we have two options. London or the Czech Republic. This coming week i have "discussions" about a few prospects (apparently the formal interview is sooo passé) and I guess we will have to make a decision. Paya and I have a long weekend for valentines in London from Friday - I doubt very much that we will now be looking at London in the same way.


Between the Markets, Galleries and "Naked Boys Singing" (a show we have tickets for; front row obviously for the best view).... There might just be a little flat hunting.

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Well, my first impression is that two plans are better than one. I was expecting something much less promising from your post title.

Not sure I have recommendations at this point, but I'll come back to you if I do.

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Johnathan Colourfield


Two plans are better than one. I think you need to talk it over in person :)


It all depends on what parts of your personality you want to develop. Do you want to be louder or quieter? :)

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I'd move to London in a heartbeat :D


It's exciting and new and tbh...I've always wondered why you would move to the Czech Republic instead of Paya coming to the UK :P


And well..with the new job...and better salary...that's a pretty great opportunity. If Paya really doesn't mind moving. You could visit his family every now and then in the Czech Republic. I mean you guys have been flying from one place to the other since you've got together ;p


Anyways...I'm really happy for both of you! Good luck :)

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Best wishes, Westie, for making the right decision and for your future...both of you.

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old bob


Hard decision to be taken ! I dont know if my opinion can help ?

Once, I had to take the same decision, between a secluded an lonely place in the States (Minnesota) and a place in the middle of the Swiss Alps nor far from big cities, both with a chance to begin a long term career. I discussed it with my wife a whole night long. And we chose the place with the best opportunities and the highest wages.

In your case, London is not so far from the Czech Republic. And speaking fluently English is an advantage and opens a lot of doors !


BTW, the scoring method is a good instrument to find a well studied solution :

1. make a list of all the possibilities under which you have to choose (both in Lodon, both in CR, situation like now)

2.for each possibllity, note a list of the positive and negative aspects, giving each of them + or - points.

3.Add all the points


Eeach of you two should make the test alone, and then compare and discuss the results.

Then you should define first each of you alone, then together, your short and long terms 'Life' goals.

At last, compare your goals with the results of the test.

I made it several times, for clients and for myself. It helps.


Maybe you couls try it ?

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I think the pros and cons list is a great idea, I use it myself.


I think the greatest test though is the happiness test.


Would you be happy to give up this opportunity and move to the Czeck Republic?

Would Paya be happy if he moves to London?


If the answer to either of those questions in no then you have your decision. If both answers are no you're screwed... no, seriously, it's a first step only.


Another questions is whether it has to be permanent. Maybe a few years in London consolidating your position financially and then a move. You could even look at buying property in the Czeck Republic once you have saved enough, and share your time.


Try to think outside the box. It doesn't have to be a straight choice. (pun intended ;) )


The main thing is that wherever you live you guys will be together and that's the really important thing. When a big decision has to be made it's sometimes hard to see the wood for the trees, this decision is a big one but it's not the only thing that's important in your lives. You are.

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Former Member


I just wanted to add: you guys are still young. No matter where you end up now, you can still choose a different place in a couple of years. Maybe you'll end up spending your lives in Australia or ....

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