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Maybe it's not ME but YOU!

So GA has managed to yet again chase away another long time author (dkstories) away from the site. Yeah, I have been here long enough to remember the last major "schism" some members created because of 'differences'...


Of course, who chased him away? Other so-called 'authors' from this site.


Your conduct is beyond appalling and yet YOU are the ones who are calling for civility. Yeah, I don't believe you.


Because if it was between reading dkstories or your stories, I would read dkstories every single time.


Since this is not the first time this has happened, I say that maybe it's not ME but YOU. (you know who YOU are)

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I read his post on leaving. Sounds like he was ready to leave for about a year. No one chased him away by being a bully, and I saw him be just as nasty in the Soapbox, but, hey, it's unmoderated. Sounds like he's much happier leaving, and good luck to him.


DK was the reason I joined GA and his stories inspired me. I guess you can say DK gave me the reason to live as I am and, despite all my failings, helped me keep my hopes alive even today. I've been disappointed many times in my life and have grown to accept that I must do everything on my own, yet, I never asked why I fought so hard in my life (try growing up with only one functioning eye, determination is nothing without reason). His stories touched me.


W_L, I don't take anything you say seriously anymore and only look for your hidden intentions in your posts after the recent incident. Truth is I don't like you and have no desire to get along with you. I promised you that I would attack you every time from now on and I do my best to keep that promise.


The only person I see bullied in those two quotes was WL, who happens to be a really nice guy, so yeah, he was a bit of a bully.

  • Site Administrator


So GA has managed to yet again chase away another long time author (dkstories) away from the site.


Again 'GA' didn't do anything to Dan. He had a conflict with some members, in one forum that is clearly marked unmoderated and those who participate do so at risk of running afoul of those types who cannot debate with insult and argument. If you haven't, read the topic he posted. Then please get the very clear distinction straight in your mind and let that reflect in your statements.

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no. it's you.



I didn't know DK or the circumstances surrounding him but from what it seems like, he and a coupla members had a feud in the soapbox.


A coupla people I knew in the past had left because they felt ganged up against on GA...that may or may not have been the case but I doubt people intentionally do that here.



Yet another person who can't seem to grasp that "a few members" =/= the whole site. You could cut forum drama at LEAST in half if people could actually realize this.



No. It's you people. Your comments prove it :D. And I can see who can tell the truth and who just lies out of their ears.



Clearly its your problem, as others have stated. And clearly you don't even know the whole story behind DK leaving. Like I mentioned before, if your going to rail about something at least know the story about what your railing against.



No. It's you people. Your comments prove it biggrin.png. And I can see who can tell the truth and who just lies out of their ears.


How can you see who tells the truth when you don't know the truth? Personally, I think knowledge is the key here. If you don't have any -- locked lips don't lie.



Oh gimme a break. this is the second place Ive seen mmike1969 post on this topic and it's getting pretty old. I was one of the people who asked DK to stay, but HE made the choice to leave. You need a thick skin to play in the soapbox.


But your childish defence of a guy who really doesnt need defending is completely out of order.


Maybe DK isnt the only one who should consider his GA position....

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