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Weekly Wrap Up!

Renee Stevens


If you're someplace that practices Daylights Savings, I hope you remembered to turn your clocks back! It was a busy week here at GA and I hope everyone had a wonderful week and a fun Halloween! Did you see lots of Ghosts, Goblins, and Witches? I heard through the grapevine that one GA member even dressed up as a character from a story here at GA. Curious as to who and what character? Check out the gallery!


What better way to start out the week than by having the discussion day for the CSR Book Club's monthly pick "Wrangler Butts" by Reddirtwriter! Not only did you, the readers, get to share your thoughts on the story, but Cia brought us an interview with the author. We learned some about the story itself, some about Reddirtwriter, and even got to hear about what's in the works for this talented author. What more could you ask for to start the week? If you haven't already weighed in with your thoughts on "Wrangler Butts", there's still time!


There's a lot of great quotes out there dealing with writing, editing, and publishing. Cia was kind enough to compile some of them so that we could bring them to you for the Wednesday edition of the blog. There were even some additional quotes added in the comments!


Once again, Comicfan welcomed the end of the week and rang in the weekend with his weekly dose of prompts! This week brought a first line prompt as well as a creative prompt, with a twist. Hopefully one of these two prompts inspired you to write something, especially as it was the first of November, which means, National Novel Writing Month! Who knows, maybe one of the prompts will inspire a NaNo story!


Anthology Announcements:

  • Winter Anthology: Recipe for Disaster - Due Dec 8th
  • 2014 Spring Anthology: Nature's Wrath - Due Mar 8th



In Premium this week:


The Cassini Mission by Rob Colton, Book 2 of Galactic Conspiracies


Do Over by dkstories, Book 1 of Do Over Series (reposting)


By our Hosted Authors this week:


Recovery by Nephylim


Geeks by CassieQ


Arthur in Eblis by David McLeod


Flash Fiction - Second Shot - The Senior Year by Andrew_Q_Gordon


Take Flight by Cia


Durch Ferne Welten und Zeiten by David McLeod


Thwarted by Renee Stevens


By our Sponsored Authors this week:


Noah's New Plan by Rob Colton


By our Promising Authors this week:


So Little Magic Left by Mann Ramblings


Wedding Ring by JMH


Have a great week everyone! Read, Write, REVIEW!!!

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Recommended Comments

Whoo!  Great week indeed!  And you all should go check out Cassie's costume.  They say that imitation is the most sincere form of flattery after all ;)

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Cassie is not merely a flatterer, or dare I say... flatter-nista. :P  She has a great beginning chapter to her story Geeks as well. :thumbup: 

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