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Wacky Wednesday: Ask An Author #10

Renee Stevens


Not only is it November and National Novel Writing Month, but it's also the first Wednesday of the month, which means it's time for our monthly edition of Ask An Author, provided to us by Dark! While we do still have a few more editions waiting in the wings for the upcoming months, I have learned that Dark is running low on content and needs YOUR help! Both Dark and the blog staff want to keep the "Ask An Author" feature going, but to do that, we need you to send Dark your questions for your favorite authors! Now, without further ado, lets get to this months "Ask An Author" feature!

Ask An Author


Welcome back to another quirky question and answer session with your favorite authors!


In AtA #9, we had questions for authors DKstories (dkstories), FleetingRainbows, and Layla.


In AtA #10, we hear from authors Mark92, James Savik, and Iarwain.


For their protection, the members who asked these questions shall remain nameless (unless they choose to reveal themselves). :lol: Please note that all author replies are copied as is, spelling errors and grammar eccentricities original to the individual.


Today’s first author is Mark92, aka “Marky.” He’s been on GA since he was 18 and has been cultivating a loving relationship with another GA member for almost that same period of time. He got snapped up quick, boys! Marky’s been self-sufficient for several years on a farm he owns and runs single-handedly in the north of England. Still he finds time to write (and skype his boyfriend). Lately, Mark’s been posting a blog, but you may also want to check out Mark's Poem Archive. This is a wonderful collection of 14 different poems, everything from sweet nothings to the Stuby to prompts to words and images that wouldn’t let go until they were written.

To Mark92:
In the m/m romance genre, there are a lot of stories where one of the characters ends up either falling in love, or having sex with more than one person. Do you think that it is possible to love (and I mean genuinely love) more than one person at a time, or is it merely fiction?


There are a mutitude of ways to 'love'. But, genuinly, romantically? For me, there can only be one. I fancy, desire, and fantasise over different people and personalities all the time. Stuby knows about these and I am sure he has his own. It doesn't mean I feel less for him or vice versa. That's lust not love. I think true, lasting, romantic love is totally different. My 'heart' as it were does not have the capability to share that sort of love with another.


Today’s next author is James Savik. He’s a long-time member (been around since 2005!) and is frequently seen about the forums. He’s a bit of a science geek and, being from Mississippi, laughs at all the rest of us when we complain about the weather. Although a professed cynic, James often finds time to greet and encourage new GA members. His latest writing project is Operation Hammerhead, a rich sci-fi tale about protecting civilization from an invader.

To James Savik:
How have your life experiences affected your writing? Which one of your stories do you feel most strongly reflect yourself?


We are all a product of our times and culture. It's just an inescapable truth. Growing up gay, and OUT, in the heart of the bible belt during the seventies was bound to leave a few marks. In some of my writings there's violence and drugs. Not that I was trying to glorify it. There was violence and drugs before I ever showed up.


The story Broken hosted at Awesomedude.com is a fictionalized autobiography of my teens. The names were changed to protect the guilty and I haven't finished it. In fact, I kinda hate the story. It reminds me a lot of me being a dumb, immature punk and a lot of people that I loved that no longer with us. I may or may NOT finish it. I'm no longer writing to make a damned statement. I'm just writing to have fun and that story isn't fun anymore.


Today’s final author is Aussie Iarwain, who joined GA in 2009. You should ask him to tell you of the spiders inhabiting his little piece of the countryside. Or the bees. Or the other 50,000 creatures that could kill you. Or, you could read about the slightly less dangerous country through his stories, like Take the Track, the first story he posted to GA. In this story, two young men go camping and discover they share a few more things than first thought. Beyond the characters, Iarwain describes a wild, lonely country that is nevertheless breathtakingly beautiful.

To Iarwain:
Regarding your story "Attunga," what inspired the idea of AI's working so closely with humans and dolphins?


The ideas of Ron Kurzweil's Singularity, and the inevitable development of Artificial Intelligence, greatly intrigue me and as an intellectual exercise I constructed my own version of a scenario for human existence over the next two to three hundred years which might reasonably follow from those ideas. As I worked on it the scenario took on so much life that I felt compelled to express it in story form and the characters were born.


The AIs had to be in the story as they are a fundamental part of the Singularity idea but there was no conscious decision making about whether they would be friendly or inimical. It's almost an article of faith with me that since AIs will be both logical and intelligent they will prefer co-operation over conflict, and that's the way they came out.


I had an encounter with a dolphin named Puck at Monkey Mia in Western Australia and these amazing creatures with their links, true or not, to alternative intelligence were a very fitting addition to the Singularity idea of enhancement - and how could dolphins be anything other than good guys?


That’s it for now! For more info on these authors, go check out their stories, post in their forums, and/or catch them in chat!


Coming next time: Adam Thomas, Ieshwar, Krista, and forum fiend MethodWriter.


Want to ask your favorite author a question? Simply PM me (Dark).


Until next time!



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Especially if you are the subject Mann:P  Seriously, I agree.  Will do what is needed Dark. Let me know:)

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