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Reading Stories here at GA

When I first came to GA, I was like many others, looking for a good story to read, romance preferably and I found hundreds of them it seems. I scrolled through all of these authors, stopping to look at some that looked interesting and read some or all of some of the stories. Then, I got a little braver, read and reviewed and found myself in a world all it's own. GA has it all. Sure, most of it is gay M/M stories, but it has offerings for everyone. There's romance, fantasy, poetry, werewolves, supernatural, and stories of the author's personal experiences and lives.


When I finally ventured into the unknown I found some great reading. So, don't be afraid to venture into other genre's besides your favorites. Some of these authors here at GA can reel you in regardless of what you think you like. I have found that I LOVE fantasy, especially unicorns. Suspense and Drama now catches my attention and last but certainly not least, I have started a story about the author's life and I am enthralled.


So, all of that said, explore GA. That is so much out there to read and enjoy, show you life as you have never seen it, and make you appreciate your life as it is.


Thanks to all that have taken the time to share their writing. Your fleeting thoughts that you jot down have made beautiful reading and your songs that you listen to that have influenced your writing is music to my ears also.


Just a little rambling tonight.

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What a great blog post! I agree, when I first came to GA I limited myself to not only one genre, but one Author one: Domluka. LOL.


But then I started to read around... and really, there's great stuff everywhere. This is a colourful site.

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Yettie One


It is wonderful when a reader like drops in on an author and leaves their thoughts on the page after you've read the work. 

I know I was always grateful to hear what you thought, and I know there are others that feel the same way.

Thanks for being such a keen participant for so many of us here JoAnn.


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Super blog JoAnn!

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Thanks for your comments guys:)



It was really only after coming to GA that I started to venture away from the M/M romance stuff that I'd always read.


The first big chance I took was reading Kombat Kids by Ghostryder15.  I've never been one for the military genre in anything (literature, film, TV), and was unsure whether or not I'd like the story.  I very quickly fell in love with the story, and read it at least every other month.  It was the start of me venturing out into the grown up, big wide world.


I hope more readers like you venture away from their comfort zone.

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Great blog J! i wish i had more time to read the great stories posted here.

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Still my second home, even though I can rarely get here. My deadline is tomorrow at noon for my assignments. You're a wonderful person Jo, always thought it, :hug:  I still have a long list of authors to catch up with. I try and share my support in other ways like buying authors books. And join in for the free competition ones too. Great blog Jo, just don't tell Roberto you like his music Please xxxx

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Support is the key!  Remember that. Hugs all



:hug: Always a cute Rambler! No wonder your hubby lets you snore at night! 





*runs to hide behind Yettie* :P

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Joann. Over the last few months I found that I really look forward to posting a chapter or a status because I know you will reply. I take that for granted and I want to take this opportunity of thanking you for being a loyal reader, and also, a fab friend here on GA.

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Wow!  What a sweet thing to say Louis.  Made my day:)

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