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Writing Prompts #152 & #153



How's everyone's week been? Looking forward to the weekend? Before you cut loose and enjoy, check out these new writing prompts from our prompt-guru, Comicfan. And please - don't be shy - share your prompt explorations with the rest of the community in the Writing Prompt Forum!


Prompt 152 – Creative
Cue – First Line
“Do you mean to tell me that was your first …. Oh crap!”


Prompt 153 – Creative
Cue – The Ad
You’ve finally done it. You created the perfect product. Product X. So … What the hell is it and why do we need it?


For one of our recent prompts, Comicfan took a stab himself and came up with "Touchdown". This is in response to Prompt 141 : Life is created by the elements around us from the elements found on the periodic table. That is challenged when a meteorite strikes the earth near the farm lands. You have been studying the fragments brought back, but you have also gotten calls from the farms in that area. Seems new plants are growing and their makeup includes items of new elements. Life is changing due this fragment. What will these new elements mean to mankind?


And here is Comicfan's Touchdown:

We never could have guessed how wrong they got it when they said nothing would come of it. Scientists are still trying to figure it out thirty years after TOUCHDOWN. Funny, but that is how most of us older ones talk about it. Before and after the meteor crash defines everyone’s existence now.


It feels like I was barely out of high school when it all started. I know I wasn't really a grown up yet so the implications were originally lost on me. I was home for the summer from my first year in college when the news began telling of all the freak problems across the globe. The sea water had risen over five inches, there were fires spreading out throughout the East and South of the United States. There were tsunamis that had hit India, Japan and the coast of China. Global warming just wasn’t showing how fast and how bad Mother Nature could strike back.


Then NASA caught sight of a massive meteor storm headed for earth. People figured it was the end of the world. The meteors were expected to mostly burn up as they entered the atmosphere, but they didn’t. They were small so luckily the shower didn’t end up creating the ice age some said would come about from it, like the last one which killed off the dinosaurs.


The meteors rained down around the world for two days. Some blew through skyscrapers; others came down in fields, and still more crashed into the oceans. Scientists couldn’t wait to get their hands on them, while others from religious groups claimed it was a sign of the end of the world. For most it was a strange occurrence that had little to do with their day to day life.


It was about two weeks later that scientists worldwide began to explain that the meteors were made of something that wasn’t in our periodic charts. New rounds of testing of the areas they landed in and exploration of the sea for parts of meteor began. Things took time and every move was covered worldwide on the net. It is one of the few cases where it can be said they moved too slow.


The meteors had actually carried two things. One being the new element, and the other being strange seeds that were evidently protected within the meteor. Scientists had been stumped about what new element did and where totally unaware of the seeds till later.


Within three weeks of the TOUCHDOWN the first changes began to place. First, the odd seeds began growing wherever the meteors had landed. Strange blue fronds began to spring from the ground. The nations of the world all had their scientists, military, and nutcases all examining them. Meanwhile, the new element seemed to be multiplying. They were finding it the air, water, and soil now. Still they couldn’t say if it was harmful or not. They finally named the thing Metix, sort of combination of meteor and the odd helix shape the element took. Little did the world know how short its former lifestyles would remain in tack.


To see how the rest turned out, here is his full prompt response!

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