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My Supervisor Had One Crazy Paranormal Experience As A Teenager



I've been working as an intern in a museum with my supervisor, Katie, for the past couple of weeks. Today, we had a discussion that turned into the paranormal, and she told me about something that happened when she was a teenager. She tries to debunk crazy things that have happened, but this is one she hasn't been able to do.

It was the summer after she graduated from high school, sometime in the second half of the 1990's. She was 18 at the time. Her friend Billy was a few years older, but still lived with his mother in their house. This was in a small town some distance away from Baltimore, and Billy's house had just enough land that he could throw raging, day-to-night summer parties complete with bonfires. At the same time, they weren't totally isolated, and random people from the surrounding neighborhoods would show up to his parties all the time.

This kid named Nick started showing up every day at Billy's house, knocking on the door at 7 a.m. and engaging him in the morning-til-night drinking. He was about 16, seemed fairly normal and everything except for a couple of things. The first was that he always wore the same thing- for two weeks, he never changed clothes, and his clothes still looked clean. The second is that he was never seen eating or going to the bathroom, despite the fact that Nick was drinking heavily with Billy. Finally, oddly enough, no one remembers actually feeling Nick's skin- even my supervisor, who had sat next to him in a car.

She hung out with Billy and Nick at Billy's house two times, and each time she and her friend felt like something was very "off" with Nick, especially when he would give off this laugh that just sounded very evil and maniacal.

Finally, Billy's hospitality reached its limits- after two weeks of waking Billy up at 7 a.m. to go party, Billy snapped at Nick. He told Nick that he was waking up his mother trying to sleep, and that he's been hanging out at his house all day and night for two weeks straight and that he really just needs to come back later. Nick never showed up again.

Billy came to Katie, a little bit later, with a newspaper article. It was about Nick, who had apparently killed himself. Billy was originally upset because he felt like he must've put Nick over-the-edge when he kicked him out, until he checked the dates.

Nick had killed himself with his father's shotgun over two weeks ago.

Katie has tried to come up with logical reasons for why this happened. The most logical one was that they screwed up the dates in the newspaper and Nick had indeed killed himself right after his talk with Billy, but two weeks? That's a huge discrepancy.

What gets me about this is that I've never heard of a smart haunting that was apparently so strong that it could manifest itself as a solid human form, enough that it could fool people into thinking he was a person, for that long. I mean, I've hard of ghosts "saying goodbye" right after their death, but nothing that sounds like that. And there's the fact that he interacted with a a lot of people, not just my supervisor and her friend. He was acknowledged by other people who came into Billy's house, not just Billy and Katie.

Have any of you, or people you know, had a long, sustained smart haunting like that? I'd love to hear any.


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