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Writing Prompts #262 & #263



Oh dear, it is Friday again and I'm a bit late getting this up. I'm sorry one and all. This is what happens when you work a weird work schedule in retail. It has been two weeks since I could offer you a new prompt. I hope everyone enjoyed the anthology that went live last week, but I shouldn't just keep rambling should I? I won't hold you up any longer so let's get right to the prompts.


Prompt 262 – Creative
Tag – Friday the 13th
It is that time of the year again, and it is Friday the Thirteenth. Is this a good day or a bad day?


Prompt 263 – Creative
Tag - First Line
“And you thought not telling me would be better than the truth?”


We had a number of entries for the last round of prompts. That is the thing about them, you never know what the prompt is going to evoke in the author who chooses to pick up and write it. Some become comedies, other horror, but occasionally you get one that is sort of a mystery. Case in point, Dolores Esteban took a shot at the list of words prompt and began this story that she named Rose Garden.

"I've found an object on PrimeLocation. It would perfectly fit out exclusive programme," Ethan said.
He placed his notebook on Lucas' desk and opened it. When the notebook had finished booting, Ethan opened a bookmarked site. An image showed the mansion.
"Thirty years old, built in Victorian style, completely renovated three years ago," Ethan said enthusiastically.
Lucas looked at the image. The mansion looked indeed beautiful. Climbing red roses covered white walls. Lucas saw a nude statue in the garden.
"Rose Garden. We'll call it Rose Garden," Ethan said excitedly. The name's just perfect. I'm certain this mansion will sell very well."
Ethan Miles offered exclusive objects for sale, beautiful apartments, houses and mansions with illustrious names like Eden's Place and Angels' Park.
"Completely renovated," Ethan said. "Top location. Situated on top of a hill with a perfect view at the mountains. And surprisingly cheap."
Lucas glanced at Ethan sceptically. "What's wrong with it?" he asked.
"Nothing's wrong with it," Ethan said. "I've already called the agent. He said that the owner was Dr. Robert Matthews. Matthews left the house to his only heir who is resident in Australia. The man offers the house for sale."
"But why below price?" Lucas asked.
"I don't know," Ethan said lightly. He pulled his cell phone from a pocket and typed a number. "Ethan Miles. Mr. Irving, I'd like to visit the house. Can we arrange a date please?" He ended the call and looked at Lucas. "I'm going to visit Rose Garden. I'll meet Mr. Irving at eleven o'clock," he said. He looked at his watch. "I need to hurry. See you later, Lucas."
Ethan left the office room and hurried down the corridor. He stopped and called out to Lucas. "Would you print out the site please, Lucas, so that I can take it along."
Lucas clicked the print button, but the printer in the corridor didn't respond. Lucas clicked the button again and the printer finally started printing. A few seconds later, the door fell shut. Ethan had left the office.
Lucas looked at the image on the screen. Why did the man sell below price? What was wrong with the mansion? He opened Google and started researching on the object and the agent who sold it. Mr. Irving's office was located in a small town. His website didn't look very professional and he didn't offer many objects. The mansion wasn't listed on Irving's site, which Lucas found was very odd. He looked for the house on other real estate sites, but found it nowhere. He searched on the previous owner of the house, but didn't find anything either. Lucas finally closed the browser, shut down Ethan's notebook and resumed his previous work.
The afternoon passed by. Ethan did not return. Lucas sent Ethan an email and tried to call him the following morning, but Ethan did not respond. Lucas opened his browser, surfed to the site with the mansion again and gazed at the screen in shock. The object had been deleted. Lucas searched the whole site, but didn't find the mansion.
He opened Mr. Irving's website, printed out the page with the contact dates and hurried to the printer in the corridor where he spotted a piece of paper on the desk, the page he had printed out for Ethan. Lucas remembered he had clicked the print button twice. Ethan had taken along one copy and had placed the other on the desk. Lucas studied the paper that showed the image of the mansion. A cell phone number was listed in the upper right corner. Lucas seized the phone receiver and typed the number. A recorded message told him that the number was unavailable. Lucas' heart beat faster.
He took the paper he had printed from Mr. Irving's website. A different cell phone number was listed there. Lucas typed it and, against his expectations, Mr. Irving answered his call. Lucas asked Mr. Irving at what time Ethan Miles had left the previous day. Mr. Irving he had never spoken with Ethan nor had he met him in person. Lucas explained the matter in more detail.
"Dr. Matthew's house?" Mr. Irving asked. "Yes, I sold it three weeks ago. You're saying it was listed again on PrimeLocation together with my name?"
Lucas offered Mr. Irving to fax him the printed copy.
"Incredulous. Someone's selling under my name. I guess I should complain to the police," Mr. Irving said a minute later. "The false agent told Mr. Miles that Dr. Matthews was the owner of the house?"
Lucas confirmed.
"It's just," Mr. Irving continued, "The image doesn't show Dr. Matthew's house."
"What?" Lucas asked. "I fear, Mr. Irving, that something is very wrong."


So what do you think? Want to read more? Of course you do, who doesn't like to know the ending of a story? You can find Dolores' story and many others that attempted prompt 260 here - http://www.gayauthors.org/forums/topic/37599-prompt-260/#entry433417


For those who want to see what can happen with a changeling check out the response to prompt 261 here - http://www.gayauthors.org/forums/topic/37600-prompt-261-creative/


Remember if haven't read the anthology yet give it a look over. There were a lot of great stories. They can be found here - http://www.gayauthors.org/stories/category/66


So please remember to read, comment, and let everyone know what you enjoyed. Till next time. - Wayne


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It's been so long since I've done a prompt  **finds muse, a baseball bat and ensures there are no witnesses**

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I like these ones that begin with a line or a piece of dialogue so much. The story just springs up in my mind instantly when I read those. Friday the 13th is also a fabulous theme for a prompt!


Unfortunately, I'm still working on a series of prompt responses from four weeks ago, because my tendency for perfectionism won't let me post them yet, but I hope to get around to both of these someday, somewhere, on some planet.

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Took you long enough Wayne :P... I always look forward to reading the blogs, all over GA, but I especially look forward to seeing what my brain can come up with.

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Thanks, comicfan. Many prompts inspire my and I wish I had more time for answering them. I keep a word document and always copy and paste those I like.

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