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Featured Story: Burden Of Secrets

Renee Stevens


Every once in a while we like to highlight a story that can be found in the Premium section of Gay Authors. For today's review, Comicfan has provided us with a review of "Burden of Secrets" by Signature Author: Cia. Burden of Secrets is one of thirty-two stories that can be found in the Premium section of Gay Authors.


While the majority of content remains free, the Premium section is a thank you to those who help support and keep Gay Authors going. Premium subscriptions also make improvements possible, including the unique GA Stories software and it's upcoming update. If you're looking to purchase premium, you can purchase one of four time frames. The longer time you purchase, the more you save. The current premium pricing structure is:


1 Month Subscription: $8.10
3 Month Subscription: $24.00
6 Month Subscription: $47.00
12 Month Subscription: $93.00


To purchase premium, visit the premium section in the Gay Authors store. Now, let's see what Comicfan had to say about Burden of Secrets!




Reviewer: Comicfan
Status: Complete
Word Count: 25,443


Sometimes you forget that Cia is more than the Site Administrator. Usually you meet her when she goes over your story, or has to deal with some issue that is happening on the site. However, she is also an author with a large body of work behind her. Needing something new to read while running around lately, I sort of stumbled onto her story Burden of Secrets.


The story opens in the middle of fight between Chris and his girlfriend Julie at the restaurant they both work at. Within a very short period it is obvious that Chris and Julie aren’t in a solid relationship. Julie is a waitress, while Chris is a pastry chef who is interning at his family’s restaurant. Julie could care less who hears their fight, but Chris is more focused on the boiling sugar he has been working on for his latest dessert. When matters come to a boil and Julie tosses a plate at him, the story really gets going. In dodging the plate, Chris moves quickly and splashes boiling sugar all over the new busboy, Niel.


The accident forces the two men to truly notice the other. Unfortunately both men have secrets that they aren’t sure how to explain to the other. Their attraction grows and while they both do overcome their own insecurities it is their secrets that might just end up destroying their love affair before it is realized. Can they be honest with each other or will this be another failed love? You will have to read Cia’s story to find the answer out for yourself.


Another fully realized world is created in this short work of love, trust, and honor. Cia weaves a number of threads throughout this work and has to be read to be fully appreciated.

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Recommended Comments

  • Site Administrator

Thank you Wayne for the wonderful comments, and Jo Ann too! I love creating new twists on old... well, I can't spoil what twist I throw into the story, but I will say it's not just a contemporary piece.


Thanks for the feature!!

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This is a good, solid story that a reader can get into without over-investing time with lots of surprises throughout. A nice treat inside the Premium Section. :)

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You are more than welcome Cia. I really loved the story and I hope that people take the time to explore your little jewel.

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